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Author's Chapter Notes:
Been awhile since I posted definitely Giantess stuff in the next chapter
I awake with a deep pain within my neck. I pull my head up but knocking it against this woman looking at my face.

"Ow! Well, you're finally awake" she said in a annoyed sounding voice while rubbing her nose.

She was white, wearing a vibrant white lab coat. She had red hair pulled back in what it seemed like a messy bun with a pencil stuck through it. She had blue eyes that almost could be compared to the ocean, but a tint of green dilutes them. I took a moment a stared at her. She looked beautiful. She looked around in her mid 40s, but she looked amazing for her age.

"Are you not gonna say sorry?" She said still annoyed in a sarcastic voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I got sidetracked, my mistake" I replied snapping back to reality.

"'My mistake' what are we in? The 60s?" We both laughed.

There is this bright light above me flashing in to my eyes. It reminds me of the dentist. But the lady wasn't inspecting just my teeth. Shes inspecting my eyes and eyelids, my ears, my nose, my mouth. Everything on my face.

"Where am I by the way?" I asked

"The school silly" She said jokingly

She's been really nice to me despite my colour.

"You're all clear" she said

"For what?" I replied

"Training duh? You leave tomorrow, oh yea and also the name is Heidi, you can thank me later" she exclaimed

Before I can say anything my dentist chair was pulled backwards and I was brought into a room behind me. It was gigantic and everywhere I looked there was a station set up. But the funny thing was is that I am alone. All of a sudden someone put their hand on my shoulder.

"There's your future boy" I heard in a deep masculine voice. I looked and saw an old man sitting in a wheel chair behind me.

"Wow you surprised me! And what do you mean? Why am I here? Why me?" I asked concerned and frightened.

"'Surprises' such a useful skill in life . How could a lion catch his food without the art of surprise, and how they can also solve your questions" he said wisely as he rolled away.

I looked around. There was so many things to do here. But which one? I noticed this area which seemed to be an armoury. It had stainless steel weapons like spears and knives. There was a tablet on a stand next to the station. I clicked start and a robotic voice played.

"The armoury, here is wear you practice your combat skills, choose any which weapon and choose a simulator. Once you start the simulation you can not leave until you are finished. Please choose a weapon."

I grabbed the belt of knives

"Ah the knives, they could be used in combat and long distance as throwing knives. Do you wish to continue with this weapon?"

I press yes

"Simulation, Started"

Everything around me became a virtual reality. It was like I was in the woods.

"To succeed in this simulation, destroy all targets, you have 10 minutes" The robotic voice said

I look around and there was only about 10 targets. It seemed fairly easy. I run towards the target and force my knife into it. I look at down towards my knife, but nothing was there. I looked forward to find the same target ahead. I tried again and ran at it, but the same exact problem happened.

"There must be another way" I said to myself.

I remembered what the robot said "they could be used in combat and long distance as throwing knives. "

"Throwing Knives that's it!"

I threw the knife, it had a perfect spin and going at a fair speed. I looked excited as the knife was about to hit the target but the target moved!

"7 minutes remain" the robotic voice warned.

"Fuck how do I do this!" I yelled but could only hear the chirping of birds.

I am getting pissed, I charged at the target once again and stabbed it but it moved backwards. So I randomly through the knife while watching the target I previously charged at. I then heard a shatter.
I turned to the right of me and saw a target shattered into millions of pieces. I became really confused on what just happened yet surprised.

"Surprised... The art of Surprised! Catching the target off guard surprised it! That's the answer! That old man gave me a hint!"

I turn backwards and quickly turn back around and threw the knife at the target. It worked! That broke too! I began doing it over and over and finally break the final one with 1 minute to spare.

"Congratulations you completed the 1st training segment please choose 2 more after this one" the robotic voice said.

I was warped back to the room I was in before. I looked around to find 2 more. I noticed there was this station that was just plain and had nothing in it except for the pad beside it. I walk there and go towards the pad and pressed start.

"This is the Unknown Segment. Do you wish to continue?"

That's strange there was no details to it.

I click yes.

I was transported to this steel room with a bunch of random doors and things inside it.

"This is the Unknown Segment, good luck, you have 30 minutes" the monotone voice said.

"What do I do here?" I look around, there's a pool, a big cauldron with fire under it and water boiling in it and 2 doors, one with a lock on it. I look towards the pool. There's a key in it. I don't know whats behind the door without the lock on it, and the cauldron seems too hot to go near. I walk towards the pool with a key in it. But wait, why would this be so easy. I found a piece of wood that's very hot but not fully inside the fire under the cauldron. I kick it out and leave it to cool off.

"20 minutes left" the robot reminded

"10 minutes should be enough"

I grab the end of the wood and carefully dropped it in the pool water. It disintegrated. I couldn't believe it. I could've almost died. I know it's impossible to get the key from inside the pool. I walk towards the door without the lock. But wouldn't that be too easy too? What if there is something life threatening in there. I decided not to open it, I now go to the cauldron. I touch the pitch black cast iron of its outer surface. I burnt my finger.

"How the hell do I do this" I asked myself. "There must be some way"

"10 minutes remain" the robotic voice chimed

If I can't go in the pool, I don't know whats on the other side of the door, and the cauldron is boiling, what do I do? I could take the risk and go in the pool, but I have proof that objects disintegrate. I don't have and proof on what behind the door. And I know the cauldron is hot. But what about the water in the cauldron. Another key maybe in there. If the pool is playing with our mind, maybe the cauldron is too. I walk towards the cauldron. About to brace myself with the amount of pain I'm gonna endure. I place my hands around the rim. They begin to become really hot, I pull myself up and swing my legs over. By now my hands have burnt. I get ready to put my legs in. And I do. The water. It's cold! I can survive in it though. There's also a key. I grab it pull myself up and run to the locked door. It opened! I walk through and back to where I started. But this time I wasn't alone there was a whole bunch of people surrounding me wearing lab coats. They all were clapping. I immediately recognized Heidi and walked to her.

"Heidi What did I do?" I asked her

"You passed the Unknown Test, know one has done that before. Now you don't need to do a final segment. You're going on your expedition in a couple minutes"

"Wait what?!?! Where am I going on this 'expedition'? What do I do?" I asked afraid

"No need to worry Evan, just go with the flow" she said

"But Heidi!!!!" I yell

"Okay guys take him to the capsule! He's ready" Heidi ordered


I was then escorted to what it seemed like a control room with all these computers and people surrounding this oddly shaped box of some sort. We kept walking and I was then thrown in to a box that seemed like the one I saw earlier. They then closed the door

I could see is through this window. I saw Heidi hunched over a lady on the computer talking to her.

"HEIDI!!!!!" I banged on the window

She gave me a glance and walked towards me.

"This happened so quick, I wish I got to know you better. Good luck Evan"

She then yelled at the same lady she was talking to, to open the roof. Then they started countdown. All I was doing was banging the window while this was happening. I was then pulled back and something was inserted inside me I became drowsy and blacked out.






Blast off....
Chapter End Notes:
Pretty long chapter but wanted to hurry things up, sorry if this has been boring. The best is yet to come.
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