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Village Autumngate: 09:00 in the morning,

Day 54 of the nascent Solar Age.


The alarm clock began to sound at full volume, which together with the sun's rays served as impellers for the awakening of the forest Isoa. Alanis extended her hand, without leaving between the sheets, but all she managed was to throw the contents of the bedside table onto the floor.

"Uggg..." Mild moans came from the small bed inside the large drawer of the closet, sign that Fee had awakened. But unfortunately for both, the alarm clock not only continued ringing at full volume, but it began to play the radio to make sure to wake up everyone.

"Good morning, Autumngate! Here Dj Wisper to serve you one more morning, ready to review all the news of the nation, besides today with special reason for the arrival of a new civilization in Terre dell'alba we have special envoys throughout the location of the "Scarlet gate"! We connect with our journalist at the foot of- "

Alanis got up from the bed, and switched off the alarm clock with her foot, too tired to bend over. "From the first hour... how can you have so much energy?" Alanis refused, unable to think correctly about that state.

Getting up from the bed, the Iloa walked towards the bathroom, but not before giving two knocks to the door of the drawer-room of his companion. Fee responded with grunts and murmurs, which would have annoyed Alanis at another time.

Why not now? Too early to get angry.


Alanis' apartment was not excessively large (composed exclusively of the dining room / bedroom, a kitchen to which the previous owner pulled the wall to make it more spacious, and a bathroom with a small bathtub), but it was the best thing for her could afford with her salary as Forest Guard of the village.

Neither is that they needed much more, since they only had each other. (All the family of Fee still living in "Twilight Rest" and the little family that was left to Alanis living in the capital)

"Fee ... come wash your face, today we have hot water..." Alanis said while opening the tap, letting the water fill the sink. It was almost a miracle that the boiler worked so early, which could only mean that the night had been so cold that the heater had not turned off at any time. "I enjoy this now... but I can see the money disappearing as the bills arrive..."

"Too early to worry about the bills... Fee needs to be cleared" The little fairy leaned on the side of the sink, and after throwing her pajamas to the ground, she let herself fall into the water.

"Fee! I need to wash myself too! Now all the water is dirty with your sweat all night!"

The fairy opened one eye while letting herself float. "I thought you had already washed! You're too slow, you know, Ala?" The Iloa was about to put her fist in the water, and crush the fairy against the marble... but what would gain with that? (apart from personal satisfaction)

"Fuck you... I'm going to make breakfast, as soon as you finish, throw that water away and fill the sink for me, understood?" The fairy nodded without saying anything, just enjoying the warmth of the water.

Alanis sighed, as she left the bathroom closing the door behind her. "We need to buy milk... but today with all the arrival of "humanity" I doubt you will find any cheap place..." The Iloa was satisfied with heating the little milk that was left in the cardboard in one of the buckets.

The milk of Peaduk wasnt too sweet, but at least it had all the necessary values r03;r03;for a standard breakfast.

After filling both cups, Alanis took the last packet of cookies left and left everything on the central table of the apartment.


"Time to see when we meet ..." The Iloa opened her laptop, and after changing the energy crystal, the screen lit up showing the dozens of messages from her classmates. Alanis nibbled one of the cookies while reviewing what messages were really important, while discarding all junk mail.

"Your water is ready - Cookies! We still had! What a gift life gives us!" Fee fluttered to the table, picking up one of the cookies and breaking it into smaller pieces for your enjoyment. When one measures scarcely 20 centimeters, even the smallest of meals (like this cookie) becomes a banquet.

"We have to go to the barracks?!" Fee said without bothering to swallow the piece of biscuit first.


"Eat and then talk, disgusting! The commander wants all the guards in the northern barracks, which means that in the end we are going to participate tonight..." Alanis did not want to say it, but Fee knew completely how much laziness caused her situation.

"Look on the bright side, we'll be in the front line to shoot those "humans" if they come with bad manners!"

"Scarlet Key" said that humanity had lost its planet, so I doubt they come looking for a fight, and... our species once were in the same situation, we have to be kind to them" Alanis drank all her glass of milk hit, to immediately go to the bathroom to wash.

"Ummm... we can be nice, but we're going to take the entire army located on the east coast! Kindness with a ration of magic-rocketing missiles and damn arrows! That's the only kindness I know!" Fee I take to connect to your personal email account, only to find 1000 spam messages. "When I subscribed to "Hot Hot Troll"?... It must be messages sent by another page... as long as they dont charge, they send all those who want, I suppose"

"Stop using my credit card to subscribe to shit for Leyred!" Fee trembled with fear, at the anger in his companion's voice.

"I cant work because I must spend the day by your side devouring all the negative "C-Drive" you generate! So I'll use OUR credit card whenever I want!" Alanis sputtered some expletive, for the fairy's amusement. "Baby, ours is a symbiotic relationship!"

"I already know that!" Alanis came out of the bathroom drying her hair and ears, still visibly angry. "But that doesnt mean you can use our money to subscribe to... "History and creation of Totems?" So why do you need to study how a totem works?"

"You never know when a more primary race will come to our city, and if they need a totem to feed, we will be there!" Alanis rolled her eyes at Fee's stupid and absurd reasoning.

"Dont waste our money on nonsense, please!" Fee nodded without turning to look, while Alanis dressed in the uniform of the forest lair. "Dress fast, we go out as soon as I get my shoes on"


"Yes yes..." Fee flew to her bedroom drawer, closing it behind her.

Alanis just got dressed, and she checked her body and ears in the mirror.  "Still the slope mark... what were you thinking, idiot?" Alanis pinched her pointed ear, looking for a way to hide the mistakes of her youth.

"Heal with time! The priest said it on your last healing visit, so stop thinking about it!" Fee came out fully dressed, only to fly and get into the neckline of Alanis as she used to do.

"You dont plan to fly today either?" The fairy refused as she settled into the generous cleavage of her companion. "You're getting fat, you know?"

"That's because you've been making  bad "C-drive" all this year! You're overfeeding me, so I'll pass the bill for the weight reduction operation." Fee smiled as Alanis simply curled her grin.





Streets of Autumngate. 11:20 in the morning.


"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO STOP AT THAT LAST SUPERMARKET ?!" Fee cry of fear and emotion, while Alanis took a run and climbed one of the poles of light.

"They had milk, eggs and offer bread! It was too juicy to let it escape!" Alanis leaned on one leg above the pole, looking for the fastest way over the cables.

"Please... tell me you'rent thinking of grinding up to the barracks ?!" Alanis simply smiled, as she put the milk cartons and bread in her backpack."Please, I dont want to die so young! - WEEEEEEEEE!"

Alanis jumped, while activating the skates of her sneakers. One of the biggest advantages of Autumngate being built on a hill, was that all the streets somehow had slopes down. (also had to thank the cheapest apartments were located at the top of the city)

The iloa was hooked to one of the electric cables, sliding down at full speed. Alanis gritted her teeth smiling, while keeping the concentration so as not to pick up any wrong cable. "You're going to missing the best part, Fee!" The fairy screams in fear from inside her cleavage, too terrified to look out.

"Now comes the best!" Alanis took impulse, and jumped from the cable to one of the roofs. The concrete roof where he had landed belonged to the largest market in the city, which made it a smooth, huge and perfect surface to finish his career on the rooftops in the best possible way.

As soon as Alanis began to slide over the roof, Fee stuck her head out to try to orient herself. "OH MY GODDESS, I ACKNOWLEDGE THIS ROOFTOP, YOU'RE GOING TO THE RAMP, STOP, PIECE OF CRAZY!"


"AND TO DIE YOUNG FOR WHAT I SEE!" Fee tried to hide, but the speed that Alanis carried was too much, which hindered any movement of the fairy.
Alanis reached her goal, the market poster.

This poster ahead looked like an ordinary metal sign. But his secret was at the back, because it was anchored to the roof with a perfect curve, the one called by Alanis as "Dream Ramp".

"THREE, TWO, ONE!" Alanis bent down to gain even more momentum, and jumped down the ramp, flying over the houses of Autumngate. His cries of emotion were heard from all around, but nobody seemed surprised. (totally accustomed to racing through the roofs of Alanis).


"FEE! Activate the G-drive!" Alanis ordered while he landed on another of the cables, which was heading towards the aqueduct that separated them from the guard barracks.

"That goes against so many rules, but dying too!" Fee shine, releasing the gigantic energy within Alanis. "I hope you wear the most rubber clothes possible, because you have too much accumulated!"

Alanis shouted with emotion, while she felt how her body released all its power. Second by second, the Iloa began to grow faster and faster, which increased its weight and diminished the intregidity of the cable on which it was sliding.

"6 meters?!" Fee nodded, white as snow when he realized his companion's plan. "The right measure! Get ready for the jump!"

Alanis waited for it to be too big for the cable, and when he threatened to break, he jumped with all his strength towards the aqueduct.

Thanks to all the accumulated speed plus his own increased strength, Alanis was able to cross the distance of 15 meters that separated it from the aqueduct, falling right on its edge (ideal to finish grind to the barracks).




Shattercross barracks: 11:30.


All the forest guards were assembled and in formation, but the great commander Falael was still upset. Counting the last recruits, the Autumngate barracks had 5 rows of 7 soldiers per row... but the second row was only 6.

"Durothil, Lura... Finerve... where is Alanis?" Falael turned to his lieutenant, who shook his head. "Damn it, I'll start without her!"

Falael climbed onto his music stand, and connected the echo crystal to the Law wiring of the room. "Are you listening to me correctly?

I hope so, because today is an important day and I need everyone to be clear about the procedure! Mankind will come through the "Scar-" BOOM!

A huge impact object in the training gardens of the barracks, and even through the cloud of smoke he had raised, Falael knew perfectly well who she was. "Guard Alanis! I hope it's the last time! That someone will have the doors! Today there is no time to repair anything!"

Two of the guards opened the double doors of the barracks conference room, through which Alanis crouched and apologized to everyone. The Iloa giantess crawled until she reached her position, but in order not to lose sight of those behind her, she simply stayed next to her usual place.

Farael sighed, but even so he did not allow this to affect him even the slightest. Today was a great day for the continent and especially for the Iloa, and nothing could, should and would go wrong.

Even if it cost him his life to insure it.



Chapter End Notes:



Welcome now ... to Novaterrae! The new home of humanity! With a first chapter 100% free of humans!


Jokes aside, this first chapter serves as an introduction to the main inhabitants of the continent where humanity arrived.

This continent is known as "Terre dell'alba" and its main settlement species are the Iloa, humanoids born with a strong connection to magic elementa and another of the species of Novaterrae, the twilight fairies.

If you have to think about the Illoa, although later you will have a description of them, you can imagine them as more muscular humans, with a "crystalline" hair (it is not really crystal, but its appearance is similar), and pointed ears.

(I had not mentioned elves as an extra-human species for something ;)

Also, here I present to you what will be the main city for the alliances between Iloas and humans, Autumngate, due to the proximity to the "Scarlet Key". I have not finished planning and designing it yet, but if you want to have an idea of r03;r03;the concept since I started working, go on Google Spagnolia, from Sonic Unleashed.

All this said, chapter 60 will be the arrival of humanity and the first contact! Thanks to the more than 300 people that have read the chapter on the last day, and to all the world that you follow the story! See you tomorrow!



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