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Story Notes:

Halloween story and part one of a request for a Mr. Nodrog Stengrad. More to come as the story unfolds.

Author's Chapter Notes:


Hello everyone, glad to see some faces which I have no clue what you look like here. Back with a quick request & Halloween post. I received this a couple months back and to my delay didn't get a chance to make this until now. Thankfully and regretfully, the theme does fit for the Anime i'm writing this for.

Expect a fun read and a good time. Happy Halloween my fellow heathen's, I'll see you soon. But before I go, remember...


Turn off the lights...


Sit back...


Get comfy...


Get back up and remove all cats from the room...


Repeat process's 1-3 in that order...









“Have fun Soul, I’ll see you when you get back!”



Waving to her partner as he flashed her a thumbs up, Maka closed the door behind her before letting out a tired sigh. “A whole weekend to myself… Where to start!” Grinning from ear to ear, the blonde Meister hummed happily as she moved past the living room of their apartment before heading towards the kitchen.


For some reason, Black Star had to go on some kind of a training regime and for who knows what Soul agreed to go with him. She had been waiting all week for her partner to leave, she was getting tired of having to deal with everything that had been going on recently. Speaking of…


Hearing a loud clatter behind her, the teenager frowned before looking over her shoulder. Pouncing around the house, her eyes locked onto Blair as she watched the magical cat chasing something around. “Blair… what is that?” Skidding towards the door, the feline blinked before looking but at her situational owner.


“Oh, morning Maka. A little mousy got into the house… somehow. I’m just trying to catch it.” She winked, before taking off after it once more. Rubbing the bridge of her nose, Maka sighed before continuing where she had left off.


Hopefully, since Soul wasn’t here Blair would be a bit more placid. She seemed to relish taking pleasure in abusing her poor partner… and taunting her to. ‘Not that she knows any better…’ She didn’t even think the cat knew it was bothering her. But, that was a problem for another time.


For the next two days, it was nothing but rest and relaxation for her. No school, no Afreet hunting, no insane teachers, pain in the ass fathers, psychotic friends or anything else that fell under the criteria. Nope, she was going to enjoy herself.


Setting the burner on the stove, Maka hummed once more as she moved around her kitchen to make breakfast for herself and Blair. Cracking a few eggs on the skillet, the Meister continued her gentle dance as minutes ticked by before finishing the meals.


“Hey Blair, I made breakfast. It’s on the kitchen counter alright?” Hearing a loud meow in return, the teenager chuckled to herself before moving over to the living room. Sitting down tiredly, she ate quickly as her free hand moved to the book she had set out the night before.


‘Alright, time to finish you if it’s the last thing I do!’ She had been trying to kill this book for a week now but with all the interruptions in her life, she was beginning to think she wouldn’t. But, it seemed she was starting to earn that time back.


Scooping up the last of her eggs, the blonde swallowed quickly before nudging her plate aside in favor of leaning back on her couch. Crossing her legs as she flipped over to the page where she had left off, the blonde smiled quietly before getting to work.


“HEY GET BACK HERE MOUSY, WE’RE NOT DONE PLAYING!” Hearing a loud crash above her, a vain over the blonde’s brow quickly grew before she sighed softly. ‘Calm down, she’s just a cat chasing a mouse. It’s not like she’s going to do something reckless.’


Hearing another loud crash, Maka’s eyes widened in surprise before growling as she heard a few more yowls in the rooms above her. “Crap, crap, I think I broke it! Is this thing supposed to bend this way?” Snapping her book shut, the blonde rubbed the bridge of her nose before standing back up.


‘Fine, let’s not play around.’ If life wanted to mess with her, fine. She’d get it out of the way early so she could go back to reading in peace. Moving towards the staircase, the blonde stormed up quickly before grinding her teeth as she saw her bedroom door cracked open.


“Blair, what are you doing in my room?!” Shoving her door all the way open, the Meister didn’t know what to expect but she knew by now seeing something like this shouldn’t really surprise her. Balancing on the shelf above her bedframe, the little purple cat stuck her tongue out as she tried to nudge the mouse currently dangling away from her into her maw.


“Al-most, gotcha!” Crying out as she fell forward off her perch, Blair flopped onto the teen's bed before bouncing lightly. “Darn, it got away again!” This was the third time she almost had it! Blinking as a shadow fell over her, the feline looked up now before smiling sheepishly.


“Hi Maka!” Letting out a mew of surprise as she was picked up by the back of her neck, Blair looked back at Maka’s unamused face in confusion. “Something on your mind sweetie?” Glaring back at her, Maka sighed before moving her over to her floor and dropping her on it. “Stop tearing up my room! If you want to be a cat fine, but don’t be so loud! I’m trying to read.” She huffed.


Turning her head to the side, Blair nodded before smiling back at her. “Ok, I’ll try to be stealthier from now on!” Pressing against her temple, the blonde nodded before stepping over her and leaving her room. As she closed her door, however, a loud cry made her cringe.


Parting the door once more, Maka poked her head in as she saw a small pile of cluttered papers on her desk where the cat’s tail was currently sticking out of. ‘I’m not going to have my peace until she catches this thing am I?’ Groaning from the stupid question she asked herself, Maka moved over to her desk before shoving the documents and textbooks off the downed cat as she quietly wailed.


“Owe, owe, owe! Why do books hurt people?” This is why she never read them. Looking around her room, the Meister soon found the mouse in question as the small creature stood on the shelf above her desk. Reaching forward, the tiny thing tried to run but the blonde wasn’t about to play games with it.


Plucking it up swiftly, Maka huffed once again before looking back at a startled Blair. “You have a human form. Next time use it to reach for things in high places!” She literally just spent thirty seconds catching it when Blair had been doing it for the better half of the morning!


Blinking slowly, the cat pouted before sitting upright. “Aww, but that’s no fun! I like chasing cute little mousy’s in my real form and then playing with them in my other one!” She whined. Shaking her head, Maka sighed before moving the mouse over towards Blair’s face.


“Here, just take it already. I’d like to get back to my book if you wouldn't mind.” Looking up at Maka with awestruck eyes, the little cat mewed happily before a puff of purple smoke overtook her. “Thank you, Maka! You’re too good to me~.” She moaned. Waving away the cloud, the blonde Meister soon blushed as she saw the naked cat girl kneeling in front of her expectantly.


Feeling her cheeks light up as she saw Blair’s eyes closed, the Neko held her mouth open as she waited patiently for her reward. Looking down at the mouse in her hand as she dangled it over her mouth, the heat in the teenager's cheeks grew considerably. ‘I-I-Is she really going to make me feed it to her…?’


Cracking open an eye, Blair closed her mouth now before pouting. “Aww, don’t tease meeee! This isn’t the foreplay I enjoy. Please give it to me, I’m so hungry!” She whined before opening her mouth back up. Shivering as she stared down at her very naked cat girl as she began trailing her fingers over her throat, Maka couldn’t help it.


“Ehhh…” Cupping her mouth instantly from her quiet moan, the Meister blushed furiously as her hand let go of the mouse. Hearing a loud wail below her, the blonde shuddered before looking back down. Watching Blair as she made loud and deliberate salacious noises, the purple haired Neko kept her lips parted as she cracked her eyes open.


Watching in shock as she saw the small creature trying to scamper upwards, it soon proved it was indeed trapped. Closing her mouth around it, the cat girl smiled viciously before tilting her head back and swallowing.


Keeping her eyes traced on Blair’s throat as she watched the tiny bulge go all the way down, Maka couldn’t take it. Covering her mouth as she tried to control herself, the blonde quickly turned away to hide her face. ‘G-Get a hold of yourself!’ It was just a mouse! It wasn’t anything special… but why did Blair have to use her human form!


“Oh, Ma-ka~.” Taking a deep breath, the scythe Meister calmed down before turning back around. “What is it Blair-“Screeching as her face was smashed into the Neko’s chest, Blair giggled as she hugged her owners face into her bosoms. “Thanks for the little meal~. He’s wiggling all nice and happy in my widdle tummy!” She cooed, before taking a hold of one of the blonde’s hands and moving it over her bare navel.


Shivering as she felt the older girls belly gurgling, Maka had to quickly push herself back as she felt something thumb against her hand from the inside of the catgirls stomach. Panting softly as she tried to calm down, Make looked back up at Blair as the older woman furrowed her brow.


“Huh? Is everything all right Maka sweetie?” She cooed softly with worry. Covering her eyes as she tried to get the mental images out of her mind, the younger girl nodded before pointing a shaky finger towards her open door. “Y-Y-Yes… everything’s fine. C-Could you please leave now. I-I’d like to get back to what... what I was doing…” She stuttered out softly.


Folding her ears back as she pouted, Blair nodded silently before waving to her. “Ok Maka… I’ll leave you alone now…” She mumbled as her tail fell down between her legs. Ignoring the sad tone she heard, the teenager didn’t dare open her eyes. She couldn’t have another event like this happen. She could already feel its effects on her…


Hearing the door close gently, Maka moved her hand aside before making sure she really was alone. Walking over to the door in a hurry, she made sure to lock it before turning back around, her face entirely red as she began to sweat. ‘T-To close…’ Moaning softly, the teenager blushed considerably as she twisted her legs. She was getting wet… Moving over towards her desk chair, the blonde sat down in a hurry as she turned her computer on.


“Come on, come on, boot up damn it!” She needed to take care of this fast! As her device turned on, the embarrassed girl quickly opened her browser before going to her secret tab she had off to the corner of the screen. It was a good thing she didn’t let Soul into her room. She’d die if he ever saw this. Even if it was her computer she didn’t want to take any chances. No one could find out about her dirty little secret, it was just too humiliating.


Opening the website up, a video soon occupied the screen as the blonde Meister pulled down her checkered skirt. Kicking the garment away, she sat back down flushed before leaning back in her chair. ‘J-Just a quick watch like always… t-then I’ll get back to my book. Y-Y-Yeah…’


Moving her hand over to the mouse, Maka soon paused before blushing harder. “A-And, play…” Letting the video buffer for a moment, a shaky camera came into view as she saw it filming a woman laying on a large red bed, her body as bare as the day she was born.


Looking to be about twenty or twenty-one in age, the naked woman winked to the camera before lifting something into view. Panting as she saw the tiny creature in the woman’s hand, Maka began to pant once again. For the longest time, she had hidden this secret… hidden it from her friends. But, she just couldn’t bear to tell them. She couldn’t bare them finding out her dark and dirty little fetish.


‘Y-Yes…’ Moaning freely as she watched the woman lifting the small creature up over her mouth, Maka panted in bliss as her right hand dug into her panties. She loved seeing this video. She loved seeing this random stranger… playing with another life. She loved seeing it so… powerless. This was the hottest thing she had ever witnessed. And it had been something she watched at least once a day, every day since she discovered it. She just couldn’t kick the habit.


Drooling a bit as she let her tongue hang out, Maka flushed crimson as she fingered herself. This was her favorite part. Lowering the struggling creature into her mouth, the camera zoomed in as it showed it falling towards the back of the woman’s throat.


Thrusting her fingers harder, Maka nodded as she waited for what was about to happen. She had memorized every scene by now but she was always eager to see what was going to happen next! Looking back over to the camera and giving her a wink, almost like the woman was winking at her personally, she soon tilted her head back, and let out a seductive moan, before dooming the thrashing tiny morsel in her mouth, and swallowing it alive.


Crying out in ecstasy, Maka moaned louder then she anticipated before her arched back fell back into her chair, her hand and panties now stained with her excitement. Panting where she sat, the blonde tried to catch her breath but it wasn’t working.


This video did something to her every time. And she could barely breathe after each and every watch. Sighing softly as the four-minute video ended, Maka blushed as she lifted her hand up to close it, only for her cheeks to darken further as she saw them glisten from the computer light, and the shiny fluids coating her digits.


“Gross…” Wiping her hand off on her soiled panties, Maka nodded before closing the tab, erasing her browser history, and hiding the secret area once more before finally shutting her computer back off. Falling against her seat, the blonde’s eyes cracked open as she glanced over at the clock above her.


’10:03 am…’ What a way to start the day… Leaning up, the Meister stretched out her arms before yawning. ‘I guess it’s alright. I can still go back and try to finish my book.’ It wasn’t late or anything. Just, weird. She had never done it this early before.


Kicking her chair back as she rolled away, Maka smiled before standing up and tugging off her panties. Kicking the soggy undergarments to the floor, the blonde moved over towards her dresser to retrieve a fresh pair before pulling her skirt back up as well.


Looking her disheveled state over in the small mirror hanging on the back of her door, Maka nodded before unlocking it and leaving in a hurry. She wanted to get back to the part she left off on. It was getting good before everything that had happened that morning.


As she left her room, the Meister quickly traveled down her staircase… completely unaware that she hadn’t been as alone as she had first thought. Lifting her head out from underneath her blonde owner’s bedsheets, Blair’s face was neutral as she looked around silently.


Hopping off Maka’s bed, and now back in her cat form, the small purple Bombay stalked over to the discarded panties still on the ground before a wide grin spread over her feline features. “Naughty, naughty Maka baby~. Now it’s time for me to play~.” She giggled.


Leaning down and giving the panties a preemptive taste, Blaire licked her lips, before leaving the room as well. She had to plan now. One way or another, now that she knew Maka’s *little* secret, she was going to have a lot of fun with her…




Whether she wanted it or not…




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _





“Makaaaaaa~, oh Maka cutie~. Come on, wakey, wakey my little Maka Mousy~.”



Hearing the constant prodding of Blair’s voice hanging over her head as she slept, Maka groaned quietly before cracking open her tired eyes. ‘Did I fall asleep?’ She was just reading her book, wasn’t she? It was unlike her to nod off to stories like that.


Yawning, the blonde leaned up before rubbing her eyes. “Hey, what time is it Blair? Blair?” Blinking slowly, Maka looked around before her eyes quickly hardened. Shaking off all fatigue in an instant, Maka stood up abruptly as her instincts kicked in.


She wasn’t in her apartment anymore… or, was she? Turning her head around as she observed the room she was in, the Meister felt a chill run down her spine. Everything in her living room looked the same… but there was one stark contrast. Everything was huge.


Looking all around as she observed her surroundings, the blonde nodded now as she saw the belongings she and her partner owned. This was an exact replica of her apartment, but gigantic in comparison. If it was a fake, it was certainly a good one. She didn’t see a single thing off about it… well, except her. Even the same book she had been reading rested on the large cushions beside her not far off.


Looking down at herself and then back to her surroundings another shiver traveled over the teenager now. ‘Maybe nothing’s changed… maybe, it’s just me…’ Could she have shrunk? It made the most sense since everything else seemed to be exact to scale but her.


The question then would be, why did she shrink? Or better yet, how? Letting her mind do the work for her, the blonde’s brow furrowed before the troubled look she wore soon shifted into one of rage. “BLAAAAAAIR!” Hearing a happy meow right above her, Maka looked up before stiffening.


Resting in her usual form as she lounged on the back of the couch, the purple cat stared back at her happily as her tail swung lightly behind her. ‘E-Even she looks huge…’ If she had to compare her height to the cat's, then she guessed she was only about 2 inches in measurements. She was so tiny…


Blushing at the startling realization, the blonde shoved the strange rush of excitement she felt aside in favor of anger. “BLAIR! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!” Staring down at the teensy girl as she pointed an accusatory finger her way, Blair couldn’t help but giggle.


“Aww, is my little Maka mousy angry at me? But I thought you wanted to be like this? After all… that little video you showed me earlier seemed to make you really happy~.” She purred. Feeling the breath in her lungs hitch, Maka’s eyes shot open to new proportions as they beaded. ‘N-N-No way…’ She locked the door, and… and she erased her history! How did Blair know about it?!


Staring back at the shivering teen as she began to sweat, Blair’s smile widened. “And here I thought you wanted to have some fun~. You looked so cute today with your tongue hanging out like an animal in heat. I figured you’d thank me for going out of my way to make your dreams the real deal.” She mewed.


Cupping her mouth, Maka was horrified. Not by what Blair had said but by the fact… someone knew about her dirty little secret. ‘N-No…’ She couldn’t. No one could. It was wrong! Trembling on the sofa as she felt her fears rising, a small pool of tears began to form under the Meister’s eyes.


‘S-She knows…’ If anyone knew… her reputation would be ruined. Her social life would be shot… her partner, what would Soul think too?! Noticing the panicked state Maka was in, Blair quickly stood up. “H-Hey, why are you crying Maka?! I did this so we could have fun, not to tease you or anything!” She whined.


Ignoring her words, Maka shook her head as tears streamed down her cheeks. “I… I… I d-don’t like that stuff! It’s wrong!” She stammered out loudly. Feeling herself bounce as the ground shook, the teenager fumbled for a moment before feeling her breath hitch once more.


Landing in front of the smaller girl, Blair pouted as she sat in front of the shrunken Meister. “Don’t lie to me, Maka… I’m not judging you, you know. All I did was shrink you so you and I could have some fun. After all, I liked what you did for me earlier this morning.” Blair grinned.


Staring back up at the cat wordlessly, Maka felt her cheeks darkened before she looked away. “B-B-Blair, I-I don’t… I don’t like it… I-I swear…” She stuttered out horribly. Sighing, the magical kitten pouted before shaking her head. “No, you still don’t get it. I love what we watched this morning Maka baby. I’m into playing with shrunken things too.” She giggled.


Looking back at Blair in surprise, the blonde frowned knowing she was kind of telling the truth. But, it wasn’t the same… was it? She was a cat. Cats liked to hunt. What she liked… well… Staring down at the ground, Maka shivered before shaking her head.


“C-Can you please change me back Blair… and, and promise me you won’t tell anyone about this. I can’t let anyone find out about that video. It was a mistake… I-I’m really not-“ Pausing as she was cut off by a puff of purple smoke, Maka coughed briefly as she fanned away the hazy mist.


“Now, now my little Maka mousy~. I told you not to lie to your Blair. If you keep doing that… I might just have to punish you~.” As the smoke began to vanish, the teenager froze as her face began to brighten considerably. Gazing up into Blair’s eyes as the cat girl sat in front of her completely bare, Maka felt her voice completely gone. She was no longer in the presence of a cat... but a giantess...


Trembling as she looked on at the purple haired titan in front of her, anything else she could say would be completely useless. It was in fact, a lie after all. “Ehhh…” Covering her mouth in dismay, Maka clenched her eyes shut as she tried to control herself. But, it wasn’t working.


Twitching her ears, Blair leaned her head down as she let her breasts hover over the blonde completely eclipsing the light from up above. “Aww, did my widdle Maka baby moan just now? Is it because of the giant cutie Blair? You do like it, I knew it~.” Blair giggled.


Keeping her eyes clenched tightly, Maka shook her head but she couldn’t say anything else to defend herself. Blair was right. She was getting turned on again. Pressing her thighs together as she ground her legs, the teenager felt more tears escape her. This was humiliating!


“Aww, don’t cry Maka sweetie~. Blair isn’t going to say a single word of this to anyone. I promise. This will just be our, *little* secret.” She giggled her own play of words amusing her greatly. ‘S-She won’t tell anyone?’ She just promised…


Cracking open an eye carefully, Maka shifted her gaze up to Blair’s hanging breasts before feeling her legs shaking beneath her. ‘S-She does look cute…’ Would she think less of her now knowing that she was into this? It wasn’t just one fetish but many! Giant woman… being shrunken… having her freedom taken away… those were just a couple of the things she loved. Would the purpled haired Neko really understand?


“Besides, I’ve wanted to do this to you for a long time~,” Blair whispers huskily, her mouth resting right in front of the stiffening girl. Opening her eyes slowly as she looked back at Blair in shock, the Neko licked her lips as they watched one another. “Y-You… you have?”


Purring happily, Blair nodded her head before winking at her. “Uh huh~. I’ve been trying to thank you for a while now for letting me stay with you and Souly. I make sure to greet him every morning with a great big hug! But you… you don’t like it when I hug you usually.” She pouted before her smiled returned once more.


“Nope, you wanted something else. So this kitty’s been watching you Maka-poo~. I’ve seen what you’re into and I approve. I love the feeling of little mice running away from me~. But, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to play with a teensy tiny human instead. And you’ve just made my fantasy come true.” She mewed happily before blowing against the shuddering girl.


Falling to her knees as the Neko’s breath washed over her, Maka breathed it in before panting. ‘S-S-She wants to play with me… I, I couldn’t possibly stop her either.’ It was like a fantasy perfectly written out. A perverted, sick, fantasy… Why was she so excited?!


Moving one of her shivering hands down towards the hem of her skirt, the blonde bit her lips as she tried to resist. This was wrong in so many ways. Eying the teenager as she tried in vain to ignore her words, Blair continued to purr as she licked her lips.


“I decided to try and find out what else you like Maka but you’ve hidden you secret life from everyone so well. I couldn’t even find that video you were watching earlier! Too bad, I wanted to see it again… But, that’s ok. It just means I get to experiment with you… and see what turns you on the most. Congratulations Maka… you’re now just my glorified cat toy~.” She moaned out.


Panting harder, Maka blushed heavily as she felt her body starting to heat up. Why did she have to belittle her now?! And why was this adding onto the feelings she was already confused about? Eyeing her closely, Blair giggled as she saw her playfully cruel words being taken how she had hoped. It seemed her Maka was a little subby all along. That was perfect for her though. It was time to find out just how much she could control the smaller girl.


“Well, what are you waiting for cutie? Strip!” Blair snapped, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she relished in the look of horror the smaller girl wore. Gazing back at Neko speechlessly, Maka blushed harder as she glanced down at her clothes. ‘She’s making me s-strip for her…?’


Grinding her legs back and forth, the blonde Meister whimpered before looking back at Blair only to flinch from the glare she was being given. “Well? I’m waiting!” Clenching her fists, the smaller girl bit her lower lip as she began to move slowly.


‘N-No, I-I-I can’t do this…’ She shouldn’t be doing this… so why was her skirt already off? Letting the checkered garment fall past her knees, Maka couldn’t look up at the older woman as she began tugging on her shirt next. She was being controlled, she had to be! There was just no way… no way this was actually… turning her on…


Being commanded by a giantess… it, it was… “Ehhhh!” Letting out a sharp moan as she dropped her yellow shirt to the couch beneath her, Maka felt tears pool under her eyes as she stood in her plain white bra and panties before the naked… no, before, her, naked Blair…


Smiling approvingly at the show of submissiveness, Blair clicked her tongue before shaking her head. “Did I say stop mousy? Now the rest~.” Shivering silently, Maka soon nodded as she moved her hands around her back before pulling the clips apart that held her bra on.


Slipping her arms through and letting it fall forward, Maka panted quietly as the visible wet stain in her panties began to grow. “B-B-Blair… c-can I at least keep on my pant-“ Cutting off the smaller girl as she slammed her hand down beside her tossing the girl into the air as she screamed, Blair shook her head slowly as her piercing eyes bore into her.


“Do not disobey your cute giant Mistress! If I say strip you strip Maka! If you disobey me again… I’ll just have to eat you like the little mousy you are…” She warned. Feeling her blood run cold, Maka’s eyes widened to new proportions as she looked up at Blair speechlessly. She had never heard her use a tone like that... It was so hot!


Licking her lips slowly, the purple haired cat girl opened her mouth wide as she wiggled her tongue around for the smaller girl to see. Gazing back into her opened maw, Maka was roused now much to her embarrassment. Her mouth… she could feel her hot breath wafering out over her. It felt… wonderful…


Gazing back down at her dampening panties, Maka clenched her eyes shut before whimpering louder. Moving her hands away from her bare breasts, the Meister hooked her thumbs under her undergarments before giving them a sharp tug downward.


Letting the slickened piece of cloth fall down her legs, the blonde felt a rush of excitement the likes of which she had never experienced before. She was completely naked, in the presence of someone else. Just how depraved could she get? Flicking her tail back and forth approvingly, Blair chuckled as she watched Maka standing at attention. ‘Just like the good obedient pet you truly are.’ The Neko grinned.


She always wanted to have her very own plaything. Who knew Maka was such a willing participant all this time. She could have been having so much fun with her from the start! Smiling lasciviously, the cat girl soon rose as she kneeled in front of the smaller girl. She’d just have to make up for lost time it seemed. And she knew right where to start.


Arching her back happily, Blair soon leaned forward before slamming her hands down on either side of the shrunken girl trapping her between them much to her shock. Sweating as she watched the giantess hovering over her, all Maka could see were the two mountainous orbs dangling over her. Gazing up at Blair’s breasts as they hung perfectly, no sag or presence of gravity required it seemed, the blonde could only marvel.


‘I-Is this what Soul feels like whenever he sees them…?’ Moving a hand slowly towards her crotch, the miniature Meister tried to touch her aching quim, but a sharp hiss from the Neko froze her in her place. “No! Bad Maka! You don’t get to touch yourself until I say so! Mousy’s listen to their kitty Mistress’s or else they get eaten!” She snapped angrily.


Whimpering in pain, Maka nodded weakly as she pulled her hand back. She wanted nothing more than to touch herself. She had never been as turned on in her life as she was now. The video she watched religiously… it was nothing, compared to what she was feeling now. She was living her fantasy’s out… and it seemed Blair was deriving great pleasure from giving them to her.


Perhaps… playing along wouldn’t be so bad. Gulping as she made up her mind, as hard as that was, Maka, nodded. “Yes... M-Mistress Blair.” Grinning from ear to ear, Blair began lowering her chest down now as she felt her own excitement beginning to rise. She loved her human form, it made feeling's like this, all the more, arousing.


“Good girl~. Now here’s your reward for being my obedient little toy~.” She cooed. Looking up at Blair wordlessly, Maka soon paled as she saw the cat girl’s breasts lowering over her. ‘I-Is she going to crush me?!’ Panicking as her survival instincts kicked in, Maka tried to move out of the way quickly… but, her legs, why were they frozen!


Gulping as she felt her knee’s shaking beneath her, Maka shook her head. ‘S-She’s not going to h-hurt me…’ So that meant she had nothing to fear. So why was she so scared then?! As the two massive orbs of flesh fell over her now, the teenager said nothing, before finally closing her eyes.


She couldn’t run even if she wanted to. This was simply too much for her to process. And the pain between her legs was overriding her sense of survival. She was completely at Blair’s mercy. Falling down onto the couch as she pressed her bosoms into the comfy sofa, Blair mewed happily as she bounced on her chest.


“Aww, much better~. How does it feel my little Maka mousy? Do you like it?” Blair inquired sweetly. Feeling something struggling between her breasts, the cat girl purred as she enjoyed the pleasant sensations she was receiving. “Mmm, meow~, I think you do like them! Well, guess what… there all yours tonight baby. Your Mistress is feeling generous. I’ll make sure that you get to play with each, and, every part of my beautiful body~. I'll give you the full tour~.” She moaned with pride.


She was going to pay Maka back for all her kindness, even if she had to get a little rough for her… not that she cared. She liked it rough! Gasping for air as she small pockets came and went, Maka, panted as she felt the sweltering heat all around her from the Neko’s gigantic breasts. They felt so soft and plump. They were nothing like her own. Wiggling around as she tried to move her arms at all, the Meister whined as she found she couldn’t so much as lift a finger in her current state.


She was being sandwiched completely… and she loved every moment of it. Nuzzling her face into the cat girl’s chest, the teenager shuddered as she enjoyed the sticky warmth all around her. Was Blair sweating? This should be gross but it was turning her on even more.


Feeling the pressure around her suddenly tighten, the shrunken girl didn’t know what to expect from her cozy prison but the sudden feeling of her body compacted caught her off guard. She was being squeezed too tight!


Pressing on the outside of her breasts, Blair grinned evilly as she pushed them as hard as she could together before grinding them back and forth and up and down. “So cute, I can feel you struggling! You’re such a cute little mousy Maka, I love it!” She wailed happily.


Wrapping her arms around her chest as she tried to tighten her hold, the magical cat let out a mew as she felt all struggles ceasing. ‘You can’t move, can’t breathe… you’re complexly at my mercy~.’ This was so hot! Thankfully though her magic made Maka durable enough for this. She wanted to get much rougher as the night went on… amongst other things…


Crying out in discomfort, Maka grit her teeth as she felt her body being crushed, this was too intense! Blair’s breasts, they felt so soft, but the force behind them was grinding her so hard! She was going to break at this size. Sobbing into the giantess as she felt her body restricted beyond her control, there was nothing the blonde Meister could do, but wait until Blair was finished. She was powerless to her…


As she sat on the couch, different ideas crossed the Cat girl’s mind, much just as perverted as this, but, she promised Maka she’d get a full tour of her body… perhaps a literal one was in order. Licking her lips, the Neko smiled darkly before letting her breasts go.


Looking down between her bosoms as she saw the teenager plastered to her skin, Blair giggled softly. “Aww, does my little Mousy love her kitty cat this much? You’re too sweet!” She cooed teasingly before pinching the shrunken girl by her midsection and pulling her off.


Panting as she was exposed to fresh air, Maka coughed as she tried to catch her breath. ‘I-I’m not dead…?’ She was in there for so long though, and she couldn’t breathe… what happened? Looking towards Blair for answers to her wordless question, the cat girl simply smiled back at her, a perverse look dancing across her features.


“That confused look on your face is soooo cute Maka mousy~. I love seeing you like this… so weak, and so helpless. Why don’t you let your Blair help you?” She purred gutturally before lifting the shrunken girl over her head.


Breathing deeply as she watched the naked giantess wordlessly, Maka was speechless as she felt a wave of familiarity pass over her. She… she felt like she had seen this before. Raising the teenager over her lips, Blair blew on the naked girl gently, letting her warm breath wash over her damp body.


Sniffing her breath shamelessly as she felt herself being turned on further, Maka had to resist the urge not to touch herself once again. It was much harder now though. The way Blair was looking at her… the way she was moving closer towards her lips. The way she was opening her mouth, exposing her pink inner throat… the scent of the food she had eaten earlier still lingering from her unwashed mouth…


Feeling her eyes suddenly widen, Maka paled. It finally dawned on her why this seemed like Deja vu… Blair was acting out the video she had been worshiping, scene for scene. Pursing her lips as she gave the Meister a kiss in the air along with a wink, the Neko opened her mouth back up before she began lowering the smaller girl towards her mouth.


‘S-S-She really did see it to…’ Trembling, the blonde felt a feeling unlike any other at this moment. It felt, pleasant. Like she was being accepted for her shameful act. Sniffling as a small trail of tears peeked from her eyes, Maka smiled as she felt Blair’s breath bath her, as she fully entered the catgirls mouth.


Moving Maka into her waiting maw, the purple haired kitty smirked before letting go. Eeping as she slipped from the older girls fingers, the shrunken girl grunted as she bounced off of Blair’s springy tongue before laying there in a daze. She was speechless. She was really inside a giantess' mouth...


Resting on her back as she slowly slid around, the Meister slowly started to smile as she looked at the roof of her friend’s mouth. ‘T-Thank you…’ This… this was a dream come true. No longer being able to contain herself, Maka’s hand moved towards her quim as she fervently began to stroke herself. Orders be damned… she needed to now. It hurt so much!


Hearing the squeaking moans from inside her mouth, Blaire’s open mouth curled into a smile before she stood up slowly as to not disturb her… enthusiastic mousy. Making her way towards the bathroom, the purple haired cat girl looked at her reflection in the mirror as she felt herself growing excited now too.


She could see her Maka, moaning passionately on her tongue as she fingered herself senseless. She looked too adorable! Moving her delicate fingers down her stomach, the Neko soon rested them over her trimmed neither lips before idly touching her outer lips.


‘We’re going to have a lot of fun tonight Maka, yes we are~.’ Giggling from her perverse thoughts, her laughter soon brought the Meister’s attention back to her present. Blinking as she continued to touch herself, the blonde looked up slowly before feeling her breath hitch.


She could see herself… s-she was masturbating on a giantess’s tongue… and she could see it happening, thanks to the mirror in front of her. Crying out as she began to finger herself harder, Maka grit her teeth as she drove her fingers into her quim viciously. This was the hottest thing she had ever seen! Not even the video she watched earlier had anything on this.


She felt like her soul was resonating all on its own! Or, perhaps it was Blair’s she was resonating with. Gazing up at the loving smile Blair was giving her back as she kept her mouth open for her to watch, Maka smiled back at her weakly.


‘M-Mistress…’ Almost as if her thoughts had been said aloud, Blair giggled softly as she moved her free hand up to her breast. Giving her firm chest a squeeze, the Neko smiled lewdly as she played with her pert nipple. She could watch this all day. But, it didn’t look like Maka had that long. In fact, she was already finishing up. Maybe she should give her a hand before she did…


Crying out in surprise as she was shoved backward, the shrunken blonde tried to look outside of the Neko’s mouth but Blair’s tongue was rising above her. Kicking her feet a bit as her legs were spread apart, the teenager wanted to know what was going on, but, she soon figured it out. Her kitty wanted to play with her…


Letting out a raspy moan, Maka’s eyes rolled back as she felt Blair’s tongue slap into her aching quim. Pushing the smaller girl into the roof of her mouth, the naked giantess leaned back into the wall behind her as she toyed with the helpless girl currently writhing between her teeth.


She could taste something in her mouth now other than the shrunken girl. She was close. Purring as she drove her tongue harder into her captive pet, Blair’s ears twitched as a high pitched wail echoed out from inside her humid chasm.


Screaming as she felt her climax arrive, no subtlety was there as Maka bucked into the pink organ between her legs. This, this was euphoria. This was heaven! Letting out gasping cries as her high lasted longer than any she had ever had, the pleasurable peek soon fell off before the blonde flopped into Blair’s tongue, her strength all but gone as she felt drained completely.


She felt, perfect. Feeling drops of Blair’s spit fall onto her naked form, Maka bathed in them as she smiled happily. “Thank you Bla-, M-Mistress… T-Thank you…” She muttered out weakly. Her whole body, it was tingling wonderfully. She could stay like this forever…


Feeling her limp form being shifted around inside of the cat girl’s mouth, Maka was soon laid back completely as she was positioned away from the Neko’s teeth. “Did you like it mousy? Did you like your kitty playing with you? Did you like being Blair’s cat toy? Hmm?” Blair taunted cheekily as her own fingers continued to stroke her folds.


Nodding tiredly as she felt the giant tongue wiggling beneath her, Maka smiled as she heard Blair’s voice thundering all around her. She was in her mouth after all, but, it didn’t hurt. She was talking low enough so it wouldn’t… just for her… Turning her head to the side, the teenager blushed faintly before leaning her lips down.


Kissing Blair on her tongue, the Meister knew she probably couldn’t feel her little act of affection, but, it was more for her anyways. “Well guess what my Maka mousy? I promised to give you a full tour of my body… but, I never said it would be from the outside…” She whispered her voice nearly to faint for even the blonde to hear.


‘F-Full, tour…?’ Wondering what the magical cat was talking about, she didn’t have to think hard on it very long. Feeling her eyes grow wide, Maka looked up in an instant as she started sliding backward. “B-B-Blair?!” Gripping onto the spongy tongue she laid on, the Meister soon panicked. She was tilting her head back!


Raising her chin in the air, Blair’s lips curled into a Cheshire like grin as she closed her mouth, sealing both the darkness and Maka inside it. If she wanted to experience what it was like to be her helpless pray, then she had better be prepared for the consequences afterward. She was a predator after all. And she had a delicious little toy already slipping into the back of her throat. She was now, simply… her food…


Screaming as she slid down the slippery wet appendage she found herself on, Maka’s eyes were wide as she looked all around the pitch black cavern she was trapped in. “B-Blair! Blair wait! M-M-Mistress!” Screaming for the Neko to stop, the teen’s plea’s fell on deaf ears as her grip on the rigid tongue, was finally lost.


Falling backward, Maka cried as she hit the back of Blair’s throat before gravity began to pull her downward. “BLAIR, P-PLEASE, HELP ME! BLAIR! BLAAAAAAIR!” Tracing the bulge in her throat, the purple haired cat girl gulped as she felt, and heard, the tiny screams and struggles of her owner, all the way down past her throat, and, then there was nothing...


Lowering her head back down, the Neko licked her lips before sighing happily. “Thanks for the meal, my little Mousy~.” Looking back at her reflection in the mirror, Blair moved her index finger over her tummy before tracing light circles over her navel. She could already picture it. She could see the horrified look on Maka’s face, once she landed in her belly.


It was turning her on so much! Biting her lower lip, the Magical kitten purred happily before bringing her damp fingers up to her lips. Tasting her own excitement for what was to come, Blair mewed before strutting out of the bathroom and back into the Livingroom she had been in before.


Jumping into the air and bouncing on the couch, the cat girl giggled knowing her every movement had to be jarring Maka inside her. Hopefully, though her stomach was thick enough for her voice not to be heard. After all, the fun was only just beginning.


Reaching over the side of the couch, Blair picked up the phone before dialing the all too familiar number she used whenever she wanted to have a little fun.  Waiting for the ring to end, a bubbly voice soon answered perking Blair up immediately. She was hoping she, in particular, would answer it first.


“Hellooooo~ 'b34;'?” Giggling, Blair smiled in her usual cat-like fashion. “Hey, Patty its Blair~, meow~. How are you and Lizzy doing?” Hearing an excited squeal on the other end, the Neko purred happily back. She always loved talking with the Thompson sisters. They brought some interesting antics to her usual brand of fun… and she had just the idea for tonight. She wasn’t done with Maka yet. Oh no, she had much more in store for the conflicted Meister.


“We’re doin good! We’re going out tonight! You should totally come with us! Kid’s not here though… But, Liz says she wants to go drinking~.” She cooed on the other end. Licking her lips, Blair bit her lip as she had to stifle a happy moan. Things were lining up much better then she could have planned.


“Oh, that sounds perfect! But… why not you two come over to our place tonight? I’ll provide the drinks, and we can play~. Little Souly isn’t here for the whole weekend and Maka… well, I’ll show you the surprise when you get here, kay?” Hearing a thoughtful hum on the other end, a bubbly laughter was soon heard before she could hear Patty yelling something to her sister.


“Alright, Liz is on board! We’ll be over tonight! Oh, wait… Alright! Liz says to make sure to bring the strong stuff, she’s in a funny mood!” Patty laughed. Licking her lips, Blair nodded before saying her goodbyes. Tossing the phone onto the couch, the Neko purred to herself before leaning back and relaxing.


“Aww, did you hear that my Maka mousy? Probably not… but, you’re going to have some friends come over soon. I can’t wait~, meooow~.” Patting her belly, Blair stretched out on the couch tiredly before moving her right hand down past her navel and a little south of there before gently fingering herself.


Just thinking about all the games she was going to play tonight was making her wet. A quick pet couldn’t hurt. Besides, she had to kill time before Maka came out anyways. But, she doubted the girl would be happy when she did. Too bad pray didn’t have a say in the matter.




“Sleep tightly Maka baby~. We’ll be seeing more of each other very soon 'b34;'…”




To be continued.

Chapter End Notes:


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... Not, Finito.


No, the request portion of this story has yet to come. I planned on doing this as a two chapter kind of deal, but, time isn't on my side regretfully. So, expect a part two to come, and yes, it will be before next Halloween, I assure you.


Once again, Happy Halloween to my loyal fans.


Until next time, stay spooky :3


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