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Author's Chapter Notes:

For a second, I thought that the woman in front of me looked like Diana… but her features were somewhat softer. Thin, and her hair had a slight platinum-blonde sheen to it. Still, she was tall… taller than me, like Diana was, even before this entire mess begun. This young woman appeared to be about the same age as her too, but she wore a feminine business suit – even with the exposed cleavage, it made the woman look older somehow. Her hair was long and flowing, and her body language conveyed a casual confidence – whoever this woman was, she clearly had an ego. She was chewing a large wad of bubble gum, while looking over at me casually. The light above hummed, dangling from a string.

Booming from outside caused the light to flicker, and the lamp bounced back and forth with each movement.

I could smell the pheromones in the air… it made the very air thick… mixing with her sweat, creating a heady mixture. Vicki couldn’t have been far.

“You’ve been out a few days, Nate…” the woman spoke, interrupting the silence. “My name is Alice… nice to meet you.”

“Where am I?” I responded. The woman just smiling, shrugging, as she moved closer to me, sitting on the hospital bed.

“You’re at the campus hospital Nate… Vicki wanted you here. So she could have you… she’s bigger than the others, even her siblings. So it makes sense that she gets what she wants…”

“Vicki captured me?” I responded, shaking my head. “She knows how dependent Sylvia is to her, so I know she wouldn’t take me from her…” but the blonde woman shook her head. Again, the light shook as the booming echoed from outside.

“Sylvia belongs to her too… that should be obvious…” She crossed her legs, looking at me dubiously. “Don’t you think it’s an honor Nate… to be in the presence of someone like Vicki? I’ll take you outside… look at how much she’s grown… show you why she deserves everything”

It felt like every portion of me was together… no broken bones or bad bruising. I did a couple of stretches to make sure, but nothing was hurt. So I followed the blonde woman out of the vibrating room, towards the balcony. I swung the door open, into blinding sunlight.

And what I saw shocked me.

Much of the city before me was wrecked… buildings standing only to half their height, the other resting in the ground. Cars, trees, smaller buildings, everything… lay together in a pool of Vicki’s arousal. Her legs spread around the small lake, walling it in. She wasn’t saying anything,  only looking down with a sort of blank expression. I had never seen Vicki this quiet before. She fiddled with a car, toying with it between her fingers, before eating it, slowly sliding the hunk of metal down her throat. The screech of metal pierced the air as she chewed an entire car like a piece of hard candy. Finally, slowly, she swallowed it, the car appearing as a lump in Vicki’s throat for a moment.

“Did she just…?” I wondered.

“Yes…” Alice responded. “Vicki can eat ANYTHING. And she will eat everything… lust and power overtaking her… until she eats everything… everywhere… that she can shove down her throat.” Alice cleared her own throat, before speaking. “Of course… that means we need to be inside her… where she can’t reach. Then we can live in harmony with her… a goddess who rules all. No more wars… no more petty disputes… we say that people fight for food. For honor. For nations… but the main reason… is just to win. We won’t need to do that soon. Not when it’s obvious that Vicki has beaten all of us…” She sighed. I shouldn’t have been shocked at this point, but the woman fingered herself in front of me, pulling her skirt down.

“Life only needs to be about sex now. About Vicki’s sex… we’re all nothing compared to that…” but her smile faded, along with her movements. “But she doubts herself… she’s worrying about her sisters. And about you… you stupid mite…” her voice turned nasty.

“I’ve followed you, Nathan. Not just in the news. People in my line of work know everything. You’ve just let yourself feel privileged, treasured by these girls… crawling over their massive bodies… and you don’t deserve any of it…” She approached me, holding my head between her hands. “This is Vicki’s world, here… but… that doesn’t mean that I can’t knock you off…”

I tried to push out of this madwoman’s grip, but she held me tight.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT!?” I retorted.

“Encourage Vicki. I heard her sisters are heading over… you need to tell them… just how much better Vicki is… how much you NEED her to grow. The world NEEDS her to grow… and get rid of her worries… because I think idiots… fools who don’t understand Vicki are going to try and kill her. And she NEEDS to be a whole lot bigger for that… Vicki’s doubting herself. Worrying about her friends. And she’s always seen herself as too good for friends… so I pretty much just mean you three.”

“You captured me… didn’t you? Not Vicki.” I replied, as the woman let go, staring at me flatly.

“Yes… I work for a group similar to the CIA… but even more confidential. That doesn’t mean that I agree with them… in fact, to be blunt - they will wipe out mankind if they aren’t destroyed themselves…” she looked bashfully, like a teenage schoolgirl with her first crush, back at Vicki. “But this spoiled, sexy brat won’t kill us all. Not if we live inside her… she’ll save us… I’ve already modified her pheromone production just slightly… Vicki let me do it… it has oxygen. Vicki allowed me to do it… because she’s so generous. We can live… inside of that nice wet tunnel of hers… deep inside, past her fingers… for eternity… like bacteria, as we deserve… worshipping her, driven mad with fervent desire… for eternity!” She tapped her foot impatiently. “But she remains reluctant… she doesn’t want to trash this planet… to consume it. So you are going to go out there… and feed her mind. Her ego. Make her WANT to get bigger… or you’ll be of no use to me…” she stared back at me, coldly. “Your choices are a life of constant sexual bliss… or dying today. And that’s it. There’s no door 3.”

Mist rose into the air, where the blinding sunlight struck the pool of Vicki’s arousal. If I looked at the pool from the right angle, it blinded me entirely.

She leaned against the side of a skyscraper, yawning, she revealed the same mouth that just devoured a car whole to the world. Several buildings were leaning over at an odd angle… it was unclear whether they had previously been abandoned, or if people died within them. Vicki looked bored, and also somewhat down. One hand played with her pussy… fiddling to stimulate lust, with the mannerism of being told to do homework. Of course, likely, this Alice woman had told her to do that… Vicki clearly wasn’t into it. Her left foot tapped, causing the ground to shake a little. And she continued to stare at the lake of cum, seeming just to wonder how she had made it. I was used to it at this point… but her pheromones made me want to jump into the lake… I could make out a few small forms in it already. Blandly, I wondered how long they had to live… between the legs of a girl bigger than any well… in a lake of Vicki’s own cum. They can’t have long.

Meanwhile, Vicki's single foot filled half of my view from the balcony. It alone was several dozen feet tall, taller than my own vantage point. And, ominously, it wasn’t far from us either, wriggling digits standing out before us. A single bratty act… a stomp, her spitting on me… maybe even her orgasm… all would surely kill me.

“Alice… I’m bored.” Vicki pouted, knowing that the blonde would hear her, no matter where she was. “Trying to get bigger all the time can get annoying… soon nothing’s gonna be the right scale. I liked when I played with people… you’re right, I’m more sensitive… but… people just aren’t fun at this size…” Apparently Alice and Vicki had been talking with each other during the period I was out. But seeing Vicki complain like that gave me hope… hope that Vicki would be willing to quit growing.

“Alice… they talked about surgery… to stop them from growing. You heard Vicki just now… she’s already like a goddess. And they can’t shrink her down… I mean, her size is starting to bore her. Isn’t she big enough for you?!” I retorted, but Alice looked at me with a disgusted face.

“I’m the first who has spoken to you… but there are MILLIONS of devotees of Vicki. People who want to see her grow. Power is never boring… and more size… is more power. Vicki of all people should realize that! And you will MAKE HER realize that. And speak for her worshippers. Or I’ll kill you. It really is that simple!” she stomped the ground… coming from a girl slightly under six feet in height, it wasn’t anywhere near as impressive as Vicki making the same fit.

“I brought her father over here…” Alice drawled. “You’ll encourage her to eat him, another sacrifice… one she will REALLY relish… and you’ll tell her to get bigger… and… b…bigger…” she giggled, barely able to stand up “we’ll film the whole thing!”

“How am I supposed to even talk with her… we’re several floors up, and I don’t even think we’re clearing her legs here.”

“There’s going to be a raised platform in the middle tonight…” Alice drawled. “We’re setting it up now. It’ll be a few hours… time we don’t have to spare… but you need to get your strength together. And we need Sylvia and Diana to get here anyway… I’ll be communicating with you over a concealed headset. But you don’t have to follow my prompts. Anything you can think of to praise and encourage Vicki in front of you, her sisters, this city… the world… it all helps, just don’t fuck it up…” she passed me a glass. More like a mug. Brimming with a thick liquid.

“The food here is just regular food. And it’s top quality… really. But there’s some nutrition in this too… Vicki’s discharge… I think… drinking some will put you in the right mood for tonight. And when you haven’t had anything to eat for a while… it’ll have more of an effect.”

Reluctantly, I looked at the thick liquid… I had been frequently drenched in Vicki’s cum. Soaked solid in it. But that didn’t mean that I wanted to drink it. But, I felt that I was compromised… having to obey the orders of this strange woman. So I tipped it… there wasn’t much of a taste… but what there was, wasn’t bad. It was very thick liquid, and it took some effort to slurp it down. My stomach felt tight, having not eaten in days, but I kept at it.

And the pheromones had an effect nearly immediately. I had kept the effect of Vicki’s scent at bay, but drinking her cum… it had an incredible effect on me. Overwhelming me quickly. There was a fucking LAKE of what I was drinking not far from me. An infinite supply… and one that would only grow larger. I hungrily drank it all, myself feeling drunk from the effect… all of this cum, from Vicki’s pussy. The Vicki who I used to look at eye-to-eye.  

Another glass was slipped into my room, from an unseen hand. Greedily, I went after it as well.

And the sun continued to set.

Soon I heard booming… crashing. Something was approaching.



The two girls appeared in the horizon of the setting sun.

Diana stared at Vicki somewhat hungrily, but her arm wrapped around Sylvia as well… both girls were naked, themselves feeling the effects of rapid growth.

Sylvia was quite a bit taller… still the smallest of the three, but she stood up to Diana’s chest… the girl who I got in a truck with a short while back was now ten fucking stories tall… she had some odd basket wrapped around her waist, with a closed container. I could recognize figures inside… likely her friends. Otherwise… she was entirely naked. Amazingly… I could see a thick drop of liquid falling from her engorged nipple. Nothing compared to the lake below…. But even so….

And Diana had grown some too, but not as much as Sylvia. She looked around the largely wrecked city with a mildly bored expression.

“I doubt insurance is covering all this…” Diana remarked, wryly.

“Where’s Nate…” Sylvia cried, causing Vicki to take notice of her sisters…

“Oh… Sylvia…” Vicky replied, bored. “I don’t know… I thought he was with you! I haven’t seen any of him!” She sat there for a moment, wondering…. “Oh… you still can’t even look at me sitting down, eye-to-eye… but you’re bigger, even relative to me, aren’t you?” Vicki slapped her stomach. “I’m proud… that means you’re growing a lot, Sylvia. Nearly as tall as Diana now. Maybe we’ll eat the Earth together…”

“Eat the Earth… what do you even fucking mean…” Diana groaned. Even surrounded by Vicki’s pheromones… she wasn’t in the least-bit aroused. In fact, she just looked pissed off. “When did things even get so complicated… I just wanted to be bigger than normal people and fuck… what are we supposed to fucking do if we eat the planet… just float for eternity…” Diana’s expression screamed one thing. Sick. Of. This. Shit. “And mom just said we couldn’t eat anything anyway!!! Guess we got lied to again!”

“A young, cutie CIA agent talked to me…” Vicki responded, like she was trying to justify herself. “There are paranormal occurrences… one’s bound to kill everybody. We’re just another one. But we can stop something worse from coming…” Vicki gesticulated her arms wildly… I remember her doing this with her sisters on a day she spent three times her monthly allowance… no one dress. “I’m HELPING people by getting bigger. I HAVE to get bigger! And she wants to live inside me, forever! I know it sounds weird… but…” Vicki bit her lip guiltily.  

“Right…” Sylvia rolled her eyes. “You HAVE to do exactly what you want. But that doesn’t explain why you kidnapped Nate!” At that moment, I was shoved into an elevator, rising up the makeshift steel platform placed in the middle of the lake. Between the three sisters.

“DID YOU NOT HEAR ME!” Vicki roared, her fire having been lit. “I DID NOT CAPTURE HIM YOU IDIOT!!!”  

As I got off of the platform, a red light flickered for a brief moment beneath my head. Ordered by the fanatical followers of Vicki. I had to encourage her… or this was it. A massive megaphone lay before me. I cleared my throat, before walking up to it. There were large guardrails around the structure… which would have reassured me, if I wasn’t leveled with Diana’s dick. The wrong movement from any of these three… and I was dead.

“H… Hello…” I spoke briefly in the microphone, causing Sylvia’s head to turn towards me.

“NATE!!!” Sylvia cried with some joy, her face lighting up.  It was how she had greeted me for years, whenever I got home from high school… I stretched out my arms, as she jumped into them. She was obviously into me… with every fiber of her being. But… being the depressive idiot I was. I didn’t have the guts to ask her out. I preferred to look at the disinterested Diana from a distance.

The red light shone against me again.

I didn’t have the guts now.

Vicki… she could be nice. But it was obvious she had some issues. She needed a stern, heavy hand. Someone to tell her no. And she could shape up to be a great person… even with everything her father did. A part of Vicki really did know right from wrong.

She wasn’t going to get that firm hand now.

And, from Diana’s mocking expression… I think she knew that. She examined me, at the platform, placed right in-between Vicki’s legs, and scowled.

“You’re really going to do that to Sylvia…” Diana whispered. She obviously didn’t intend anyone to hear that. But your voice carries at 150 feet. Even the girl with the largest… most overwhelming lust on Earth had abstained from Vicki. She didn’t look interested now… having done a 180 from being draped on her leg.

But I was about to feed the single largest ego on Earth.

“BEGIN ALREADY…” Alice hissed into my ear.

“Vicki… you’ve really gotten big, haven’t you!” I exclaimed, lamely. Alice hadn’t provided me with much of a hint.

“Yeah…” Vicki responded, weakly… “I mean. That’s what happens when you eat cars… and I can hear pretty well Nate. It may seem weird, but you don’t have to use the megaphone…” Vicki smiled, giggling a little.

“PRAISE HER ASSETS…” Alice hissed again.

“I just want everyone to hear what I have to say!” I continued, hamming it up. I wasn’t ready to get shot. And… mind heady from the overdose of Vicki’s pheromones, a part of my mind thought she deserved everything I was about to say.

“Your butt’s wider than that building you’re sitting on! Isn’t that a TV tower… something made for the rich. The famous? But you make it look like nothing… you could crush it all with your ass!”

“I… know I’m big Nate…” Vicki continued, looking away, shiftily. “I’ve known that for a while…”

No… I thought. I had to think like Vicki. Crude. Sensual. Fiery. Emphasizing how much better she was than other people. Not objects.

“Do you remember when we played spin the bottle… and Yuki shoved her hand right up your ass?”

“Yeah…” Vicki smiled, appearing interested. “She really had a good little hand… felt me up good. It turns me on just thinking of it…”

 “You had a bunch of people fondling your butt that night… you had so many strangers feeling up your ass… and you loved every second of it!”

Sylvia looked confused over at my platform, not seeming to understand what I was saying. Meanwhile… Vicki pulled herself forward slightly, causing me to stumble, as she leaned her head in. I could feel her hot breath washing over me… the cool air turned into a furnace just by Vicki’s breath alone… as she leaned down, I saw the maw that consumed cars and trucks and people alike, move with Vicki’s own words, spraying spittle along with her breath on me. Hairs, each one looking like a rope, dangled around me. And her hands wrapped around the platform protectively. I might as well have already been inside Vicki.

“You got a piece of my ass too that night… didn’t you Nate? Butt...” she dangled them right in front of the platform, obstructing all my view, “What do you think of my boobs, Nate? I think they’re H-cups now… I gave Diana her first boobjob that night… no one else was qualified, you see!”

“I remember when nobody could stand up to you, when you threw that first tantrum… when you proved EVERYONE had to bow down to you… you didn’t even notice… but you held me against your boob. I huffed in the scent of your pheromones like a man possessed. And my dick was pressed against your nipple? And you know what? Your nipple won! I came, spurting out from the pressure… as your fat, naughty, greedy nipple pushed my hard cock to the side, swelling bigger and bigger. You’ve always had fucking big greedy monster boobs. Far bigger than Sylvia’s… You’ll soon smother continents with them!”

“Wasn’t that humiliating Nate? Your prick losing to my nipple…” fingers thicker than people twisted her nipples in front of me, Vicki putting on a striptease in front of my insect sized self. Soon she leaned forward yet more, muffling my voice a little even with the megaphone, as I was encased in the heat of Vicki’s titanic breasts. Frantically, driven by sex and death, I continued spilling out praise for Vicki.

“What are you… over three-hundred feet tall! These boobs have to weigh over five-hundred tons a piece! A thousand tons of boob! And that’s NOTHING. NOTHING compared to how big you’re meant to be!”

“Nothing… but Nate, you’re already the size of an insect… soon I won’t be able to see you.” Vicki still looked downcast. I was one of the only people who knew this side of her. Along with her sisters. Behind the bravado… the act… with her growth, I hadn’t seen it much in so long. The sort of sadness when Vicki was left thinking.

One time, I came across an exercise bike… and just saw her sitting there. She didn’t even respond to me talking. Just staring forward into space, mumbling about getting dumped.

And another I saw her staring at the television. Just muttering, over and over.

“We’re going to be replaced Nate… with computers…” Vicki muttered. “Everything will turn to shit… we’re supposed to go to college soon… with everything going on… everything dying… war resuming… how’s that supposed to help us? Prepare us for the future.”

And in these times, we sat together, and talked. And Vicki always listened… waiting, fervently for my answer.


“We have advanced science at our side… no difference in scale is too much! You’ll be able to feel the touch of millions of followers, devoted to you, caressing you, begging you, to shower them in your love. Your cum, begging your every orgasm on. Praising you… every single day.”

“But not everyone will get inside me…” Vicki groaned, her mind divided. “I told Sylvia and Nate to not be so cautious… that doesn’t mean I want to wipe out cities… hurt people, far more than my dad ever did.”

“Humanity’s problems are coming to a head, Vicki! You know we’re overextended… billions are fated to die… perhaps everyone! Nuclear war, mass extinction… you’re only killing people already fated to die. But you will ensure that we survive as a species! As you become the greatest living being in the entire universe!”

“Just because people will die DOES NOT make this all ok?” Vicki flattened a building, a quake echoing for forever, slamming her fist into it. “Nate… we hung out together. We’ve been friends for so many years. I wanted to be big. Special. And now I am big… now I am special… why do I have to be bigger!?”

“That’s right…” Diana pleaded, the blonde gesticulating widly. “I wanted the good life… and I have it. You have it! If you have to eat the Earth… you can never have steak again! Never have wine again! You’ll be too big to enjoy so many of the pleasures of life!!!” Slowly, Vicki nodded, remaining completely unconvinced by the idea of further growth.

“YOUR LIFE IS ON THE LINE!” Alice screamed, and I swallowed. What more could I do to praise Vicki?! Was I about to die!?

“Vicki… she’s jealous. Diana could never grow as much as you… you’re getting too big for her to fuck. That’s the problem she has!” I protested. “Are you worried about the military!? Your followers spread throughout the world. No nuke will fire at you until it’s too late… until you’re too damn big!?”

“Yeah…” Vicki nodded. “But if a nuke hasn’t fired yet… if I stopped growing now, I’d be fine, right!?” Vicki smiled. “And we can continue to be friends forever. ” Ugh. Why was she thinking this way now…

“Ten… nine…” Alice’s voice hissed. I was sure that killing me would do nothing but enrage Vicki. But other people would be left to deal with that after Diana lived.

Vicki was smart… far smarter than people gave her credit for. But she operated on emotion. And shock. That was the key.

I prostrated myself to the floor, slurping at a stray drop of Vicki’s cum, buried in the corner of the room, as I pulled my pants down and pumped my shaft, furiously masturbating.


The countdown stopped.

“Yeah… I said I did, Natey… are you jacking off…” her eye leaned in, curiously gazing at me. “God… I didn’t realize how tiny little people are…” she placed a finger next to me, curiously, breathing slowly. “Nate. Rub yourself on my finger here… it’s for you. C’mon.” Her finger was taller than a house… somewhere between fifteen to twenty feet. I couldn’t wrap my arms around it… but I stripped the last of my clothes off, fervently rubbing myself against the finger.

It was a hot day, and there was just a touch of sweat, as well as the smells of sweat mixing with the natural scent of Vicki’s skin.

I rubbed my entire body up and down against Vicki’s finger, as hundreds of cameras ran. Strangers… reporters… people all over Earth. Not even bothering to censor as I humped Vicki’s finger with my naked body. I came… spurting from the feeling of her finger. But I kept humping it… kept going…

“You’re humiliating yourself…” Vicki groaned. “I have a ton of pheromones… I flooded the city with them. And it’s getting to your head, Nate…” Vicki laughed, taunting me. “Why are you still going… don’t you know you’re being filmed…” I humped harder, my cum-soaked dick rubbing up and down on the soft finger, like a dog. “You never stripped on TV for Sylvia…” Vicki continued eagerly, a hint of superiority creeping into her voice.

“Vicki… oh… Vicky…” I moaned, breathing slowly. I ignored the gun… the voice in my ear. I wanted Vicki bigger. Needed her bigger.

“Ok… I’m listening now, Nate… you little horny insect. Why do I need to get bigger? Bigger than everything… so everyone has to live on me…” Vicki purred, leaning in towards me. “Hopefully I don’t overstimulate you… I don’t need you to get a brain-bleed from a lust overload…”

“Vicky!!!” I cried, ignoring her questions. I thrusted myself into the soft flesh… somehow, the impossibly thick skin gave in a little to my fervent lust, dick springing in and out of the soft skin, my hands rubbing her finger, as I made out with the imposing digit. Sweat. Lust. The same B.O. from Vicki not showering penetrated the air… you could probably smell her a dozen miles away… but she was RIGHT HERE.

“Nate… NATE…” Vicki commanded, sternly.

Her finger responded to my humping, teasingly playing with my body, even as her nail gashed a hole in the steel underneath me. I nearly came again right there, but I kept going, playing with the finger.

“Turn me into a bloodstain Vicki… squeeze me between your boobs… kill me!” I cried. “Vicki. Vicki. Vicki.” Months of overstimulation came to a head… I came again, not even able to spurt… rocked in orgasm. But I kept going.

“So big… shove me in your pussy… and the empire state building… hell… all of fucking New York! Noone will miss it!!! Flood the world… and you’ll be our ark… love… love… love… I love you… fuck… uh… Vicki…”




Spoiled Vicki.

“You deserve to eat the world… eat everything…” I shuddered for the third time in a minute… I felt I was going insane…




I don’t know how long I humped her finger for…

Soon I woke up. Drooling. My balls ached. The fading sun had disappeared, having turned into night. Vicki’s finger was bigger than before. I could tell. But she had placed me against her lips… which she kept shut… laying on the plush surface, spreading for over a dozen feet. Like velvet. I felt the air rushing like a hurricane, as she breathed in and out through her nose. Threatening to suck me into Vicki’s nostril.


Vicki opened her mouth, licking her lips… for a moment, she held my naked body pressed between her upper lick and her tongue, an impossible level of stimulation to her massive body.

“If you understand what I am, Nate… you better be prepared to sacrifice yourself to me…” Vicki huffed, as she rubbed me up and down, manipulating my body with the back of her tongue, my dick pressing against her lips. The sense of scale was impossible. I was surrounded by her smells. Sweat. Cum. Saliva. Sex. Sex. Sex. I rubbed the thick lips with a sense of joy… maybe I was about to die. Who cares!

And Vicki’s mouth opened wide, accepting my eager body.

Saliva sloshed and gushed around me. A tongue, over twenty feet long, and impossibly wide, toyed with my naked body, savoring my taste. The surface was soft, but impossibly powerful, the muscle wrapping around me, licking my stomach, enveloping my head. My entire body was coated in saliva… as air from outside rushed in, I could barely breathe. She could swallow me, with just the slightest movement. Not even a morsel…

It spread my legs apart, and the tip of the house-sized structure rubbed against my dick, effortlessly teasing the Nth orgasm out of me. And it kept going.

Hot breath was everything, the bacteria thriving in the over-sized girl’s mouth filling the air. But I was surrounded by boulder-sized teeth, teeth that chewed through trucks.

Vicki swallowed excess saliva. Playfully wedging her tongue against me to keep me from sliding back into her stomach.

She pouted, her voice booming around me as her tongue worked on me. And she moaned… breathy moans echoing around my mouth, nearly bursting my eardrums…

“Can I really consider you a friend… Nate… aren’t you just another worshipper… one who begs to be eaten!!!”

“YES!!! EAT MEEEEEE!!!” I screamed. The laughing boomed throughout the air. But her monstrous tongue continued to work on me. I begged, rolling my ears back, laying against the floor of her mouth. I felt like I would die if I came again…

“EEEEEEE!!!” I squealed like a pig as I released again. Nothing coming out. Vicki’s salivary glands churned around me, working overtime. And she spat me out, leaving me stained in her saliva, laying on her palm.

Vicki grinned, a deep, selfish smile, a face bigger than a billboard marveling at my humiliation.

“You are so fucking pathetic, Nate…” Vicki boomed. “You could hump me for a thousand years… and you wouldn’t have enough… To think that this pervert was once an equal… but I’m not gonna eat you, no matter how much you beg… you praise me too much to eat. And you kept me company for so long… I’ll keep you in me. Forever. Like you want! Or I guess the rest of your life… I’ll live forever… and your children… and your children’s children… will live inside of me…” Vicki leaned down, widely opening the mouth that had just consumed me. “And you know why you’ll have children, for sure… not cause you’re so special… but because you know me. Every girl will crave the dick of the man who lived with Vicki Small… no matter how utterly stupid you looked cumming… it’s the greatest dignity I can bestow on anyone… my attention! And my fat ass will crush the Earth… for you… you’re right. I’m not NEARLY big enough…” Vicki crowed… rubbing herself, stimulating herself further. I remained, stuck by saliva, to her finger. She held her finger, in place… somehow, far above her, letting me watch her body…

An erotic vista lay below… Sylvia was talking to someone, disinterestedly, downcast. Diana was doing the same. Both were looking away.

But Vicki’s body lay outstretched for hundreds of feet… sweat gathered on her breasts, thousands of tons of firm, squeezable fat. Falling below to the flood of her own cum… her pussy glistened in the moonlight, Vicki fingering it, her body shuddering, begging for more. Red pubic hairs shone in the moonlight as her feisty sex teased society itself. Cum poured into the lake below from her wet, demanding sex. Her cavern had increased in size just since I grew unconscious… in mere hours… The scent had intensified yet further – something I didn’t even think possible. The imposing tower I had been speaking to Vicki on lay between Vicki’s legs, like a toothpick.

And remnants of a nearby skyscraper lay on Vicki’s stomach and boobs… gone entirely… not even a hint of it was to be found in Vicki’s maw that licked at me just a moment ago. When Vicki actually intended to eat something… she ate it all. But her stomach still roared.

At one point… I thought I would be majoring in math. The hamster wheel within turned now, fueling my fantasy at Vicki.

Maybe… at a guess… she was 400 feet tall. Four hundred… 80 times as tall… with 300 milliliters of cum per ejaculation. Square-cube rule. 80 x 80 x 80. Around 500,000 times as big… 15,000 liters… Fifteen-thousand liters of cum… issuing from that vagina. Many times every day… and that amount would grow fast. Every. Single. Day.

“I love you Nate…” Vicki cooed, sincerely, unexpectedly, dangling me over her vast body, her words filled with emotion. “I love you… and you’re right… we would have suffered in this world. So I’ll devour it… you just had to give me confidence. I’ll protect you forever…  Diana and Sylvia too… I love you… all of you. So much.”

"I love you too Vicki..." I responded, weakly. I wasn't sure if she heard me.

"More than Sylvia, right??" She cooed, gazing at me.

"Far more... you don't even compare... you're my world, Vicki. I mean it... you're indescribably beautiful... I want you to embrace me, love me... forever..."

Far below, the dark-haired girl appeared to be crying. And yes, I felt like shit.

Vicki begun to lower me, back down to my podium.

"Sylvia... don't worry. You and Nate will be together... forever... he still loves you too... just not as much."

Soon, I was pressed against the wall of the metal structure. Vicki rubbed her finger against the steel wall, depositing my naked body. And Vicki lifted her finger out of my reach… leaving me trapped to her globule of spit on the platform below.

“That was a good… six hours Nate… who knows how many times you squealed for International news… now that you’ve had your fun, go back to praising me. Cause I think I’ll listen to you. Everyone's jealous... But they’ll live inside me soon… forever. And you’ll have too… soon… for making me pick the right path… a lot of people will hate you. But I’ll treat… you… right… hehe... now praise me harder daddy…” Vicki moaned, mocking me. Mocking mankind. Weakly, covered in my saliva, I stood up… and walked to the megaphone.

“Vicki… do you remember when you flooded the living room, after we partied? Now you’re doing that to entire city blocks… hypnotizing everyone… showing that you’re better than them!”  I couldn’t see a thing… but I could hear Vicki’s breath grow hotter… a drop of saliva falling on the platform next to me. Shilck. Shilck. Vicki’s fingers were dancing… pleasing the world’s largest kitty in front of me.

“I’ll flood a lot more than that… ahhh… hah… AAHH!” Vicki purred. Her breasts grinded against the structure surrounding me, shaking it. I flung myself to the floor as it rocked side to side with Vicki’s breasts, threatening to topple over. “My little kitty had a small one there… a few more cars swept away… but go on, Nate… keep pampering me… your little girlfriend… I mean. I’m out of Sylvia’s league right… so I’m your girlfriend. Your spoiled lover. And everyone else’s too!”

Vicki raised her body up. Thank god… the structure still stood… as her boobs stood now far above me, Vicki resuming a normal sitting position. The world shook as she scooched forward again, Until her stomach practically pressed against the structure… and her pussy, glistening from the cum it just flooded the streets with, grinded against the structure.

“THIS IS CHANNEL 15 NEWS!!!” A voice screamed from a helicopter, far above. “A menace… an overgrown teenage girl… now stands over 350 feet tall? We’re now bringing a sequel to our previous interview… the Small Sisters. A living disaster! What threat is this to America! To the world!? Find out on… AahHHHHHH” Vicki’s hand darted out, crumpling the small helicopter before taking it to her hand, lazily depositing it in, occupants and all. Vicki belched, loudly enough that I had to cover my ears, signifying the death of the crew to the world. The scent of Vicki’s burp lingered in the air, reaching me over a hundred feet below.

“I think that was that Cheryl woman…” Vicki groaned. “Right now Nate’s talking… everyone else had better shut up!” Vicki giggled. “Anyway… Natey. You can see three things here… thighs… stomach… and my kitty… why don’t you go in that order, one of my many boyfriends…” Vicki hummed, smiling. “I’m gonna get thousands of cute obedient girlfriends soon… all with little pussies themselves… living in my big one…” Vicki resumed fucking herself, harder than before. Building up to a squirt that would sweep away buildings.

“You wouldn’t even have to try with your thighs Vicki… just squeeze them together once, and I’m gone! My very life depends on you!” I wasn’t lying. “To imagine that people used to be able to feel up your plump thighs… I mean, I guess they still can, now! If they aren’t afraid of getting crushed!”

“And your stomach… it roars like a thousand lions… it’s a little spoiled, like you. But it’s cute! So very cute! Even if I’d get dissolved on the inside in a moment… in time, millions… billions of people will disappear in that stomach. Because you deserve it… because you’re better than everyone. Better than all mankind combined! Sexier and more powerful than humanity!” Listening to my over-the-top praise, Vicki grinded the bottom of the structure against her pussy, causing the squealing of metal.

“You need to be careful, masturbating with that thing. Consider your little boyfriend here… if you rub against that too hard, you’ll devour me with your kitty! You want me to be safe inside you, right?”

“Yes…” Vicki breathed. But she ignored me, shaking me up and down, masturbating harder against the tower. “Safe within my vagina… forever.”

“I had a dream once… where I was trapped in your vagina. I couldn’t see anything… skyscrapers… civilizations… all was just shoved right up your coohcie, standing dozens of miles in the air… Vicki… I think… I know you’ll get far bigger than that!” Vicki combined rubbing against the tower with her fingers, massaging her quivering slit, exploring inside her shaft, each finger bigger and stronger than an entire person.

“But all of these people are here to worship you! To feed your ego!!! To give you the praise you deserve! Because soon, a thousand… a million people won’t be enough to rub against your clit! Only you can jack off you, please you… filled with the knowledge that your butt can flatten cities. Your burps can build winds that pick up trees. Your cum will devour lakes, flooding cities and towns. And your every whim… all… everyone will aid you! Me included! You’re not just my girlfriend… you’re my world!!!” I cried, bowing, throwing myself on the structure as it threatened to break, lost in Vicki’s masturbation.

The cries echoed all around me. Barely, in the background, I could hear faint-broken-hearted cries of Sylvia’s. But they were all drowned out with Vicki’s triumphant roar.

“And what do you think of that anime addict, Nate? That shut-in… next to me? Diana… the puppy humping me… next to me? Next to ALL OF THIS!!!!”

“Nothing…” I replied firmly. “You embraced your growth… far more than anyone else. You knew exactly what you wanted… and that’s why you grew more and grew faster… why you’re leaving your sisters behind.”

“Unhhh… Ohh….” Vicki groaned, rubbing her pussy up and down. As she raised her slit up, I could see inside the slightly open tunnel. Awaiting. Inviting. My future home… cum dripped down all to me, a few drops coating my body entirely, driving me wild. I knelt down as I pumped my shaft… suddenly overcome with orgasm.

“I came…. Vicki… you didn’t even have to touch me… I look around… at your body… bigger than everything… and I spurted… I raised my hand up, covered in my spunk. Vicki paused for a moment as she took it in. “I didn’t even touch my dick until the orgasm started… people will be like that forever… rung dry, tired. Exhausted from overstimulation… drifting in a sea of your pheromones, as you grow to fill the universe. I’m dust compared to you…”

“Hmm… well you don’t stimulate me as much, insect…” Vicki chided, from above. I felt bad at her words… like I didn’t do enough for Vicki. “But if I keep rubbing myself on this little stick, I’ll kill you. It’s already a little bent… it’s gotten inconvenient trying to keep from crushing you, like just another insect. But of course my childhood friend, with a silver tongue, is gonna live. So you better go inside this shaft right here… get used to your new home¸ Nate. Inside Vicki… this big, useless spoiled brat right here…”

“People always called you useless…” I knelt. “But you were always so sexy… so sensual… I remember when we went to the beach… and you shoved me in your armpit, asking me if you smelled… it turned me on so much… and now I could live in your armpit! I want to live in your armpit! Be surrounded by your sweat and BO forever…”

“Tsk… tsk… if you’re on the surface, I’ll end up eating you too… you need to be deep inside me, Nate. Deep… deep inside… buried in… forever…” Her hands wrapped around my tower… crumbling steel beams as she ripped the entire thing out of the ground, triumphantly. I remained tight on a floor, like a spider, trying to avoid being thrown out by the slightest whims of Vicki.

“YOU DID GREAT!!!” Alice cried, her voice extremely weak, yet shrill. Overcome. “Did you hear her… you’ll survive Vicki’s apocalypse… you’ll find a new home as soon as tonight…”

“I… Vicki…” I smiled. Maybe there was no avoiding this… I had a deep effect on her. Vicki’s stomach already roared.

“You heard Nate…” Vicki commanded her sisters, giggling with arousal… “Nate needs to live in me. So I don’t squish him. And in time… you’ll live in me too. That stupid surgery will be done on you… I’ll hold you down. I might even do it tonight… and mankind will be mine…” but… “Dianaa… if you go along with me… get big enough… you know I’m a cock-hungry slut…” Vicki cooed. “So I’ll give you… even you, Sylvia… a chance… a game you know you’ll lose. Keep up, with this spoiled brat!!!” Vicki slapped her ass, the sound echoing throughout the air.

“Fuck you…” Sylvia spat out. “I guess Nate’s lost himself. A lot of people have… I don’t care what they say. Once you get everything you want… kill everyone you want… you’ll get bored. And you’ll just throw another tantrum… but there’ll be NOONE to listen to you…” Even Diana just shook her head. For a moment, she looked at me, eyes gazing.

“Vicki liked you because you fed her ego. And Sylvia had a crush on you. So I kept you around… but you know… despite all that, I thought you were my friend. Thought you were responsible Nate…” Diana curled her lips, sneering. “But instead you stroke the ego of our idiot sister… who apparently has a bit of inner psychopath… Think of the people you just killed… if Vicki eats everything… it won’t all be perverted men sacrificing themselves… old people… wanting a retirement… children… plants and animals… this vibrant Earth, eaten by a spoiled giant bitch! It would be so easy for me to leap across lake bitch-cum right now and crush you…”

Instinctively, I leaned back against the platform, and Diana huffed.

“I’ll be on team Sylvia…” Diana huffed. “You said the only thing I care about is fucking, Vicki… and Sylvia’s big enough for that now. So I don’t really need you… cause I’m also on team humanity. Goodbye…” Sylvia shook her head one last time, as they walked out of the city together… Vicki laughed, spitting out insults behind them, as she continued to finger herself.  

“There is NO team Sylvia… you heard Nate... he loves me more than you!  Diana… I’ll protect and embrace you… both of you! You’ll live in me! In my pussy! In my world!!!! There’s ONLY team Vicki!!!”

Exhausted… spent. I attempted to collect myself.

How many people were going to be eaten by Vicki? Towns… cities… civilizations?

In an effort to survive… what had I just done?

“PLAY SOME MUSIC!!! SOMETHING EDM!!!” Vicki commanded. “And blast it! Remember… I’m VERY, VERY BIG! I NEED TO BE ABLE TO HEAR IT!!!” Vicki giggled, enjoying watching hundreds of people run to her every whim. “And I want some of the young couples to dance… naked… let me watch you…” WANT TO HAVE FUN!!! I DEMAND YOU MITES TO MAKE ME HAVE FUN!!! OR I’LL JUST EAT YA!!!”

“Vicki…” I sighed.

“Alice… I get that Nate’s below your league… but dance with him. Naked. Just like him… Nate helped me out tonight… you’re just help, even if you’re valuable… to help create the new world. MY WORLD. If I ask you to fuck him… you’ll fuck him…” Vicki giggled… I felt myself going down the elevator. Vicki’s wish would be granted… I’m sure Alice knew that. Alice was fucking insane.

But at this point, wasn’t I insane too? 

Chapter End Notes:

With Vicki determined to grow, how much time does everyone have left?

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