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Author's Chapter Notes:

Let me know what you think! I appreciate the reviews! I've planned out how it should end at this point, but I would really appreciate feedback on how to end this story! If it's something I really like, I may just incorporate it into the ending!

The plane landed a couple of hours away, and we rode in another truck towards our destination. Sylvia got a brief text from Diana.

Won’t be at airport… head back to our place. Vicki's trying to set up people to move out of there… too small :(

So we resolved fitting Sylvia in a truck to head back, to save time. She had to curl herself up like a baby to even fit. The wheels squealed, as the truckbed sunk visibly lower. Sylvia had to place this thing well above the weight limit… but the driver didn’t protest, just openly gawking at the size of his passenger as she squeezed herself into the cab. With her one free hand, Sylvia motioned for the three of us to follow. She opened her legs as much as she could, letting the three of us crawl into the hot, sweaty area between her thighs and breasts, providing us a small area to sit in a cab filled with a single oversized cosplayer.

“The convention was fun…” Sylvia sighed. “With how big… and how famous… I’m getting, any anime con for me is probably gonna be outdoors… with people centering it around the gigantic cosplayer… I won’t really be able to fit in anywhere…” she yawned… “I wonder how they’re going to clean all the stains I left…” Sylvia quickly begun to drift off, keeping her friends close to her, as the truck, protesting and squealing, started up.

I rested, draped over the small of Sylvia’s back, with Yuki resting between her breasts. Even curled up, Sylvia was close to bursting. Having eaten a large meal earlier, I could hear bones cracking and popping around me – the sound of new flesh forming. Without eating – Sylvia couldn’t actually grow any larger – but she sure was still growing a little, up and out, her stomach crying out for more food.

Sylvia cuddled the three of us, whispering sweet nothings the entire drive. It was like she was overcome with a certain type of calm joy – even if I occasionally saw worry creep into her face.

“I’m not sure I can control myself anymore Nate… I really am starting to feel funny nowadays…” Sylvia sighed… “Really funny…” she pursed her lips for a moment, thinking. “Exponentially funny… I wonder...”

“What do you mean…” Yuki replied. “I’ve known you for so long… you’re the master of control…”

“There’s just something going on here… I think it’s the same as Vicki…” Sylvia thought again, her calm façade slipping for a moment. She shifted, causing the truckbed to squeal. “I’m not sure how well I can handle my own emotions… that’s all… I want to become bigger… bigger…”  

Sylvia pursed her lips, sighing, as she begun to drift off. It remained insanely hot in the metal truck, driven even worse by Sylvia’s body heat. Noticing our discomfort, Sylvia brought all of us to her chest. The fat nipple filled my entire mouth. Sylvia had to squeeze, absentmindedly, for us to drink a few heavy, oversized drops. It didn’t take much to fill us up, as I savored the thick, creamy taste of Sylvia’s milk.

When I arrived back at our sort of compound/home, it was far different than anything I remembered. Sylvia waited, expectantly, as the three of us begun to take turns suckling from her. Each of her breasts were larger than a bean bag chair. She had to squeeze her breasts herself to feed us… our tiny mouths incapable of forcing milk out of the giantess's teat... her Sakura cosplay pulled up... exposing her overly generous chest to her three thirsty passengers... it was obvious that Sylvia could have fed another twenty people if she wanted. It was overwhelmingly hot in the truckbed, but surrounded by Sylvia, it felt like bliss. I wondered what my role even was anymore.... at one point, I attended college. Now I had become little more than an accessory to three sisters... and surrounded by their pheromones, it was rare that I could even think straight. 

Sylvia giggled as she clambered out of the truck… she did so slowly, as she insisted on riding with me, Yuki, and Jasmine. Slowly, she stuck her feet out into the sunlight. The entire truck squealed and groaned with the girl’s weight. I didn’t think that she would be able to fit in a second time.

Sylvia yawned as she stood up on wobbly legs, each one thicker than my entire body.

“Boy this is weird!” She yawned. “I get scared of heights just looking down now!” Sylvia scratched herself, looking at the compound that had become our own. “I got a text that they were back, staying here today… after all that stuff about the city center. I don’t know what it means… but maybe things aren’t quite as far gone as they seem…”

“YOU GUYS CAN’T DO SHIT RIGHT!?!?” A feminine, booming voice screamed out. I imagined that she could easily be heard for miles.

“Vicki…” Sylvia groaned. “I don’t think I want to think of the problems she caused… since I heard this was a placebo… then it wasn’t… and it can be stopped… but they won’t… somehow… I think that we may be able to escape this without the U.S. military up our asses if I can just get Vicki to listen.”

“Are you that concerned by the military…” I replied. In response, Sylvia shifted her foot nervously, tapping with an appendage half my size, while Sylvia rolled her eyes.

“The greatest tyrannical evil on Earth. And don’t you forget it…” Sylvia huffed. “It’s obvious Vicki must have killed some civilians by now. But at least not a million in Iraq alone. And they’d call us giant monsters anyway… rumors of how SICK we supposedly are have spread everywhere… I don’t think we can do much against a nuke.”

“HEY!!! GET ME SOME FOOD!!!!” Vicki bellowed again.

“But who knows… maybe the nuclear bitch can…” Sylvia sighed, pulling at the hem of her cosplay school uniform. Purple hair and all, Sylvia looked unusually pissed off, hands trembling a little, as she motioned towards me.

“Yuki… you can come with, if you want, cause Vicki knows you. Jasmine, just stay behind. Ask some of the 50,000 staff about where my room is at – they’ll direct you.” Sylvia sighed. “You’ll marvel at it really… they do an impressive job supporting us."

“HURRRRRRYYYYY UP INSECTS!!!!!” Vicki cried again. There was a massive roar, nearly blowing out my ears. The girl having a temper tantrum.

Soon, however, we walked into the house. I had thought they moved out… they said they were at the city center earlier. I wondered if that was all some sort of lie, as I walked inside the facility. Compound really was the best way to describe it. People were rushing back and forth in all directions, wheeling giant wagons, laden with food of all sorts. They were funneling all towards the center area.

Vicki’s pungent order emanated from the two gigantic doors. The hall was thirty feet tall… just high enough for Sylvia to walk. There was probably no way for Vicki to navigate these halls.

But, swinging open the doors, I had no idea just how bad it had gotten.

The entire back wall was simply gone. The result of Vicki barging inside the place. She had a haughty pout on her full, soft features. Her red hair had grown far longer than before, full and thick, splaying out beneath her breasts and behind her back.

My sense of scale was thrown immediately off… her body stretched throughout most of the entire chamber. Even with the broken wall exposing the room to the outside, I walked into an avenue full of Vicki’s haze. The floor was soaked in her arousal… a small corner of my mind wanted to think that this was absurd... disgusting… but I was aroused. Her fluids covered the entire floor, impossibly thick, making it so that you nearly got stuck in the sticky layer, even as you moved towards her. Servants were constantly carting food to the impossible girl, her constantly raging appetite refusing to be sated in the least. Her hand lazily reached in, grabbing a village’s worth of food for consumption in a single bite. And then, seconds later... she did again... but the anger disappeared from her face as she saw the three of us, smiling broadly.

“Sylvia… Nate… you’re really so small…” Vicki projected her smug across the room, looking at Sylvia walk up from between her legs. Sylvia’s breasts, source of milk that they were… were larger proportionately than Vicki’s. But that wasn’t saying much. Even standing up, Vicki barely reached her belly button, proving to be entirely insignificant facing her might. "And Yuki... it's hard to believe I recognized you... now that you're this small... what do you think of your friend's sister..."

Yuki had raised her foot, marveling at the layer of liquid filling, and flowing out of the room, a couple of inches deep. 

"Uh... Vicki... is this... uh... I don't know how to put this..." Yuki was lost deep in thought... "This is your cum, right... just casually filling the room..." 

"Yes..." Vicki replied. "That's exactly it... why..."

"This pheromone laden scent... I feel heady just walking in it... this is what my brother and sister saw... right?" Vicki looked confused, peering down at Yuki, not knowing what she was asking. 

"Who's your brother? And your sister? And why am I supposed to know... or care?" 

Vicki was entirely naked. Her breasts, each larger than a truck, rose up and down with her every breath. She looked bored; and she seemed upset that she wasn’t getting more entertainment. The carts of food being driven to her each contained barely a bite. And the people looked like ants compared to Vicki, barely even coming up to the bottom of her pubic hairs, each of which looked like a rope. Her stomach growled, itself larger than most buildings. The acid in Vicki’s stomach could have easily digested me in a moment… and it wouldn’t surprise me if she ate people. And this is exactly what Yuki was asking about. And Vicki belched, itself loud enough, echoing in the vast chamber... for Vicki, the size of a small closet, to the point where I covered my ears...

Meanwhile, Diana lay draped over Vicki’s legs, still smaller than the absolute titaness, but the second largest living being on the planet. Diana was fully erect, and her dickhead was soaked in cum, indicating that she had recently fucked Diana. She still caressed Vicki’s leg, barely paying attention to the outside world – even including Sylvia. Her mind was focused on one thing – caressing Vicki’s leg and thighs… humping her like a puppy. Waiting for the next time she would be allowed to have sex with Vicki.

"Sylvia talked about this..." Diana replied lazily. "Yuki's brother is one of the people who wanted to be eaten by you... he was enthralled by you. He looked a lot like Yuki. I think I remember him... and his sister was the same way... I think you actually ate her though. That's why Yuki's upset... that's all."

"Oh." Vicki shrugged. "I guess that's upsetting Yuki. But I know you... I mean, I have to know you. You'll probably ask to be eaten too sometime... when this puts you in the wrong mood. But I know you... and at this size... my eyesight's unnaturally good. All of my senses are. Which is why I can still feel the little people touching me... and how Diana gets my engine revving effortlessly... you're safe Yuki, don't worry."

"But that's NOT what I'm asking about!!!" Yuki screamed... but Diana lazily reached over from her perch, flattening Yuki into the layer of arousal, cutting her off.

"Just breathe it in... you'll calm down..." Diana chuckled. "They always do..." 

Vicki laughed at Diana's reaction... the sun shone on the back of the red-head's hair... making the red stand out even more. And we all were cast in her shadow, bu the girl who blocked out the sun.

"So Yuki was upset... and you wanted to help her... cause people worship me... the power my pheromones hold... just a little too fanatically." 

The red-head reached one arm towards Sylvia, grabbing her as causally as she would pick up a book, wrapping the massive, thirty foot girl who had dominated my existence with no visible effort at all.

“You were concerned about stopping me from growing? Telling me that I’ve been bad?” Vicki crowed. “There’s nothing that you can do there. So why do you worry about it. What do you think you’re helping… all you’re doing is tiring yourself out.” But, again, Vicki's eye caught my own... and her expression faded out for a moment, the table sized eye sticking on me for a moment, before a toothy smile formed, gazing down at me with love and contempt. 

“Nate… is that you!?” Vicki guffawed. “Didn’t I have SEX with you at one point. That’s… impossible to imagine now. Look at how much I’ve grown. In mere DAYS! I can’t… possibly spend too much time thinking of someone so inconsequential…” Vicki looked disappointed in me as she gazed down, but also disappointed in herself for spending so much time with me.

“That being said… I will ensure you’re always with me. With us… when my ascension is truly complete… when nothing can threaten me. I’ll have people living on me. Inside. Or maybe in some jewelry to keep you safe. I'm a big fan of accessories... and once I've finally quit growing... maybe I could put you in one... to take out whenever I want to play with you... no... when I'm done growing... I'm never gonna let myself be clothed... but... wearing people... encased in containers on my body... little shiny baubles... highlighting my ass... this hungry kitty of mine... that's how I want to dress.. Whatever’s the most erotic. I’ll still keep you by my side Nate… and I’ll always let you prostrate yourself before me… fucking my shrine of a body with adoration, often unnoticed, but still treasured forever. An eternity of lust, where most men on Earth will envy you with their very souls... I’m just saying you’re not relationship material. That’s all.”

Leaning back against the ruined wall she crawled into, I felt dejected. I knew that she was thousands of times bigger than me… a celebrity, and someone nearly going mad with power. But even before we entered this weird stage… with their growth. These girls had been my three closest friends before everything turned this sexual.

But Vicki was sitting here acknowledging reality. I was, due to my history, a treasured object, but an object nonetheless. Vicki was many thousands of times bigger than me... and I was wading through a layer of her discharge... when having sex, a woman might squirt an orgasm, liquid dripping on a partner's dick as he feels satisfied, having satisfied his partner... for a normal girl, this would be a small bedstain. With Vicki's squirting, maybe a large one. For her... it was turning into a lake. A lake of pheromones that drove people to insanity... begging to serve this goddess. Forget leagues... we weren't on the same plane of existence.

“I can see you thinking…” Vicki spoke, her smile wider. “Am I nothing but an object? But you’re a plaything. And a human being. Diana will always be the one to show my body the greatest love… and my presence is even greater than hers… and far more than Sylvia’s… everything belongs to me. Are you upset that I will keep you here. Treasure you? Protect you? Even sometimes talk with you… give you affection, when I have grown far bigger… past the size of a mountain? No… the world will envy you. Because soon, Nate… the world will belong to me!” Vicki lowered one single finger towards me, larger than my entire body. Slowly, with the middle finger of her left hand, she drew a shape around me with her hand. I sat down, in awe, perfectly still, as she drew the simple shape around my still body. If she had lowered her hand on me, hovering above me, I could have been crushed into dust in a moment.

“See Nate… it’s a heart. I DO love you… but I have to spread my love around…”

“I can’t be so petty anymore. It doesn’t fit someone of my stature…” Vicki huffed. “But you also have to realize… bestowing people, with the overwhelming… sometimes sanity-destroying… presence of my pheromones is itself showing people my love. I shouldn’t have to go out of my way to pay attention to you all the time. Or anyone else. That’s all. If you were a normal person... than... with the fanaticism you've been showing... ” she patted her stomach, growling louder than a thousand lions... the work of thousands of chefs not enough to satisfy her... "you would not even remain alive. I would have devoured you at some point... turned you into more me... as you BEGGED to be sacrificed... but I'll keep you with me... satisfied in bliss... for decades. For the rest of your life..." I sunk to my knees, abject, before the spectacle of a girl before me, behaving like a spoiled brat before the entire world... knowing that she could, and nobody would stop her. 

“Hmm…” Sylvia huffed. “I’ve always liked Nate more than you… and I think if he stays with anyone… it’ll be with me. But…” she stomped, even the FAR smaller girl enough to rattle the room… looking back towards Sylvia, I thought about how this would terrify pretty much anyone… anyone… who wasn’t Vicki.

“You can’t just act like everyone, everywhere has to listen to you because you’re so big!!!! You couldn’t plan out your budget for a month! You aren’t fit to rule a chicken shed!!!” Sylvia cried out, in a shrill voice. In a snap, Vicki lost her smile, raising a single foot, ponderously, high up in the air.

“I’ll stomp on you.” Vicki spoke flatly, before doing just that. With a resounding crash, shaking the walls of the building, Vicki flattened Sylvia under a single foot, causing the smaller girl to cry out in pain. “If people… anywhere… talk back. That means I’m not big enough. I’ll be big enough when my word is law… that goes for you too Nate. I treasure you… but if I want to kill other, worthless people… that’s my divine right. Ok?”

“Well this isn’t going as planned…” Sylvia muttered, nearly her entire body trapped under a single foot. There was no planning for how much Vicki had grown recently… but as she couldn’t even fit within the single largest room in our former home, I could guess.

“Two… hundred feet. And it’s not big enough…” Vicki sighed… in response to her emotions, her stomach rumbled some more. “Looks like I’ll just have to get bigger…” I was surrounded entirely by Vicki’s naked body, trapped in her scent. It felt like I might as well have been inside her entirely. I wanted to prostrate myself before her, beg for my forgiveness. How else should I react to this girl giving me her time.

“Nate… I’ve not been staying here much. I’ve been encouraging staff to move towards the city center, like what we talked about on the phone. I figure that I can requisition most facilities here to serve us… plenty have been moving in, cooks, artists… everyone… just for me. And for Diana. I hope to set up the largest TV on Earth as well… a glass screen hundreds of feet wide… I’ve really been doing very little except sitting in place. Because nowadays… that’s what people need from  me… Sylvia…” she gestured to the girl stuck under her foot sweat. Sylvia wasn’t far from me, and the pungent odor of her feet washed over, mixing with Vicki’s other scents.

“Sylvia… you have to understand… I heard of someone dying a while back due to a housing collapse. From me walking… that’s what’s led to this changing… I may have killed people…. But it doesn’t even matter what I do deliberately… I can’t spend every moment being careful, watching out for everyone. I’m a goddess. Costing some lives… it’s going to happen. I’m tired of doing nothing but sitting in place all the time.”

“But I heard you sacrificed… ate… someone in Yuki’s family…” Sylvia cried out, trapped beneath Vicki’s foot. “Surely you could have avoided that!?” Vicki simply pressed down harder.

“I gave him the time of his life!” Sylvia huffed. Spittle from her mouth fell down to the floor below, splashing me in the face. I am seventy meters tall… taller than the statute of liberty… and I placed this mite… between my breasts… showed him special attention… he told me he wanted me to eat him… he knew I couldn’t spend every day looking out for him… treating him even like Nate… but for a moment, as an admirer, he asked me to treasure him. And I did. And he’ll be a part of me forever… I did NOTHING wrong…”

“I saw the whole thing… it’s as she says… our bodies are meant to be admired…” Diana sighed. “A girl asked to be placed up my cock yesterday… these people ask. Should we tell them no? Deny what they want? So they can  continue their boring lives…”

“Boring lives… and boring jobs… are what allow useless giant celebrities like us to even eat… to even live!” Sylvia protested. “Vicki… I know you’re bigger than me, but just because some people lose their minds admiring you doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try to be careful!”

“I think Nate is obsessing over me right now…” Vicki smiled. I was bent over, prostrate, licking at the substance covering the floor. There was enough of her feminine fluids to drown people, spread throughout the tiled floor. More than could last a village a lifetime, impossibly thick. But I savored some of the girlcum, raising it to my mouth, letting it slowly flow down my throat. I was impossibly hard… I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to be  with these three titans always… jobs? Family? Boring everyday life… doesn’t matter. Vicki. Vicki. Vicki. I already felt full, but I raised another mouthful up, slowly licking at her cum. I was stuck in her own liquid… it did feel like Vicki herself, was some giant, sensual venus flytrap, her power to trap people growing exponentially with her size.

“When a girl squirts… it’s supposedly mixed with her pee…” Vicki’s smile grew even wider. I could feel it bearing down on me. “You’re obsessing over drinking my piss, Natey… just cause it’s laden and mixed with my pheromones… you’re well past any self-respect… I like it that way… I used to be called gross. Even by you Sylvia... but now... looking at everyone serving me here... they love it! The B.O. of my sweat... and a room filled with my cum... cum that's part pee... that's heaven for the little people, Sylvia. I can be as GROSS as I want, and everybody loves it! People scramble for every demand!!! And Natey... you lovely mite.... you always had a giantess fetish... you know you can't talk back to me... but I will be more careful with you… live on my body… a life lived in sexual bliss… admiring me until the end of all time… you’ll have an infinite supply of my cum, Nate… ” Vicki continued to brag. “You're one boy I wanted to date... I wanted a lot of boyfriends at once, really. One was always... confining. So I'll have thousands of cute boys, at the same time. Living on my breasts... my pussy... my butt... my armpits. Worshipping me. And Sylvia… this place is confining anyway… I want you to see just how much I’ve outgrown it… a living mountain of sexiness… I had to break the wall just to get in here… and this is the only room I can be in!” Vicki crowed. “One city just AIN’T ENOUGH… I want the country… the world… struggling to feed me. To provide for my growing girth… for my pheromones... my smell... to envelop the entire world.”

“But don’t you feel like a monster!?” Sylvia protested, once more. But Vicki reached down towards me, sticking me to her finger with a single sticky digit. Her finger was over a foot wide, itself wider than my head. The suctioning force of her fluid attached my stomach and head to her finger. As I rose into the air, Vicki’s other hand hovered below me, a vast surface ready to catch me if I ever fell. Slowly, I rose dozens of feet into the air, slowly approaching her breasts. They grew more and more vast as I approached them. Each breast was nearly ten meters high, and must have weighed many tons.

“I am a sexy spoiled monster, and I love it! I feel like I’m bringing watersports to a whole new level…” Vicki huffed. “I’m beginning to get big enough where I can just fill up a container with my cum, and drop people in it… let them swim in it. I mean… women’s discharge isn’t supposed to be much compared to men… but I have more than Diana. I’m an idol… the greatest… but we all are. Goddesses. We hurt people, even on accident. But we help so many more… make them happier than they ever would be. And I’ve calmed down a lot… tried to be less brittle with stuff. I just want you to realize what you are, Sylvia.”

“Maybe you’re right…” Sylvia responded, quietly. “If I get big enough… I’ll hurt on accident too. But I didn’t know about what dad did, ok? I… you have the planning ability of a gerbil. Whether it’s eating everything you can… everywhere… and then starving, or just plain getting nuked, you’re going to die if you plan everything out Vicki… I need to get bigger… so that an actual level head can lead us…”

“Yes… I’m sure that having a giantess planning out cosplay outfits for us all will make everything better Sylvia…. Let’s be honest, we’re rich girls. None of us worked real jobs…” Vicki huffed, as she pressed her finger against her left boob, depositing me against her nipple. I grabbed onto it for my life, but also my lust… her boobs rose up and down with every single one of Vicki’s breaths. Despite her assertion that she couldn’t keep track of people, Vicki seemed intensely aware of where I was at, making me feel safe even with the impossible difference in scale. A fall from Vicki’s breast to the floor below would instantly kill me… reclined as she was, I would likely only fall twenty or thirty feet to her stomach, so I gave myself a 50-50 chance.

“The news started saying we were monsters when even a few died… I’ve not gone on ANY rampages…” Vicki continued. “IF they start one, though, I’m gonna fight back… hypocritical journalists report on me from a distance… and the distance grows greater every day… because they have to avoid my scent… my pheromones… to avoid the truth… that if they gave up and worshipped me, they’d be so much happier, men and women alike. Sylvia… you never embraced that you are a goddess… that’s why you’re so much smaller…

“I will now…” Sylvia sighed… I couldn’t tell… but Vicki’s body tensed up slightly in pressure… sensitively…. As Sylvia moved underneath Vicki’s foot…

“Why are you licking???” Vicki moaned, in an unexpectedly high pitch.

“You’re really sensitive… aren’t you?” Sylvia replied. “But the other people are still too small to do anything for you?” But, with Sylvia’s hands around her big toe… Vicki raised her foot up in the air, dexterously dangling it… with Sylvia hanging on… in front of her chest.

“When did we become so friendly to incest…” Vicki smiled. “There was a time when we didn’t fuck each other, you know? But I’m glad to here that you want to be bigger… but I think you have a LOT of catching up to do… and I’m still growing.” Vicki mocked Sylvia. “I think I know how to make my own decisions. I CAN’T keep growing forever… I’ll decide when I’m big enough, thanks.”

“Uhh…” Sylvia groaned, gripping at Vicki’s big toe to keep from falling. “I… I… I’m kinda high up, here.”

“I bet you thought you grew a lot… that maybe you’d be impressive enough to look at my belly button… isn’t that a joke…” Vicki continued to revel in her bulk. “You’re going to move with me to the center of this city… the whole place will be destroyed and built up by me… this stupid midwestern town… near the Great Lakes… our new bathtub… will become the capital of the entire world… a shrine… a mecca… to the new rulers of mankind… most of all ME! You know why… because to most people… you’re gigantic! But you lose to my left foot!!! I make decisions… not you!” Vicki tsked. “Your cosplay is soaked… I don’t know what Japanese schoolgirl you are now… but that outfit’s ruined with my squirting… my pee… you’ll need a new one, Sylvs. You did turn me on though… that little tongue on my foot… that’s why I picked you up. Sometimes I need to be regal… can’t always have sex on the mind… so I needed to stop you. Mission accomplished…” Vicki, in moving her foot, barely disturbed the rest of my body… allowing me to hang on… she moved it a little closer to her chest, allowing Sylvia and I to look at each other.  

Sylvia just gripped at Vicki’s big toe harder, trying her best not to fall.

“You can speak with the scientist, Sylvia. She’s with another…  our real mommy… in a sense. I know why we’re this big now. It could be done on other girls… but it was just done on us. We really are lucky… Diana…”

“What…” the immense futa groaned… she was semi-erect… looking at Vicki expectantly…

“Stay away from me for a moment. I need to order some people around… accompany Sylvia and Nate to talk to these people and solve their pointless mysteries…” Vicki continued flippantly. “And then if Sylvia’s cool with it… she should be… have some fun with her. Make her realize just how small she is compared to us…”

“But…” Diana protested, her blonde head rising off of Vicki’s leg.

“Oh come on… I know I’m far out of Sylvia’s league. But you can surely have some fun with her… and if not, quit thinking about your dick for one moment.” Jerking her head expectantly towards Diana, the blonde futa stood up, and picked me off of Vicki’s nipple, holding me in her palm… her other arm grabbed Sylvia off of Vicki’s foot, holding the soaked girl in the crook of her arm.

“So to the two scientists in the back?” Diana confirmed, with Vicki nodding. “Ok… servants… none of you are even a morsel to Vicki… I suggest you do everything she says… no matter how ridiculous… it’s good for your life-expectancy…” Diana commanded… “You are going to come with me… that way… you’ll know who all three of us really are, Nate.” Diana walked behind Vicki, carrying the two of us out with her, into the blinding sunlight… walking towards the back of the structure.

To find out exactly why Vicki Small now stood over two hundred feet tall. Vicki's smell grew only slightly weaker... even as I stepped outside, I continued to look back at her. Her left eye winked, a sensual smile on her face. 

"I'd miss ya Natey. That's why I can't eat ya. See you soon!" Turning her head back around, Vicki begun to bark orders, at the people, rushing around like ants, serving their goddess. Who continued to eat, with every spare moment, adding flesh and sinew, stretching towards the sky. 

Chapter End Notes:

Who's your favorite of the three sisters? And again, let me know what you want to see for the rest of the story, and any other comments/suggestions. It's the reviews that keep me writing. 

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