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Author's Chapter Notes:

Just I just realized that we have already exceeded 3100 visits! You are the best! I hope you like the episode today and the beginning of the story arc of the Dirty Lover and the King of the mausoleum!

Back to the future, best movie of the last century


Old cathedral of Bahia, on the university campus: February 14, 01:00 at night

Elsa had spent so much time at the university, that coming back to meet the founder of Bahia in the subway at the university was not the weirdest thing she had done on this university campus, but in the top 5, this would surely come.Hannah seemed too uncomfortable for the corridors of the old cathedral, but considering that the ceilings were 9 feet, she would have to hold on a bit. I looked excited with all this of the Dirty Lover, and the wave that would change the world ... for Elsa all this sounded too suspicious, but did not have the courage to ruin the illusion.

"Hey Hannah ... are you sure about this? This was a cathedral and it's public for everyone ... you think if Calia Sol were alive, and not just alive! That she was in the cathedral ... do not you think that someone would have noticed?"

"Elsa ... I'm not sure of anything ... but listening will not hurt us! And Dirty lover sounds pretty cool, right?" Still crawling and panting from the discomfort, Hannah seemed convinced with Valeria's story.

"If you say it ... for now I'll pay attention to it-" Elsa realized too late that Hannah had stopped and crashed right into her ass, falling on her back. Hannah all she did was try to move her hand back as she could to help Elsa get up.

Elsa was quite upset, so I stepped on her hand, crawling underneath Hannah to see what the hell had caused Hannah to stop. "Valeria... you attack us first, you tell us nonsense and now you drag us to a cathedral? Can you explain to me what you intend?"

"You just rubbed for your girlfriend, do not complain so much, you could even touch her ass!" Light was shining a flashlight on Valeria, who was feeling a stone wall. Pretty old and unsafe for the blows she was getting him."It was around here... Dad always changes his position the damn stone key!" 

"Valeria... I am an architect and I understand the materials and the state of the buildings... and as you continue to hit that wall, you are going to bury us alive!" Maybe she was the smallest and weakest of the group, but so sure that tomorrow the sun would rise that Elsa was not going to let Valeria kill them in a stupid cathedral.

"You never know when to shut up Elsa... I've done this a thousand times! I live here for the love of God! If anyone knows where the stone is, I am..." The last blow had been too strong for the wall, which started to tremble slightly.

"Valeria, you're an idiot!" Light shot the lantern to the ground and hit a stone that seemed much newer than the rest, stopping the tremor and causing the wall to begin to sink into the ground.

"I was about to touch... that stone."

"Sure... Let's go through the first three of us, Hannah needs us to pull her so she can get in. And before you even think of talking about Valeria ... you're not going to get her in with a gust of wind. Valeria smiled as she gave her military salute. Elsa could not stop thinking about how someone like her could have become the boss of G.U.N.





Elsa did not know what to expect, but when she entered the corridor and reached the bottom a cathedral under the cathedral was not exactly what she imagined.

The structure seemed well preserved and clean. The walls were covered with Greco-Roman columns of at least 60 feet in height (which explained so many stairs up to the previous corridor), very white to be cement but not smooth enough to be marble. At the head of the room was a huge altar, decorated with golden ornaments on the stairs that led up to it and on the table placed in the center of it.

A mural decorated with mosaics of colored crystals stood on the wall of the altar, with 5 holes in it, each containing a pristine stained glass window with a candle inside. A strange light emanated from behind the mosaic, illuminating the rest of the cathedral and spreading its colors throughout the room. 

Elsa took a while to realize that they were not alone, all sorts of human and extra-human sitting on the benches of the cathedral, talking among themselves quietly, using cell phones and tablets or even some children playing with a soccer ball. To return the most strange situation if everyone could wear a kind of white and blue marine tunic, with the edges in gold.
"This ... is a sect?" Sincerely Elsa did not expect anyone to tell her, with Valeria and Light more occupied in the fact that Hannah's hip was going through the door.

"A sect, Elsa, this is something much beyond that!" A man slightly short and wearing a tunic of a much darker blue and ornamented with a design of suns was approaching her. His presence was powerful, so Elsa assumed that he would be the leader of this site.

"It's the ... ufff! Man who came to your apartment!" Hannah was not stopping pulling as he could to get through the door, getting to the point of being in such trouble that some of the people nearby came to try to help her.

"I'm glad you remind me Hannah! It would be better if this time I present myself properly..."

"Is it something that comes from family?" Valeria said exactly the same "Elsa was quite uncomfortable, and finding a place so... strange, under Bahia did not help. "And in regard to what you have said, you look like a sect, and you are dressed as a sect, you have all the papers to be the leader of a sect."

"I understand that it seems, but Elsa, you have to have the view beyond what you have been taught!... That sounds a lot like sect the truth... forget that... My name is Flynn Sol, father of Valeria and Light , and the prophet "

"And you call yourself a prophet... this is a fucking sect, do not fuck with me" In moments like these Elsa wished to have a gun license, and a gun for extrahumans. The situation was increasingly suspicious, and impersonating the husband of the founder of Bahia did not help to create a peaceful environment.

"Stop repeating that! Elsa, we are a community formed to await the arrival of the next Dirty Lover! We are the summit of the sun!"


"... a fucking sect."

"Think what you want, but everyone who stayed during the Vigil were volunteers! And even today, a hundred years later, they are still convinced of our mission! Do not underestimate our love for Bahia, calling us a sect!" Flynn walked over to Hannah, ignoring Elsa and her distrust. "You understan our mission, right Hannah? we're still living by waiting for you! You're the wave that will change the world!"

Hannah with one last push managed to get in at all, getting up and wiping the dust. "Ufff... thank goodness, I was starting to scare... Nice to meet you now completely Flynn! What a beautiful place you have here assembled!" Hannah took a few steps forward, watching the cathedral and the people, who stood up to greet her, completely euphoric when they finally saw the Dirty Lover in person.

"Thanks Hannah, I'm glad to see that you're more open-minded than Elsa!" Flynn got on the altar and taking a breath he addressed the inhabitants. "The Dirty Lover has finally appeared! It's time for us to start changing the world we love so much!"

Hannah ran straight to him and covered his mouth. "Hold on there Flynn... Where's Calia Sol?"

"Calia? she's sleeping right now, she'll wake up in a few days. Why you're asking me this? we have a lot to talk about and explain to you."

"So she's not here?... I cant believe she's really alive if I do not really see her..." Hannah turned to Elsa and motioned her hand to come closer.

"What are you talking about, Hannah?" Mama is looking forward to meeting you! Just after loading the Sun core she needs to rest for at least a week! " Valeria climbed the altar next to her father, followed by Light who did not seem very sure of being the focus of attention.

"It's a shame... I wanted to tell her my message in person!" 

"What message, Hannah? Calia already knows you were coming!" Flynn was getting a little nervous, seeing that Hannah was not satisfied with just the presence of her daughters and himself.

"I'm not going to be the Dirty Lover."

The phrase fell like a missile in the room, everyone stopped talking, just staring at Hannah. While Elsa sighed in relief, Flynn and Valeria could not give credit to what had happened.


"What... you're not going to be the Dirty Lover?... Hannah I dont... understand..."

"Well, what you've heard, I'm 16 years old, I'm 15 feet tall and weigh almost a ton, I'm clumsy like a newborn goat, I have a terrible physical form, to the point that a 5 minute race has left me breathless! I have a beautiful girlfriend that I love with all my heart, and a mother that I love and who is dating a great guy!

I am not a hero seen in a dream Flynn... "

"H... hannah... there's no doubt you're the Dirt-"

"Flynn... this is not Final fantasy or Tales of! It is not even Dragon quest! There are no heroes that are going to change the world! All that exists are people, who live their day to day with their own... Look for another Dirty Lover... because with me you have been wrong."

"Hannah, there's nothing wrong! Your heart is bright like Cal-"

"And that's another! Why are you guided by dreams?" I respect and admire Calia Sol a lot, she's my example to follow as a giantess... but I'm not going around using her name and her husband's name to give value to my words"


"But Calia is Calia really! She's sleeping down! And I'm the real Flynn Sol! How can you doubt this..."

"I do not doubt your word, I just think you're not sure who you're looking for... This is not a rpg for there to be an chosen one Flynn! this is the real world! it's 2018 and right now all my biggest concern is waiting for that nintendo announces Joycon for extrahuman giants, and thus finally be able to play Super Mario Oddisey!" Hannah offered her hand to Elsa and together they started walking back to the cathedral exit.

"Hannah wait..."

"Flynn... I am not a hero, and that of a "King" with the power to destroy Bahia... I could invent better excuses... and that I'm horrible lying!

If you look for a hero, it will have to be someone else... Because I am Hannah Reyes, a normal girl who wants to go home, take a shower and spend Valentine's Day with my dear girlfriend! See you!" Hannah waved goodbye as Elsa reopened the hallway, pulling back with a super exaggerated curtsey for Hannah to crawl out.

"Flynn... Dirty Lover is a horrible name for a hero! You and your sect enjoy looking for another giantess to cajole! Because this sexy ass and I get away! This is the real power that will change the world! The power of love!" Elsa came out making the sign of victory while the wall closed behind her.




The cathedral was silent, until a laugh from Flynn caught everyone's attention. "She's identical to Calia at her age!"

Valeria unable to see the grace fell on her knees to the ground, crying bitterly as she saw how her last hope did not believe in her story. "We are... dead... The king of the mausoleum will finish everything... dad... I have failed... I have really failed..."Light for once could not do anything but sit next to his sister and hug her, hoping to comfort her.

"Fail? Not at all my daughters." Flynn under the altar and walk towards the exit, to return to raise the fake stone wall that became the cover.


"Hannah knows it's the Dirty Lover... she just needs to understand it, and Elsa will explain it to her, I have all my confidence in it, you know?"

"Dad... how can you trust after both do not believe in us?" If Light was so devastated the rest of the inhabitants of the summit of the sun knew that the situation was horrible.

"Because as Elsa has said... the power that Hannah possesses is born from her love. Her heart has changed the life of her mother, Veronica, Sofia, Vagrand and now Elsa. The power of the Dirty Lover is to change the lives of those around her, and Hannah know it... we have a lot of work to do"

"W ... Work?"

"If Hannah still does not see it ... we'll have to stop the King of the mausoleum until she sees it"


Home of the Reyes Family: an hour and a half later.


Hannah sat on the curb, while Elsa opened the door of the house. "Tired of such a busy day huh?" After making sure the door would not close, she came back with Hannah and hugged her from behind.

"The power of love..."

"Right, my love, the power of love is the only real power today! They already said it in Back to the Future! The best movie ever created..."

Hannah could not help laughing as she got up holding Elsa in her arms. "The power of love is what moves our world! Let's enjoy Valentine's Day!" Elsa could only nod as he kissed her on the cheek. "But before..."

Hannah turned toward the street, and taking air scream with all her strength. "I KNOW THAT I HAVE TWO AGENTS OF G.U.N CARING FOR ME! GO OUT NOW OR I WILL CONTINUE SCREAMING UNTIL I AWAKE THE NEIGHBORHOOD!"

After a few seconds, a convertible car parked in front of the house, a young boy jumping from, dressed as if he had just left a nightclub of the last century. After the one Harpy low sighing and looking at the ground, this if with the uniform of G.U.N. "Well Hannah... you've discovered me!"

"You are..."

"Jack, Agent Jack of G.U.N's spears, and this girl here is the harpy that takes care of you since you were a year old, Bolt! Agent Bolt... what are you going to do now?"

"You want to go into the house? I bought to make a founde of cheese before going for Hannah to the gym!" Elsa motioned for them to enter, while Hannah and she entered the house.
"That sounds great!" Jack was ready to enter, when Bolt grabbed him from behind without letting him move.

"Are you... sure about this Jack?... I dont think I can recover if she tells me that she hates me... Hannah has meant everything to me since I was assigned to her side... and now reveal myself... I dont know if it's the right thing to do..."

"Bolt... it's a founde! Relax! You know Hannah! You'll love it! Trust in the power of love! And those shit... I didnt see Back to the future... so I cant talk of that like Elsa"

Bolt did not understand very well what Jack, Elsa and Hannah were talking about all the time, but Hannah was like her little sister, so there was only one right decision. Trust in the power of love.

Chapter End Notes:

Realistically ... They seemed like a sect.


- Height: 8 feet 6 inches

- Physical complexion: Light, unlike Valeria, can not alter her body, which makes it much more complicated to see that they are sisters with the naked eye. Light's black hair complements with his pink eyes, a byproduct of being a Succubus, although with all the power he has been able to bring to the vision of pain, calling it a by-product would be like an insult to so many years of training to be able to see even the smallest of the injuries. Light is not accustomed to combat, so it has no marked muscles or a body beyond the basic carecteristics of a succubus. Much forward, round and huge ass attached to a wasp waist.
Needless to say how much Light hates his own body.

- Personality: Light since childhood has been someone who has enjoyed the home as much as Valeria allowed. From things as small as cleaning and sewing to activities such as cooking or managing money. They are the small tasks of the day to day which Light loves the most.

But there is one thing that loves even more than all that. Heal and save lives. Nobody is surprised that Light got a scholarship to study medicine at a prestigious university. And less surprising that with so many years as a surgeon has developed a superhuman talent with the scalpel.

Without being alone in that, Light has experimented and made his advances in the field of regenerative medicine, being the main creator of the regenerative Gel.

- Extras: Because of being twins, Light is a Succubus / Vampire, a succubus that can release pheromones and sexually attract men and women alike, but needs to take human blood to live and does not age as long as it does. Basically it has the worst of both worlds for a person who enjoys day to day as Light

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