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Vicki watched her sisters with a wide smile on her face as they walked into the square. She waved quickly at Sylvia and Diana.

Diana appeared to be over a head taller than Sylvia. She had grown some, several feet, just like Vicki. However… she hadn’t even appeared to grow as much, as much as three feet in a night would seem. I estimated her at around twenty feet in height, now not even reaching Vicki’s crotch. Sylvia appeared to be about the same height as her sister, if not a smidgen taller. Just like Vicki, both were walking through the crowd completely naked.

“Pardon me, excuse me, big girl coming through. You might recognize me from my streams. If you don't, then you need to in the future. Ask around or google it, you'll find me eventually.” Sylvia was looking down at all the tiny people in fascination as she waded through the crowd. “They really do look kinda like dolls now, still a little over-sized, but…” Suddenly, she stopped, spying someone on the third floor balcony of one of the buildings, and she smiled widely. It was Yuki.

“YUKI!! I found you! You’re here to see us!” Sylvia reached for her, wrapping her hands immediately around the girl. Yuki took a quick step back, but Sylvia was able to quickly seize her and draw her to her chest. “I HAVE to take you back. I’ll have so many friends for you, you’ll see. And so many outfits for you to try on. You’ll have so much fun, so much more than you would here.”

“Sylvia…” Yuki protested, as she squirmed a little within her grasp. Sylvia simply kept poking and prodding at the girl, her mouth open in abject fascination.

“You’re sooooo teeny now. Smaller than a baby. I doubt that you and Nate together can drain my breasts. Wow…”

“Yeah yeah… it's s...slightly embarrassing for you to talk about me draining your breasts in front of hundreds of people...”

"Oh come on!" Sylvia placed a single hand on her hip as she surveyed her small friend more. "You Yuki quit moving. I wasn’t sure as to whether it was because she figured it would do no good to struggle, or because she wanted to be with Sylvia.

Diana was striding in powerfully, although she gulped at her sister. As typical, her erection was throbbing—it was downright obscene, wriggling back and forth. Cheryl was sitting on it, I noticed—Diana had somehow become fond of the reporter. No… the reporter had probably found Diana. She gazed out at the crowd somewhat blankly.

“I guess you all came to see us, huh. You might want to not walk too close though. Big people can trip too, and it’s annoying when you walk that close to my feet. And if I actually fall, it’ll be more than annoying for you all,” she sighed. “There’s a lot of sexy girls here…” Diana tried to whisper, but practically everyone could hear the twenty foot girl speak.

Soon the two girls were facing Vicki. If you stacked them on top of each other, they would only reach her upper stomach. They looked absolutely minuscule compared to their titanic sister.

“Um… yeah…” Diana put her hand behind her head, awkwardly. “As you know… we’re growing… and… well… Sylvia had an idea after a while. That idea involved sort of… some people staying with us? We’re kind of big for the world… and we have a lot of money flowing in, I mean a pair of Sylvia’s used panties sold for 200,000.” Sylvia simply made a victory sign as Diana revealed this tidbit, flashing a smile and jumping before the crowd.

“So…” Sylvia continued, taking over for Diana. “We can fully cover people living with us. It’s probably not exactly legal, but yes, I wanted to keep some people. With the hypercompetitiveness that Vicki’s been starting to show, she mentioned doing it too. I don’t know what would constitute winning… but we all wanted to see who could live with us, in a sense. And Nate, the guy in Vicki’s hand, really spends much more time with me, and I was going to go for only girls because they’re for him as much as me. Sylvia glared at me a little. The glare she gave Vicki was much fiercer. She said that she shared everything with her before, but was she uncomfortable with the way Vicki was acting?

“Well, yeah, that about explains it,” Diana finished. “As for why we’re all naked… it’s a ridiculous waste of money and time to try to clothe us the way we’re going, so we decided to go au natural most places. You’re going to have to get used to that.” Cheryl aimlessly squeezed the dick she was sitting on—she obviously felt like she had the best seat in the house.

Vicki, meanwhile, somehow looked bored. She had picked up another guy from the crowd and was smashing him into her breast, pressing his head against her fat, swollen nipple. Another couple were aimlessly touching her, pressing their hands against her hips and buttocks.

“So… I think I’m going to win this easily if it’s some sort of competition,” Vicki yawned, stretching back as people continued to surround her. After all, people generally tend to want the biggest, sexiest one…”

“This doesn’t have to be a competition…” Sylvia sighed. “Besides, sexiness is relative... and just a warning... but staying with Vicki isn't necessarily the best idea. I'll take care of you.”

"And I just want someone to help me get off. Attractive girls only... I have other people attending to the rest of my needs. So you can stay with me, if the prospect of spending your life fondling a horny girl who's over ten feet tall... and growing. I mean it, I'm an absolute hedonist, even compared to my sisters. I'm up for all day, every day." Diana yawned as she smiled at the crowd in satisfaction. Even now, a couple of girls were walking towards her. And even now, Diana was fondling her dick in front of everyone... and the girl who was riding on it as well.

"Well... yeah. Both of you are practically lesbian except for Nate. But I want to co...collect guys too. So I'll obviously beat you out!" Vicki stomped on the ground, chipping the asphalt around her and causing the ground to shake around her. She appeared to be on the verge of another temper tantrum.

That was the moment when idle chatting stopped, however. Several policemen arrived, separating the crowd, coming in the way Sylvia and Diana just entered. They were clad as if they were ready for some paramilitary conflict, fully clad and armored in riot gear. You couldn’t see their faces, behind their helmets, visors staring at the three giantesses with malice. An armored police vehicle even drew in slowly, flowing through the gap in the crowd. They pointed their guns at the three of them. I didn’t even know if the things could hurt Vicki. I knew that they could hurt Sylvia and Diana.

Diana opened her mouth to speak, but Vicki lightly brushed her admirers off of her massive bulk, and quickly walked in front of her sisters, sitting down in front of the officers. For a second she studied me, resting in her hand, looking at the officers with apprehension.

“You’re going to stay behind me Nate.” I saw the officers jerk their guns up at the sudden movement of her fist. But Vicki moved me slowly, slowly down behind her. Soon her hand left me, as she sat me down, providing me a view of her gargantuan ass right before me… not that I cared about that. Sylvia and Diana were completely obscured by the back of their larger sister, both watching her back with apprehension. Sylvia quickly scooped me up, one of her hands wrapping around me, and held me close to her, uncomfortably close to Yuki. That’s when I realized I was only wearing underwear for the first time that day. I guess that made me more clothed than my friends though.

“There are many concerns that we have about you. All of you,” one of the officers shouted up at Vicki in a commanding tone. They swaggered into the area, causing many to back away. Vicki looked annoyed as she gazed down at them.

“Like what? Can’t you see that we were just hanging out here,” Vicki spoke casually down to him. “Is there a local ordinance against being big in public?”

“There’s one about being naked in public. But you know that’s not why we’re here. You people have been disturbing the peace of this community. Just now you tore up half the campus. You… little lady… have torn down and vandalized a lot of property around here. There are people who have reported broken limbs after messing with you… you’ve been a menace around here!”

“And what does any of that have to do with my sisters?” Vicki proclaimed. Diana’s mouth nearly fell off when she heard that. “Let’s be honest, the people with broken limbs, they chose to sleep with me. Some of them chose to let me fuck them after they already knew that I do that. I get aroused. I squirm. I’m a LOT bigger than them. Shit happens. BUT! “The ground shook for forever as Vicki slammed her fist into the concrete. Immediately this was found by the sound of falling rubble. “My sisters apparently can be that careful. Diana hasn’t hurt anyone, and if Sylvia was 10,000 feet tall she’d stand on one toe all the time to avoid squishing a bug. What would you do if you were a giant, Mr. Tough guy? I think you’d throw your weight around, hurting anybody wherever you could, until your companions have to put you down, right?” With Vicki’s cry, I began to see the crowd shift around the police officers. I couldn’t believe the effect that she was having.

“We will not tolerate the way you’ve been acting around here! It’s that simple!” The officer bellowed.

“Then you should have brought doctors, not police. At least if you want us to quit growing. Unless you intend to kill us right here. I’m afraid that your handcuffs won’t fit, officer!” Vicki brought her wrists together, making the officer observe the arms a couple of feet thick that he would have had to handcuff.

“We just… I mean…” I saw the crowd barreling closer to the officers, and he began to sound panicked. I began to hope that he would leave soon.

"So why don't you just leave, and let my sisters and I have fun. If anyone has a problem with me... if anyone has a problem with my sisters, they can just leave too! I think that lameos like you would make ruling the world a pain, but can't we have just a few towns to ourselves... plenty of people will want that." Vicki moved closer to the officers, breasts half the size of their entire vehicle looming over them, casting them in shadow.

That’s when I heard the sound of gunfire break out. Soon I heard Vicki yell, and the crowd started roaring as they closed in on the police officers. Gunfire rang out again, and another person screamed—a much shriller, bone-chilling scream. Vicki didn’t even move.

“Why in the world did you do that? How could you think that would be a good idea?” Vicki talked to him in a haughty tone. “We’re popular, you know. People LIKE us. I don’t think it matters if a few people think that we’re a menace. What hold do they have over us? If I were you, I would just leave.”

“Maybe these fans of yours around here like you,” the officer sneered. “But outside, there are many who understand that you’re a menace. The officers attempted to leave, many of them being swarmed by the crowd.

“How dare you harm a goddess! Even in the slightest!”

“Vicki had better be okay!”

“How many days has it been since the last widely-publicized police shooting!?”

Sylvia slowly walked around Vicki’s bulk, still holding Yuki and I, to survey the scene. Slowly the officers escaped from the mob, managing to clamber in the armored car. Their helmets were even being pulled off of them as the crowd surrounded the police like zombies. Hands clawed at their uniforms, physically holding them back. And slowly, far above us, Vicki magnanimously raised her hand into the air.

“Let them go!” Vicki proclaimed. “Hopefully they have learned their lesson by now.” Instantly, the crowd parted yet again, letting the officers finally leave. I finally got a good look at Vicki. Blood was running down her stomach, where she was shot. It was clear that she was wholly unconcerned, however, even as it ran down towards the ground, rivulets flowing over her belly. Vicki simply stared with steely eyes at the departing police car, keeping her eyes focused tightly on it, until the armored vehicle turned the corner and disappeared.

“I… I can help remove the bullets!” A voice shouted from the crowd. It parted to reveal a young man. “I’m attending the medical school. I should have the training to take them out!”

“It’s fine…” Vicki trailed off. “I know this looks like a whole ton of blood, but I’m really not doing that bad. More importantly, Sylvia, Nate, Diana, you’re all okay, right?”

Everyone nodded, as Vicki turned her gigantic body to gaze upon all of us. Vicki smiled broadly.

“Great! I told you that there are advantages to being big! And Diana… not everyone can like us. It doesn’t matter in the least how we behave, some people are naturally going to be terrified of us. So we have to throw around our weight a little. Don’t you understand…”

“Yeah…” Diana was smiling. She was looking at Cheryl, still riding her cock. Come to think of it, she hadn’t paid attention to anything else the entire time. “Throw our weight around a little… so… I understand that we got interrupted, but I’d still like to get back to things. At least, if Vicki isn’t hurt too badly. Did anyone record a video of all of this?” Several people throughout the crowd nodded in ascent. “I’d like people to upload them… to show that we don’t mean that much harm.”

“Right,” Vicki nodded, lying down, while a couple of people with medical equipment attempted to clamber onto Vicki’s bare stomach. “How did you get a hold of that so quickly? It’s not going to be a major problem guys. With this treatment, I should heal up quickly. I would probably still appreciate removing the bullets though.” Vicki turned a little red as the equipment and people Vicki had hefted onto her stomach was shaken about, her stomach growling. “Yeah… I’m going to be honest here. Growth is fueled by desire for us. The desire to be bigger. I kinda wanted to be a bit more intimidating for those cops. You know, when a lot of people are jerks, you just want to crush them…”

“Yeah!” The medical student agreed, working with some piece of surgical equipment to pry one of the bullets out of Vicki’s body. He went at it with intent… the amount of blood as he operated was incredible, but it probably wasn’t that much for Vicki. I saw her flinch slightly as a single bullet was removed from the great body of Vicki.

“This probably sounds crazy…” Vicki sighed. “You have a lot going for you, but you’re acting pretty cool…” Vicki bit her lip slowly, “if you could stay with me?”

“Maybe,” The student quickly removed another bullet, causing blood to bubble up. “I think now’s not the time to be thinking about that, is it?”

“No…” we all remained, silently watching the bullets be removed. Sylvia held me in her arms, as she watched Vicki be operated on silently. Some of them didn’t even fully pierce the skin, no blood seeping from some of the wounds. Thousands of people were watching, an entire crowd silently observing Vicki be operated upon.

Soon the entire operation was complete. Vicki ruffled the hair of the boy-one palm encompassing his entire head.

“That should be good,” he replied. “I still don’t know why those people shot at you.”

“I suppose it aggravates some people to be big and such…” Vicki remarked flippantly, moving her head back and forth. “Anyway, I’m really not hurt that much. I don’t see any reason to not continue what we’ve been doing.”

“What about the reason where you were just shot?” Diana asked, her hands on her hips.

“I’m a big girl. It doesn’t hurt that much. As long as you’re okay, it doesn’t matter.”

“You were pretty cool,” Diana smiled, placing her hand on Vicki’s expanse of red hair. It fell below her shoulders now. It hadn’t been cut since it started growing. “Thanks for protecting us. But I know that can’t be the last of them. If there are people that hate us that much… they’ll just keep coming back. Maybe… maybe we should take the antidote now.”
“I’m still going to be pretty upset about what you did to that girl, though.”

“Oh, her? I’m not going to break one of yours. While Nate was sleeping, I sent her back to your room. We have some people looking over her. She just has a couple… is just hurt a little. You can still have her,” Vicki crossed her arms, gazing down at Vicki. “Do you really want to go now,” she sighed.

“Yeah,” Sylvia sighed, myself and Yuki still in her arms. “I think that the whole mood was thoroughly broken. I think people will see how reckless and mean the police were, shooting at Vicki. You know I’ve only ever had one of you—I couldn’t stand seeing you get hurt.”

“Like I said,” Vicki huffed, removing the medical workers from her stomach and depositing him to the ground, “I’m bigger than you, Sylvia. I’ll be the one protecting you, not the other way around. I couldn’t stand it if anything were to happen to you.” Vicki looked around at everyone else. “Everyone here understands why the police came for us, right? Let me make it clear what we were saying about staying with us. It’s not an easy decision to make. Once you choose to stay with me… I don’t intend to let you go. I’m saying this,” Vicki smiled, “with the utmost confidence that many of you will choose to stay with me anyway. That many people who are watching will choose to stay with me anyway. The same is true of staying with my sisters too, although I’m sure they’ll treat you like China dolls.” Vicki began to stand up, rising infinitely above us. Even in Sylvia’s arms, I stood barely above her knee. “Let’s go, the stupid police did ruin the mood, I guess.”

The three of us began to walk out, people silently watching us. Would people choose to stay with Vicki, a giant who could do whatever she wanted to do with them, of their own free will? Somehow, I knew that the answer to that was yes.

But for now, Diana and Sylvia followed their larger sister out from under the archway. Vicki had to crawl through again, her butt barely able to squeeze through the archway. Diana and Sylvia walked behind her, following the cracked gravel. Everywhere Vicki walked would require construction. The house was built specially to gold someone of Vicki’s size—even so, I didn’t know how much longer her growth could go on before she was exposed to the elements. Out here,

“Do you want to stay with me tonight?” Vicki sighed, as her steps kept breaking the concrete below. “I thought I’d be bringing a ton of toys back with me, but I didn’t get any because of the stupid police. I know I’m still bleeding and everything, but it really only feels like a few scratches. All I have is that eager guy in my snatch.

“THERE’S A GUY IN THERE!?” Diana exclaimed.

“Yeah… there was an enthusiastic guy who crawled in there earlier, but I only have one.”

“Well… it’s not like you’ll never have an opportunity to get more people, Vicki,” Diana said, trying to cheer her up. “All I have is this reporter… she never does leave. And I felt like I couldn’t abandon her. I’m too big to do anything anyway with her. So she just kinda likes it when I rub my dick on her, you know, to masturbate. I do that for a little while, kinda wrapping my hands until…”

“Go on…” Vicki stopped. Sylvia, the absent minded girl she always has been, outright ran into Vicki’s ass and almost fell over. Vicki giggled at her sister as she did so, but quickly kept walking along.

“This thing has driven our sex drives through the roof. And the sex drives of people around us through the stratosphere,” Diana continued. “Anyway, I just like cumming on the girl. I can produce a decent amount more than I could before. I found out last night that when I saved it for a little while, I could get enough to completely swallow the girl in it. I have her eat it a lot too… I think it’s possible to survive only on it. I…” Diana scratched her head, “kind of want to invite some of my friends to stay with me… Vicki, I just want to ask one thing, okay?” From far up above, Vicki nodded her head.

“Just don’t hurt anyone you haven’t taken home. I know what’s going through the gears in your head… but don’t raise suspicion about us that you don’t need to.” Vicki nodded her head again. It looked like she agreed with Diana, at least here. Soon we were back at the house, the three siblings staring at what had become of the property.

Construction surrounded the entirety of the house… expansion was occurring constantly. At the edge, a great man-made lake was slowly being excavated, a result of the river being diverted. It was designed for the siblings to take baths in—maybe even paddle around a little. A massive path of flat land was left near the lake as well—designed for Diana to use to run. The house itself was incredibly huge—standing over a hundred feet in the air at parts—it had quickly become one of the most imposing structures known to mankind. I wondered how much money the Sisters had to invest in it—how they had earned all of it, and how they had kept up with all of it.

Many people had followed us outside, but many others were still watching, waiting for our return.

“Now’s not the best time… but uh… later on, if you want to be my toy, that’s fine,” Vicki announced. “Just talk to the people at the front gate, okay? We have a lot of staff, and it's kind of intimidating... but it won't be a problem. And yes, I have broken limbs before... but that's just a risk you take with me. I'm sure that plenty of people will still sign up for it.” Vicki quickly crawled into her room, motioning for us to follow her. Apparently she really did want all of us to stay with her tonight.

"If you want to stay with me, you'll still need a health inspection first," Diana reminded, in a formal manner as she turned around. "All of you are watching my dick... it's around four feet long, in case you're wondering. I'll just want you to constantly do your best to stimulate me while I do shit like watch movies. Maybe..." Diana let a little spit fall over fifteen feet to the ground as her mind quickly wondered to a lustful place... "Anyway, I'll see you later." Vicki nodded as Diana began to leave the campus grounds.

There was still a chorus of people waiting out there. Much of the crowd was hostile initially, but they waved out at all of us as we left.

"This is as much my home as the house," Sylvia smiled as she followed us. "They're all so adoring! Like I said Vicki... no need to rule the world, you just need an itty bitty kingdom! One mesmerized by us!"

"You're right... I suppose. People like that officer are a pain to deal with. I can't imagine the military..." Vicki smiled down at her sister. "I wouldn't get anything I actually want from ruling the world anyway. But we don't have the antidote developed yet. Diana's been talking with him, but he still doesn't have it. So in the meantime, you should try to get closer to my size so that YOU don't look like a doll to me."

Sylvia nodded as she skipped after Vicki, just managing to keep up with her sister's massive strides.

I guess we were all staying with Vicki tonight.

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