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Author's Chapter Notes:

It's definitely been a while since I've last added to this. More Sylvia in this chapter!

The convention we were attending was in L.A., nearly on the other end of the country. It was a full two-day drive. Another car was driving behind us, containing Yuki and Jasmine. Sylvia had felt that it was a necessary measure to get her to talk to someone other than herself.

“Even if you’re mine, I can’t pay attention to you every second,” Sylvia explained to Jasmine before she left, patting her gently on the head. “And I want to make sure that you are as happy as possible. For that… you need to make sure to talk to everyone else, okay? So you’re going to be riding with Yuki.”

“Ok…” Jasmine sighed, looking down at the floor. She seemed pretty reluctant at the time, but hopefully everything would be okay. Can I at least have a pair of your panties for the trip!?”

“Um… no. You should really hang out with Yuki.”

“Oh… how about your photo album? I’m your doll, aren’t I,” Jasmine pouted. “Isn’t it fine if I’m obsessed with you?”

“You’re my doll, and you’re going to be happy and healthy. Therefore you have to be friends with all of the others!” Sylvia’s eyes narrowed, focusing on the tiny girl, who came only up to her knees. “Give me… your cell phone.”

“My cell phone? Why? You told me I could call people to let them know where I was at and keep up with them.”

“Yeah, and you can always do that. Just… not now… because I know you’re not going to use it for that purpose. You’re just going to look at pictures of me. You being obsessed with me is cute if you’re with me… but that can’t be your only feature. I took you in because I felt bad for you… and you’re adorable… go be adorable with Yuki for a while…”

“But you said it! I’m your doll…” Sylvia picked her up instantly, bringing her tiny nose in contact with hers, staring at her.

“Of course you are. I can pick you up like this all the time. I intend to have a decent collection… twenty… thirty… I’m not going to be paying attention to every one of you every second. Unhealthy obsession with me is fine! It’s INSANE obsession that goes too far.” Sylvia pet Jasmine slightly more, stroking her until she calmed down. At that point, Sylvia placed her on the floor skedaddled as quickly possible for the truck.

Soon Sylvia’s phone rang. It was Diana. Quickly Sylvia answered the phone, sighing.

“What is it now, Diana…”

“She’s sitting on me!” Diana’s voice came over the phone, loud and triumphant.

“Who’s sitting on you?”

“Who do you think!” Diana squealed. “Who else can pin me down by sitting on me!”

“Yeah… yeah… it’s Vicki,” Sylvia sighed. “How are you even talking to me, if you’re being sat on? And how proud are you about how much she weighs!”

“She’s been doing it for the past hour!” Diana called. “I like it when she sits with me. She’s playing with some of her other ‘toys’ or whatever, just making them lick her feet. I have some friends staying over anyway. Whenever I get bored, Vicki let’s me stay with them!”

“Ok… so what’s the importance of the update?” Sylvia asked. “It sounds like you’re getting along pretty well. I’ll be back in a few days.”

“Well… I mean… I just think it’s pretty cool,” Diana continued sheepishly. “I gave some of my friends a cum bath the other day.”

“What’s a cum bath?” Sylvia asked, trying her best to fake an innocent voice.

“You know… I get a large bowl… and I just rub a few out in it. I’ve had some of my friends get in it. They’ve told me that it’s really… really warm!”

“That’s cool I guess. Diana… you have to keep in mind that you’re lucky. Vicki’s not trying to hurt anyone again, is she?”

Silence came from the other end of the phone.

“IS SHE?” Sylvia pressed Diana.

“The little people… yeah… I keep telling Vicki that it’s not right to do what she does to them. But they keep obeying her stupid orders. SOME try to escape, and you can at least feel bad for them, but so many just keep coming back. How am I supposed to help people that retarded?”

“Vicki’s sitting on you, right? I don’t know how that gets you off, but apparently it does. Can I talk to her?” Sylvia was fidgeting a little. She was clearly worried

“We’re on speaker! Everyone in the room can hear us!” Vicki shouted.

“Yep! And you know what!” Diana shouted.

“What…” Sylvia droned on, uninterested.

“I’m going to screw the SHIT out of her, just like she wants. I’m going to grow bigger, like she keeps demanding I do. And I’m going to make her fucking obsessed with my cock, just like I’m obsessed with her. When I’m over a hundred feet tall, all those directors are going to be sorry. No more stupid films for Diana! NOPE!”

“Well… um… it’s like you said, Diana. You two… just because you’re big, it doesn’t mean that you should hurt people.”

“Like I told Vicki, we’re absolutely NOT going to hurt people willy nilly.” Diana spoke formally. “I laid down some ground rules.”

“Like what?” Sylvia asked, genuine curiosity in her voice.

“First! Everything we do has to be geared towards stability. People can only be hurt if one of two conditions are satisfied. They must be a volunteer… someone who willingly submitted themselves to us, or they must be someone deemed to be a bad person.”

“You know we kinda hypnotize people, right? There are plenty of people who would do crazy things for us. That doesn’t mean they deserve to DIE.” Sylvia kept talking, but Diana continued.

“Second! For volunteers, we should never deliberately hurt them. Vicki and I will use them to serve us at all times, whenever necessary. If they get hurt, it’s because we were using them for something and messed up. You know, like if we accidentally sit on them, or I put more people inside Vicki and I ram her too hard.”


“Third! We are going to get what we want. Period! They still haven’t gotten the property for a proper running course, so I just ran, through the neighborhood! It’s not like anyone can stop me… sure there was some property damage and stuff. But really, what are they going to do!”

“Diana… that doesn’t sound like a rule against violence…”

“Fourth! We will use our power to change the world for the better. As I told Vicki. We should punish evildoers and protect the weak! The only people we’ll harm without their consent are those who deserve to be harmed. And everyone will look up to us and seek to emulate us.

“Don’t evildoers get what they want, period?”

“…I… I mean, we’re the most important people on Earth… what’s the point of taking this treatment otherwise? Anyway… uh…

“Fifth! And Final!” Diana shouted. “Vicki wasn’t being cautious enough about protecting people, so smaller people like and Nate and my friends that we need to protect will be required to wear an earpiece at all times. That way we can keep track of where they are, and we won’t accidentally step on them or anything!” Diana’s voice traveled expectantly over the phone. “So… what do you think!”

“Those are lousy rules.” For a while, nobody said anything over the phone. I squirmed uncomfortably on Sylvia’s lap as she sighed over the phone. She was squirming herself, moving back and forth quickly within the tight confines of the truck’s carriage.

“I’m getting the antidote, if there even is one” Sylvia continued. “This affects us in weird ways. You know that. Vicki’s been acting weird, and now you are too. I’m going to stop this. We wanted to become important, but you sound like you want to rule the world…”

“NOPE! I wouldn’t want to rule the worldI I’m not putting in the time. And I don’t want the fucking antidote. I bet there isn’t even one anyway. That doctor was so shady, you have no idea. I’m just going to keep swelling up larger and larger with Vicki. But I’m sure there’s a way to stop growing. We’ll find one eventually. After all we can't starve... and in all honesty, we've probably been making ourselves bigger... Vicki and I cared more about the giantess stuff in the first place. That has to be why we're bigger than you. We want it more. And we’re going to keep growing for now.”

"And she enjoys it!" Vicki's voice came over the phone. "I wouldn't actually hurt Diana... there's a lot of big cushions here... And she's had an erection lasting over four hours... that could be a problem though!" Vicki chuckled.

“Well, have fun with Vicki sitting on you. I’m sure her butt feels great. Bye!” Sylvia groaned as she hung up on her sister, nearly breaking another phone. She placed her head in her hands afterwards, simply sitting there.

“We need to get some researchers to look at us,” Sylvia sighed, placing her head in her hands.

"How about we contact them now?" I asked. "I know you wanted to grow a lot but..."

“It wasn't just about you Nate... we all wanted to be big. I mean, it's not like you're the lover of all the Small sisters... to be honest, you look like a bit of a doll. And I kind of do enjoy it. And I want to see what people think of me at the convention. So I'm going to wait a bit longer." As Sylvia said this, her eyes darted back and forth between her own breast, cupped in one of her hands, and myself, like she was comparing sizes, smiling a little.

"But I’m not doing that now. I’m relaxing. Relaxing. Relaxing… my sisters are going to be normal again. I shouldn’t have gone along with letting you be placed in Vicki’s fucking vagina. Whatever. I need to pee.” Sylvia shifted uncomfortably in the back of the truck, before pressing a button.

“Um… mister driver,” Sylvia asked awkwardly. “Do you know where a good place to stop to use the bathroom would be at?”

“Well, a gas station wouldn’t work,” the gruff, yet friendly, voice answered from the front of the truck.

“I know that Steve… oh… Nate. I never told you who’s driving our truck, did I?”

“No…” I nodded slowly.

“He’s my English teacher from the third grade, before I moved in to your town. He got his CDL a while back but he had difficulty finding work. He’s not a cute girl who can pull off cosplay well…”

“Who said I wasn’t?” The voice hollered back.

“But I thought that I could give him a job anyway. So I’m paying him to drive me around… where I need to go. Of course… we have no antidote… so that might be a relatively short lived job.” Sylvia slumped, pressing her hands against both sides of the truck’s interior.

“I don’t want to be so big that I can’t even handle one of my people without breaking them. I’ve tried calling the number the doctor left for us, and he just refuses to answer back,” Sylvia kept worrying. “Have we found a spot yet, away from people!? I really need to find a place!”

“We’re in Saint Louis!” The man called from the front. “There’s nothing anywhere around here!”

“Great…” she moaned. “Can you go faster… Nate. I show myself off all the time, but I’m not going out in front of these strangers.”

“I’m speeding up!” The man called from up front. I doubted that we were following traffic laws as the truck lurched forward faster. Sylvia squirmed from side to side in the truck as we barreled forward. Even now, she held me close to her, as I rested on her lap. I felt a slight bit of wetness splash against my butt, as Sylvia groaned. It was obvious that she was leaking.

“I uh… ah… can’t… take it anymore. I shouldn’t have waited so long to tell you… ah… sorry Nate!” Sylvia screamed out as she peed. The liquid poured over me rushing down my legs as it poured out of her underwear. It flowed onto the floor, covering the bottom of the truck. Her smell began strong quickly, as it flowed throughout the bottom, staining a stack of gigantic cosplay outfits prepared for Sylvia.

“I should have planned this out more,” Sylvia sighed, her head in her hands. “This is completely soaked.” Sylvia sighed. “Mr. Driver, we’re stopping. Somewhere without many people. I’m changing out of this.”

“OK.” We drove for nearly an hour more, before we pulled off an exit somewhere. We drove a little farther after that, obviously to get away from people as Sylvia requested.

It took seven loads of laundry to take care of Sylvia’s outfits—one for each costume. Fortunately, we stopped by a laundromat in a mostly abandoned town. I was able to take care of it in just a couple of hours. Sylvia simply decided to wait outside. The top of the building barely came up to her butt. She was dressed in a set of casual clothes, a belly-shirt and pair of short shorts. They were kind of small on her now… to such a degree that eight feet of bare leg was exposed. It was quite a sight.

“Um… I haven’t seen anyone that looks quite like you.” A young girl was staring at Sylvia, standing the way she was.

“How do you do your laundry if you’re that big?” Asking the important questions.

“Well… it takes a lot more detergent. And I can’t really fit in the building without breaking it,” Sylvia replied sweetly. “I’m actually kind of afraid to sit on the building. Because I might hurt it. I’ve been sitting down for a while anyway, so I need to stretch my legs.”

“Why are you so big? We’re you always that way?”

“Eh… because I can be? And no, I wasn’t always that way!” Sylvia casually shrugged.

“That’s cool. Can you give me a ride?” The girl looked up at Sylvia, only coming up to her knees.” Sylvia simply bent over, offering her hands to the girl. Casually she walked forward, and Sylvia carefully rocketed the girl into the air.

“And it’s flying! The rocket is going at last, heading for the moon.” Sylvia walked around the parking lot with the girl. She took care to avoid cars as Sylvia traversed the parking lot, time and time again. The girl couldn’t get enough of flying above the cars.

I sat outside, watching Sylvia toss the girl around. She had such a wide smile on her face. Yet the TV inside suggested something else.

“The Small Sisters: A Wonder, or a Menace?” The TV inside the laundromat began talking about the three of them.

“First appearing months ago when the one named Sylvia showed herself to the world—The Small sisters have made an international sensation. However, disturbances in their home town of Fredericksville have been traced to them. Reports of property damage, injuries, and even disappearances have been connected to these three sisters. All three have numerous fans—and many products have been sold bearing their likenesses. The most important question remains—what is causing their growth? And when will it stop? To this, we turn to a national security consultant, Dr. Smergey Rokmonanov.”

“A national security expert..?” I whispered. Sylvia placed the girl on the ground immediately, as she watched the program intently.

“Some people are panicking about these sisters,” a man on the television began speaking. “Some people keep talking about them, in a time when we understand that North Korea has nuclear weaponry, and terrorist attacks are an ongoing threat throughout the world. Even attacks from domestic right and left wing American organizations are a greater threat. We simply have to wait and see… there is a director who says that he had millions extorted from him by one of the sisters. However, he has still put his film involving the middle sister, Diana Small, on the market.”

“Wait and see…” Sylvia muttered under her breath, her hands clenched together.

“Either they are not a threat at all, in which case we do nothing. Or they are, in which case we can solve it in a day. Either way, it’s no problem. People are getting worked up over nothing.”

Sylvia turned away from the screen, looking downcast. “Surely Vicki and Diana can’t be national security threats…” she kept muttering to herself as she sat down, curling up next to the laundromat.

“I don’t think you’re a threat…” the young girl placed a single hand on Sylvia’s knee, doing what she could to comfort her. Sylvia reached a massive hand out, the palm engulfing the girl’s head, and ruffled her hair. She smiled slightly.

“Is that your mother by the car?” Sylvia pointed towards a woman standing next to a Chevy, waiving at the little girl from across the parking lot.

“Yeah!” The girl smiled, cheerfully gazing at Sylvia. She ran after her mother. “I hope I can see you on TV again! I’ve never met anyone famous before!”

“You’ll see me! Don’t worry!” Sylvia waived back at the girl, and her mother as well, as they left. Hesitantly, the mother raised her hand and waived back and Sylvia. The two of them got in the car and drove off. Sylvia kept waiving at them until they were out of sight, at which point she lowered her hand with a sigh.

“Nate… hopefully things will be normal with my siblings again.” Sylvia cried slightly, her eyes looking red. "And the fact that little girls are watching is why we shouldn't try and start fucking public orgies like Diana..." Sylvia muttered. “I’m sorry, I wanted to show you a fun time. I shouldn’t be crying around you.”

“Why don’t we just take care of it now?” I asked Sylvia, a sense of pleading in my voice. “There’s no need for us to go to an anime convention, is there?”

“I've always been a bit more responsible than my sisters, Nate” Sylvia sighed. “Maybe there really is no cure. I already sent my blood in for research, and noone's found anything out of the normal... besides there being a lot of it. But I don’t want to let Yuki or Jasmine know about that. I just have to believe!” Sylvia cried, pumping her fists. “So I’m giving these people a chance to actually figure out what's going on! There should be an obvious cause as to why we're freakin gigantic! Vicki and Diana won’t do anything too bad in the meantime, no matter what you say, you’ll see! I believe in them!”

“I just have to show my good sides… which are all of them… to the people in L.A.” Sylvia sighed. “I don’t care what they say, they’re not going to drag me out of the hotel building on unfounded fears.” Sylvia sighed, looking down at the ground.

“And what of Diana and Vicki? They’ll be okay… right?”

“Vicki doesn’t give a shit. She’s only hurt a few people… and it’s based on her whims. She wants control… but she doesn’t have direction. Diana I’m more worried about. She’s always wanted to help people… maybe she thinks changing the world will help people. But I REFUSE to worry about it right now! I’m waiting to see what the results are. If I don’t, we’re going everywhere looking for him.”

“You’re mad at them, aren’t you?” I fired back quickly.

“Yes. A little,” Sylvia admitted, her shoulders slumping. “And I’m a little mad at you too. I mean… I love you… and I understand it’s hard to be assertive with people over fifty feet tall. But Vicki’d CRUSH other people who say what needs to be said to her. I’ve been avoiding it, you outright encourage it, and now Diana’s going along with it. It's one thing to have a fetish Nate... don't you think it's becoming a bit of a lifestyle...”

“I’m sorry…” I responded. Truly, I had encouraged it… at every step. What was going to happen from here?

“What’s going to happen from now on?”

“I don’t want to think about it. Not only are we huge... but with the energy I've felt inside me? I'm not even sure I'll age properly... and I kind of wanted to settle down... but between my size... my sex drive... my fame... your complete lack of assertiveness... don't you think that I'm a bit out of your league... I've been starting to collect people like I'm playing some real life gacha Nate..."

"Am... am I a five star?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Gacha games are stupid anyway," Sylvia laughed. And then she looked down at me, and spoke quietly, more darkly. "But this... is a bit more exciting." Other people were staring at Sylvia, as she spoke without a care in the world, breaking what she just said about doing anything sexual in public. I could smell her arousal washing off of her. "I'm not going to stop at one... or a few... I plan to collect a lot of little people. As quiet and little as you are... it's not like I plan to marry you... but I'm still going to make you mine... mine completely... not Diana's or Vicki's... would you be content to be one of my dolls, my possession... for me to treasure and play with... forever?” Sylvia grimaced, then smiled slightly down at me. causing me to step back. Her crotch was almost directly above my head... it was beginning to strike me just how... MASSIVE even the smallest of the Small sisters was. Sylvia's smile was fiercely protective... yet... almost insane. Was she beginning to think of me as her possession... but of course... she was right... I couldn't hide my fucking stupid erection... being Sylvia's doll... wouldn't that be a dream come true? To forget about a career... about anything else... just let Sylvia take care of me forever?

The sound of driers began to go off, one after the other.

“Welp. Sounds like it’s done! Let’s collect the laundry, and then we’ll be ready to head on!” I began taking out several massive loads of laundry in silence. I would simply take a few articles of clothing out and hand them to Sylvia, perched outside of the front door, blocking the entryway. In turn, she would take each article of clothing and place them in the truck, her hands running over each piece of clothing. I could only really handle one shirt at a time—they each weighed quite a bit. At least I was able to carry out thirty plus pairs of her panties at a time.

Finally, we were loaded up and ready to go.

“Did you want to find a place to stay at tonight?” Sylvia’s ex-teacher asked as we clambered back into the truck, shaking with Sylvia’s movements. It was quickly turning dusk.

“No…” Sylvia drew her legs in after I crawled in, shutting the great truck carriage’s doors behind her. “No place will have accommodations for me anyway. I can sleep in the back of the truck.

“Ok…” The driver called out. We began to pull out of the laundromat. Sylvia’s hand, so many times larger than my own, rested on her vast leg. I placed my hand on hers, wrapping it around her great middle finger. It radiated so much warmth.

As we pulled out and began to leave, Sylvia smiled down at me, again, exactly the same as before.

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