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Lily held a very tiny knife in her hands. "I won't lie. I've never crafted one of these before" Lily said. "A soul gem?" Keith asked. "Yeah. Mother told me how though as to keep with tradition. Long ago, Fae would craft these to hold the fragments of the souls of their mates. Blood shed by their mate would be crystallized and the fragment of their soul would contain it. This way one would always be with the other no matter how far apart. Similar to how humans exchange wedding rings. In this case I have to modify the spell. Normally I'd use Aspen's blood but I fear hers is tainted by the curse. Instead we will use the combination of blood shed by those who love her. Who will be first?" Lily asked. Ritchie stood forward facing her. "You're very brave. This will sting" she said. Lily held his hand and cut his tiny palm letting his blood drip into the bowl.


Ritchie flinched but that was it. He didn't cry or shed tears. He was determined to bear with this pain if it meant helping someone he adored. Lily healed his hand with her magic and ushered another. Rebecca was next and then Thomas. The husband and wife took it in stride remembering how Aspen cared for them for so many years. Claire was next. Claire let her blood mix and when Lily went to heal her Claire pulled back. Claire clenched her fist hard making her bleed more. Her sweat on her face was clear she was in more pain than the others. "That's enough" Lily said. "No" Claire said. Her tiny legs trembled. "Claire that's enough!" Aspen screamed. Lily held her arm forcefully as she healed Claire. Rebecca held her daughter who was very distraught. Lily cut Keith's finger and let the drops of blood fall into the bowl.


"I'm surprised you didn't shrink down for this" Lily said. "The size watch changes the user at the atomic level. I don't want anything fucking this up" he said. "Fair enough. Now to craft" she said. Lily held he hands out over the tiny bowl and an orb of blood rose into the air in front of her. Lily looked like she was glowing as magic began wafting out of her and touching the blood. "My god..." Thomas muttered. Lily began chanting in a foreign tongue and the orb began to implode. Smaller and smaller it got until it was small enough to fit in a borrower’s hand. Then a flash of light and the orb was now a dull red marble. "That's a soul gem? Looks like a ball of clay" Ritchie said. Because it doesn't have a soul in it. Now the really hard part" Lily said. They all knew what she meant. "I'll be doing it. Nobody else should risk...if it goes wrong only I have to live with it" he muttered.


They wanted as tiny Aspen walked to the large bowl of ice water. Keith picked her up and gently put her in. Immediately, Aspen gasped as the shock of cold water hit her system. It felt like being poked by thousands of icy needles. "Aspen I need you to breathe as much as you can. Get your blood oxygenated" Keith said. Aspen nodded and took sharp breaths. Her instincts told her to get the fuck out but she floated right there. The bowl deeper that she was tall. Even her numbing little toes didn't reach bottom. It was a terrible four minutes that had to wait as hypothermia set in. "Can't...feel arms or legs" Aspen chattered. Her skin was turning blue and the girl was nodding off. "Now or never Keith" Lily said. "All of you turn away. Nobody has to see this" he said. They all turned away but Claire. Rebecca spun her around forcefully. "God have mercy on us" he prayed as he took his middle finger and pushed Aspen under. A few seconds passed and Aspen awoke frantic. Her body told her she was drowning and she fought. Keith felt her clawing at his fingertip desperate. He looked at her expression. Fear, panic, and as the last bubbles of air escaped her lungs and mouth, understanding. A look Keith would never forget.


"LET ME GO! Let me go! PLEASE!" Claire shrieked fighting to go save her. Her family held her as best they could and Claire watched as the sound of moving water got still. Keith was pressing on Aspen harder squeezing out the last bit of air. Then Aspen went still and when Keith took his finger off her, she stayed sunken at the bottom of the cereal bowl. Claire ran to the bowl and climbed up. "ASPEN!" Claire screamed. Keith yanked her off and held her in his fist. Claire struggled and cursed him. "ENOUGH!" he yelled. His voice causing her hair to fly back it was so powerful. "Why are you so..." she was saying. She was going to say so heartless until she saw his eyes. Pain, pain in a way no word could describe. "Lily" Keith said looking at her. "Almost...another minute. Her soul is beginning to leave her body" she said. Another minute had passed and Claire and Keith stared at Aspen's drowned body. "For the love of God" Keith hissed. "It's starting! Get her out!" Lily said. Keith snatched her up out of the frozen water and laid her tiny naked and icy blue dead body on the table. Rebecca cried quietly in Thomas' shoulder. 


Lily rushed over to Aspen and waited. "There you are you fucker" Lily said waving her fingers. A small spark of light became visible and touching it was a creepy black smoke thing. Lily held up the soul gem and Aspen's soul began to be sucked into it. The cursed smoke wafted around Aspen's form. "Come you bastard. Her soul is gone. Give it up" Lily hissed. The smoke left Aspen and disappeared into nothingness. "Time to revive her! I'll use magic to shock her heart. You breathe!" Lily yelled before handing the now brilliant looking soul gem to Rebecca. "My god Thomas. Never seen anything so beautiful. It's warm and shinning like a tiny red star" Rebecca muttered.   Claire sprinted over to Aspen franticly. "Claire no! In your state you could crush her ribcage accidentally! I'll do it!" Keith yelled as he shrank down.


"One one thousand two one thousand three! Clear!" Keith yelled after breathing into Aspen's mouth. Lily place her hand between Aspen's small tits and a spark of lightning escaped from her palm. Aspen jerked. Keith breathed once more and Lily shocked her again. "Come on baby. It’s not your time yet!" Keith said breathing and pushing on her chest. Lily shocked her once again more forcefully. So hard Aspen's toes clenched and her teeth rattled. "You will not leave us! DON'T LEAVE THIS STAIN ON MY SOUL!" Keith screamed as he pushed air into her lungs. Lily shocked her once again and this time Aspen coughed out water and opened her eyes. Oddly, that's all she did. She just laid there shivering but not moving. " She needs her soul! The gem quickly!" Lily said. Rebecca handed the gem over to her mother and that's when their luck ran out.


It began to crack and vibrate. "Oh shit!" Lily yelled pushing the gem to Aspen. Just before it made contact with her skin, the gem shattered with a flash of blinding light. Lily's hands were bleeding as she fell to her knees. "I'm sorry. So sorry" Lily muttered. "What the...what the fuck happened?!" Claire yelled. "I was afraid of this. Soul gems aren't meant to hold an entire soul. Just a fragment. The gem was already compromised because we couldn't use Aspen's blood. Holding her soul was too much for it and it popped like a balloon" Lily said. They all looked at Aspen who was still shivering but showing signs of being okay...physically. Claire got close to Aspen and looked into her face. Normal albeit some blueness in her lips. But something seemed off about her eyes. Even though Aspen looked back at her, Claire sensed something was off. "How do you feel?" Claire asked. "Cold" Aspen replied.


Claire rubbed her arms and legs for her. "You scared me so bad sweetie" Claire said kissing her. Aspen didn't return the kiss. In fact, she didn't even act like she had been kissed. Keith checked her eyes and watched them follow him. "Doesn't seem to be brain damage" he said. Lily was healing her hands but was watching the whole thing with sadness. Keith pushed her wet hair out of her face and put his forehead to hers lovingly. Aspen didn't react except look at him with no emotion. "Aspen?" he asked. "No matter how many times you show affection to her, she won't react" Lily said.


Ritchie who had been just watching rushed to Aspen. "I love you Aspen! I love you! I...will you even smile?" Ritchie asked. Aspen cocked her heard looking at the borrower boy. "Smile!" he yelled crying. Aspen did smile but it was a creepy one. Like she was wearing a mask with a smile drawn on it. Ritchie broke down crying and hugging Aspen. "Come on" Rebecca said pulling the boy off Aspen. Thomas and Rebecca took Ritchie away leaving the others. "Fuck is wrong with her?!" Claire screamed. "She doesn't have a soul child!" Lily yelled. "Emotions aren't just chemical reactions in your brain. Your soul drives them."


"In easy to understand terms. The soul is like the product key for software. Your brain is the hardware. Motherboard, disk drive, processors. Your mind the software. Memories, instincts, how to process stimuli. And your soul gives voice to emotions and instincts. Love, hate, anger, joy, sadness, are all products of your soul. Your soul feels them and your brain translates it into emotions. Without a soul, Aspen won't feel anything no matter how much you hug and kiss her. Worse yet...she lost her free will. She won't do anything unless told to. She's...she's no more than a living puppet now" Lily said. Claire took Lily by her shoulders roughly. Then give her her fucking soul back!" Claire screamed. "You think we'd be standing here like this if I could?! The gem exploded and her soul escaped. I don't even know if it's still around" Lily said waving her arms. Claire slumped to the table.


"So we're screwed" Keith said looking at Aspen. "I have to think. I know her soul didn't ascend. It never got the chance..." Lily said before getting dizzy. She fell to the table and passed out. Lily awoke later in Claire's room. She left it and found everyone except Claire, Keith, and Aspen in the living room. "You awake?" Thomas asked. "Apparently so. Passed out due to the amount to magic I unleashed. The others?" she asked. "Claire is sleeping in Aspen's room. Keith said he had to sedate her" Rebecca said. Lily felt bruises on her shoulders where Claire held her. "Sorry mom" Rebecca said looking at them. "Don't be. I should've done better. Even though she's alive, it might've been better if she had died" Lily muttered. Ritchie got up and went to his room slamming the door. "It has been a long time since I've seen a human touch a tiny persons lives so intimately" Lily said.


"Aspen is one in a million. She touched all our lives in some way. Ritchie wouldn't even be alive today if it wasn't for her. She's family" Thomas replied. Rebecca cried and her husband consoled her. Lily left the home solemnly. She found Keith and Aspen eating dinner. "How is she?" Lily asked. "I had to tell her to eat. She wouldn't do it by herself" Keith replied. "And Claire?" she asked. Keith put his fork down. "Asleep upstairs. Too much stress on the baby" he replied sharply. "I know I failed you" Lily said to him. Keith looked at her with a despondent gaze. "This...this would be more accepting if she had stayed drowned. At least there would've been finality to it" he said. Lily sat on his plate. She took a sliver of pork chop to eat.


"You're all angry with me but not one of you considered how I feel about this. How it feels to have those that counted on you to save someone lost. I just learned to hold the pain in. My eighth child, Kenneth, was everything to me. I swore I'd keep him alive after losing his brothers and sisters. One day when he was 8 years old, he took notice of a human girl his age playing in the sand. I was terrified of it and rushed to save him. The girl smiled at us as I dragged him away and Kenneth cried and pouted that I got in the way of making a friend. The boy was lonely, and I felt conflicted. The girl returned day after day leaving candies for him hoping he'd return. I relented and let him see her"


"It was sweet really. She'd hold and pet him. Smile and laugh. Then Kenneth screamed in pain. The girl dropped him shocked. My son coughed blood and I realized she had squeezed too hard. The girl cried asking if he was alright. She didn't mean to hurt him but I didn't care. My power spilled out briefly and scared her away. His ribs were shattered. Lungs punctured. Broken so badly my magic wasn't fast enough to save him. He died in my arms looking at me with this...this look as to why mommy couldn't help him."


"We all process pain in our own ways. Just because we don't cry or lose our shit doesn't mean we aren't suffering" she told him. Keith picked up his steak knife and fork and reached over to her. Lily because very frightened thinking he was going to stab her with them. She knew he loved Aspen and this could be enough to fuck him up so badly he would cut her up and eat her. Keith cut off some grizzle from his steak. "Gotta keep that figure" he said to her trying to smile. Lily breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm sure her soul is still here" she said. "I haven't seen it and that was hours ago" he said. "Nevertheless, I'm sure it’s here hiding somewhere" Lily said.


"How can you be so sure?" Keith asked. "Mother made sure I was well versed in supernatural affairs. When a soul fails to cross over, it lingers where the body died. It has this attachment to familiarity. This is most true in the case of houses or ships. Places where the person spent their time most. So I'm sure Aspen's soul is still around. It's just hiding" Lily said. "Hiding?" Keith asked. "Death is traumatic for a soul. The memories haunt it...no pun intended. Right now, it's hiding where it feels safe and away from those it deemed harmful. For example, child ghosts often only appear to other children" Lily explained. "So Aspen is haunting us. Great...just great" Keith groaned. "It gets worse I'm afraid. Right now, her soul remembers her life but that will fade soon. When that happens, when she forgets her old life, her soul can't be inserted back into her body. She really will become a ghost" Lily told him.


"How much time?" he asked. "Three days. Aspen's soul was unique in how much attachment it had so maybe a few extra hours. But that's speculation" Lily replied. "Can you at least unshrink her?" Keith asked. "I could but it's more prudent for me to save my magic to craft another gem. This time I can use her blood as the curse is gone. The gem will be much more stable this time" Lily said. Keith nodded. "Are you full? You're just nibbling now" he asked Aspen. Aspen nodded. "Then stop eating" he said. Aspen stopped eating at just sat there. She really did seem like a puppet. "Can you hand me my phone? I need to make some calls" Lily asked. Keith got her iPhone for her and place it in front of her. "Thanks. I'd done it myself but I'm going to stay this size to conserve magic" she said. Keith took care of the dishes and took Aspen upstairs leaving Lily alone. Lily unlocked her phone with some presses with her tiny feet and put her bare sole on the FaceTime app. 


"Honey? Are you there?" Lily asked. "Hi mom. Just a second" Rose said. "There. You're tiny. What's up with that?" Rose asked. "I should ask you the same question" Lily said seeing her daughter in a similar state. "Time of the month. Makes it hard to keep human size now that your blood is so active in me" Rose quipped. "We'll make sure you stay at home if it's that bad" Lily said. "Mom I'm not stupid. So how are things in America?" Rose asked. "Good and bad. Your older sister is here as well as your niece and nephew" Lily said. "For real! You gotta send me a picture!" Rose said. "I will. Anything important going on at home?" Lily asked. "Rupert came by this morning to drop off a package. It's about that thing in Switzerland" Rose said. "I see. He must've found something" Lily muttered. "Something?" Rose asked. "Don't worry about it. Rose...what's that movement behind you?" Lily asked. Rose's expansive bed behind her had covers that jiggled a bit. "Just the air conditioning" Rose said. Lily nodded. "Call me if you start to miss me honey. I won't be home for a few more days. A complication arose here" Lily said. "Will do mom! Bye!" Rose said quickly ending the call. "She's sneaking" Lily thought.


"Bloody hell! Can't you stay still!" Rose yelled. "With that sexy Tinkerbell ass pointed at me no way" a young man of human size replied. "Thankfully she didn't see you. If she found out I was fucking a human boy and exposing who I am she'd kill me" Rose said. "Then she won't know. Now get back over here. I'm ready to go another round" he said. Rose climbed under the covers. "Oh...oh yeah. Use your tiny feet...yeah." he hissed looking at the movement where his bedsheet covered crotch was.


Lily turned on the tv to relax. Probably the first time she could relax since she arrived. "In national news. The bill for borrower rights has passed the senate house committee by a narrow margin and is now going to the house. With so many members, it a given the attitudes on the subject will be very much divided. Rights activists are having citizens sign petitions for their congressmen to vote in favor. In contrast, those that oppose borrower rights are lobbying congress to classify borrowers as exotic pets and as such increasing the price for ownership license fees. Fees that could make owning a borrower too expensive. Since many states have different laws about owning exotic pets or transporting them. It's possible that owners will have to let their borrowers go. One commentator said this is blatant extortion on their behalf. In the crossfire is the religious organizations that have taken both sides in the debate" the reporter said.  Lily sighed. "And it will get worse if the Switzerland deal isn't resolved" she muttered.


Keith returned to Aspen’s room...without Aspen. Claire stood on the nightstand in a towel. "Awake I see. Just getting out the bath?" he asked. "Where's Aspen?" she asked. "In her old room. I'm hoping with her body in there maybe her soul will come out of hiding. Long story..." he said. Keith sat down on the bed. "But I'm more worried about you right now" he said. "Your mickey wore off and I wanted to wash off the sweat" she said coldly. "I didn't enjoy doing that but you were putting too much stress on the baby" he said. Claire looked away. He picked her up. "I rather you not be mad at me. I've had enough of a shitty day as it is" he said. "Has Lily said anything else about Aspen?" she asked. "Other than her soul hiding from us in the house? She says she’s going to try to make another gem. A better one this time. She just needs rest" he said. "So Aspen isn’t fucked?" Claire asked with a cracking voice. "She's only fucked if we stop trying" he replied. Keith placed her on the bed and laid next to her.


He noticed her shaking. " I said were going to try again. No need to be this upset" he said. "It's...it's not that" she said. "Then what is it?" he asked. "Nothing. Not important" she said turning away. His fingers tapped her shoulder. "Tell me. I worry about you" he said softly. "Not the right time...not with Aspen the way she is" she said. "Claire. Whatever is wrong, Aspen's situation isn't going to change if you ignore it" he said. "I feel horny. I feel fucking horny okay!" she yelled. "How can I be aroused when Aspen is like that..." she cried softly. Keith scooted her closer to his face. Just a gentle whiff and he could smell the potent pheromones coming off her body. The strongest coming from her crotch and feet. "Nothing to be ashamed of. This happens in the fourth week of pregnancy. I told you this remember?" he asked. Claire nodded. Keith pulled off the shrunken towel that she had on.


"I love you Claire and I love what's growing in your belly. I have one girl I love in my life suffering. I can't have another..." he said sadly. Claire looked at the giant. With no warning, Keith shoved her tiny crotch in his mouth and sucked. His lips trembled as he sucked and slurped every drop of juice out of her teeny little cunny. Claire moaned softly and curled her toes. Her pleasure centers and erogenous zones amplified due to her maternal state. She came all too quick in his mouth. Claire needed more. Sensing that was not fulfilled. Keith let go of her and brought her tiny feet to his nose. He took a deep whiff. He smelt traces of soap and her natural scent. Keith licked her little feet before sucking on them. Claire gasped as her normally sensitive feet was assaulted by electric sensations of bliss. Her tiny toes wriggled in his mouth as her soles scraped his taste buds. Just getting her feet worshipped made her cum again.


"They got bigger" he said looking at her tits. "And they hurt" she said. "Well al least it will add to that sexiness of yours" Keith chucked as he rubbed her belly. "You like that don't you?" she said watching him. "You're supposed to rub. Promotes good blood flow to the fetus" he replied. Claire locked her legs around his finger and humped it. "But it’s more than that isn't it. Ohhhh..." she groaned. "A life is growing inside you. A life I helped create. Just because I know the mechanics doesn't take away the awe of it" he said moving his finger between her tits. Claire kissed his fingertip before licking it. His scent and Aspen's was on it. The smell of both lovers was enough for her to cum a third time. Claire rested as Keith stroked her hair. "You're taking this so well" she said. "You should’ve seen me when Aspen was telling me her final arrangements" he said. This caught Claire by surprise.


"What...what were they?" she asked. "The funeral arrangements. Promises I should keep" he said. "Promises?" she asked. Keith's fingers trembled. "Care for you and the baby. Make sure you know I love you. Marry you..." he said choking back tears. She could only imagine how painful that conversation has been for him. What was more was even staring in the face of death, Aspen was more concerned about Claire than herself. "I want to see her right now" Claire said sternly. Keith hesitated but saw no point in arguing. Claire put on a light shirt and panties and let Keith carry her to Aspen's childhood room. There Aspen sat on her giant pillow just staring at things. Keith placed Claire on the bed. "Honey? You feeling okay?" Claire asked touching her cheek. "I'm fine Claire. Keith told me to tell someone if I needed the bathroom" she replied. "She had an accident earlier" Keith said shaking his head. "That's not what I'm asking. How do you feel?" Claire asked her.


Aspen looked almost confused. "Nothing" Aspen replied. No matter how much she stared into her eyes, Claire saw no emotion at all. Claire kissed her and still nothing. Aspen looked at her as a child would look at a flower. "She needs stimulation" Claire said taking Aspen by the arm and leading her onto the floor. Claire asked her about things in her room. "Remember this? Our first sleepover. We did each other's toenails. Well I did yours you just watched me do mine" Claire said. "Yes, I remember" Aspen said not smiling or anything. "Or this! Your old dollhouse. You flicked it up as a birthday gift to me. You even filled the pool with warm water. You took this straw and blew into it to make it...like and jacuzzi" Claire said trailing off as she saw no emotion. "I remember you saying it tickled your butt" Aspen said. Claire lit up smiling. "It's working!" Claire yelled. "No Claire. Look at her. She's remembering but there no emotional context" Keith said. Aspen was just looking at them. "There has to be something!" Claire yelled. The borrower used her innate talents to pry open heavy drawers with her strong legs and arms. Just enough mind you to slip into them.


And in one drawer she found something unexpected. "I can't believe you kept this" Claire muttered pulling it out. "Aspen!  Look!" Claire yelled. Keith looked to see what she had found. Claire held in both her hands a braided lock of hair. Brunette and blond strands of hair woven together. "You remember this don't you?" Claire asked. "Of course I do" Aspen replied. "So why did you keep this? I thought you tossed this out years ago" Claire said. "It's important to me. Proof back then you weren't just so tiny friend I found living under my floor. You were my sister...and more" Aspen said. Claire found a glimmer of hope there. "You do remember. Just a few months after we met. I complained I couldn't go to a beauty salon, so you decided we have a makeover party right here. I did your finger and toenails and we took turns doing each other's hair. I went to show mom and..." Claire trailed off.


"And your mom hit the roof. She was so pissed she even talked to grandma. Grounded me on the spot saying how dangerous that was to you" Aspen said. "I thought you hated me and when I came to apologize...you had taken the hair we cut off each other and braided it. Aspen...you still love me right?" Claire asked. Aspen looked at her. "I don't love you or hate you Claire. It just is" Aspen replied. "Claire...you're beating a dead horse here" Keith pleaded. "SHUT UP! HALF OF THIS IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT! You can't possibly understand the connection we have! You just came a fucking long into our lives!" Claire shrieked. The giant staggered back horribly hurt by her outburst. He put his hand to his mouth and began to stumble out the room. "NO! I'm sorry I didn't mean that!" Claire yelled. It was no use. He had left the room. "What have I done? The one hurting the most here and I said such a thing. I'm a horrible woman..." Claire mumbled. "No. Just very sad" Aspen said to her. Claire looked at her. Maybe it was what she said but Claire had to try one last thing. She reasoned if Aspen tried to console her then maybe a spark of what made her Aspen remained. If that was true than maybe Claire could be content with just that.


Claire knew what turned Aspen on the most. Got the most stimulation from her lover. Flamed her passion the best. Claire held Aspen's tiny foot and licked it. Licking in between her toes, Aspen shivered slightly. "It's working!" Claire thought. Gentle nibbles of her thighs, Claire worked her way up. Aspen was wet to Claire's delight and she kicked and slurped her cunny as best as she could. Aspen moaned and groaned. Claire kept her assault up sucking her hard nipples and finally kissing her roughly. Licking her face and nibbling her ears, Claire finger fucked the shrunken girl. Aspen came with a yelp. And as Claire grinned like she had proven herself right, the look on Aspen shown that she was wrong.  Panting, Aspen just laid on the pillow as if nothing had happened.


"Aspen?" Claire asked. Aspen looked at her. "Don't you feel anything?" Claire asked. "Tingling, warm temperature. Elevated pulse" Aspen said rattling off the biological aspects of just cumming but not the emotion. "I mean love!" Claire yelled. aspen shook her head. "I can't do this! I can't live like this without you loving me!  I rather die than lose you like this!" Claire yelled sobbing. A hot pain gripped her heart. Aspen...help" Claire said falling to her side. Aspen got up and went to find Keith. She found him alone in his room crying quietly. "Keith. Claire told me to get help. She appears to be having a heart attack" Aspen said flatly. Keith rushed out the room so fast, the wind he made knocked Aspen on her butt. Keith arrived to see Claire in pain. "I got you!" Keith said grabbing her and rushing down the stairs. In a flash they were in Aspen’s car and racing off.


When pet borrowers get sick or injured, they don't go to a hospital. They go to a veterinary clinic. Keith googled mapped it and it was 20 minutes away. Well 20 minutes if you're doing the speed limit. As Claire leaned in the cup holder, she could see the terror on his face. Contrast to what she had said, she didn't want to die. She didn't want to leave the world after saying such a cruel thing to the one doing 80 on a back road trying to save her life. Keith slid the car into the parking lot and dashed into the clinic. "I NEED HELP!" he screamed scaring the shit out of the staff. An older woman put her coffee down. "What is it young man?" she asked. "She's....she sick" Keith whined. "Bring her with you" she said pointing to her office. She had Keith put her on a small table and had her strip. "She's a beauty. Ehat is the trouble?" she asked. "She's having chest pains! I think she's having a heart attack!" Keith yelled. The woman bid him to calm down.


"Unlikely for a borrower and at her age but we can look" she said. She took her stethoscope out and placed the giant flat cold metal plate to Claire's chest. Claire wanted to scream at how chilly it was. Cold enough her tiny toes curled. "Heartbeat elevated but not irregular. That's a good thing. Can you tell me what she was doing before this happened?" she asked. Keith didn't want to answer and talk about what was going on. "Young man. You're not the first to injure your borrower during sex. We have had all kinds in here and I'm not the one to judge. I do need to know though" she said. "I was screaming for her...him to love me. That I didn't want to live without being loved" Claire said softly. Keith looked at her astounded. The woman took her scope and sat it down. "Sounds more like a panic attack then but we'll take some readings to be sure" the woman told them.


The woman took a ruler out and had Claire lay down. "3.11 inches. You're a tall girl aren't you? Now on the scale" the lady smiled. "3.2 ounces. Slightly high but you are pregnant. Now I have to take your temp. Now be a good girl and raise your bottom" she said. Claire bent over and stuck her butt into the air. She gasped loudly as the woman stuck a thermometer up her ass. Claire wriggled. The giantess bet held her in place with her finger on her back. "Please...take it out" Claire groaned as the thing lodged in her ass was turning her on. "Not until it beeps" the giantess said. Claire struggled to not cum. Her little toes wriggled and the constant scraping on her nipples on the cold table didn't help. She bit her lip and came. Tiny drops of her fluids dripped onto the table. *beep.


"There. 101.4. Within limits. Oh...what's wrong?" she asked hearing Claire crying. "...I'm sorry" Claire said. "For orgasming? Don't be. You're at that stage where even that can set you off. Just means you're healthy (the woman used her finger to wipe up her juices and licked it)...deliciously healthy. Pardon me. Just a joke there. I see what you two have isn't just some fetish thing. Something special these days" the woman said. "You don't think it's weird?" Keith asked. "I have a male borrower at home. A few years ago, I bred him and bought the offspring. A cute son. Me and my wife devoted ourselves to them and when she died of ovarian cancer, they filled the void. Kept me going. I love his son like he's my own and the man himself...well it gets cold in these Massachusetts winters. Thankfully he loves me back. They both do. So, I get where you two come from" she said.


"So it was just a panic attack?" Keith asked. "Borrowers are sturdier than we are biologically speaking. They have a five-chamber heart compared to our four chambered one. Neural impulses are faster, and their brains process more info quicker too. This means they react to stimuli more including emotional content. With her hormones firing like the Fourth of July, these things could happen. Anything else?" she asked. Keith shook his head. "I'll be back with the paperwork" she said leaving the room. Claire got dressed and sat looking at him. "I’ve never been sorrier in my life" Claire said softly. Keith glanced at her. "I'll never forgive myself for saying such a terrible thing" she said. Keith picked her up and brought her to his eyes. She could see her reflection in them. Keith sniffed her and cuddled her. "I don't care about that anymore. I'm just happy you're okay" he said. They kissed one another lovingly.


"I still don't feel right about it" she said. Keith grinned. "Then a punishment of my choosing?" he asked. Claire nodded. "Then tomorrow I'm gonna hunt you down my cute little borrower girl" he snickered. "Oh, it's like that?" Claire asked smiling. "You need exercise and you're gonna get it" he said. "I love you" she said. "I know. We are going to make it through this" he said to her. Keith settled the bill and drove home.


Lily was asleep in the dirt box. No doubt recharging her magic. It was late now as he carried her upstairs. Aspen sat diligently in his room. "I forgot. With nobody telling her she won't do shit" he said. "Can she sleep with me tonight?" Claire asked. "Of course. Just...just don't expect too much" he said. "I just want to hold her" she said. Keith nodded and carried them both to Aspen's room where he tucked them both in. He went to bed himself shortly after.


The next day Claire took Aspen to every room in the house hoping her wayward soul would come out of hiding. Rummaging through old junk and reliving memories. Claire had to stop now and then as it pained her heart. Her heart felt hot like yesterday and she didn't want to scare Keith again. Even Rebecca helped in her own way with a warm cooked dinner and stories of when she was younger. Lily didn't move out of that box unless it was to eat or go to the bathroom. Keith checked on them later in the afternoon. "Find it?" he asked. "No. We even looked in the fucking attic" Claire said propping her feet up on a tiny pillow on the coffee table. He looked at Aspen who was watching tv. "Any word from Lily?" Claire asked. "Not much. Just asking what I just did. She's looking more concerned" he said. Claire stretched. "I know what to do to take you mind off of things. Time for your punishment. I'll give you ten minutes to hide" he said. "And if you catch me?" Claire asked. "I haven't ate lunch" he replied with a grin. Claire smirked as Aspen played this game with her now and then.


"8...9...10...here I come" Keith said opening his eyes. He doubted Claire would go upstairs as climbing up each one would take more time than it was worth. He sniffed the air. Her scent was very weak but it was strong enough to confirm his theory. "I'm gonna find you Claire" he mocked as he got on his hands and knees and began looking under furniture. She wasn't in the liquor cabinet. Not behind the lazy boy chair. "Crawling around is working up my appetite. Its gonna feel good you sliding down my throat" he chuckled. Claire felt a rush hearing his words. She knew he wasn't going to eat her. That wasn't the point. It was the fact she would be at his mercy if she was caught. Thrashing about and playing into it by begging to not be his meal. It made her feel alive. Then again, Claire wasn't planning to be some scared little borrower girl trying not to be food.  Oh no. She planned to win this game her way.


Keith picked up her scent. Stronger now and it led him to behind the bookcase. "Oh where could she be? How about...right here!" he yelled peeking behind it. "Huh?" he wondered as her scent was strong there but Claire wasn't to be found. However, there was something there. Keith held in his hands a pair of tiny sneakers. Sneakers he had bought and shrunk for her some time ago. He brought one to his nose and sniffed. "Cute...real cute. Using your smelly little sneakers to throw me off. Good job Claire" he said. Claire grinned from her hiding place as she picked up an old discarded toothpick swept to the side of the wall. The weapon was symbolic for what she needed, and she hoped the trail she left would buy her time and set up her ambush. Claire gripped the underside of the window curtain with her tiny fingers and toes and began to climb up.


"You're only delaying the inevitable Claire" he said catching another scent. It was leading him away from the curtain. "Well well. Bet your little butt is cold" he said finding her discarded panties near the foyer. He smelt her pussy scent still on the teeny undergarment. Keith had already figured she was leading him in the opposite direction with clothes with her scent, so he doubled back. Claire did feel a chill on her bare ass and cunt. In fact, she was fighting not to cum as the curtain rubbed her clit. "I know what you're doing, and it was a good plan" he said sniffing the floor. Claire wanted to laugh looking at the giant crawling around sniffing the floor like a bloodhound. Funny as it looked though. He was coming towards her. Claire being barefoot, had left a very faint set of footprints on the cold wooden floor. Her warm sweaty feet free of her shoes (as she wore no socks today) had left a trail good enough for a borrower to pick up. Keith grinned as the space and toe imprints suggested she was sprinting.


The lampstand seemed the logical choice for her to hide. Low to the floor and dark underneath. "I'm almost there my princess...well one of my princesses" he said. Claire nearly fell off the curtain as she adjusted to hop off onto the fireplace mantle. He called her a princess. Her heightened emotional state caused her to mentally pause. Her chest got warm again. It touched her hearing that. "Ha! Damn..." he said not finding her. Claire leaped off the mantle and landed on his shoulder. "Game over!" Claire said pointing the toothpick to his throat. "Umm...excuse me? I could just pluck you off my shoulder and eat ya now" Keith said. "Look at the hallway mirror" she said. Keith walked over to see her threatening him. "Touché. But you know I won't die from that" he said. "Not the point. You won't be eating anything with this piercing your throat" she replied. "True...you win" he said. Keith carried her with him to the sofa so she could rest. "See you haven't lost your edge" he said. "Kills me you can smell my feet so easily" she said.


"It's natural your feet should sweat so much right now. Keeps the skin moist and healthy so you can still feel predators. Kinda a double-edged sword though" he said. They looked worried. "I was hoping her soul would come out if just out of jealousy" he said. "So did I" she said back. "Aspen you okay over there?" Claire asked. "I'm having trouble listening to the tv" she replied. "You know there might be a way to make her soul appear" Lily said behind them. "How so?" Claire asked. "Well you are on the right track about trying to get her soul jealous. Souls and spirits have been known to appear under emotional conditions. A threat to a home. Now occupants. Sick kids" she explained. "What you have in mind?" Keith asked. "Well in her state, anything you ask will be answered truthfully. She might come out just to get you guys to stop" Lily said. Claire and Keith looked at one another. "Okay..." Keith said.


"What the nastiest thing you ever done?" Claire asked. "Got mad at my mom for grounding me and I smeared poop all over the bathroom" Aspen replied. "Okay...Jesus how she just responded. My turn. Aspen, did you ever regret letting me into your life?" he asked. "Yes, I began to feel things for you shortly after the anniversary of my parents’ death. You gave me flowers to cheer me up. I felt I betrayed Claire's feelings for me" she replied. They were a little quiet about that. "Maybe we should stop" Claire said. Keith held his hand up. "Aspen, just before you were about to die. Did you hate me?" he asked. Claire felt a pain in her chest. "I was terrified but my last thought was I could die if I could see your face" Aspen replied. "STOP! It's not right to invade her privacy this way!" Claire said clutching her heart. Keith saw her distress and rubbed her back to soothe her.


"Not a glimmer. I'm ready to make another gem but with no soul...she's running out of time" Lily said. They were all quiet at dinner. Poor Ritchie didn't know what to do. He could see the spark that made her Aspen was gone. The boy learned it wasn't just her feet, tits, or pussy that he loved. It was HER. The boy was growing up. "Mom...I want her back. I WANT HER BACK!" he screamed slamming his piece of chicken down. Claire went over to hug the tiny teen boy. "I don't want this..." he said sobbing. "We're trying to get her soul Ritchie. You just have to keep hoping" Claire said. "Hope doesn't solve shit! Take my soul! TAKE IT AND GIVE IT TO HER!" the boy screamed. "Every soul is unique. And what would happen if we took yours? You'd end up like her. Even Aspen wouldn't agree to that" Lily said. "Then make one!" he yelled. "Such a thing is very forbidden. Even I won't dare to try that. Even attempting to do so requires so much energy it would kill me stone dead" she replied.


"Forbidden?" Keith asked. "There are spells and techniques that are taboo among my kind. Powers that could disrupt the natural order of the world. Fortunately, the vast majority of them have been lost to time. The last one to know of such power was Oberon himself and he disappeared long ago" she said. "Oberon was real? Why did he disappear?" Keith asked. "Oh, he was real alright. As to why...mother only told me he left to "explore humanity". She was not in a happy mood discussing it" she said. "Who gives a shit about Oberon or whatever!" Ritchie yelled running off the table. "Mom I'm sorry" Rebecca said. "It's alright. It's hard to watch someone you love in this state" Lily said.


Keith had Aspen and Claire sleep with him. Claire passed out within minutes of laying down, but Keith stayed up with Aspen. He placed her on his bare chest and petted her. "Aspen, it's not looking good. I know you can’t answer me about what you want but...seeing you like this is worse that you dying" he said. "I have a living will" Aspen said. "You do?" he asked. "Yes. I drew it up after coming back from England just in case. In the event I am incapacitated, I shall be allowed to die" she replied. "You know what? This subject isn’t even worth talking about. We're going to deal with that like families with disabled members do. We just deal. And as god as my witness I swear I will give your life meaning" he told his shrunk lover. Claire moaned slightly in her sleep. She kicked her sheet back. Keith took his fingers and tucked her back in.


"It's so strange. In the moonlight you look so beautiful and nothing seems wrong at all" he said to Aspen. He slid her nightgown off her exposing her body. "Is it right to love someone who can't love you back?" he asked touching her little breasts. "Yeah, can't not wont" He whispered moving his finger down to her crotch. "Keith, I always did love you. Even though I don't feel it now. I am..." Aspen said before just stopping. Keith was stunned. He wondered how she could've said that with no prompt. Then he remembered he had told her to say something that was important. She wasn't speaking from the heart. She was just referring to her memories. And that gave Keith hope. Aspen oozed her juices on his finger, he noticed something odd. Her scent had changed ever so slightly. His mind felt a fire. A desire to protect her, immerse himself in her smell. "I won't...eat you I swear but I need you in my mouth" he said shaking a bit. He placed her feet first in his mouth and sucked her right in. She didn't scream or whimper when he closed his lips. Thankfully she didn't move about as he sucked her sweet and musky flavor off her body.


Keith himself didn't understand. Why suck on her and why now? Why did she seem so irresistible? And why was his erection so pronounced. Only twice before did this happen. Impregnating Claire and fucking Aspen for the first time. Any other time they were intimate it wasn't like this. Claire was irresistible herself to him lately as he had to force himself not to snatch her up and lick and suck on her. So why was Aspen doing this to him? Keith furiously jerked off as he sucked on his shrunken mate...one of them anyway. Flashes in his mind began as he thought of the night they met. Their adventures, holding her as she cried. Looking in her eyes as they fucked. And tears fell from his as he felt that destiny had shown him his path. To be with her until death. Guard her from sadness, pain, and misery. And as his semen shot into the air a thought escaped his mind. "I want to marry you".


Keith pulled Aspen from his mouth and cleaned her. "I'm sorry I don't know what came over me" he muttered. "You looked very happy" she said. "You seem infinitely more precious tonight. It's making me feel...antsy" he said. Keith got her dressed again and cleaned up his cum. Aspen went to sleep shortly after leaving Keith alone with his thoughts. He had talked a good game, but he was only human...figuratively speaking. Could he deal with this? He was ready to do anything for her but could he handle doing this for the next 50 or so years. That's what terrified him the most. Not the using of her in such a state as life without love or sex was no life but the issue of living with someone who couldn't love even the simplest of things. Aspen was like a doll. And the nagging question, the elephant in the room was Aspen's wishes. With no free will she had none but what if you knew in advance you'd lose your soul and end up this way? Would you want to keep living?


The next day came and time was almost up. It was early in the evening and Lily had helped look everywhere even suggesting looking at objects as souls have been known to live in them such as dolls, clocks, or paintings. "That's it. We looked at everything and everywhere" Rebecca said. "Then she's screwed" Ritchie said. He walked over to Aspen. "I'll still love you no matter what" he said hugging her. Claire felt that burning in her chest and cringed enough that Lily took notice. "You alright dear?" Lily asked. "Just a moment. Doctor said it was a panic attack" Claire said. Rebecca looked concerned. "She had a bad one two nights ago and I rushed her to the vet" Keith said to her. "And you didn't tell me?!" Rebecca yelled. "It was a crazy night Rebecca. It slipped my mind. I do apologize" he said. "You had them before?" Lily asked. "No, the one he spoke of was the first" Claire replied. "Did they happen at extreme emotional times and Aspen was the focus of the conversation?" Lily asked. "I...I told Aspen I couldn’t live like this if she was like that" Claire whispered.  


"And any other time?" Lily asked. "Keith asked if Aspen ever hated him" she replied. As Lily kept asking, she discovered a pattern. "Every time it was something said that would affect Aspen deeply if she had her soul. Claire, take off your shirt right now" Lily said seriously. Claire did as asked not caring about being suddenly topless. Lily placed her hand on her chest between her tits. "Well I'll be damned. It's been under our nose the entire time. I thought Aspen was just speaking out of metaphor when I asked what you were to her. Claire, Aspen said you are her soulmate. When her soul fled from the gem, it hid in the safest place it knew. You, your soul is her safe place in this entire place. Remarkable" Lily said astonished. "Then you can save her?!" Claire yelled. Lily smiled and nodded.


Lily got the preparations ready and paused. "I'm worried the gem might break again. I will use Aspen's blood to fortify it but it still isn't made to hold an entire soul. If only I had a magic catalyst. A spark of pure magic steeped in love and affection" Lily said. "Wait here mom" Rebecca said dashing off. Rebecca tore apart her tiny bedroom looking for it and when she did find it ran back. "Will this do?" Rebecca said handing it to Lily.  Lily dropped to her knees in tears as she held the glowing grass seed she had given her young daughter so long ago in another life. The same seed she infused with the last bit of her magic so young Rebecca could have peaceful dreams. "It's okay mom" Rebecca said hugging her shrunken mom. "You kept it...you really kept it. Are you sure about this? You'll lose it forever" Lily said. "If it can save my daughter in law then by all means use it" Rebecca said looking at Aspen. Claire squeezed Rebecca's hand in thanks. "Then let's do this. Bring Aspen over" Lily said standing.


Lily pulled out the dagger from before. "Now I need a good amount of her blood. About a pint scale wise" she said cutting Aspen in the arm. Aspen winced as her blood pooled into the small bowl. "There. That should...whoa!" Lily said seeing Aspen fall forward. Keith caught her just in time. Lily began to heal her just to make sure. "Now for the catalyst" she said. Lily held the seed over the bowl and a drop of light fell from it into the blood. Immediately, the seed, without its magic anymore, aged over 20 years and turned into dust. Rebecca was saddened losing it but knew there were more important things at stake. The orb of blood compacted in the air getting smaller until it turned into a small rock. She touched it to Claire and Claire screamed in pain. Claire bit her lip dealing with the pain. Pain so intense her butt and her toes clenched.

Then it was done. The rock glowed brilliantly. Lily wasted no time shoving the soul into Aspen. Aspen had this creepy stare and wide mouthed silent scream. "Bare it. Not every day that a soul is born into the world twice. Aspen...be reborn!" Lily shouted. Aspen collapsed in Keith's arms. "She's still breathing" he said. They all stood around her. "Aspen...Aspen baby please wake up" Claire begged. Aspen began to stir and open her eyes. Their eyes met. "Aspen?" Claire asked crying. Aspen answered with a full-blown French kiss. Sucking and slurping her tongue around in the little borrower girl's mouth. Aspen broke the kiss and smiled. "Miss me?" Aspen asked. Claire broke into a sob and hugged her. They all came to hug and kiss her. Aspen was home.


They threw a party that night. Food, drink, and even karaoke. It was a celebration of the soul in every way it mattered and to top off the evening, Lily restored Aspen's size. Aspen looked around. "You alright?" Keith asked. "I spent some time tiny. More time than ever at once. It just feels so small" she said. "Then you remember everything?" he asked. Aspen nodded. "I tasted good right?" she grinned. Keith blushed. "About that. I shouldn't have" he said. Aspen shushed him. "While I didn't feel the emotion. I did see yours. I made you happy and that's what mattered to me" she said. Keith held her tight. He was so choked up he didn't know what to say. "I would’ve cared for you regardless" he said. "...I know" she said kissing him.


The next day Lily returned home but made sure she would be part of their lives. They wanted her to stay longer but she said she had pressing matters back home. Days passed and their lives returned to normal. Aspen was grocery shopping at the end of the week and made her way to pharmacy. "Need tampons. Only two left. Man, I haven't bought any in over three weeks...three weeks?" she muttered. A chill ran down her spine and she went to pick something else up. She bought her stuff and raced home. She didn't even say hi to Keith who was talking on the phone. Aspen sat on the toilet in her bathroom.


"Come on! Come on!" Aspen hissed bouncing her leg. Her toes scrunched the bathroom rug as she waited for the results. The little stick with a digital readout was busy analyzing her urine. The readout changed. "Positive...I'm...I'm pregnant" she muttered stunned. She knew right away that Keith was the father. He was the only one she had intercourse with...well the only one that could knock her up. "He's was wearing a condom..." she said. Aspen thought back to that day in Cancun and realized something she had thought of in passing. Keith was very well hung and he fucked her so hard to was understandable the condom broke. Her mind rattled away at a bunch of thoughts. Should she keep it? How would she deal with two kids at the same time? What would the baby be like with mixed parentage? Would a hybrid even be healthy? And if not, could she deal with that? And then would Claire be alright with this? Aspen became frightened.


In any event, she figured they had the right to know. They were beyond family by this point. She came out the bathroom and walked to the living room. Keith was still talking on the phone and Claire laid on the table as he rubbed her tiny feet. They looked so happy to her. Aspen began to rethink the idea of telling them. "Yeah of course a can help you. After what you did we owe you in spades. Just name it Lily" Keith said. "Well let me give you some info first" she said. "Hold on. I'll put you on speaker so I can write" Keith said. Keith put the phone down and pushed speaker on the screen. "Hey you're back. Come sit" he said motioning for her to sit in his lap. Aspen was hesitant to do so but did. Keith held her close and sniffed her. "You smell very nice today" he said kissing her. "Keith?" Lily asked. "Sorry Lily. Okay...go ahead" he said getting a pen.


"Alright. You seem to have a talent in finding people who don't want to be found. There is someone in Zurich that's been troubling me. Trouble that can make many lives miserable. A dangerous individual" Lily said. "In what way?" Keith asked. "In my travels recently, I've come across information pertaining to something. Not sure what but a word keeps popping up. Homunculus. If a human had learned how to make or even control one this is bad. Very bad" Lily said. "What's a homunculus?" Aspen asked. "A creature made using forbidden magics and alchemy. Remember what I said about forbidden spells and such? A homunculus is in that category. I can't say much as this is not an encrypted line but I will send you a file detailing ehat I know. That and...the truth as to what I truly do. I trust you all enough to finally say something. You can help me on this Keith?" Lily asked. "WE can help you grandma" Claire said. Keith and Aspen nodded. "...thanks sweetie. I just want info. Nothing more" Lily said. "Will do" Keith said hanging up.


"That was damn weird. Why was she so cryptic and the truth of what she really does?" Claire asked. *ding* "Don't know. Guess I should decrypt this file she just sent" he said looking at his tor box. His hand roamed underneath Aspen’s shirt. He felt the bare skin of her belly. She looked at him. "Sorry, it's just we came so close to losing you forever that I'm so clingy. Did you change your body soap? You smell very nice" he said. "No, I didn't. Keith..." Aspen was about to say until Claire stood up.


"Can you share the love?" Claire asked pouting. Aspen held her in her hand and petted her. She really didn't want to rock the boat now. "It...it can wait" he muttered. "Say what now?" Keith asked rubbing his foot across her toes. "I said I can't wait for our next adventure" Aspen replied looking at Claire who was relaxing in her palm.


"Homunculus...hmmm...interesting..." Keith muttered reading the file. "Incredible...guys...you won't believe what Lily has been doing...read this" Keith said pointing to the screen. They read and learned that Lily didn't just run a clothing line...she also ran an intelligence network....

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