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Author's Chapter Notes:

Today I'm going fast that the chapter is loaded with content!

Thank you all for the readings as always! I hope you like this approach to the action more "fantastic"!



Outskirts of Bahia del Sol: February 13, 9 at night.


The "Lake of ashes", one of the most wonderful natural places that there is Bahia.The legend says that here lie the ashes of Calia Sol, who in her last days asked to be incinerated and buried next to her city. From these ashes, the legends of the "Forest of the White Flame", which surrounds the entire west of Bahia and protects it from the evils that still lie in America, are told.

In the end, all are mere legends forged in the dawn of Bahia. Legends that sought to protect the inhabitants of a city made up of former slaves, whether they were black or extrahuman people, and victims of both sides who only wanted to start from scratch, with values r03;r03;that are still strange today. It is not surprising that Valeria always chose it as a meeting place that Vagrand could not meet.

Valeria had been wandering around Bahia since her creation, and thanks to her vampiric condition, she had seen generations born and dying. Babies that he had in his arms and that later he would have to bury them, after a long and full life with Bahia. Ashes that united in this lake and continued in Bahia, taking care of those who are born or come to Bahia looking for a place to belong.That was the reason why Bahia was such a hated and loved place at the same time. For one the shame of America that have their own unique laws and that have too many grants and permits from the Government. For others a redoubt of what the founding fathers really wanted the United States to become, a place where neither color nor species meant anything.

Each ash would burn again, all together without distinguishing between them, that was the real dream of Calia, and for Valeria, who had been born without dreams, the only reason to exist.

"The weather here does not change, huh?" Valeria did not need to move from the bench where she was lying to know that he had arrived.

"That's part of the magic of Bahia, it seems a lie that you do not know." She sat on the floor next to the bench where Valeria seemed not to want to move, looking at the lake that had so often comforted her.

"I know very well, unlike others I've always been here, and I do not plan to move in the near future ... Hannah has started the third growth" Although it was something he already knew, Valeria considered it necessary to say it in aloud. "Lisa has spent an hour measuring it"

"Lisa is the slime no?" Hannah will not have had a good time, considering how much she hates jelly since childhood. "15 feet, it's a first step, but to fulfill her destiny her will need much more"

"I know you always talk about fate and those things, but you know as well as I do that fate is not always true, Hannah has a mission in life, like every person on earth, but a destiny ... Do not make me laugh."

"Call it destiny, call it mission, call it whatever you want, but valeria, remember that we all exist for a reason, Hannah will bring the light that Bahia will throw to the top, and Clay has only been the first."

"The first ... are you already hiding information from me?" Valeria sat down and hit her foot on the back of her companion.


"Stop valeria, my bones are old and tired! You should treat me with more respect!"

"Respect, you never had it to me, why would I have it?"

"Spoiled girl ... be prepared, the king of the mausoleum is beginning to wake up" Valeria stood up suddenly, grabbing him by the neck of the tunic.

"Really?! And you say it so quiet? This is very serious! I'm not ready to face it alone! And my team is not yet powerful enough! Vagrand has not prepared the C-S either!" For the first time in 106 years, Valeria was really worried, a feeling that greatly displeased her.

"How strange ... since the Titanic did not see you like that ..."

"The Titanic is not going to be anything compared to this! It's going to reduce everything to nothing! There will not be any ashes! Damn ... it can not wait for you to come back ... it has to wake up already ..."

"You can face him, because you will not do it alone" Valeria could not help but laugh like a hysteric before such words. "You're scared ... I know, but you do not have to worry about my little one, Hannah will give you the opportunity you need."


"VALERIA! Are you going to distrust her words?" Valeria, hearing him scream for the first time in so long, sat on her knees on the floor and bowed her head.
"No sir..."

"Then have faith. Hannah is much stronger than she seems, she just needs a reason to draw that strength"

"It costs more to do than say it ... much more considering that this time I do not have you to help me ..." Hannah was a good girl, innocent and good as a newborn kitten, so imagine the girl that she had been taking care of since her birth, to face the King of the mausoleum ... it was something that surpassed Valeria morally and emotionally.

"Besides ... it's time to tell him the truth." He knew perfectly well that it was not easy, but Hannah had a road too steep to walk, and with people hidden behind her, they did not equal 15 feet than 50, she could never cross it.

"Tell her the truth? ... No no no no! Never get over it! You do not know her!" Valeria was cursing every second in which she had made the decision to come.

"You do not understand!" Elsa has begun to build the future! And Hannah will be by her side! Keep hiding in the shadows will only bring pain! To save ourselves we need everyone to be in the front line! Up to Vagrand!"

"What are you asking me ... it's too much ... and see that you asked me to do horrible things ... but to reveal the dream ... what we have fought so hard for?" She was on the verge of crying. It was too much work to ask for it so soon.

"I know it's too much, but you're Valeria! The girl who was born without dreams! All we have is hope ... and it's over ... Hope will not save us, only force will do it." Hannah has the strength, it's time Tell her and take her to the "Tower of the Kingdom." I'll do it myself if my little girl thinks she can not do it. " It was too cruel to ask, but the King of the mausoleum was not a small rival like Clay, without the proper preparation ... A shot in the chest would be a trifle compared to this.


"All this ... Elsa has started it, right?" Valeria dried the sweat and stood up again. "It's your fault for looking forward to the future, I know what you're going to say, it's not your fault for dreaming of a better Bahia!" But Hannah is only 16 years old! Elsa has thrown her in a catapult towards ... "

"Towards the future, the future that was written"

"THE FUTURE IS NOT WRITTEN, WE WRITE IT EVERY DAY, I DONT CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY, I DONT LET MY CITY BE DIRECTED BY A PROPHECY! WE WILL WRITE OUR PROGRESS STEP BY STEP!" Valeria had never talked to anyone like that, which made him happy more than his face showed.

"I see you have made a decision... Valeria, you have always said that you were born without dreams..." He started walking along the path he had come, turning around after a few steps to face her. "But it seems that now you have one... cling to it, dreams are the only thing that protects us from the darkness..."

"So fucking enigmatic ... I do not have dreams, I have truths, and I will not let anyone take it from us, THAT IS THE WILL OF THE NEW GENERATIONS, DO YOU HEAR ME OLD IDIOT?" Of course he heard her ... and anyone who came to spend the afternoon in the woods. But Valeria did not care, because she believed blindly in her truth.




Gym G.U.N: 10 at night.


What Elsa saw was not pretty ... A 15-foot girl, defeated on the ground, sweaty, crushed by life. Hannah looked like a picture of rebirth, an expression that had seen it all, the horrors of war and the gym. Sofia on the other hand seemed ready for another 3 hours of gym. For once, elsa had to admit it, Hannah needs to get in shape.

"Elsa ... I've seen things ... things you should not see ..." Hannah tried to get up, but all she managed to do was fall forward like a rag doll. The hit on the floor made her vibrate a little, which worried Elsa much more than expected.

"Hannah, honey ... are you okay?" A part of Elsa wanted to grab her arm and pull, but part of her knew she could not do anything for Hannah.

"Elsa... I... 925 pounds ... like a cow ... literally! I'm fat ..."

"She's not fat, but her measurements are 15 feet and 8 inches, 925 pounds, in comparison-" Sofia looked at Hannah, who completely defeated only nodded and sighed. "You weigh less than a quarter of it, so if it falls on top you will destroy all the bones" Because she had a smile on her face while she said it? Nobody knows.

Unfortunately for Sofia, Elsa was more interested in imagining ways to use that data ... which drew a perverted smile on her lips. Hannah in the middle saw how Sofia smiled with ulterior motives, and as Elsa smiled thinking something very perverted ... but the fatigue was so high that she could not even protest.

"Anyway, then we will use that data! Hannah, above that if it depends on me I can not even drag you to the car!" Elsa could not contain the laughter, imagining pulling Hannah, not moving a centimeter and she with a slight pull throwing Elsa to his lips, where the kiss would lead to something else and then...

"Damn it, if you do not get up, I'll take you to my fat ass! I can not stand to see her face anymore!" Sofia separated Elsa with a kick, pulling her back and with a slight flexion charge with Hannah Princess style. "Where... is your car... damn... I can lift a ton! You're not... uffff.... nothing for me!..."

Elsa got up as best she could, so annoyed that if it was not for what she was carrying Hannah, she would send Sofia to hell directly. "Here..."

And in the parking, the second challenge was presented.

The car that Elsa had brought was fully up when Sofia left Hannah in the back, and with her new extra height the posture was like watching a bear driving a tricycle. None of the three dared to say anything, Elsa and Sofia watching the show and Hannah red with embarrassment covering her face with her hands.


Elsa hating this silence cleared her throat to speak. "I see ... I see a problem ..."

"Tell me ... so bad is the situation? ..." Hannah did not stop covering her face for a minute, wishing the floor would open and swallow her completely.

"Honey ... the front wheels do not touch the ground ... it's a miracle that the suspension is holding without breaking ... You have not grown so much! How can it be that my car can not be with you anymore?"

Elsa, Hannah and Sofia noticed a chill on her back and a cold wind that gathered and swirled over Hannah's legs. I do not take long in that wind to explode in an explosion of light and leave a woman, white as snow, with a silver hair and golden eyes like the sun sitting on Hannah's knees. Hannah was frozen with fear, while Elsa put herself in fighting position.
"It's because of the release of the mass." The aura that Hannah had been accumulating for so many years at 10 feet tall now finds much more room to move and indirectly increases her weight, until she stabilizes Hannah weighs 200 pounds more than They indicate the scales, it's a curious process, dont you think? " The woman caressed Hannah's chin while still looking at Elsa and Sofia.

"WHO DEMOSN ARE YOU?  GET AWAY FROM HANNAH NOW OR I SWEAR YOU-" Elsa could not finish speaking when her lips covered with ice, preventing her from opening them.

"Very quarrelsome to be a human whose greatest physical exercise has been swimming as a child." The woman jumped from Hannah's knees and landed in the trunk of Elsa's car. For the first time Elsa noticed her enormous stature, forcing her to be an extra human. "Sofia, move away, you want, I have issues to deal with this couple." Sofia nodded and walked away, pushing the only nearby car to make room for her.

"Free my girlfriend's lips!" Hannah tried to move to punch the mysterious woman, but she was so tired that when she managed to raise her hand the woman was already on the floor walking towards elsa, who was moving backwards while pulling the ice from her lips.


"The winds only bring death and war, do you think you can build your utopia by being so weak?" The woman smiled and disappeared, reappearing behind Elsa and giving her a kick that threw her into the trunk of the car. "Your reflexes are too slow ... I expected more from someone who talks about with such hope and future"

Elsa leaned over the trunk, struggling to regain the air she had lost in the impact. The pain was so much that I do not notice as Hannah jumped out of the car and launched herself at the woman. "I WILL KILL YOU FOR TOUCHING ELSA"

Hannah threw herself with both fists forward, but all she found was her fist falling on the floor with no trace of the woman. "How the hell..."

"By measuring 15 feet you're surprisingly slow you know?" The woman reappeared next to Hannah, and raising her palm to her, released a current of icy wind that sent Hannah 10 feet away. "Slow and helpless ... I expected more from you Hannah..."

"Aggg... who are you...?" Hannah stood up on all fours, noticing the blood falling where the wind had hit. "But... it was just wind..."
"My wind, my ice... my elements in general are loaded with my love for Bahia... if I had wanted I would have broken your ribs..." The woman turned around to grab Elsa's wrist, which had I tried to attack her from behind with a kind of first aid knife. "A backstab... isnt badly thought" Without letting go of her wrist, she lifted her up until she had Elsa face to face. "You're quick thinking, but that will not save you when your life is in danger, you know?


"We havent done anything to you... why are you attacking us..." Elsa could not stop shaking. She was much more afraid than she had with Clay, feeling helpless because she couldnt protect Hannah.

"The reason for attacking you? Give you a lesson" The woman threw Elsa against Hannah, with such force that Hannah could not resist it and fell to the ground again both."In this life... to talk about creating a utopia, one needs not only good intentions, but also strength to make it happen." The woman raised her palm to them again, which began to shine little by little. Elsa noticed that each time that light was more warm, and being completely terrified, she understood that it was some kind of flash.                                          "Without strength to make your dreams come true... without strength to protect you beloved... as far as you plan to go?... It was a miracle that Clay did not kill you both"

"PLEASE NO! IF YOU WANT ME KILL MY BECAUSE OF BAHIA 2.0 FORWARD! BUT HANNAH HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING TO DESERVE THIS!" Elsa threw herself on her knees in front of Hannah, crying and pleading with the little strength she had left.

"Wow... so you're willing to die if you save Hannah in there? How charming... like a fantasy prince" The woman could not hide a half-mocking smile as she continued to accumulate heat.

Hannah stood up with the strength she had left, before the woman's eyes and grabbed "ELSA NO! IF YOUR DIE HERE, NOTHING HAS SENSE FOR ME! I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU"



"...you are... so ridiculous ..." The woman burst out laughing as she destorted all the heat accumulating it, throwing it as a gentle breeze towards Elsa and Hannah. The breeze does not heal the wounds, but it does ease the pain slightly. "You really believe in your dreams .. and you dont intend to separate us... like a disney movie but with a pervert and a geek." The woman sighed as she walked towards Sofia and gave her her phone. "Call Light, her number should be next to the one we gave you, in the Spears section, I need her to go to the emergency headquarters to heal these idiots..."

"You... are you going to forgive us our lives?" Hannah was stunned, completely lost and not knowing how to react.
"FIRST, YOU ATTACK US AND NOW YOU WANT TO HEAL US? WHAT THE HELL? WHAT SHIT HAPPENS TO YOUR HEAD?" Elsa, on the other hand, seemed willing to kill her with her own hands, although the impossibility of it had become clear.

"Shhhh.... Let me introduce myself." The woman took a breath and took out her chest and addressed the couple. "My name is Valeria Moon, leader of G.U.N and member of the round table of the Sun. Your new best friend"

Hannah and Elsa stared at each other for a few seconds before addressing Valeria again "... what?"

Chapter End Notes:

In the description of Valeria, which will be with which there will be the second elementary arc, I will talk longer and more about the magnitude of a vampire's abilities.


Good morning/night to everyone!

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