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Story Notes:

The Realm of Melanie was originally written over a decade ago and posted to this site. I worked on it with a friend for a couple of years until they disappeared and I finished it by myself. I've since spent the following decade refining it, rewriting most of it, and adding to it. So this is it, the final revision. Please let me know what you think of my life's work!

Author's Chapter Notes:

An unexpected summer descends as David graduates from high school and introduces his best friend to the subject of vore.



Chapter One



David was just getting home from school for the very last time in his high school career. He was officially graduated and had the entire summer off before his first day in college. He didn’t know exactly what he was going to do for the summer, but he certainly was ready for college. He had earned a full ride scholarship for four years to the local university and he was psyched to go. He hadn’t yet decided his major, perhaps something in the IT field, but he was still listed as undecided. The first thing he was going to do that summer was stay up all night and sleep in all day (just once of course, just so he could say he did it.)

The upcoming summer was expected to be a rather hot one. He would never really go to the beach on the other side of town by himself, but from time to time he was invited there by someone he knew. While he was there he always felt rather awkward. Not extremely physically fit but still quite healthy, he didn’t think he looked like much. And being a computer person (since some people often felt geek was a derogatory term), he hadn’t much of a tan either. To be fair if he took off his shirt he may even illuminate distant objects. His glasses and short dark brown hair made him appear to be nerdy, but those that knew him knew that he was much more than that. Whenever anyone was trying to describe him, they would always use his name to do it; as that seemed to fit best.

Nevertheless David was in store for another normal summer and he wasn’t looking forward to it. He loved school, and more than that he loved being with people he knew; and he knew the summer meant no friends. But this summer, how he would be wrong. Or at least he hoped and kept telling himself.

Most people he didn’t mind seeing again. He knew he would see them sooner or later, and left it at that. But there was one person he had started talking to a few months before through instant messenger. He had known her for quite some time, but they never had hit any kind of friendship off until that year. He had met her his freshmen year in high school while she was a senior, so they had spent about four years without really knowing each other. She was a pretty girl, thus how he knew her. But that was the extent of their relationship, he would see her around and they’d smile at one another, but apart from that there was nothing really there.

David got to know her in the past few months and she got to know him and now it pretty much became mutual habit to get online about the same time and talk about whatever. They never really had a topic, and couldn’t remember what they had talked about the week before, but still they had fun. Her name was Melanie, and he had to admit he had some feelings for her. How could he not? She was a few years older than him and she was gorgeous. She didn’t necessarily share them, so he kept them mostly to himself. He knew she didn’t, he didn’t think; as they had talked about it in the past at one point. That kind of conversation always seemed to stick out in any recollection. Still, she was older and taller than him.

David had also been writing a book for quite some time. He started it as a passing fancy and let it sit for a bit. He wrote a couple pages, put it down, wrote a few more, and then left it for a few months. During those months, however, someone else came along and gave it a boost by adding one of their own bits to the story. This revived his thought train and he kept on writing. Then he met someone else, who worked with him to flesh out the rest of the story. It was going rather well, and David did like to boast about it. Eventually he lost track of his friend but finishing the rest of the novel himself, he pronounced it done.

Melanie couldn’t contain her curiosity any longer, and asked him about it. “What is it about?” She IM’d David about a week after school had ended for them both.

“Oh it’s just a Science Fiction, Fantasy novel. Nothing big.” David had no problem telling this much, and perhaps even more. Yet he didn’t necessarily want to divulge the full scale of the novel’s bulk.

“But novels are big; could you tell me more about it?” Melanie persisted for almost another week, trying to get David to tell her what it was about. Eventually, he couldn’t help it any longer. He had been writing a giantess novel about someone who had shrunken one of her friends. It was an interesting concept, nonetheless. Melanie seemed intrigued, if not at first a little shocked. They continued to talk about it over the course of a week, and he would tell her a little more about it each day, testing the waters as it were.

Eventually Melanie read the first few chapters, and chuckled to herself. She actually found the idea rather inviting, and thought how cool it would have been to be that main character with all the little people before her. She actually said she liked it.

David went on over the rest of the week describing more of it to Melanie.

“She would eat them?” David read the message on his screen. His heart pounded because this was the biggest hurdle, in his mind, of sharing this fantasy with someone; no less someone like Melanie whom he had such fondness for. Rejection at this stage would be worse than if he had asked if she would have dated him. He needed to know what she thought.

He typed back slowly, trying to make sure everything he sent was the right thing to say. “Well… Yes.”

“Fascinating.” She replied, and logged out. He was worried, had he scared her away? He sat there for quite some time just looking at that one word. Four syllables that carried so many different emotions. Was it fascinating in a good way? A bad way? He couldn’t tell, there just wasn’t enough to look at.

On the Fourth of July Melanie sent David a new message. After getting home from his grandparent’s house two towns over, he logged in to say hello. Seeing her message he went to talk to her. She wasn’t online, but was able to read the message anyway.

“Hiya, David! Sorry I haven’t been getting online as much lately as I was before. I’ve been a little busy with things, and I found a new project that I have been working on for about a month now. You should come check it out!”

David wondered what it could have been. He anxiously anticipated her coming online, but resided to playing an uninterrupted session of Dungeon Keeper 2 for hours on end. Sometime after the Dungeon Master had said “It is the witching hour. Curses are half priced.”  David heard the ping of his instant messenger application go off. At that moment he had possession a creature. David heard the IM ping echo down the hallway of his dungeon in a very cool fashion; almost as if it was really reflecting off stone from far in the distance. He thought it was the coolest thing in the world! He had to tell Melanie. A quick alt-tab proved it was her.

They chatted for a few minutes, Melanie was tired and wanted to go to bed, but she wanted to come online and ask David when he was free to come see her new project. A half an hour later they had both gone to bed with the intention of getting up and meeting one another the next day at the local park between their houses. David was excited; he was going to see a friendly face again, and an exceptionally pretty one at that! And long before school started back up. He had no idea what to expect, but felt whatever it was he it was going to be pretty cool. If Melanie had asked David to meet him so she could show him instead of sending him a picture, file, or showing him over the webcam, it had to pretty outstanding.


David awoke the following morning and went about his day as usual. All day his thoughts wandered to and fro trying to cleverly figure out what she could have possibly been doing, but he came to no conclusions that made any sense.

Eventually the time came and he left for the park. It wasn’t very far away so he walked there. It was warm and sunny outside; there were birds and people about. The park was alive with motion, the fish in the pond were monotonously snapping up the insects that kept darting back and forth over the surface. There were a few fishers and a couple joggers, all pretty normal stuff.

He had arrived first, like usual (or at least he believed he would, considering how early he was), and tried to find the place where Melanie had told him to go. She had designated a place much deeper in the park than where he arrived at, so he took the path that led him into the miniature forest. The park was huge as it was the largest in the state and the city was very proud of it. The paths and trails inside were intricate, and it was easy to get lost on them; that’s why there were always signposts every few hundred feet. This park was originally just part of the wilderness and hadn’t been greatly touched since the city had gotten there. It just kind of grew around it and encompassed it as though it were a giant mechanical amoeba.

David walked through the forest, taking in all the sights and sounds of the place. It wasn’t the first time he had been there, so he knew his way around most of it.

           David found the spot where Melanie had told him to meet her, and instead found a note hung on the tree. The writing on it looked rather sloppy and hastily written on uneven, bumpy surfaces; yet still managed to maintain an air of feminine appeal to it. He took it down and read it rather curiously; indeed making sure it was meant for him.


“Dear David, I know I said meet me here and I would show you my project. Well, I beat you here, but… I wanted you to be alone! So, I put this note here to distract you while I got ready. Quick, look behind you!

Sincerely, Melanie.”


Perplexed, David looked up and turned around. He thought he saw Melanie through the trees before a strange sensation came over him. His vision blurred for a second and a great buzzing sound rang through the air. His heart sped up and he lost sensation in his extremities. He felt a whooshing of air and the buzzing became a dull roar that rocked him to his core. All of this happened in the blink of an eye and was over in an instant, but to David it felt much as though it was much longer. He blinked, the light blinding him still.

Fighting the urge to yell out in sheer unexpected agony and confusion he shielded his eyes and squinted forward, he dropped the note that Melanie had left for him. He heard a crash and a crunch, followed by another and another as something in front of him moved. Something huge.

As the world around him came back into focus the first thing he saw was Melanie’s note, except there was something different than it had been when he had been holding it. It had somehow mysteriously grown many, many times its original size and was now lying, slightly upturned around the middle, like a small mat. He saw beyond it what appeared to be a curtain of dark brown fall down around him blocking out the rest of the world. Not understanding what was going on he took a step back before a scent that wasn’t natural but in fact was very alluring filled the air around him. It was very familiar.

“Hiya!” David winced, he had heard that greeting so many times before it could only have be Melanie, but she sounded everywhere. Her voice was loud enough such that he thought it had come from inside of him. David looked in the general direction of her voice, given to reason that it could not have possibly come from within him, and was stunned at what he saw. Hovering above him only a few meters away from him was her face, Melanie’s face; except she was terrifyingly huge! Before he could even get a sentence out he felt her hands lift him up off the ground, her slender fingers wrapped around his body lightly and expertly, like she knew exactly what to do. Her touch was gentle and light, yet forceful and irresistible. David was speechless. “Surprise!” Melanie had a huge grin on her face, her pearly white teeth shining through her puffy red lips.

“How…?” David still couldn’t quite figure it out, what on Earth had just happened? He rubbed his eyes disbelievingly.

“Magic silly. I shrank you, and now you’re my little toy! If you want to be, that is, of course. Do you?” She spoke fast, she was obviously really excited about this idea.

David didn’t even think, and said “Yes!” He was rather surprised at his automatic response, he quickly began thinking about what he had just said and wondered if he would think better of it later. He had read a lot of stories, after all, and not all of them ended up very good. Of course, he couldn’t think this fast, he was still reeling at the fact of how big this beautiful girl was who was holding him!

“Goodie!” Melanie stood up, very pleased with his prompt unquestioning response. As to how she had shrunk him, she would have to explain later. David relaxed in her powerful grip and she covered him with her other hand, shielding him from prying eyes as she made her way home.

While sitting in her hand David was trying to figure out what exactly had just happened. He was really confused and somewhat mystified. Magic wasn’t real, was it? And if it were, Melanie shouldn’t be able to control it, should she? These were a few of the many questions that circled his mind as he contemplated everything during the trip. She had been gone a month or so, was this why?

He knew where they were going, but still he didn’t quite understand why. Why did she shrink him? How did she shrink him? Was he really shrunken, or dreaming? He pinched himself to make sure; knowing full well that if he were it wouldn’t have worked anyway.

Melanie made it to her home, a quaint little place built on top of an old abandoned World War II bunker. It wasn’t in an extremely well to do neighborhood, but it certainly did make for a pleasant house. It had three floors, one of which was underground. There were two rooms upstairs and two downstairs, one of which was the laundry room; the other was hers. Her room had its own personal closet and bathroom, and the original bomb door was replaced by a pleasant brown one, however bits of metallic shielding were visible every so often throughout the basement; especially in the laundry room which was technically unfinished with its concrete walls, ceiling, and floor. She had shown him many times on her webcam.

Melanie passed through the living room and then passed the kitchen. On her way downstairs she stopped to make sure no one was home, before opening her hands to David, letting him see for the first time since she had collected him. He knew they had gone far, but not quite how far. He had never been in her home before, but it looked exactly like it had in the webcam. He looked up at her, and she smiled.

Melanie rocketed downstairs giving David a faint feeling of vertigo, finally stopping in her room where she shut her door and deposited David on her desk by tilting her hand and letting him step, or slide, off. She seated herself on her bed and looked at him expectantly. After a few moments of silence, she began. “So…” And trailed off again into silence.

“So?” David responded, not really knowing what she had wanted. He figured she would be the one to do all the talking since she was in complete control of the situation, but he wasn’t entirely correct at the mater.

“So what do you think? Do you have any questions?”

“Plenty.” David said rather shortly; no immediate pun intended considering he had now been reduced to a height of mere inches, where before he had at least a few feet on him, at least five and a bit.

“Well ask then,” Melanie said with a pleasant smile, leaning a bit closer to him. Even though her desk was higher than her bed, David still had to look pretty far up to talk to her. It wasn’t entirely because he was at a rather miniaturized height, but she was also a fairly tall girl regularly. He remembered that she was taller than him usually anyway, and now even more so.

For a rather long time David had been talking to Melanie about the contents of his book and about the community that it was specifically geared towards, so she was not unfamiliar with the subject; yet actually finding himself in the situation in which he described through instant messaging was quite an experience that gave him multiple emotions. He didn’t really know how he should feel.

He tried nonetheless. First, he was thrilled; he had always wanted something similar. That was the whole point of his book and the community at large in general. Second he was a little scared, because it actually happened, and unlike in his book he couldn’t control what was going to happen. The momentous question of the moment came to him. “How?” Was the general rendition of that question.

Melanie had been expecting that question first, or at least second. She was mostly prepared.

“Well it was pretty tricky at first, honestly.” Melanie began, she pulled her shoulders up and looked around the room as she continued. “ I’ve been trying to work it out for a while now. You see I found this book,” She leaned over David and took a book from the shelf on top of the desk. David, being where he was, was afforded a near miss by Melanie’s chest which came into view and filled his world momentarily before she sat back down. Events like that would soon become common, to David, and he would eventually get used to them, but for now it had been an exhilarating, if not short, experience.

“And it has been teaching me things.” Melanie flourished the book in front of David. He looked at the book and was rather unsurprised to see that it was rather old looking, pretty stereotypical really. The cover was thick and black, made of some kind of rough cloth he was assuming, there was a golden padlock on one end that kept the volume shut when not in use. Melanie must have not had it locked, for she opened it easily enough.

The pages inside looked ancient, aged and crinkled with lots of strange symbols. “See, I can’t necessarily read this, so I started keeping notes and teaching myself everything.” She pulled out a small notepad about the size of David’s old wallet filled with scribblings of her own. “It was sort of like a really huge project. I would read whatever it was that was in the book, figure out how to say it, and then figure out what it meant. I’m not entirely sure on most things, but there are a few things I’ve gotten down really well.” Melanie put the notepad down on the desk next to a binder that looked like it too contained a huge volume of notes as well.

“Like shrinking things?” David was puzzled but acutely interested in what he was hearing. This meant magic was in fact real, completely. The idea that he was standing atop Melanie’s computer desk looking up at her as she towered over him while he was standing and she was sitting didn’t affect the matter as such. His brain was starting to hurt, too many words.

“Well, people mostly, but yes.”

“Wait does that mean you’ve shrunken other people?” David wondered if she had been experimenting on people, and had a box full of people somewhere out of idle curiosity. Immediately he started thinking of some stories he had read before.

“Not necessarily. But I don’t have them any more if I did, so I will say that I didn’t and you will probably not believe me. But in any case, that is not important at the moment.” She smiled sweetly at him. David was skeptical, but given the current state of affairs, he didn’t really have any room to doubt her, and he certainly didn’t want to upset her. Although it wasn’t like he didn’t trust her anyway, he liked her a lot, in many ways, so of course he would. Emotional attraction is just as powerful as physical attraction, in some senses; which David was indeed very akin to.

“Hmmm… I dunno if that is scary or not.”

“Don’t worry David,” She said with a reassuring voice, “I wouldn’t hurt you, ever. You’re my best friend.” Melanie grinned a really big grin that David couldn’t help but seemingly melt under, her emerald eyes and pearly white smile were like a blowtorch to a snowflake of worry. “Besides, we wouldn’t be sitting here right now and I wouldn’t be able to do magic if it weren’t for you in the first place telling me about the whole giantess thing.” She paused for a moment, giving him time to reflect on this statement. “So, what’s another question?”

He thought for a second. Best friend? Really? Wow. “Umm…” David began apprehensively, “Can you change me back?”

Melanie looked at him for a second before answering, “Do you want to be changed back?” Her tone of voice had changed in pitch ever so slightly as to emit a different emotion entirely, it sounded hurt.

“No! I’m not saying that!” David said, instantly attempting to recover from accidentally sounding worse than he meant, “I just meant, is this permanent?” He held his hands out in what he would hope was a physically apparent meaningful way.

“Well,” Melanie said, she leaned back slightly and looked up, “There is a lot to this magic thing, there is a lot more power than just the ability to shrink something…” She trailed off momentarily before looking back down at David and continuing pleasantly, “But I haven’t quite figured out that part yet. I’m sure it is just all in the way I say it, I mean… I have been able to do things with other things by making mistakes, learning what those mistakes do and repeating them. It’s pretty cool, actually. It’s magic! Magic is magic!” She sounded as excited as David felt. “I’m sure I can do anything I want, really. I just have to learn how. And don’t even ask where I got the book, I won’t tell you.” She stuck out her tongue cutely.

David chuckled. “Alright, I won’t ask. This is pretty neat.” He said, looking down from her gaze. It took him a moment to realize he had been absentmindedly gazing at her chest, before he hastily returned his eyes to her face and asked his next question. “What do you mean, other things?” David was a little more than curious now. Of course he was skeptical, but it’s hard to be skeptical about something you don’t think is real when you’re staring at it in the face. He had always loved magic, and discovering its existence, rather first hand, was a very surreal experience.

“Well I would be happy to show you some time, but I can’t do a whole lot but I’ve figured out a way of studying the little magic book that seems to work out pretty well. So I’m sure to learn some pretty neat things here soon! If I keep learning, that is.” Melanie answered excitedly; David too was impressed although he did want to see more of these ‘cool things’.

When Melanie and David had been sitting in silence for a few moments David decided to ask another question that had been drawing at his imagination for a while. “So one last question for now, I guess.”

“Okay shoot.” She said quickly, giving a slight bounce to her shoulders.

“Why did you shrink me?” Their eyes met again, this time David was determined to outstare her; he found it really difficult. Melanie pursed her lips off to the side of her mouth and stared down at him, such a gaze was hard to remain resolute under, but he attempted to weather its weight as best as his little semi-frozen water droplet could.

“Well, I guess… Why not?” Melanie appeared to have a short internal debate and answered herself aloud. “We had been talking about your book and what it would be like to be shrunken or a giantess, so since I had the ability I decided to try it out. No real harm in that, is there?” She was still looking at him, even though his eyes were a little difficult to make out at their distance.

Then she added “And well, I was rather interested in some of the other aspects of your book and I wanted to test some things out, you know, for the experience. You seemed to really like the idea of being a shrunken little guy in the hands of a pretty girl, and I think I am a pretty girl, and I like the idea of having a shrunken little guy… So… Perfect match, right?” She beamed happily at her sound logic.

It truly was undeniable logic. He couldn’t hold her gaze any longer, he blinked and looked away momentarily, giving what she said some thought. Ideas raced through his mind as he tried to decipher her last cryptic comment. “That could be interesting… What did you have in mind, Melanie?”

“Well…” Melanie was cut off by a faint rumbling emanating from deep within her stomach. She gave David a lazy grin. “Well you’re still a person, David, and you’re my friend, so I wouldn’t want to do anything to or with you without your permission. So it’s up to you too, sometimes.” He didn’t comment on her stomach, but he heard it, even from where he was standing.

David’s eyebrow raised, “Sometimes?”

Melanie grinned again, “Of course! I’m a lot bigger than you aren’t I?” She looked a little more than malevolent for a moment, but David paid no attention. “There is plenty that I could do to you with or without your consent,” She seemed to think about this a moment and let it sink into David’s mind, “But I’m no monster, you know that.”

“Of course I do; I was just curious as to what you had in mind, was all.”

“Well,” This time Melanie looked away, she blushed slightly having to admit something like this, probably not much unlike how David felt when he first introduced her, however she didn’t have the luxury of hiding behind two computer monitors and a great length of internet. “Everything in your book.”

“Everything?” David asked, with a mild hint of wide eyed interest.

“More or less. The way you talked about it, the way you described it, it was all so romantic, in my opinion.” Melanie sighed. “I just want to try it all.”

David had been an author for some time, and had a great many works of literature under his belt. He had written about aliens and great space battles, he had a few kingdoms and dragon fights behind him, he even had a romance novel hidden somewhere in the recesses of his artistic history. His most recent foray however had been to writing a giantess novel. Having a great number of fully fleshed out plots and mysteries and what not, he wanted to have fun in a story and just write something without any of that whole ‘plot bit’ at all. So he wrote about a girl who used magic to not only shrink herself from time to time, but other people, and things.

David hazarded the guess. “Even vore?”

“Mostly.” She was looking intently at her speaker, as though she had never seen it before. This was the first time David had ever thought of her as anything less than a stoic pillar of marble that radiates self-confidence. Could she have possibly been a little shy about the subject? No, that wasn’t possible.

“Oh.” David said, he wondered if she had meant anything else too, but still, that had been a pretty interesting bit of information to learn. “You weren’t…” He hesitated, “You know…” She looked back at him, watching him rub his neck. “Going to eat me, were you?”

Without hesitation Melanie held up her hand in what she had hoped would be a reassuring way, “Oh no, I mean.” She hesitated herself this time. “I meant other people.” She paused for a moment, possibly thinking about what to say. “And letting you watch, if you wanted.” She added after, in a lower voice.

David didn’t know what to say to that. This couldn’t possibly be happening, could it? Melanie was a stunningly beautiful and an incredibly attractive girl, she had everyone swooning over her since people got to that age. She was well endowed and took great care to maintain her body in a healthy way. The way she usually dressed didn’t hide the fact that she loved the attention all the boys gave her, she stretched the dress code to the breaking point and beyond (and was eventually left alone after people couldn’t get her to follow it). Not only was she all of these things and more, she had shrunken him, something he had always dreamed about. Again not only that but he was sitting there, talking to this pretty girl, and she was talking about wanting to eat people, and let him watch! This was almost too much for him to take. He needed to sit down.

“I dunno what to say…”

Melanie darkened a bit, “I hope I didn’t offend you.” She said sheepish.

“Oh no,” David noticed only too late how awful he had sounded. “It’s not that, I think it is wonderful. I just don’t know what to say, is all. It’s a very different thing, actually doing that in real life.” He thought about it realistically, but he tried not to. Other people were people, and what she had suggested would be killing them, but he tried not to think about it. Murder.

“Well… Yeah.” She brightened up a bit, “But there’s plenty of other giantess things I can do, after all, I am your giantess! If you want me to be.” She added.

“Of course I do. And I can be your little pet.” He thought a moment, and added “Or friend, little friend. I prefer that, actually.” Melanie giggled.

“Yes, sorry. My little friend.” She held out her hand to David, and he looked at its complexion. Her skin looked flawless and powerful, yet thin and petite. All the words he could use to describe it would be contradictory to themselves and each other, he thought. “Of course, I think little pet is so adorable.”

David stepped up and onto her palm and she rose it to eye level and looked at him more closely. Her huge eyes were pools of green refractions as light shown almost through them creating fascinating patterns and designs not easily seen unless incredibly close. David’s size gave him ample room to scrutinize anything and see everything that usually went unseen by most people. She suddenly blew on him a sweet warm breath that ruffled his hair and made his eyes water slightly. She grinned again and looked behind him at her clock.

“Well it is getting late, and we should probably get to bed. I dunno about you but I have been awake since early this morning,” Melanie always got up early in the morning David remembered. She was always fast asleep in the evenings too, she told him once she never had trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or any of that. He had trouble, always. “Perhaps you could give me some tips on being a giantess tomorrow if I don’t beat you to them, okay?”

“Alright.” David said bemusedly.

“You can sleep on my desk tonight, I laid a shirt out for you that should be soft enough. Just don’t go and get lost or hurt yourself now.” Melanie said while lowering him to the small field.

“Okie dokie.” He stepped off her hand and onto the field, it was made of the softest material he had ever felt before. Melanie got up and disappeared behind the desk and then disappeared into her bathroom. A few moments later David saw her reemerge with her clothes in one hand sporting a set of light pink well fitted pajamas, top and bottom.

She deposited her clothes into a hamper on her way to her bed and climbed into it, pulling her blankets over her. A few moments later with one final stretch she said “Goodnight,” and turned out the light. David heard her rustling about in her bed, he waited for it to quiet before adding faintly, “Goodnight.”

David could hear her breathing in the distance, since the light had gone his eyesight had too, but it was slowly returning with the night vision he was so proud of. He wondered how well she would sleep, knowing she wasn’t alone in her room; if that would even affect her; whether or not she was asleep already. All he knew himself was the rhythmic sound of her breath was slowly making him drowsy. After setting things straight in his mind, he slowly fell into slumber himself.

Chapter End Notes:


Hello! I am so excited to finally be doing this. I know I didn't finish reposting the previous series, but I've since made a new account and with it will come a whole slew of additions and revisions. So if you are a fan of my work please drop me a line, my email address is as always hkorhal@gmail.com.

If you would like access to my blog and other goodies please consider visiting my Patreon page, it has helped me realize more of my dream and has helped me in dedicating more time to writing; it would be sincerely appreciated! https://www.patreon.com/hkorhal

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