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Author's Chapter Notes:

First of all, sorry for not uploading chapter yesterday. They cut the internet connection not only in my home, but in the whole building ... and as you can see by the time it is reconnected super late (at least for me, which is already 4 and a half am).

Now going back to the important issue... 4000 visits! And right in the chapter of the arrival of Jolbirht! All of you are incredible! I hope you enjoy as much as I do this chapter and those who are about to arrive!

The decisive battle time of Bahia has arrived, and the contenders are each in their position! Time to give everything or die trying!




Home of the Reyes family: 1 hour and a half remaining for the arrival of Jolbirth


The results of the training had been devastating for all, only Sofia and Mirabelle still stood (only moved by the natural pride of their species). The regenerative gel Valeria had stolen from Light was helping her recover strength, but considering that only Hannah and Mirabelle had spent half a bottle of gel, the others would have to put up with the rest.

Valeria, on the other hand, looked as fresh as a rose, completely clean and without a trace of sweat or weariness on her forehead. Crossed arms, on the car that had used as a lectern, watched proudly her new team.

Maybe dad didnt take it well, and the rest of the cathedral doesnt either... but sometimes, one must follow a different path to the one they expect from her.
A path that passes by stopping to hide, and be reactive.

The authentic path of a hero is active and without stopping advancing for a second. "Come on, we have less than two hours to get ready! I havent used that much in you either!" Laughing, she jumped out of the car and walked towards Hannah, who was lying down and covered in gel on her arms and legs, still struggling to catch her breath.

"I think... I'll need a while" Nor finish the sentence she could, learning to control the aura in such a short time had turned out to be even worse than expected.

"Come on, Dirty lover! You cant imagine the heroes lying on the floor without being able to breathe!" Hannah decided to listen to him, and with all the strength left in her body, she turned to send her to silence.


"Are all the spear training really like that ...?" Sofia finally dropped her ass, stretching her legs while the cold morning air filled her lungs.

"You have no idea kitty..." Passing by Sofia's side address to the house, Valeria whispered low enough that no one else would hear her. "Good job, by the way... Maybe the gap that separates you from Hannah can be reduced, but you'll need a lot more effort."

For the second time, Sofia still did not understand what the vampire was referring to. Unfortunately, when she turned to ask him, Valeria was already entering the door of the house. If the fat ass kept growing, and becoming what that "Dirty Lover" means... the lion would need a lot more training, and while it was stuck with the rest of the apprentices it would not be enough...




"This satellite is at least incredible... how could it be that I have not been given control of this before?!" Jack was still fiddling with Hannah's computer, using the accesses that Valeria had given him to control the "secret" GUN satellite.

Satellite... that on the other hand... nobody had any kind of information about it.

"You really know how to control this thing? that I remember you were arrested for hacking online banks and transfer money to foreign accounts" The most surprising thing for Lloyd is that neither Elsa nor Chris seemed unfazed. "Hello?... do you know Jack was arrested for stealing thirty thousand dollars?"

"Lloyd, please, if Jack stole so much money and he's still on the street it's because he can not be a bad person!"

"Mr. Lloyd, I've been friends with Elsa for many years, do you think something like a robbery shocks me?"

"The mother of god... the youth of today, you are made of authentic ice-"

"AS YOU DARE TO MAKE A FUCKING JOKE OF THE FROZEN MOVIE'S, I GOING TO BREAK YOUR LEGS AND I LEAVE YOU IN FRONT OF THE DRAGON!" The scream was heard throughout the house, and even throughout the neighborhood if there was someone left to listen to it. Besides, it was not just the scream, but that if Chris did not get to grab Elsa by the waist, in the same scream she would have pummeled Lloyd's stomach.

"But what's wrong with you now ?! I've just said Ic-"

"Dont say it! This crazy was all 2013 and 2014 sending letters of threats to disney because of the character of Elsa!" Elsa kept kicking around looking for release, while Chris kept his grip as safe as possible.

"DISNEY RUINED ME MY NAME! AND IT WAS A PRECIOUS NAME! I HAD TO LISTEN "LET IT GO" DAY AFter... day... enduring... frozen jokes every time I went to college or work..." Elsa turned around and began to cry on Chris's shoulder, between traumatized and desolate.


"Okay... I will not say anything like that anymore ... why have not they let me stay at the town hall... this youth..."
Chris grabbed Elsa by the shoulders, and after performing some breathing and relaxation exercises together, she regained her composure. (Needless to say, Jack wrote down all this mentally for possible future blackmails)

While the quarrel between the police and the idiot dissipated, Jack managed to obtain what appeared to be a clear image of Jolbirth approaching Bahia.

Since the first extra-human Gremlin was born some 40 years ago (variant of the existing race of the goblin extrahumans), technology has made constant giant jumps.

Although weaker and smaller than the race from which they were born, the gremlin compensates with an understanding of the machines, information technology and electronic devices simply superior to any other extra human or human. It was not surprising that every gremlin that is born receives so many subsidies and subsidies to attend technical schools and universities.

This same surveillance satellite was an example of this: While the satellites made by other humans and extra humans are able to monitor in near real time, the gremlin satellites reach beyond, giving a range of extra capabilities added to the minimum possible delay between received images makes them simply superior.

According to the technical analysis of the satellite, Jolbirth mediates 40 feet from the tip of his head to the hind legs, with 10 extra feet for the tail. A constant heat emanated from his mouth, which explained the village fire.
An image simply terrifies that even Jack's mouth was silent.

Not for a long time unfortunately. "If you are more relaxed now ... go for Valeria, you have to see this..."


A few minutes later:


"So... lucky bastard... he has not aged too badly." Valeria slipped out of hannah's chair, and walked towards the door. "He stays in good shape, thinking that he has endured for so many years in the cold darkness..."

"Wait... Valeria do you know him personally? I thought that whoever knew him was your mother..." Elsa followed her but the vampire grabbed her wrist and lifted her, a chill going through Elsa's spine.

"Elsa... my darling..." Lifting her up to face to face. "If we survive this, I will directly ask my mother to explain the story of Jolbirth and the two of us, but for now ... trust only in me, because there is no evil or darkness in my words"

Elsa looked away, a flashback of the "battle" piercing her mind like an arrow. "I will trust... in your words, but if you hide information from me or Hannah, do not expect full confidence."

"Worth it for now! Now we're going to simply raise our team, and get ready, we'll leave in 30 minutes." The vampire released Elsa and went out the door of the room.

Chris came to Elsa's help, inspecting his arm and even more surprised by the lack of courage in front of Valeria. "Elsa... what happened to you? Normally you-"

"Chris... leave it for now... let's prepare the van." Without saying anything else, Elsa left the room like Valeria, leaving Chris completely disoriented. Lloyd simply grabbed his shoulder and pushed him to follow her.


After lifting the rest of the team, they organized themselves in two vehicles and after leaving Juddit at the town hall, they left in the direction of the area under construction.




Town hall of Bahia del Sol: One Hour for the arrival of Jolbirth


Throwing the bottle of wine against the wall, Fiona sat in the chair of the town hall receptionist. After 20 minutes of searching and destroying all the reception of the town hall, the fucking bullets still did not appear.


Fiona's anger was so great that she took out her revolver and fired furiously at the computer at the reception. To go from a sad and desperate drunkenness to an indomitable fury, Fiona usually needed a minimum of 6 liters of alcohol, so with only the four she had taken from Elsa's house, it meant she really was very desperate.

Fiona just "breathed" deeply, only to see a woman with crutches standing outside the town hall. His first instinct was to shoot him and incinerate the body quickly ... but he had enough with the murder of Hannah's family, so he simply put on his gun and motioned for her to pass. "I'm sorry you had to see that, but I'm not dangerous! I know a 10-foot protoslime may scare you a little!... and be armed... but I'm not going to hurt you! Trust me!

The woman after thinking a couple of times came in half trembling, standing in front of the shattered reception while watching the destruction around her. "If you have formed a good... a good show... you could say..."

Fiona simply nodded and sat on the table. "I've been through a lot of stress, and I usually drink when I'm stressed... but alcohol is not helping me today... sooo... you can see it"

"You should not drink for stress, alcohol does not lead to anything! Even though a drink from time to time does not hurt! I only drink when I go out with my boyfriend to party over the weekend."

"Your boyfriend should feel lucky to be with a beauty like you, how old are you? 20? 25?"


"Dont be flattering to me, I have... 45! My daughter is turning 17 this year, and she was born when I was 28... My head is so full of worries that I can not remember my age..." Juddit laughed. gently while sitting next to Fiona, with some concern.

"You cant be so old! I do not believe it?... I suppose that since I dont have normal skin I shouldnt be very good with the ages of people... What is it that worries you?"

"My daughter and some friends are going to fight a dragon... even if the vampire is with them I'm worried, you know? A mother never stops worrying about her children, no matter how old they are"

"I have to admit that I envy you... Slimes can not reproduce normally, so you never know what it is to have children... I guess knowing that that moment will never have led my life to this path... with the debt I drag children still not an option... "


"My mother was a normal slime, and she spend a lot of money on a very novel birth process at that time... a "cellular birth", basically they take the core of a slime and extract the genetic material to generate a new slime, but unlike from the traditional method the resulting baby is not a clone of the mother, but a new being.

There are two main problems... the first is that the baby will always have to be a protoslime, because you need to apply a large amount of heat to the nucleus so that it regenerates from its newly extracted state... "

"And the second?" Juddit put his hand on the knee of the protoslime, very careful not to burn himself foolishly.

"As I said it was not a very novel method at that time... very novel, very expensive and very unsafe..."


"When I was old enough to fend for myself, they came to the orphanage to claim my debt... can you believe it? Claim money from a 10-year-old girl... I'm glad they're not alive anymore"

"And your father? Oh... you're a slime..."

"You said it... I found myself alone in the world, without money to pay them, without being able to be in the orphanage to protect the other children... I made very bad decisions, I met with horrible people and I used the gift of my mother for evil... and today I continue to use it... "

"But that can change! As long as there is someone who believes in you in this world, you can change heaven, I know it first-hand"

"Nobody believes in me... I'm just one more piece of the gear of the future! You can believe it... I've been ordered to kill innocent people... people who just want to protect their home... And I'm going to do it-" Juddit stood up, and stretching out slapped Fiona.

"Listen, miss, I dont know you! I do not know your name! For the love of God, I do not know if I hit you on the cheek or where... because you do not have a mouth or eyes to guide me... But that does not matter! You know why?" Fiona refused as she saw Juddit's slightly reddened hand for touching her. "Because I believe in you! And if I believe in you it means that you must take the right path!"


"What a lot of nonsense... how are you going to trust someone you dont know?also in a slime like me... we didnt even reach the humans of the word extrahuman"

"What nonsense are you saying now?!"

"Think it! It is true that at some point we had to be born of a human, but slimes only "reproduce" with ourselves, we dont have a real body, only our core coated with "jelly", ink, plasma or acid! The slimes only call us humans for pretending ... but our species has nothing humans... when I'm drunk I get very philosophical as you can see"

"What is your name?"

"Fiona, why?"

"Fiona, do you feel? Do you care about the people you're going to kill?"

"Shouldnt... Form ties is the first point to avoid in the mercenary manual"

"If you care, if you care what I say, if you feel bad about it, that means you're as human as I am.

Once a professor of mine at the university, before I abandoned it, said that the human does not lie in our body. Being human means forming bonds, feeling in society, giving value to life."

Fiona looked down, without words to answer her.
"As I said Fiona, I dont know you... and I dont care, because I know you need me, and you need someone who believes in you, so I'll say the words that your mother is thinking from heaven.

Fiona, you're still in time to take the right path. The future is not something that a gear must move... the future is a hope, a hope that must be lived."

If a slime could cry, Fiona would not be crying right now, but she would like to. Getting up from the table, he approached the exit and opened the door without turning around to look at Juddit.
"I do not know what your name is... but I thank you for trusting in me... I hope it works for something..." Waving her hand, Fiona said goodbye as she bent down to pass the door and walk to where Hannah and the others had addressed themselves.

Fiona may not have recognized the story of Juddit (probably the result of alcohol in her Core), but Juddit did know perfectly well that the protoslime was speaking. Praying for his daughter, for his girlfriend and for his own boyfriend... and for the slime, Juddit climbed the stairs to the mayor's room.




Area under construction: 30 minutes for the arrival of Jolbirth.


Valeria walked to the van, where Hannah was reviewing the laces of her shoes for the seventh time. Elsa while reviewing the plan with her and where they would meet if they had to retire.

"Stop insisting! If you squeeze more you're going to cut off the circulation!"

Hannah refused while squeezing again. "If I do not make sure, I could fall in the middle of the battle... and ruin everything... and someone could die because of me..."

Elsa climbed onto Hannah's foot to reach her face and pinch her nose.

"Stop being so negative! No one is going to die! I have absolute faith in you and the rest of the team!" Hannah laughed softly, as she picked up Elsa with both hands and pulled her close to kiss her. A kiss a little too wet for the situation believed Valeria.


"If that gives you courage, for me you can kiss them until Jolbirth lands!" Passing the couple, Valeria walked to the driver's seat, where Chris was relaxing as much as possible. "And your driver, how are you doing?"

"Not very well... I'm not going to flee or anything Mrs. Valeria... only I'm a little nervous..."

"Something nervous, you look like you're going to pull the steering wheel off at any moment" Chris shook his head as he went back to drinking water.

Knowing that for a human not idiot like Jack and Elsa this situation would be absolutely terrifying, Valeria simply patted her on the back and continued with her round of preparations, heading this time towards the entrance of the lot where Lloyd would be covering with the rifle of police.


As expected, Lloyd was much more relaxed, while checking the ammunition of the rifle. "Are you going to make sure this sad police does not screw it up?"

"Lloyd... I know we have our differences, but I thank you for being here today, I know you've spent many years in the police assault team, so if I have to trust someone's aim, I want it to be yours."


"Valeria, after directing the evacuation with help from Natalya, while YOU were hiding, I received a call from the mayor. At first I didnt think that Hannah was really so irresponsible to stay to fight against the "dragon"... but after seeing it with my own eyes I decided to stay to cover your backs.

I do not know what is special for everyone to take care of her so much, but as far as I'm concerned, she's a 16-year-old girl with a big heart and an even bigger body. And as I would with any of my citizens, I will protect it until the end.

That is the code of the police."


"Lloyd... after this, I owe you a drink" Valeria went away to check her own team, only reached to listen as Lloyd pointed it on his phone.

The police and GUN had not had the best of reputations since the incident with Gabriel, and later with Carmen... but Valeria trusted them more than she would ever admit. Not in vain, in his lists of things to do before giving up, reconciling with the police was still at the top.

As might be expected, Bolt and Mirabelle had taken care that everyone was in their place. Less work for Valeria.
"Jack, move the crane a little further, we do not want to destroy it before using it!" While Bolt looked at the battlefield from above, Mirabelle handled the spears like a wait-and-see in a Jabberwock

"Do you think that this moves very fast ?! Also in my contract he says that I am an expert in computers! Not the guy to send things to!"

Valeria touched Mirabelle's shoulder as she stood beside him. "Stop complaining, Jack, dont hire you for it! And your Mirabelle, how do you see it?"

"As far as I'm concerned, Boss, we're all prepared, Sora is in the position to ambush him with the "Aqua Chain", and Sofia is covering her to take her quickly in case he focuses on her."

"We should have chosen a site with more water, at least enough for Sora to use the "Aqua float"..."

"Neither was there much to choose from, getting closer to the port the material damage would escalate quickly."


"That's true ... Do you have eye contact Bolt?"

Bolt landed in front of them, and after shaking his wings slightly, looked at the horizon. "I think I saw him on the horizon, on tijuana, but the clouds dont help. I have not even recovered the objective even with the binoculars."

"Relax Bolt, we have plenty of time-"



Falling in the center of the area, causing a great explosion of sand and earth, Jolbirth exalted a small flame, colored with an intense black almost hypnotic. The team's consternation quickly disappeared, while everyone took up combat positions.

Jolbirth stirred slightly, removing all possible sand from his body. Rising above everyone in the place, it spread its wings completely, while it nailed its legs on the ground and destroyed one of the nearby scaffolds with a single blow of tail, as a greeting of courtesy.

"You have prepared a little party for me to welcome... that kind of you!" Jolbirth under his head until facing Valeria. "Look where... the girl without dreams! Where is your mother Valeria? You couldnt do anything without her the last time... and this time do not expect it to be different."


"Jolbirth... blessed be the eyes! You have come directly to me to send you to the hell from which you should never have escaped?" Valeria looked sideways at the team, all trembling slightly... except Hannah, who was shaking completely. It was normal, Jolbirth was gigantic even for her.

"Valeria... Believe me... I have come to forge my future, and to recover what was taken from me not once, if not twice..." Jolbirht's impure breath emanated from his nostrils, and with a single glance, I spot Hannah.

"Here... the Dirty Lover... You and I have issues to deal, dont you think?"

Chapter End Notes:

Really being so late I was not going to write anything here today, but I have a doubt and wanted to emphasize something.

As you may have read up to here, the story is located in Bahia del Sol, a fictional city between San Diego and Tijuana (so you have to imagine that San Diego is slightly higher in this universe, and Bahia del sol, the border of Mexico and Tijuana slightly below)

Bahia del sol has an extension of about 140 kilometers (exactly 86,992 miles), divided between the city itself and its districts, the port (which were formerly separated into two different cities) and a small mountain inland, where the casino complex. In front of the coasts of Bahia there is a small island, covered mainly by a mountain, but as we will enter in the future in the theme of that island, for now so that you have it in your head you have plenty of data.

Really as you could have observed... Bahia del Sol is not a bay, but the name comes directly from Calia Sol and the pronunciation of the Spanish word "Vaya" (This last comes from an anecdote of the first time I was in the United States and specifically in San Diego with my parents). But since I wanted to put a name that carried the word "Sol", I thought it would be nice and simple to remember.

I know it's a little late to explain all this (although from what I've heard from some acquaintances it's more or less understood) but it never hurts to solve any doubt as to the location of the story.

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