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Two months later, Rose took me back to Dr. Magnolia. I hoped for different news but expected the same. I stepped on the scale, anticipating that I had shrunk since I was eye-level with a lower part of Rose's jeans. I stood on the scale while Dr. Magnolia measured me. She looked at the measurement very closely, ensuring her accuracy.

"Oh, no." She said.

"What is it?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"I'm so sorry, James." Dr. Magnolia said as she grazed my cheek with her thumb. "You now measure 3'7". You've shrunken three inches in the past two months!"

"Three inches?! How could this happen?!"

"I don't know, sweetheart. I've never seen anything like this before."

I started to tear up. Rose extended her hands, motioning for me to hug her.

"Come here, baby. Everything is going to be okay."

I buried my face in her crotch and clasped my hands firmly around her ass while she hugged me.

"I'm going to refer him to an orthopedist. Hopefully, he'll be able to sort this out before it gets out of control." She told Rose.

"What's an orthopedist?" I asked.

"It's a bone doctor, sweetheart." Dr. Magnolia said as she bent over towards me and put her hand on my shoulder. "I think the shrinking is a problem with your bones. The orthopedist will be able to tell you, if it is."

Rose took me to Baskin Robins, as she did after all of my doctor appointments. It wasn't until after we left Dr. Magnolia's office that I realized how much shorter I had gotten. Her knees were almost as high as my waist. Her waist was several inches above my head. Although I hated the fact that I was shrinking, in a weird way, I kind of liked how much bigger Rose was than me. I started to wonder how much smaller I would be, compared to Leah.

We got home and the other kids immediately started teasing me. Teresa walked up to me as soon as I entered the door. Though I was 11 years old and she was just 9, she was now ten inches taller than me, due to my recent shrinkage.

"Did you get shorter?" Teresa asked me.

"Yeah, I did. Now leave me alone." I told her.

"What?!" Kevin asked. "Are you serious? You got even shorter? Hahahahaha. Guess what, James - I'm five feet tall now. You'll never be five feet. Hahahaha!"


I had never seen her get so angry. It was almost scary, but it also turned me on. She was so tall and powerful...

"Anyone else who wants to comment on James's height, you will stay upstairs for a week!" Rose informed them.

The rest if the night was uneventful. I spent most of it with Rose, in her office. I listened to the sound of her fingernails typing as she did her work on her laptop. Then, Chad invited me into the living room to watch the news.

"James, come look at this!" Chad yelled.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Check it out. North Korea just tested a nuclear bomb in the Pacific Ocean. It was over a hundred kilotons! Do you know what that means?!"


"If a bomb that size hit New York, it would kill like a million people! It could wipe out all of Manhattan!"

"How do you know that?" I asked. "And also, North Korea can't reach New York so we will be fine. Your theories are ridiculous."

"Correction! We THINK North Korea can't reach us. But that Kim Jong guy... we never really know what he's up to."

"Chad, stop spreading your wild nonsense!" Rose said as she entered the room.

"Ms. Rose, it's not nonsense! We could get hit any day!"

"That's not going to happen, Chad. Don't worry." She assured him.

"How come we don't just nuke them first?" I asked.

"Because, James, that would result in the death of many innocent people. It would be immoral." Rose explained.

"But... if they nuke us first, then we're screwed. Right, Chad?" I wondered.

"Depends on the size of the bomb... and how many bombs." Chad said.

I remember Chad's words, cryptically. He would talk about nothing but his nuclear war predictions, every day, for the next year. Until it finally happened...

I was out with Rose, on our weekly supermarket trip. It had become a ritual at this point. Rose had the idea to bring me along with her to get groceries, in order to get me away from the other kids for part of the day.

Grocery stores in Manhattan were typically very expensive. Because of this, a few years prior, the staff had decided to do the grocery shopping at a store in the Bronx. However, Rose didn't like going to the Bronx because of the constant attention she drew from male pedestrians. So, we usually went to Yonkers. It was a further drive but Rose saw it as a way to give me a break from the home. We didn't know how lucky we were to be in Yonkers at that specific time, until it happened...

At age 12, I now stood just three feet tall. Most of the other kids had grown substantially over the previous year, while I continued to shrink. The teasing became constant. Even Chad and Daren wouldn't associate with me anymore. I contemplated killing myself, every day. Without Rose there to comfort me, I would have done it.

"Hey. How about we go see a movie tomorrow, just you and me?" Rose suggested as we walked out of the store. Her knees were now above my waist and the top of my head was shorter than her crotch.

"Really?! But isn't tomorrow your day off?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll come by take you out for a few hours. How does that sound?"

Before I could answer, the sky filled with a blinding white light. I closed my eyes and felt Rose's legs surround me. Shortly after the light, I heard a loud explosion. The ground shook beneath us and I lost my balance. Rose quickly picked me up and threw me over her shoulder. She ran to the car as quick as she could, swung the door open and plopped me down in my car seat. She forced me to sit in a car seat after I shrunk so much. She pulled out of the parking lot and slammed on the gas as we headed towards I-87. There was a cloud of black smoke above where Manhattan was supposed to be. I didn't know it yet, but Manhattan was no longer there...

"Oh my god!" Rose cried upon the sight of the black smoke. Tears rolled down her face.

"What's going on?!" I asked excitedly.

"It's gone, James! It happened! I can't... Oh god!"

"Wha... what? What happened?!"

"Chad was right! I can't believe... Chad was fucking right!!"

"Chad, Chad? Our Chad? Right about... the bomb? North Korea? Is... is that... no."

"Yes! Yes James!!!" She yelled, as she continued to cry.

"So... that sound... and the earthquake... that was a bomb?" I asked.

"I think... I mean... turn on the radio!" She ordered.

"It's not working..."

"Oh my god... I knew it!!"

"What... but, what do we do now?!"

"I don't know, James! I don't know! We have to get far away!" She said as she headed north at over 100 miles per hour.

"Rose, can you slow down, please?"

"Not yet, sweetheart. I'm sorry. Just hold on. Everything is going to be okay."

She drove for about half an hour until we reached our destination. The exit sign read 'Norwalk.'

"Where are we?" I asked.

"My house. This is where I live." She stated.

"Oh. How come we're here?"

"Because, James... I can't bring you home." She started to sob. "It's too dangerous for us to go back right now, I think. We have to check the news."

The news confirmed what Rose and I feared. A 400-kiloton nuclear bomb dropped over Manhattan. Most of was completely decimated. Parts of the surrounding boroughs were also leveled. The final death toll surpassed a million. Well over a million people were injured, as well. All of the other kids and staff in the home were killed by the blast. Rose and I were infinitely lucky. There would not be another nuclear bomb in this country until a couple of years later.

Rose kept me in her house for the next year and a half. She got another job as a social worker and took care of me as if I was her own child. She never did formally adopt me, though. Looking back, I wonder if she kept me illegally. I continued to shrink. Six months before my 14th birthday, I now stood just 2'6." Rose's knees were as high as my chest.

Rose often took me to various doctors about my shrinking, but no conclusion was ever found. I was considered a 'medical marvel.' However, I would soon find out what was causing the shrinking...

After the nuclear explosion and the radiation exposure killed most of the people she knew, and put her out of work for a while, Rose took up drinking. At first, she would only drink wine. She would drink right before bed and only get tipsy. I liked how her personality changed when she was tipsy; she tended to touch me a lot. Over time, her drinking became a problem. She typically spent most of the day sober, but sometimes she would drink an entire liter of vodka after work. On weekends, she would go out and drink at the local bars, leaving me home alone. She would usually come home severely inebriated.

Thinking back on the Rose I knew before the bomb, she had changed completely. She often seemed bothered by my presence, but at the same time, she devoted all of her attention to me. In the eighteen months I lived with her, she never once had a boyfriend, or even a date. She never mentioned anyone at all.

One night, I was sitting on the couch with Rose, watching television. She was wearing just panties and a bra. This had become normal to us. I was having back pain and I kept trying to rub the pain away. Rose was about a third of the way into her bottle.

"What's wrong, baby?" She asked.

"My back hurts." I told her.

"You know... before I got hired at the children's home, I was a massage therapist. Let me take care of that for you, sweetheart."

"Is it gonna hurt?"

"Of course not, baby. Just lay down on the floor. Lay on your stomach."

I obeyed Rose's order and laid on my stomach. She bent down and placed her knees on the floor, above my head. I felt her fingernails crawl across my back as she lifted my shirt up. She placed both her palms on my upper back and pressed softly.

"Is this where it hurts?" She asked.

"Lower." I told her. She moved her hands to my middle back.

"Right here?"


"You've got to move your boxers down a bit, sweetheart. Actually, just take them off."

"But... then I'll be naked."

"Well, when you go to a masseuse, they usually have you get naked. Don't be embarrassed, baby. It's totally normal."

"Ok." I said, as I stripped naked and laid back down.

She placed her palms on my lower back, hand over hand. She pressed down firmly.

"Is that the spot, sweet baby?"

"Oh, yeah. That's it."

She began to massage my lower back. Her palms pushed against my skin, moving in a circular motion. My dick rubbed against the carpet and started to stiffen. She stretched her legs out at my sides, each one spanned longer than my entire body. I listened to the sound of her humming as she continued to forcefully press against my back.

"Have you ever had a massage, baby?"

"No... but... this is... amazing."

"Your muscles are very tight. But don't worry. I'll loosen them riiiiight up for you, sweetheart."

My dick was now fully erect. The carpet was uncomfortable but I ignored it. I was too captivated by her spell to be bothered.

"Do you think I'm old, James?" She asked, as she continued to massage me. I could tell the alcohol was starting to alter her mood.

"What? Of course not."

"It's just... I'm thirty now... Do you think I'm still pretty?"

"Of course... I do... You're beautiful."

"Thank you, James. You're the only man I love. You know that?"

She stopped massaging and flipped me over. I was now facing her. Her mammoth thighs laid on either side of my body and towered over me. I suddenly realized that I was much smaller than when she first started the massage. My head was by her crotch and my feet only reached her upper calves. I shuttered at the thought that I could've shrank that quickly. But before I could say anything, Rose started vigorously tickling my bare stomach.

"Hehe. Look at my baby's little tummy. Haha!" She giggled as she tickled me. Her hair draped over my body.

"Haha! Please, Rose... hahaha ... please, stop!"

She flattened her palm and pressed it against my body. I realized her hand covered most of my body, I had shrunk to less than a foot tall.

"Whoa... what the fuck?!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I guess the secret is out..." Rose stated.

Her fingers surrounded me. She held me just above the floor, between her legs. I squirmed feverishly, in a futile attempt to escape.

"This is just like my dreams! Please, Rose! Please, don't kill me!" I begged.

"I've been planning this for years, James. I was going to let you shrink gradually, but... I just can't wait any longer."

She opened her palm, I didn't even bother trying to escape anymore. She stared at me, devilishly, as I shrunk further.

"You see, James... I've got a fetishhh for little... puny... helpless... insignificant men like you." She poked my chest with each adjective. "I guess you could call me... dominant... I almost feel guilty because you are just a boy... but at least you're an orphan. No one will miss you. Haha!"

Her thighs slowly closed around me as she slipped her hand from between them, leaving me to be consumed. At this point, I had shrunken to about six inches tall.

Her gigantic, soft thighs molded around me. I couldn't reach the floor with my feet and I couldn't breathe. I flailed my tiny body, trying to create an opening but she squeezed tighter. Even in this moment of peril, my dick was throbbing for her.

Her thighs finally opened. I dropped to the floor as she stood up and removed her panties. My initial reaction was to run, although I had no chance of getting away from her. I started to run anyway.

"Hehe. Where do you think you're going, my sweet baby?"

Her hands swooped down and scooped me off the carpet. She brought me up to her face. She planted a forceful kiss on my stomach, then started to lick me. She licked me all over until I was covered in her saliva.

"At least you won't die a virgin." She said, as I dangled in front of her face.

She forcefully slapped my tiny body against her vagina. She squeezed my head between her index finger and thumb, and began to slide my entire body into her pussy. She slid me back and forth, in and out, moaning as she satisfied herself.

"Oh... oh yes! Oh, James! Ughhh!!"

She finally climaxed and doused me with her pussy juice. My dick was still throbbing. She gently pulled me out of her vagina. She held me by my head as she lifted me through the air. She let me dangle there, right in front of her lips as she spoke.

"Aww. My sweet baby. Looks like I got you a little excited, huh?"

Just as she finished her sentence, I unloaded. My body trembled as I uncontrollably squirted my semen directly into her mouth. She spit it out, disgusted.

"Ew! That was gross!" She yelled.

She let go of me and I fell to the floor. I was uninjured but disoriented. I quickly gathered myself and stood up. Before I could run, she lifted up her foot with the clear intention of stomping me into dust. I threw myself out of the way just before her foot came down. Her giant foot hit the floor and the ground shook beneath me. I started to run away, as fast as I could. She took another step and stumbled. She lost her balance and slammed her head against the kitchen counter. She fell to the floor with a bang and laid there, unconscious.

At just three inches tall, I wasn't going to get anywhere fast. It took a few minutes of running just for me to reach the back door. I managed to slip underneath it. I continued running; after about a half-hour, I was about a hundred yards from Rose's house. I crawled into an empty soda bottle, hoping it would protect me from animals as I went to sleep for the night.

I woke up the next morning, still three inches tall. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my phone. It shrunk with me, luckily, and it still worked. However, the battery was pretty low and I wasn't going to be able to charge it because the charging port was now much smaller. There was no one I could call, other than Rose. I contemplated taking my chances and calling her, but then I had another idea. Maybe there was a reason Lee hasn't tried to contact me in almost three years. Maybe if I showed up at her door, she would take me in... if she wasn't killed in the nuclear attack. I didn't know how she would feel about my tiny new size, but I decided to look for her anyway.

I entered her full name on Google. After a few minutes of scouring the internet, I found her Instagram username. Apparently, she had amassed over 200,000 followers in her time apart from me. I typed her username on Instagram and found her profile instantly. It was her. Her profile contained hundreds of sexy selfies. I wasn't surprised that she was so popular, considering she was incredibly attractive. However, I was surprised that her bio indicated that she was twenty-four years old. To my knowledge, she should have been twenty-eight. I didn't think much of it. I realized that her bio stated that she lived in Stamford, just nine miles from Rose's house.

I returned to Google and found a website that promised to provide the address of any person for a small fee. I had Rose's credit card linked to my phone so I paid the fee on got Lee's address easily. Next, I entered the address into my phone's navigation and memorized the directions since my phone was close to dying.

First, I needed to get to the train station. It wasn't far walk for a normal person, but it took me more then two days to get there. I hadn't eaten since I left Rose's house. I survived by drinking rainwater from puddles. I was still naked but due to my size, no one noticed. I was still shrinking, too.

By the time I reached the train station I was just two inches tall. The gap between the train and the platform was too wide for me too jump over. I climbed onto a woman's sneaker and hung on to her shoe lace as she boarded the train. Once on the train, I stood underneath the seats so that I wouldn't be seen or stepped on. After a few minutes, the conductor announced that the next stop would be Stamford. There was a man standing by the door, I could tel that he was going to get off at the next stop. I climbed onto his shoe and held on to the shoelace until he got off the train.

It would be another half-mile walk until I reached Lee's house. I walked for about three hours until I got too tired to continue. I came across an empty water bottle. I hid inside of it as I slept.

The next morning, I was an inch tall. I continued my journey to Lee's house. After a few more hours, I finally arrived. I saw Lee's car in the driveway and was overwhelmed with joy. I couldn't believe it. After three long years and fourty-six inches of shrinkage, I finally made it back to her. Now, I just had to hope for the best...

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