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Mikaela had picked up Mark and put him on her palm which was as a football field for him. Mark was dehydrated. He extremely wanted to eat.

Mikaela: While you are taking a break, let me remind you that you have to paint my toenails on my right foot!


Mikaela: Only after my big toenail! Then I will give you water and food. And then you will continue to paint my other toes. But before you have to paint my big toe. No comments.

Them Mikaela put Mark on the bathroom floor right in front of her right foot and recently broken jar with the nail polish.

Mikaela: I shrunk a nail brush. You can find it nearby. Do you see the broken jar? And nail polish spreaded over the surface? Do your job! Start to paint my big toenail! I give you one two hours for that! Pathetic molar! Insignificant!

Mark speechlessly had picked up the nail brush and went to the nail polish. Nail brush was as big as a mop for him. He was so tired that he barely moved. But he noticed that two hours was sufficiently reasonable time for him to complete his job. But when he approached Mikaela's big toe he asked himself a question.

Mark: How to climb up with this nail brush?

Mikaela: Hahahahahaha! Don't know how to climb? Ok. I will help you.

Then Mikaela bend down.

Mikaela: There is small ladder which will help you to go up. Now do your job. And be thankful!


Then Mark started his process. The process consisted of 4 stages. First stage was to lower the nail brush into the polish. The second stage was to rise to the toenail's surface. The third stage was to paint the nail. And the four stage was to go down. Then the cycle should be repeated.

Mikaela: Hahahaha! I can not to get tired looking at you! You are so small! But I believe that you will do your job qualitatively! This job is exactly for you. Be grateful to me. My feet are never sweaty. You can feel only an expensive perfume! You are small ant! Ant goes up, ant goes down, ant goes up, ant goes down! It is so wonderful isn't it? Hahahahaha!

One hour and a half passed. Mark finished his job. Now he was staying on the surface of Mikaela's toenail.

Mikaela: Good job! For you to not be an ant constantly, I think... You have to be a fly sometimes.

Mikaela quickly raised the toe which Mark was staying on. For Mark all what was happening was in slow motion. He was so tired, dehydrated, forceless and hungry... When he landed, he was unconscious.


Mark awoke. He was in a lake. He did not understand anything but instead started to hungrily drink. He was so happy to quench thirst that he even forget about his size situation and Mikaela. He even did not breathe between sips. First few seconds he only drank. But after that he looked around. Again he was horrified when he understood what had happened. He was not in the lake but in the glass in Mikaela's hand!

Mikaela: Hahahahahaha! I will not be verbose. I suppose that you have tired to be a runner today! Let's look what do you present by yourself as a swimmer! You have to swim against the current to survive! Hahahahaha!

Mark was in awe. He was trembling very much. Probably he had guessed what expected him.

Then Mikaela brought the glass to her mouth. Mark immediately turned in the opposite direction and started to swim as fast as he could! Despite this, he felt how a water flow was dragging him back and back and back. He knew that there is no exit from Mikaela's mouth and stomach! So he decided to scream and beg her.


The flow stopped.

Mikaela: Hahahahaha! Running is much more for you than swimming! And it is understandable. You are not a fish! You are an ant! Little miserable ant! Now let me feed you.

Mikaela had picked him up and put on the kitchen table.

Mikaela: Here are 5 small sandwiches. Exactly for you! And this is not a fast food rubbish! Be grateful!

Mark speechlessly started eating.

Mikaela: Now I am going to let you sleep some time. One hour will be sufficient.

Mark fell asleep immediately. This was not reasonable to neglect such a big present.



Mark awoke frightened by sudden loud voice. He did not feel himself sufficiently relaxed. But nevertheless his condition was much better that it had been being before. He noticed that he was already on the bathroom floor near Mikaela's right foot and the broken jar with the nail polish. Again the monstrous figure of Mikaela was towering over him. Again she was tremendously big.

Mikaela: Now I have placed the ledder near my index toe. You can use it. START DO YOU JOB!

Mark continued to wet the nail brush in the polish, go up to the toenail, paint it and go down. This cycle was repeated again and again.

Mikaela: While you are painting my enormously nice sexy toes, I am going to tell you what expects you after. I will take you to another house. If it may be called the house. It is sufficiently far from here and placed in mountains. Or, more precisely, under mountains. And there I am going to grow you back.

Mark: GROW ME??

Mark screamed happily.

Mikaela: DO YOUR JOB! Do not be happy so earlier!

Mikaela (thoughts): Hahaha, what an idiot. He does not understand anything. I will grow him back but also grow myself! And then he will be given exercises again and again! And I will shrink him again! But the size difference will become even more incredible! He will be MUCH smaller than ant compared to me! Much smaller than he is now!

Then there was silence. Mark was doing his job. Few ours passed. He completed painting.

Mikaela: Cool, tiny man! Now let's go!

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