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Same place, same mom- CRASH !!!!!!


Flynn went flying against the wall by Phoenix's punch, but the prophet put all his effort in turning in the air to avoid an unnecessary blow. Leaning against the wall with his right foot and hand, Flynn pushed himself with the same force towards his rival, thrusting his hand with the tip of his spear.

"Dont believe you are the big thing! You're facing the prophet himself!" Flynn grabbed the spear with both hands, lifting the girl and throwing her out the door of the bar.

Phoenix hit the stairs, smashing the door, breaking the neck, the spine and part of the steps in the process. The redhead exhaled as she heard Flynn walking towards her, his spear gathering electricity in the process. "Come on! Start talking now or shut up forever!"


Phoenix let the usual heat fill his body, as he slowly rose to his feet again. "I have to admit ... that hit has been a lot of fun!"

"Fun?! Then let me give you the funniest night of your life!" Flynn leapt toward Phoenix with his spear ahead. The redhead managed to make her flaming wings appear to jump all the steps of the bar before Flynn impaled her.

"You go with everything! You would not expect anything more from the great Flynn Sun! But for now... let me match the situation and "warm up" the atmosphere!" Phoenix plucked one of its feathers from pure fire, throwing it like a bullet towards the prophet.


Flynn prepared to block it with a direct impact of the spear, but the heat contained within the energy pen was such that the mere roze between feather and spear unleashed an explosion. The prophet shot out again into the bar, landing on one of the tables.

"Those feathers... those wings... it's impossible for her to be an extra-human phoenix! There has to be another answer!" Flynn jumped up from the table, cleaning his tunic quickly before running after Phoenix.





Bay District Streets


Flynn ran down the street up one of the many walkways that crossed the main street. If it was not because he was in Novaterrae, the scene could have been passed off as a movie in Tokyo.

The Iloa of Autumngate were more... simple to say it in some way, and the leaders of the tribes didnt seem much more advanced. But this city? The inhabitants here would be futuristic even for terrestrial standards!

"One of the main problems of the Iloa society is the absolute decompensation of technology and science" Flynn was put on guard, scaring the Iloa from their surroundings while looking for where came the voice of Phoenix.

"While cities such as Aeromere, Eupelas and Prikork have advanced a great deal in all areas, a huge part of the continent continues to live in a pre-industrialization period... with luck, industrial times, as it happens with Gleles!"

"And why is that ?! Isnt this people all Iloa?! Why they dont share all the advances?" Flynn jumped into one of the streetlight crystals, searching the redhead in all directions.

"Humans have an alliance mentality, we share our discoveries so that others can improve them and move forward! The Iloa... many still believe in slavery or holy wars, others prefer to live far from any threat to their style of life. life, and others just do not want to share their advances! Not all it seems, Flynn!

The Iloa has not been on the verge of extinction for nothing!" Phoenix appeared from a flaming vortex behind Flynn, and although the prophet managed to see her in time, the redhead was faster kicking her in the neck with enough force to throw Flynn back to the pedestrian walkways.

"I dont have a reason to be here... because what I really have is a punishment! A sentence! Chains that tie my soul and my being to an Alitian god and dont let me return with the person I love!

I must watch over and over again that the Iloa society advances properly, until the end of time! See them die and live again and again! And not only to these people, also to all those who ever love! I am a sad jester, a timeless soul who has lost all motivation to fulfill his sentence!"


"So... a sad buffoon, huh?" Flynn stood up, grabbing the railing with one hand and his spear with the other. "According to your "story", you must be a human who came to Novaterrae during the Earth exodus, isnt it?!"

Phoenix landed on the glass where Flynn used to be, applauding him as her tail of colored flames appeared. The Phoenix was completely ready to fight.

"Right! 10/10 for the knight! Now you just have to find out-"

"What happened, Elsa?! Who failed everything so that you were condemned for all eternity?" Flynn pointed his spear at the redhead, who looked amused while continuing to applaud.

"As always, Flynn, you're one step ahead! Elsa... lately, only Dalia calls me by that name... if it werent for her, surely I would have forgotten my own name! Isnt it fun?" Flynn's serious face did not make a face.

"No, of course it'snt fun..." Elsa sighed, as she lit her finger in flame and pointed it like a gun at Flynn. "I would love to promise you that answer if you won the fight, master... but unfortunately... Scarlet Key erases my memory after each cataclysm, leaving me alone with the memories of before everything went wrong!"

"Scarlet Key?" Flynn had been suspecting both Azure Key and the other day about Scarlet Key. Their behaviors and their "benevolence" were too... perfect. Azure Key knew perfectly well what was going to happen, exactly as well.

Almost as if he had already lived it.

"Keys... their kind isnt trustworthy, master! I dont need read your mind to see what you're thinking right now!" Phoenix shot embers with his finger-gun, forcing Flynn to jump to another catwalk.


"Do you plan to continue with the fight? Elsa, I dont know what happened to you ... but I dont care what Elsa is, I will not fight against someone I consider my own daughter!" Flynn barely had time to finish the sentence, before Elsa descended on the flame deck. Both struggled for a few seconds, before Flynn sent her kicking back.

Phoenix flew to the next railing, leaning on gracefully. "I've been so many years... so many cycles wanting to see you all again, so many eternities wanting to see her... every time humanity died on earth, I locked myself in the cathedral until the next cycle! But after so much time... I... finally... I... I AM SO HAPPY THAT I CAN ONLY EXPRESS IT WITH MY FIST!"

Flynn hallucinated with the words of Elsa, but what really amazed was with went to the onslaught of the redhead.

Elsa grabbed Flynn from the neck of the tunic, opening her wings and leaning on the ground to make the greatest possible jump. The combat should continue yes or yes, but for such historical event, there was only one scenario worthy enough to host the final combat.

And that's where they were going.






Bar "Karmotrine": Same moment while a wave of destruction in the form of a fireball rages Terre dell'alba in a straight line.


Dalia had managed to put half a body behind the bar (half body, literally, had only managed to sit sideways with legs stretched), checking the bottles of Frogs. The giantess had seen many times in the past as Mom, Frogs and many others prepared cocktails and the like, and if they could, it was evident that she too!

"... this sounds sweet, but it doesnt have sugar in the recipe ... Valeria, pass me my glasses, they're in the backpack!" Dalia asked as she approached the mini bottle as close as possible to the eye. The last time the giantess had to read such small things was when she was 9 years old she entered a human pharmacy to buy bandages with happy hearts drawn, all because of Elsa's claim that she was too old to wear baby bands.

And although to enter in had not been too difficult (mainly because she entered through the double doors), The result of such an act of revelation was to see her mother outside, Dalia tried to leave through the back door of the pharmacy...

Door that evidently was not prepared for a young giantess of 14 feet of height-

"Dont even think about telling that! Skip directly to the end of the story!"

Okay, okay!... what a character... it's a super fun story!...

In the end, the firemen had to tear off the door frame with Dalia still stuck, and then with Dalia already sitting on the floor with the Frame on your waist cut it with a radial saw.

All this with the constant look of disappointment of Elsa.

"After that... I got so upset that I didnt leave my room in all that was left of the day... I still remember Mommy and mommy asking me to open the door..."

If at the end you were going to tell your story, why make me shut up the best part?

"Because I'm not going to let you embarrass me in front of everyone! Dalia Reyes Wood has an honor to keep!"

...you have not put a lid on the blender.


The giantess turned around running, seeing how all the liquid she had put in the blender was spreading on the walls, the floor and even on Valeria.

"NO NO NO! At this time the blenders dont close automatically?... Ranas is going to kill me... that's for sure"

"With... who... are you... talking... Hannah?" Valeria was still completely gone, enough pain to completely cloud her mind and heart, making her insensitive, unconscious and above all, helpless.

"I?... with... you know, it doesnt matter" Dalia pretended that nothing had happened, pouring the (little) remaining content of the blender into one of the most elegant glasses of the bar, and placing a small umbrella, she served it to the vampire. "Here you have! I have mixed all the bottles with the most beautiful colors that Ranas had here, and together with a revolutionary mixing system, here is my definitive cocktail! The... Bittersweet timeless!"

"It has a good name ... I hope you like it ..." Valeria pushed the glass back to Dalia. Did she do it driven by her survival instinct? Did she do so moved by the idea that she herself was the one who had served the cup? Nobody still knows today.

"No no, Aunt Valeria, it's for you! Drink it before it comes alive and flee! Hahahaha... dont discard it... I had to use symbology to get rid of the bad smell"

That Kobold had almost killed Valeria, her new companions had been almost dead from the fight, Flynn had dragged her as if nothing despite all her injuries ... Valeria did not think twice. She needed a drink.

The vampire took the cup and drank the concoction suddenly, feeling how her body reacted accordingly.

It was the best cocktail she had ever tasted, with a melody of flavors, sensations that combined with a perfect blend, gave her the strength to fight until the end of the day with all her strength.



Of course not! The cocktail tastes so bad that he has managed to kill her! Which in turn has activated the vampire genome within her body, releasing a wave of antibodies followed by red blood cells and-

"Is she recovered?"

If... technically, her body has survived the impact of the cocktail and has completely regenerated.

"That's a victory for me!"

IN WHAT WORLD KILLING HER WITH A DICKY COCKTAIL COUNTS LIKE VICTORY?! Aggg! You know what? I will not argue with you, Dalia...-

Valeria opened her eyes suddenly, noticing how her wounds closed and the strength returned to her entire body, even stronger than ever! "Yes... yes! VALERIA IS IN THE HOUSE AGAIN! Thank you... who the hell are you ?! You're not Hannah! But you look like her"

"That doesnt matter now! Flynn has been kidnapped by Phoenix! And she is heading to Bahia! You have to stop her to avoid... something I dont know what she plans to do in Bahia but it will not be good!

"Understood! Let's go!" Valeria grabbed the giantess by the hand, pulling her as if she weighed nothing and carrying her flying. Flying... it isnt the correct word, or if it is, but it would be necessary to add "Flying dragged by Valeria transformed into gust of wind, one so powerful capable of carrying a 20 foot giantess"...

I need a few minutes, I'm still misplaced by the "victory" of that imbecile.





Azure Gate: 06:15 in the morning

Scorched groves in Novaterrae: 47

Destroyed cities: 1/8 city

Mountain peak destroyed: 1


The sun dawned at Bahia del Sol, a new day full of promise and hope.

It would be a pity... that something bothered the day.

The Azure Gate opened suddenly, alerting Kenny and all the soldiers, who marched into the courtyard to give a welcome full of lead to anyone who tried to enter without permission. What they certainly did not expect was for someone to have an even more ardent welcome for them.

"BAHIA DEL SOL!" Elsa crossed the Azure Gate, flying over the flaming cover, dragging Flynn who "defended" by sticking his spear into the ground to try to slow down the phoenix.

Elsa landed in the middle of the courtyard, completely ignoring the soldiers as she opened her arms and took a long breath. "It smells like my home... how much I missed this smell-" Flynn pierced Elsa's chest with her spear, also nailing it to the ground to keep her from flying away.

"You've... dragged me literally across the middle of Terranovae! But it's over!" Elsa couldnt stop laughing as she touched the tip of the spear with her finger, feeling the electricity that emerged from it. "What is so funny!?"

"We have not even crossed a fourteen part of the continent! Terre dell'alba has much more to offer!" Elsa looked up, noticing the disgusting smell of an old acquaintance.

"Flynn Sol, you are arrested for taking people illegally to Novaterrae and for using the Azure Gate after hours!" Kenny tried to sound as serious as possible, but it was impossible to hide the slight fear that ran through his body. Not in vain... Flynn had impaled a girl in front of them all.


"Kenny, get away... this girl is extremely dangerous-" This time it was Flynn's turn to stay in mid-sentence, because Elsa struck a sure hook at the prophet's chin, throwing her back and allowing Elsa to regain control of the spear.

"Kenny?... your smell sounds me... but I cant remember you! What else will I give ?! I did not come to this!" Elsa opened her wings, releasing a superconcentrated heat nova.

"ALL SOIL!" All the soldiers crouched before Kenny himself could say anything, because if the nova had reached them... let's say the half-melting streetlight was a good example of their destiny.

"LISTEN TO ME ALL! I LIVE AND DIE FOR THIS CITY! MORE I NEVER FIND THE REST! r03;r03;AN ALITIAN GOD TAKES ME AS A CONTAINER OF HIS ESSENCE AND SCARLET KEY TAKES ME AS HIS IMMORTAL SLAVE!" Elsa flew towards the security wall that separated the Bahia complex, perching on the edge.

"I've been around for so long... alone... but today... Today I'm going to make up for lost time and warn the right person about my destiny! I'll change the future, fuck Scarlet Key, and see my beloved again! Today is my day! And nobody can stop me now!"

Elsa launched the spear with precision at Flynn, nailing her in his tunic and digging both to the ground, then immediately reopen the wings and fly off as a meteor towards Bahia.


"Shit! Does anyone know who she was?!" Kenny turned to his soldiers, before raising the alarm to GUN about the situation.

"Elsa... it's Elsa!" Flynn tore off his robe, making his combat clothes appear before anyone could see him naked. "Dont warn anyone, it's my enemy and it's my fight!"

"Elsa? What? She looked like her, but her hair and eyes were different, besides those wings and that tail of fire!" And although Kenny was still screaming, Flynn was already preparing to open a dark portal. "Where are you going?! We dont know what or what her objective is! Answer me right now or I swear I'll shoot you, Flynn!"

"Shut up once! I'm focused!" Flynn closed his eyes, meditating as he created the portal completely. "I know where she is going, so dont interrupt that battle or all my anger will fall on you!"


"Flynn!..." Kenny could not do anything to prevent Flynn from fleeing through the dark portal, leaving both him and the soldiers completely unattended.

"Sir, I think Flynn was the one who used the Azure Gate last night..."

"...shut up. Shut up, and someone give me a cofee, please..."



Chapter End Notes:






Stupid Dalia... ah?  Is it over? Tomorrow the conclusion of Lights in the Sky!

Thank you all for reading!...

Damn Dalia, how can she consider it a victory to kill someone? And how has she managed to create such a horrible cocktail that is deadly?



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