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Author's Chapter Notes:

Yes, this is a remake, A remake of the first and second combined. I figured that I probably should combine both stories so people can get a real understanding on how they met and how they are they way they are now. I had a lot of inconsistencies in my last story, too many to fix. So I figured I'd start from scratch, one more time. Enjoy the read and let me know what you guys think. Also, more tags will be added, if I feel like I left any out. 

-March 8th, 2025/ Monday, 4:30 PM-

A gigantic military structure sat in the middle of a massive city. The building itself was breathtaking. It's large gray stone walls carefully crafted together, keeping the large structure together. It resembled the white house in a way, but it was massive in size and length as it stretched to the end of the city, both horizontally and vertically, creating a large plus sign in the middle of the city. Large doors and windows were decorated across the massive structure as well a set of stairs leading up to the main entrance way. An oversized red carpet decorated the brick stairway as several statues sat on the side of it, perfectly aligned with one another.

Amongst this awe inspiring construction was something even more extraordinary, a giantess. Giantess in military suits along with regular sized human military soldiers roamed the area. They carefully watched their footing if they were walking alongside their military comrades, or they either stayed on their side of the reinforced walkway that was designed specifically for them.

These giantess, however, were not the tall tale god-like giantess that you read about in stories. Even though they were taller than humans, they varied in sizes, ranging from large houses to skyscrapers. Large tanks and other various armored vehicles routinely made their routes as they were accompanied by large footsteps attached to the large giantess that made sure each vehicle made it to their destination.

Inside, the large structure was designed in the same fashion as the outside was a large plus sign. In the center of the building, a huge armored gray door stood. The size of the door was larger than any giantess that walked on the premises. A triangle shaped seal was engraved onto the upper half of the door.

On the other side of the armored walls was a large throne chair sat at the back in of the room, which was occupied by a large masculine figure. His ice cold blue eyes scanned the room, watching as people worked themselves to the bone. His blond hair was short, shaved neatly as it matched his nearly hairless face. His military outfit was a bit different than the rest of the soldiers that occupied the area. The dark green top and bottom complimented the black combat boots that he wore. His massive form towered over his subordinates as his fingers, encased with a pair of all white gloves tapped irritatingly against his armrest.

“Victoria…” He called out as a regular sized woman made her way towards him. She wore a neatly pressed black business suit and skirt, a pair of opened toed black heels on her feet with a pair of brown stockings underneath them. Her dark brown hair was tied up in a bun and her dark chocolate brown eyes looked up at the massive figure that sat in front of her.

"Yes, Ryan." She answered without hesitation. Her eyes did not show fear from the large male, nor did it show any signs of weakness as she stared up at the god-like figure.

Ryan gave her a side glance at the mention of his name. “You know you’re not supposed to call me by my real name.” His eyes fully focusing on the regular sized woman that was shorter than his boots. His eyes fell upon her pale skin as she continued to lock eyes with him. Her body didn’t waver as his dominating form hovered over her.

"If I may "your highness." She spoke sarcastically. "I do think you'd do well to remember that I'm not one of your precious little sheep." She spoke up to him as Ryan gave her a stern look for a quick moment before breaking out into a small smirk. "Sir" is for the rest of these people, that humiliating way of speaking is not for me," Victoria smirked back as Ryan leaned back against his chair.

“You always find a way to bark back at me don’t you?” He replied. “You know, at this point, I would have people shitting themselves scared right now.”

“I’m not most people.” Victoria retaliated. “In fact, I know how much of an asset I am to you. Plus I know you’re a smart guy; you don’t want to eliminate your asset do you? Who else would keep this shithole in order? You? Be serious.” Ryan’s smirk could only widen at the sass that Victoria was given him as he simply waved off her statement.

"As much as I would want to continue our little back and forth banters, we do have some important matters that need to be discussed," Ryan stated as Victoria slightly rolled her eyes at him.

“Such as?” Her eyebrow raised in curiosity.

“Have the U.S. sent their next batch of regulars?” Ryan asked her.

“Yes, I’ve told you to let me handle that hours ago.” Victoria reminded. “Don’t worry the next batch of regulars, consisting of homeless people, rejects, criminals, troubled teenagers, etcetera, etcetera, and etcetera is on their way as planned." She quickly opened a small vanilla folder in her hands, turning a few pages as she quickly read through the list of people that were being brought over. "Looks like the U.S. is really thinning out the population." She remarked as she skimmed over a few more pages. "There are even people whose families have completely disowned them are making their way here. Wow, cruel world I guess.” She closed the folder, bringing her attention back up to the large giant that sat above her.

“ETA?” He immediately followed up.

"In a few short hours." She answered quickly, causing Ryan smirk to widen a bit. "You must be real proud of yourself to be smirking like that," Victoria spoke, breaking his train of thought. "Getting crazy ideas on how you're going to "Spread your oppression?" She quoted with her fingers as Ryan looked down at her.

“Oppression?” Ryan repeated. “You got me all wrong, it’s not oppression, it’s…”

"You're really going to try and feed me that bullshit aren't you?" Victoria remarked as she shook her head calmly. "How they put a child in charge of a city I will never know," Victoria mumbled to herself as Ryan continued to look down at her.

"Regardless, just make sure everything is ready, we have a speech to make," Ryan stated as Victoria just nodded her head as she agreed to his statement.

"Consider it done." She spoke and without any further words she turned her back to the massive giant and walked off, her heels clicking against the floor as she made her way out of the large room housing the largest human on the planet.

-Same day/ 6:45 P.M.-

A large 747 newly modeled aircraft jetted across the air, its jet engines loud as the turbines turned vigorously to keep the plane upright. The newly crafted airplane was years ahead of the older 747 models that were seen in the previous years. This model was exceptionally bigger than its previous models, in fact, the plane itself could house triple the passengers than its predecessors.

It was a luxury flight for most of the occupants on the plane was[G6] seated comfortably, not knowing a new life that awaited them. TV monitors were seated on the back of the head rest, so every available passenger could ease their minds and settle on something to watch for a couple of hours. Internet reception was also good, plus many more features that you possibly find in a hotel were accommodated as well. Passengers even had enough room to get up and leave their seats without worry of disturbing anyone and help themselves to their own food, Flight attendants were not required as much as the former flights years before.

Sitting alone, on the far end of the seat closest to the window, was a boy that appeared to be no older than 18. His Cerulean Blue eyes scanned the clouds outside his window in depression. His short, slightly mattered Black hair waved a bit as the air condition plane kept a small gust of wind blowing, keep its passengers cool at all times, unless turned off, via passengers discretion. His casual Black and white sneakers lightly tapped the floor as he waited patiently for the flight to reach its destination. He wore a pair of light blue jeans with a white long sleeve shirt with a Brown T-shirt over it with a religious tribal design colored in Black and white. His white skin appeared to be healthy, he wasn't at all pale but could stand to get out in a sun a bit more. He wore a silver watch on his left wrist as the same wrist was used to help hold his head up as he rested it in the palm of his hand.

He let a small sigh escape his lips as he calmly sat back in his seat, placing a pair of white ear buds in his ear. Looking at his fun, he pressed a few buttons before the music started playing in his ears. He bobbed his head a bit before he returned to looking at his phone again, his eyes transfixed onto his screen as his thumb maneuvered a bit before he placed the phone back in his lap.


The young man rolled his eyes a bit, but did what he was told and made sure that the requirements that were asked of him were met. He briefly glanced out the window once again to see a massive size airport beneath them. The view was extremely breath-taking as his mouth was left agape as the plane began to maneuver its way into a landing position.

"Is that where we're going?" He asked nobody in particular. "Whoa, it looks like a private resort or something." He added on as the excitement escaped his voice.

“Hardly,” An elder man that sat behind him spoke up. “I doubt where we’re going as anything to do with having a good time and relaxing on the beach.” He grumbled as the teen turned his head towards him, giving him a questionable look.” What? You haven’t heard?” The old man spoke again. He crossed his arms, not ashamed to show his tattered clothing.

Jaden sized him up with his eyes, noticing he as much of a bum the old timer appeared to be. His sneakers were old and dusty; falling apart would have been an understatement. His pants were in no better shape as he had several holes in his left pants legs, and he wore a black faded T-shirt that looked as if washing it would be causing it to suffer more than just simply throwing it away.

“What do you mean?” The boy asked him. “Heard about what?”

"Where were going obviously." The old man replied. His gray beard decorated his face as his side burns connected with his full head of gray hair. "People say its concentration camp or something." He told him as he too directed his eyes to the large airport.

“Seriously, a concentration camp?” The teen responded. “Why in the world would we be going to something like that?” He turned around, his back facing the elderly man. “We haven’t had one of those since the holocausts, the US wouldn’t recreate something like that. “ His ignorance showed as the elder narrowed his eyes at him. “I was told that there is a school here that was top notch, number one in the world and I got accepted.” He stated as he turned his head back to glance at the old man still slightly glaring at him. “Where did you even hear something like that anyway?" He asked him as the old man let go a slightly annoyed grunt at the teenager that sat in front of him.

“Do you really think that the US wouldn’t sell out some of its population?” The man asked him as the boy sat there with a blank stare, giving the old timer a hard time as he let out another annoyed sigh. “I swear, kids are getting dumber and dumber nowadays." He muttered, but not low enough for the boy not to hear him. "It's surprizing that you even have the notion of being accepted into college without knowing your history. I guess the school system really isn't what it used to be." The old man griped. "Young and dumb, I swear, Young and dumb." He finished as the boy quickly pressed a few buttons on his phone and quickly turned it around to show the old timer that what he was saying was the truth.

“See look, it says right here.” He nearly pressed the phone in his face. “Congratulations, you’ve been accepted to GRCU” He mouthed with a smirk on his face, showing off that he was right about his earlier statement. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m pretty sure I’m going off to college.” He finished.

“Do you even know what GRCU means? Have you looked them up? Have you researched them? “The man retaliated as the boy stopped his flaunting for a second and sat back down as he recalled the memories of him actually trying to find the information about the college.

"Actually, yes; but every time I tried to pull them up online it kept saying that the website was down." He pondered the thought a bit.

“Did you call?” The man asked as the kid nodded his head in response.

“They would always give me a set of instructions and told me that everything would be alright, that I would have a place to stay, a roommate and everything.” He told him as the old man just shook his head and disbelief.

"And you blissfully accepted it without so much of thinking that it could be a scam or something." He replied as the boy slowly sat back down in his seat, his thoughts now starting to focus on the issue at hand here. "Let me ask you a question, young man. If you were accepted and off to college on this luxurious flight, then ask yourself; why am I here? Dressed like this." He kept his arms crossed as the boy's eyes widened at the sudden realization of the matter. "I see you’re slow to catch on." He shook his head again. "I was a homeless kid, I was assaulted by the police and arrested and their excuse was I harassing people, truth be told if you look around, everybody here looks like they're barely middle class or just flat broke and down on hard luck. Hell, you look like you barely made middle class yourself, you must be lucky."

The boy didn’t respond, he just simply lowered his head as the old timer picked up on his demeanor. "So let me guess, you're just as bad off as we are huh?" The old man leaned his head back and sighed. "Yeah, we're in for some real trouble kid, real trouble." He finished as the people on the plane suddenly became alarmed as the plane started to slowly descend on to the runway.

-Same day/7:45 P.M.-

In the massively built airport, giantess and regular sized human beings walked around. Some walked alone, others walked in groups. The airport was packed and the ceilings were high enough so that giantess of different sizes could walk around without coming in contact with the beams that hung over their heads.

In the airport, the giantesses were nothing like the one dressed in army clothing. They were all dressed in normal casual wear and acted as normal people would at their normal sizes.

Everything seemed normal, besides the fact that most of the women were gigantic and carried on with their lives as they normally would. Leaning against the wall, alone, stood an averagely built giantess. Her Blonde hair traveled down to her neck, but it was neatly put in a ponytail. Her dark brown eyes stared at her phone for a second as her healthy white skin showed life. She wore a white shirt with a few slits on the belly area. Covering her lower half was a blue jean skirt that seemed it a bit faded with a pair of old White flip flops that seemed to be worse for wear. She wore a few silver bracelets on her on each wrist and a silver necklace around her neck.

She was holding a Pink phone in her hand as it began to ring. Without hesitation, she answered the phone and placed it on her ear. “Hello?” She spoke.

“Alex!” A hyper active voice answered on the other end of the phone. “Did you see him yet? Did the plane come in?” The girl asked on the other end of the phone.

Alex sighed a bit before answering it. “Ava, no the plane hasn’t come in yet. I’m kind of hoping that it doesn’t.” She added as she heard a groan on the other end of the line.

“Aww Alex, come on, why do you have to be like that?” Ava reacted. “You don’t have to be a bummed bitch for the rest of your life, you know? Lighten up, you’re getting a roommate and it’s a regular…A boy regular.” She pushed as Alex wasn’t giving in to Ava’s positive notion.

"I don't care Ava; I told you I didn't even want a roommate," Alex responded harshly. "I don't even know why they are making me do this." She added, her facial expression transforming into a pout as she crossed her arms.

She heard a sigh from the other end of the phone. “Alex, what can you do? Your name was pulled and well, you’re stuck with this.” Ava told her. “Could you at least throw away the attitude and be nice to the little guy. He looks cute based on the information they sent you[G39] and hopefully as a good personality.” She tried to reason with her. “You don’t need to be like the other girls and just treat him badly, try to be his friend, if he doesn’t come off like an asshole.” She finished.

"I'll consider it," Alex responded half-heartedly.

"Stop being a bitch ok Alex, just stop; it's not good for anybody's health," Ava told her as you could hear her rummaging through a few things on her end of the phone.

“Won’t be good for him either,” Alex responded causing another groan from Ava as Alex heard a loud crash from Ava’s side of the phone. “What the hell are you doing anyway?” Alex asked her out of curiosity.

"Oh, I'm trying to find something to wear tomorrow, so I can be cute when I come over and meet the little guy," Ava responded truthfully with joy in her voice. "I mean, I'm pretty sure he's not going to want to be around you anymore after today, so just in case you are being a top notch bitch to him, I'm going to take him out and show him the city." She told her.

"You act like we live in New York or something," Alex replied. "Earth to Ava, we live in a shithole city that's painted to look like we have a good life here, or have you forgotten that?"

“Damn Alex lighten up will you, geez I know where we live. You don’t have to spell it out for me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t show the little guy a good time. Hell, it’s not like you’re going to do it.” Ava countered as Alex was left quiet on the phone for a few seconds before she responded.

“You got me there; I don’t want the little runt here anyway.” She quickly took the phone off her face and pressed a few buttons causing a screen to pop up, showing an image of the boy that was coming to stay with her. "The runt's name is Jaden Westbrook," She groaned again. "Why am I doing this? Why don't you just take him, Ava? You're the only one that really wants him, so why don't you just come down here and get him yourself." Alex asked her.

“Because stupid, I’m not on the list for one, if they found out I had another regular living with me…Things could turn bad.” She reminded her. "Plus, I don't want the little guy getting hurt, so yeah he's staying with you. Even though, that's not really reassuring."

"Shut up," Alex responded. "I'm not going to hurt him, shake em up a bit, but not hurt him."

"No!" Ava shouted at her through the phone. "Don't do anything to him, Alex, I'm serious."

“Fine! Jesus!” Alex shouted back as she heard the sound of a plane engine coming as she turned her head towards her left to see the plane coming in on the run way. “Great, the plane’s here.” Her tone gave off an irritated vibe.

‘Alright, let me know how the meeting goes." Ava's cheery voice returned. "Remember Alex, don't do anything to him," Ava repeated.

“Emm hmm bye Ava.” Alex returned, not giving Ava the time to speak before she hung up the phone as she brought up Jaden’s picture again. “Now it’s time to find the little squirt.” She said to herself as she began to walk away from the crowd so she could be spotted by the person she came to pick up.

Minutes passed as the passengers disembarked from the plane. The second their eyes set on their surroundings people began to slowly become nervous of their situation. The image of giant women plagued their thoughts as their brains tried to process the large anomalies walking around the airport as if nothing was out of place.

For Jaden, his mind was far beyond gone as his eyes witnessed the female monstrosities walking around as if it was the most normal thing in the world to do. “What the hell is….” Jaden voice trailed off as the old man stepped off the plane with him.

“You see what I mean?” The man pointed out the obvious. “This isn’t normal; no it’s more than that. This just isn’t right.” He said as he looked around the large scale airport that surrounded them. Giantesses roamed the perimeter, regulars walking at their feet and for those who were able to form some sort of relationship with a giantess were able to be held or carried on their shoulders. “Look at this, what in the hell is going on?” He asked.

“There you are!” A female voice shouted shocking both Jaden and the old man as a large tan hand quickly came out grabbed the old man without any intentions of being gentle.

Jaden couldn’t help but look at a large red headed girl with braces as she lifted the old man up without even giving Jaden the slightest attention. “I’ve been waiting hours for you to get here.” The large red head stated as she turned her back towards Jaden and began carrying the screaming old man off. “I’ve got big plans for us, so we need to hurry up and get out of here.” She stated sweetly, but even Jaden could sense the mischievous intent coming from her voice as the screaming man was carried off from sight.

Jaden couldn’t help let an audible gulp slide down his throat as he slowly began walking throughout the airport; trying his best to avoid the same fate as the old man as he ducked behind a large beam and pulled out his phone. Using his fingers, he pressed a few buttons causing Alex’s picture to pop up, along with her information.

"So this is her?" He questioned as he scrolled up and down the screen. "This is the person that I'm supposed to be rooming with, but…" His mind wandered as his bit down on his lower lip, reading her info as his thoughts continued to process all outcomes of what just might happen to him. "Would she be like the girl that just took the old guy away?" Jaden peeked his head around the beam and saw a few scenes were giantess were handling the regulars like rag dolls. This scared him as he hid again. His breathing picked up as he heard a few screams and grunts along with sorrowful begging. "I hope not…" He said as he also heard some friendly large females, caressing their regular sizes companions as they made their way out of the airport.

Still afraid, Jaden was about to put up his phone, until it started ringing, his screen revealing Alex's face as the phone continued to vibrate. Jaden was sweating bullets as he could do nothing but stare at the picture for a second as the phone continued to ring. He didn't know what he should do. "Should I answer? No, I can't risk it." He said to himself as the phone stop ringing for a second, and then her face popped back up on the screen again. "Shit…." He cursed as he struggled with the logic of his situation. "No, I don't need to answer it. I just need to get back on that plane and get the hell out of here.” He mentally spoke. “This place is crazy, there’s nothing right about any of this. I need to go.” He said to himself as he grabbed his bag and got ready to make a break for it back towards the plane.

He took a couple of steps towards the plane and then broke into an all-out sprint. He gritted his teeth as he brushes passed any regular he nearly ran over. He moved his body as best he could, trying to avoid crashing into a giantess as he either missed their foot completely or pushed off of it for momentum as he began to pick up speed. "Almost there." He stated as he bumped into a few regulars, knocking them down and causing him to stagger a bit. "Shit, no, keep it together, almost there." He said to himself as he regained composure as he was nearing the plane that brought him here. "Just a few more steps." He was within range of the large flying machine as all eyes directed towards him. The commotion he caused as he tried to make his way back to the plane was more than noticeable as regulars and giantesses whispered amongst themselves as they saw the regular try to find a safe haven in the plane.

He was nearly there, just a few more steps and he would have made it, but life is never nice as we want her to be as a large hand came and scooped up Jaden like he was nothing more than a piece of balled up paper that was carelessly discarded. His hand was mere inches from the door as his body was pulled away from the door that he was trying so hard to enter. His face deadpanned with fear as he began to scream hysterically as he was lifted into the air. His body trembled as he felt a wave of air hit his body.

His eyes traveled down as they took in the female hand that grabbed him, the female figure that stood tall and held him high above the large plane that he tried to enter. “Next time I call you, you better answer your phone.” He heard an irritated female tone from behind him. “I mean shit, I’m trying to make this easier for the both of us and you cause all this damn fuss and now everybody is fucking staring.” Jaden couldn’t help but turn his head back to see the face of the giant girl that had captured him. His eyes landed on a girl with dark brown eyes that appeared that if she glared at him anymore than what she already was, then she would have burned a hole through him.

Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and she wore simple clothes that a regular college student would wear. Her features were something to notice she barely had any blemishes on her face or her skin for that matter, but none of that was important; simply because she was beyond pissed off.

“So you’re just going to stare at me, giving me this dumb look; while everyone just looks us?" She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, typical, I knew this was going to be a bad idea." She finished as she turned her back towards the plane, regular in hand.

"Day one and you've already fucking embarrassed me in front of a crowd full of people. Thanks a lot, squirt." She huffed as Jaden couldn't help but try to struggle his way out of her grasp, but it was no use." You can stop squirming squirt, I'm not letting you go until we get out of here." Alex stated as Jaden looked up at her, scared out of his mind.

“And where are you taking me! What the hell is going on! Why the fuck are you so big?” Jaden bombarded her with questions as Alex just narrowed her eyes at him, causing him to turn his away from her, unable to stare back at her.

"Kill the questions squirt," Alex stated. "If you want this to go smoothly between us, then I suggest you keep your rants to yourself and leave me alone. Who knows, shit might be alright if you can manage that." Alex told him as Jaden turned his head back up towards the giant girl that carried him out of the airport. He turned around and saw the city for himself. It wasn't anything like the view that received from when he was airborne. No this looked as though they were in slums, the worst part of the city, the spot where people try to avoid.

He felt the thunderous footsteps as Alex continued to casually make her way back to her apartment, no longer making eye contact with him; nor trying to engage in anymore needless conversation. Jaden couldn’t help but sigh as he couldn’t do anything but let his eyes take in his surrounding area of nothing but Giantesses and regulars, and a trash filled city that seemed to occupy the poor, or the forgotten.

-Alleyway/8:15 PM/Same Day-

"Hey get back here!" A voice yelled as it appeared to lead several shadows that showed up on an alley way wall as they seemed to be chasing one individual.

The one being chased appeared to be scared out of his mind as he tried to use every obstacle he came across to his advantage in escaping. His light Brown eyes showed determination as he quickly kicked a few trash cans over in hopes of delaying his pursuers. His light Brown skin glistened with sweat as he pushed his body to reach its limit. His low cut black hair was covered in dirt, due to the fact that he probably tripped on a few occasions.

His White T-shirt was torn and hanging off his body, it was also covered in dirt and maybe a few blood stains and his Black jeans still looked a bit intact, minus the dirt on them as well. His black sneakers were in good shape as his legs kicked high into the air as he ran with everything he had.

Behind him was a gang of regulars of various skin colors, none to which prove to be of importance, but more so enough that it was more than he could handle on his own. The streets lights flickered on and off as he continued to try to lose his assailants, but to no avail; they were sticking to him like glue.

He hopped fences, turned corners and used any leverage he could to get away from the loud rants coming from behind him.

“Damn, they won’t let up.” He cursed as he turned a corner and hid behind a large object to take a breather. His breathing was heavy and true be told, he was exhausted. He placed his back on a brick wall, his body leaning against a solid White surface. He had his eyes closed as he continued to try and catch his breath, but something told him he wasn't out of the woods yet. The surface he was leaning against wasn't hard; instead, it was some type of fabric. His eyes quickly opened up as he looked up and his mouth completely dropped.

Leaning against the wall with a pair of Black headphones on her ears; her head slowly bobbing to the music. Her long dirty blond hair rested against her chest as her Bluish Green eyes viewed her phone in her pale skinned hand. Her right arm housed a few tattoos and her ears carried a few earrings in each ear. She wore a few silver bracelets on her wrist. Her top half was covered with a Black Shirt with a large space cat design on the front of it and she wore a pair of dark blue jean capris with a pair White Casual shoes with mini spikes all around it and a pink bottom.

She felt something lean on her shoe covered foot, which caused her to take her attention away from her phone and look down at the regular sized human, gazing up at her. The two eyes locked with no words exchange, her expression blank as his was full of shock and fear. He knew he didn't just get away from the regulars that were trying to hurt him, but he ran into something that was much more dangerous and life threatening.

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