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Home of the Reyes family


After a few minutes of orientation (and why not say it, enjoying seeing Bahia again), Phoenix landed in front of the Reyes family house, turning off her wings and her tail. The redhead stood in the middle of the street, not knowing very well what she was going to say.

And it wasnt for not having thought it properly! Specifically, Elsa had had 4,159,761 years, or what would come with 6 cycles, to plan their reunion with Hannah... but now that she was so close... the words left her mind.

Was this the right thing? This Hannah... she was much younger than the Hannah that Phoenix had to say goodbye... besides that she had her own Elsa to love.

An Elsa that was not just a broken vessel filled with the essence of a god...

A huge scale noise brought Phoenix out of his thoughts, while Jolbirth raised his neck above Hannah's house. "Wow ... what do we have here? I thought the noise was going to be another stupid airplane, but I can see that it isnt"

Phoenix froze, letting the tears of happiness run freely. "Jolbirth!... never thought I'd see you again..." The redhead wiped her face with the sleeve of her shirt, while the dragon bowed his head thoughtfully.

"You smell like Elsa, but that's impossible... of course I would never say that! Nobody better than me knows what is possible or impossible... what brings you here, Elsa 2? Forgotten promises? Lost memories? Surprise me, I invite you to try it"

Phoenix tried to answer him, but her own voice betrayed her. And not only his voice! His body was beginning to paralyze... although this was nothing new for Elsa, of course.

It was Scarlet Key himself silencing her and forcing her back to Novaterrae. It wasnt the first time he did it, of course not... and it wouldnt be the last time. The Keys had the mania to pretend to control until the minimum evolution of events, sometimes reaching the point of destroying entire civilizations just to make sure that everything continues to flow properly.

It was his duty.

His obligation to the universe.

And his pleasure.

Even Flynn himself was being manipulated by Scarlet Key to take her back to Novaterrae. Not even the very master Flynn was able to escape his influence... which didnt bring her any relief.

"Elsa, something's wrong? your tongue has eaten by the... damn, Jolbirth! You've studied popular phrases to not sound like a grandfather! The cat? The bird? The crow?... ummmm" Jolbirth step on the side of the house, in as much silence as possible.

"And before you ask, I've come to meet that one they call Deathwing, by Hannah's express invitation. In case I find it a bit disappointing that dragon are just data, but at least he was style! almost get away with it, so even if it'snt real, Deathwing has my respect from dragon to dragon"

Elsa looked away, while internally struggling to regain control of her body. The influence of Scarlet key was growing, and no matter how powerful the Alitian god was, it was nothing compared to the powers of a Key.


"JOLBIRTH! WHAT THE HELL!, WHY DO YOU SPEAK SO LATE?! YOU WILL AWAKE ALL THE NEIGHBORS!" The other Elsa ran out still in her house pajamas, followed by a sleepy Hannah. With the single vision of Hannah, Elsa Phoenix was able to break the control of Scarlet Key.


"Hannah ... Hannah ... Hannah!" Elsa phoenix jumped towards Hannah, with her arms open and her lips ready, but a spear in her side threw her out of the way.

"You thought you had lost sight of me, eh? It takes a lot more to leave behind  Flynn Sol himself." Flynn jumped out of the dark portal, landing in the middle of the street with his fully electrified spear. "Hannah, Elsa, go back inside the house, I'll take care of this"


"But... what are you doing?! Why are you attacking a girl who hasnt done anything?!" Hannah cried out still half asleep, rubbing her eyes. "I'm sorry Flynn, but this doesnt make sense!"

"Go back to bed, Hannah, it's you who Phoenix is r03;r03;looking for!" While Flynn walked towards her, brandishing the spear with ease, Elsa Phoenix leaned on the sidewalk to get up. "Give it up once and let's go back to Novaterr-"

"That's not what you're saying, Flynn! Scarlet is talking through your body! I'm thinking about seeing Hannah again, and I'm going to make sure nothing's going to fail again! Now more than ever I have a motivation for it!" Elsa Phoenix opened her flaming wings, ready to fight to the end for Hannah.

"...Scarlet is influencing me, eh?... Jolbirth, with me!" Flynn jumped towards the dragon, who lowered his head to allow the prophet to climb on it. "If it's what you say, then prove it to me, not with words but with fists! Lead the way, Elsa, and I'll make sure to follow you!"

Jolbirth took off, with the prophet still in his head. From the heights, Flynn launched a thrust with his spear, one that turned into a voltaic arc.

"I've been waiting too many millennia waiting for this moment, and I'm going to get to the end! Even the moon itself, if necessary!" Elsa Phoenix went flying at full speed towards Jolbirth, destroying the electric wave in its path and impacting the stomach of the dragon king.

From the entrance of the house, Elsa and Hannah looked at each other, totally disconnected from the situation. In the end, Elsa was the first to take the floor. "Flynn has called her Elsa, hasnt it been my imagination?"

Hannah refused, looking up at the sky where Jolbirth and Elsa Phoenix exchanged punches without stopping. "It's like a boss of dark souls 3! The nameless king and king of the storm against a pyromanic build! Although..." Hannah sniffed the air with her eyes closed. "Yes, she smells like you, honey... it's a smell that distinguishes a crowd!"

Elsa wrinkled her brow, annoyed by the statement... annoyed and cheerful at the same time. But above all, annoying. "So bad I shouldnt smell ... nobody has ever complained..."


Returning to the center point, Elsa Phoenix punched Jolbirth to the ground, forcing the dragon to land ahead of time. "Nothing bad, Elsa hot! But your flames are nothing compared to the flame of my revenge!" Jolbirth accumulated his breath, releasing a profane flare against the phoenix. Flare that Flynn pointed with his spear.

"In the past we were enemies, but now Jolbirth and I have the power of teamwork! And this is the tes of our combinationt! GRAND DISCHARGE" Flynn fired a small bolt from his spear, which at the contact with Jolbirth's blaze became a beam of pure electricity.

The impact was full on Elsa Phoenix, knocking her down between cries of pain and making her fall headfirst to the ground. With such force that Elsa herself opened a huge hole in the ground."Is it over?... What a disappointment!" Jolbirth cautiously walked towards the hole, with the lesson learned from his fight against Hannah.

Flynn jumped out of the dragon's head, falling into the hole where only ashes remained. "... I have killed her..I hope that this will help you rest in peace, Elsa"

"FLYNN! SHE'S A-" Hannah's voice was interrupted by a scream of pain from Flynn, who shot out 0flame-covered of the hole.

"A phoenix ... I am a phoenix, for the good and the bad!" Elsa Phoenix reappeared from the ashes, leaping from the hole toward Jolbirth. "AND MY NAME IS ELSA, IMMORTAL CONTAINER AND CARRIER OF ONE OF THE FOUR ALITIAN GODS! BESIDES THE SCARLET KEY ETERNAL SLAVE!" Elsa phoenix charged her fist, grabbing Jolbirth's neck and instantly covering the dragon with flames.

Jolbirth snarled and growled in pain, as Elsa's flames found their way inside him incinerating him inside. After a few moments, the corpse (for the third time) of Jolbirth fell to the ground with a great rumble. "Never give a phoenix for dead ... that will be your lesson"


"You... killed Jolbirth ?!" Hannah trembled in fear for a few seconds. "I know he's a dead body and in a few hours he'll be back to normal... but still..."

"Hannah... I... I've been wanting to see you for so long..." Elsa Phoenix walked towards the lawn of Hannah's garden, falling to her knees, crying with happiness before Hannah.

"I've missed you so much... so much time wanting to apologize... I just wanted to go to beyond with you... but it didnt matter how many times I committed suicide! This damn God kept me alive whether it was Ashes form, in human form and even in the form of a flame! I could not save you and now I can not even look you in the face!" A few steps made Elsa Phoenix raise her head, only to find Elsa in front of her. "Elsa ..."

CLAP!! Elsa slapped her with all her strength on Elsa Phoenix's cheek, and although at another time it had been impossible, the slap managed to knock Elsa phoenix to the ground.

"I dont know who you are, or why you are me, but I'm not going to let you crawl, crying, I'm ... you're ... We're Elsa Wood, the self-called greatest minds of our generation! Crying is not ours style!"

Elsa phoenix stroked her cheek, stopped crying while smiling. "The self-named?... for so long that I didnt hear that phrase... you're right, crying isnt our style..." Elsa phoenix broke into a laugh, as she got up and cleaned the grass. "Point one: how short are you... Point two: permission to kiss Hannah?"


Elsa took a step forward, trying to draw chest to compete with the other Elsa... but between her higher height and her greater curves (much, much greater), it was completely useless. With a snort, Elsa went back to normal.

"Point 1: It's not my fault that for some reason you look like an erotic drawing of mine... and point 2: Before you'll have to go through my rotten corpse"

"That... it will not be a problem! As you can see, I have the power of a god inside me, which makes us a little "different"in terms of combat level" Elsa Phoenix said smiling, opening her burning wings to intimidate Elsa. (had a little effect)

Hannah ran between them, lifting each one under one of her arms. "Stop both, I love Elsa a lot, but I cant stand seeing an Elsa fight against Elsa! I'd rather die than witness it!"

"NO!" Both Elsas said at once, causing both of them growling in frustration to Hannah's joy.

"See, it's all solv... ed..." Hannah looked up at the sky and was completely silent.

"What's wrong, Hannah... oh my god..." Elsa repeated the same movement, which forced Elsa phoenix to let go so she could check what they were seeing.

Obviously, she also run out of words.

High in the sky, Flynn pointed Elsa Phoenix directly with one hand, while with the other he pulled a kind of electricity cord... which ascended and ascended in the sky...

until surrounding the moon.

"DONT YOU SAY SOMETHING ABOUT COME TO THE MOON IF IT WAS NECESSARY?! LET'S SEE IF YOU CAN FULFILL YOUR WORDS!" Flynn began to pull and pull, while a scarlet aura covered his body and gave him the strength necessary for the feat he was trying.

Hannah muttered something about an ocarina, before falling to the ground faint with fear. "And here comes the trauma with majoras mask again... you're fucking me, he cant .." Elsa said as she tried to lift Hannah's head and hold her tongue. (which at any other time, the blonde would have enjoyed a lot)

"Scarlet key... he plans to throw me the damn moon just to force me back to Novaterrae... that Key is bad in the head..."



Chapter End Notes:


As you may notice from the last chapters, I have much less free time lately due to work and studies, so I have to shorten the chapters a little more than normal. I hope everything returns to normal in the next week.

Meanwhile, I will not stop thanking all of you who follow the story, either daily or not! Thanks and have a good day!


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