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Author's Chapter Notes:

Well, here's another chapter. This started out too long so I broke it in half. I think you'll like it. Maybe we get to find out if Julie and Sam are going to be a couple.

Anyway, things haven't gotten any better in real life, but at least I can find the time to write. 

----- Saturday morning

"Oops, tee hee." I heard. Then I heard tiny footsteps scampering off. I opened my eyes, the sun was up, and Zoe and I were laying together on the couch. Whatever it was woke her up too.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Cindy. I think."

"She saw us."

"Un huh."

"Shall we get up?"

"Just a little longer like this, ok?"

"Ok. Um, Zoe?"


"So, like, what happened last night?"

"Oh, no! He doesn't remember last night. I'm a failure."

"No. I just want to know what this means?"

"I was being sarcastic. Why does it have to have meaning?"

"Then, just answer this: why?"

"Julie's right. You try to analyze everything, don't you?"

"I need to know."

"What do you need to know?"

"Us. That is, what's our relationship now?"

"Don't make it complicated: I like you."

"So, we're nothing more than mere fuck-buddies."

"I'd say more than that."

"Is it really because you like me? Or are you doing this out of gratitude for taking you in?"

"Don't forget helping me get a job."

"Right, that too. Or maybe you're feeling sorry for me because of what I went through with Julie?"

"Just, things."

"You used to tease me a lot, make me jealous, try to bring me heartache."

"I wasn't mean. Just teasing."

"No, you weren't mean. But you've changed. You're more friendly, especially since two weeks ago."

"Maybe Julie's part of it."

"Aha! So you are feeling sorry for me."

"No, Sam. I told you: it's more."

"How much more?"

"You ask too many questions."

"Fine. I'll stop."

"You know how I feel about you."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do. We spoke about this. You know how I felt when Sam was going out with you."

"So that's what this is then?"

"What do you think?" she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Ok, fine. So where do we go from here?"

"Wherever. The only thing that's changed is we've broken the ice on sex."

"Is this going to be a regular thing?"

"You tell me."

"I can't answer that."

"If you want to, yes. If not, that's fine too. I can always play on Julie's magnificent clit."

"I'm happy for you two. You and Julie have a good thing going."

"Alright then, how are you and Julie getting along?"

"Uh, I don't know. We haven't figured it out."

"You haven't figured it out? You better hurry up. What's that they say: shit or get off the pot? You might lose her forever."

"Yeah. I hear you. Only this is so fucking hard. I don't know what I should I do?"

"Should? As in what's right?"

"I don't know. I don't want to lose Julie, but I don't want to go through that same shit that I did before. I want us to be honest and not hold secrets from each other."

"I'm not sure what to tell you. I'm pretty sure Julie wants you back so that means that this is your decision. The ball is in your court."

"No. I put it in her court. I said she had to convince me that she won't hurt me anymore."

"You want guarantees?"

"That would be nice."

"So you gave her an ultimatum?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Nobody can say they won't ever hurt you. That's impossible, either physically or even more importantly, emotionally. Nobody would ever be getting together in that case. Maybe she can hurt you more physically, but I think you can hurt her more emotionally."

"Hey, you're the one that said I should watch out for myself."

"No risk, no reward."

"But she already hurt me."

"You have to decide if the gain is worth the risk."

"What if I do get back with her? How will that affect you?"

"Oh, no! Don't let me influence your relationship with Julie, Sam."

"But now it does affect our relationship. Because of this, because of last night."

"It was only the next step for us."

We heard a bump and a door open.

"It looks like Cindy's coming back." I said.

"No, I don't think so. It's too heavy. It must be Julie."

"Julie?" I said. "Oh shit. We can't let her catch us like this."

"It's ok, Sam."

"No, it's not ok. Get up."

"Calm down."

"But she'll be pissed."

"She won't be pissed."

"She'll see us lying naked together. She'll know what we did."

"It'll be ok."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because she already knows."

"Shit. She already saw us."

"Gee wiz, Sam. It was her idea for me to get on the pill."

"I thought it was the doctor's?"

"Doctors don't convince you to take the pill. You ask them."

"I wouldn't know."

"Julie wanted this for you, Sam. She also wanted it for me."

"Really? I wonder if she still wants me in that case."

"You can be dense sometimes. She does. She's told you that like how many times?"

"And she obviously told you."

"So? We talk."

"You two concocted this scheme."

"We weren't scheming."

"So then, did Julie convince you to do this?"

"Convince? Hardly. I've been waiting for this for years, Sam."

"I guess you weren't forced by her then."

"You guess. I oughta whack you, you know that."

"Go ahead and whack me. I deserve it. But, be gentle."

"By definition you can't be gentle whacking someone."

"Then get it over with quickly."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. A long, deep, wet kiss that we never had before. I suppose that makes this our first real kiss.

"So?" she said.

"So, that was not over with quickly."

"Oh, shut up." she said before kissing me again.

"I wonder what Samantha would think of all this?"

"She'd be jealous."

"Yeah, jealous of you with a giantess." I chuckled.

"No, jealous because of you."

"Sam was a lesbian too, right?"

"Well, yeah. You know that."

"I wonder what she thought of me. Really."

"She was more bi than me. Does that tell you something?"

"She really liked me?"

"I know she did. She was falling for you. I had to stop it."

"For her sake?"

"For both our sakes."

"Is it because you didn't want me to take her away from you?"

"And because I couldn't bear her taking you away from me."



"How did you feel when you learned that I had a girlfriend?"

"At that point I was just grateful that you got me away from Arizona. But I like Julie too."


"And what? Her big clit? Is that what you want to hear?"

"Just trying to find out where you two are, relationshipwise."

"I wouldn't be here without Julie's blessing. I told you we talk."

"So maybe she did that that under duress."

"What? You think I made her?"

"No. But I'm wondering if she thinks me sleeping with others was going to save our relationship. You know, let Sam have what he wants."

"Good theory. It's really that she thinks she can't satisfy you."

"It's the other way around. I'm sure that's what two weeks ago was about."

"I think you should thank your lucky stars she lets you do this with other girls."

"I do. I just can't believe she thinks she can't satisfy me."

"Insecurities are usually irrational."

"Like I still can't get over that you're not just doing this out of gratitude."

"See? You're insecure, and irrational. I'll help you out. Yes, I owe you a lot. But even if I didn't I like being with you. Don't let what I'm about to say go to your head, ok?"


"You are the only guy that ever satisfied me sexually."

"I don't see how. All I did was sit there."

"Ha, ha." she laughed. "No. I could feel you. You were jumping around."

"Part of me was. By the way, how do you do that?"

"What? Kegel?"

"Yeah, that's what it is, isn't it? That is soooo fucking hot."

"It's needed for good vaginal health."

"I'll take your word for it. Still, I can hardly believe that satisfied you."

"It satisfied you, didn't it?"

"Oh, it did."

"Well, if I wasn't fulfilled then I know that you're pretty good at going down on me."

"Oh yeah. I remember that. Ha. That's funny. FulFILLED."

"Don't be an ass."


"Sam, your character means so much. It's like, 'I know this person well. I like being with them all the time. Wouldn't it be awesome to have sex with them?' Sometimes looks and technique don't matter, Sam."

"So you're saying I'm ugly and my technique sucks?"

"You know that's not true."

"Alright, I'm joking."

We looked into each others eyes, our faces almost touching.

"I'm going to enjoy this relationship more than I had ever feared."

"Feared? You feared this?"

"When you figured out what happened between you and Sam, well, I was a part of that so I thought you'd hate me."

"You tried to stop it before it happened. That's what I remember you saying."

"That's right. But I was still her lover. I knew and helped with the plan to give you the virus. I participated. And I was also the one who broke you two up."

"I don't hold it against you. Nothing to fear."

"That's what I mean about character: you're magnanimous."

"Big words for such a little girl."

"It means ..."

"I know what it means. Come on. We should get up and get dressed. We wouldn't want to spook Julie or the others by her seeing us like this."

"I think she's already seen us."

"You sure?"

"That's why she's avoiding coming into the living room."

"Maybe we should just get up then."

"Don't you want another round?"

"How about later?"

"You won't keep me waiting, will you?"

"Is tonight ok?

"I'm being facetious. Whenever you want, Sam. I'm not going anywhere."

"The go back to your bedroom and get dressed."

"I'd be breaking Cindy's heart by getting dressed."

"Meh. Let it break. We have work to do today."

And so we did. We got up, dressed (much to Cindy's chagrin, lol), had breakfast and began our day. We would spend today cleaning and moving things around to get ready to put the house up for sale. Tomorrow would be the first day that it would be an "open" house. The thought of selling the house was kind of exciting and I think everyone felt that way too; not because we were selling the old house but because it was getting us closer to getting into the new one. So our interactions were jovial, even with Julie. In fact, especially with Julie -- she did all of the heavy lifting and loved it.

Julie did love her activity. She still ran, even in the cold, whereas I hadn't been doing so much of that, or even lifting. I was getting weaker as I got smaller and I didn't want to remind myself of that fact. Watching her pick up and move furniture, huge boxes and cars (ok, no cars, but ...) as if it were nothing, really hammered home the fact that she was much stronger than I. And watching her long muscles flex while wearing only her underwear as she did so was very arousing. I'm getting horny thinking about it. Did I just say that? Damn those pills. Or is it the fact that watching a mountain of a girl move big things around and being able to practically feel her power is just plain sexy?

We had some room left in the rented little shack outside that I had for Zoe so we stored some stuff in there. When the time came we could probably just move the whole pod itself to the new place. Now bringing things outside revealed a limitation to Julie's size: while it was easy for her to carry things, it was not so easy to fit through the door while actually holding them. Hell, it wasn't easy just for her alone to fit through the door. But she managed with some difficulty.

"Julie! Watch the top of the ..."

"Ouch! My head."

"Awww. Here, bend down and let me kiss it. No, bend down more." I said. But she couldn't bend down far enough while standing. "Damnit. Sit down and let me get up on your thigh." That worked. I was able to give her a kiss on the forehead. She pouted.

"Sorry." I said. "I really appreciate your help though."

"Think nothing of it, Sam. I like helping."

"I wish I could make the doorways taller."

"I wish I was shorter."

"Don't say that, Julie. You're great just the way you are." I couldn't believe she was saying what she did.

"It's just that ..."

"No, Julie. People would give anything to be as big as you."

"I wish I could give you some of my height."

"I'd like to be taller, yes. But I wouldn't want it if meant you would get smaller."

"But I don't like being big anymore." Tears were coming to her eyes.

"Hey! We'll be in a bigger house soon. You'll see. We can even make the doors bigger for you."

She cheered up a bit and smiled. "Do you still want me to move in with you?" she asked.

"Of course, I do."

"So ..."

"So, we'll see how things go."

"Up until a few of weeks ago I really started to like being big."

"What happened?"

She looked at me with a wry face.

"Oh. That." I said. "It's ok, Julie."

"Really?" she said, sniffling.

"Have you thought more about what we talked about last night?"

"A little. I've been busy most of the day though."

"Yeah, sorry about that, but it looks like you're enjoying the work."

"I am, Sam. I really am. I like that we're working together."

"Me too. Well, I have been thinking, and thinking hard about us. And I think I know a way that we can get back together as a couple."

"We can?" she asked, perking up.

"We'll talk tonight, ok?"


"Um, you know what Zoe and I did last night, right?"

"Yes, Sam. And it's ok."

"We'll talk about that too."


Zoe had given me some ideas to think about regarding the relationship that Julie and I had, or maybe didn't have. I had to decide if it was worth the risk to me. So the ball really was in my court now. I thought about it all day while we worked around the house. Tomorrow was going to be a day out, mostly.

I was wondering how Zoe was going to handle tomorrow. We didn't have to go to any crowded places, which would help. She had been getting out the past week and I felt good about her agreeing to get out of the house with us. Plus, the weather was warming up and the forecast for Sunday was sunny.

Erin, er, I mean Chloe, worked Saturday during the day so she didn't join us until the evening. We were all pooped by then and stopped cleaning up which was ok. We had accomplished what I wanted and then some. I was so tired that when I greeted her when she came home I hung on a little longer than usual, leaning on her stomach and almost going to sleep.

"Hey, Sam. I'm off tomorrow."

"Well, great. We have to leave the house for a few hours, you know. Want to come with us?"

"Sure do."

"Sharon and Tee are going to join us."

"A party! Are we going dancing?"

"No. You dance at night and I have to work Monday along with everyone else. Maybe Cindy will want to go with you but I doubt you guys will be out late."

"Aw. We can go during the day."

"I won't. But no frowns, ok? We'll have ice cream tomorrow."

Everyone cheered up at that remark. Yes! Saved from dancing by ice cream.

Being tired, we all turned in early that night. Cindy and Zoe wanted me to sleep in the bedroom with them. I didn't know what they had planned, but I needed to talk to Julie alone, so we had a talk, yet again, alone, or so I thought.

----- The talk

Julie was sitting on the bed, leaning over with her elbows on her knees which stuck up well above the mattress. I stood in front talking up at her.

"So um, Julie, do you remember what I asked you to think about last night?"


"And did you figure out a way to guarantee my safety?"

She looked down at her feet. "I promise not to hurt you." she said.

"You can't promise that; only that you'll try."

She didn't say anything.

"Julie. Forget about it. Zoe convinced me that it's unrealistic."

"So, what does that mean?"

"It means we're going to ignore that part. I'm going to take a chance instead."


"We have to agree to certain things though."

"I will."

"Four things. Ok?"


"So, I've been thinking real hard on this and I believe that the heart of it is," I paused for effect, "respect."

"I respect you."

"You didn't respect my wishes two weeks ago."

"No, I guess I didn't."

"Look. I bet you get a lot more respect now than when you were, um, smaller. Am I right?"

"Uh-yeah. You're right, Sam. I do. ... Oh my. I didn't even realize it. How did you know?"

I shrugged. "I see how people treat you and it's much different now than it used to be."

"You're very perceptive."

"No. It took me a long while thinking about this to come to that conclusion."

"But you're so right."

"And the girls in the club didn't respect you when they wanted us to split up, did they?"

"You're right again."

"How did that make you feel?"

"I didn't care. I cared that they didn't respect you."

"See? You already know this as much as I do. Can we agree that we have to respect each other? That you have to respect my wishes and I have to respect yours?"


"Good. That's the first thing we need to do. The second is along the same lines."

"What is it?"

"You will never insult my friends again. Ever! Understood?"

"But I didn't."

"You called them my little tramps."

"Well,... they're my friends too." she tried to rationalize.

"All the more reason to respect them."

"I'm sorry."

"Tell them. But I don't want to hear something like that out of you mouth ever again. Leave my friends -- our friends -- out of it."

"I guess I went overboard."

"Ya think?"

"Ok. I'm guilty."

"I don't want you to do things that you have to be guilty about. But this brings up my third point: what am I going to do with Zoe, Cindy, Tee and all the rest? I shouldn't be sleeping with them."

"You can sleep with them. I-I want you to."


"Zoe needs you. So does Tee."

"Cindy doesn't."

"So don't."

"Zoe can get by without me, Julie. And maybe Tee needed me once, but I doubt Tee needs me anymore."

"But they're taking those meds."

"So they are."

"I used to take medications that make me horny too. Remember?"

"I remember. That didn't seem to make much difference though. At least not two weeks ago."

"I don't know what to say, Sam. But I know what it's like for them. You too."

"I'm really thinking that maybe I should cool it with the others."

"What about me?"

"No, not you. Them."

"No, I mean what about me and them?"

"What about all of you? Oh wait. You mean you sleeping with them, right?"


"It's not the same, Julie."

"Why not?"

"Well, they're girls and so are you. It's not like me and them."

"I beg to differ." she said, crossing her arms across her chest and looking away.

"Do you really feel that way?"

"Yes. And I'm right."

"Ok." I said, relenting. "So what do we do about it?"

"Sam. You and I, we're ..."

"What? Different?"

"Yeah. We're different than we used to be."

"Then we have to ask ourselves: can we still have a relationship?"

"I hope so."

"Well, where there's hope I guess we should try. We still need to figure something out about this."

"Really, Sam, I don't mind you sleeping with them."

"You knew that Zoe was going to sleep with me last night, didn't you?"

"Yes. We talked about it."

"So she mentioned. It seems you two talk a lot."

"We always talked, you and I, didn't we?"

"Yes, Julie, we did. Maybe just agreeing not to do anything like that behind each other's backs is all we need."



"But, Sam."

"What, Julie?"

"I, uh, went out with Joey this past week."

"Who's Joey?"

"The guy that the girls wanted me to date."

"Was he as tall as you?"

"Ha!" she laughed. "No. He was a few inches shorter."


"And nothing happened."

"What was he like?"

"Awful. He was a jerk. There's no way I will ever go out with him again."

"Did you two, you know ..."

"Sleep together? Oh hell no. You think I'd sleep with a jerk like that?"

"I don't know him. But if you did, I'd understand. I mean, we weren't really going together this week. I think."

"I felt bad about it, Sam. I'm so glad we're talking. I couldn't keep this from you and I'm happy now that you've given me the chance to tell you."

"Yeah. Well, there's something I need to tell you."


"So, I, uh, did the same thing."

"You went out with someone? Behind my back?"

"Yep. In Utah. Two nights ago -- my last night there."

"Did she have the disease too?"

"Borgford's? No. She was a normal sized girl. Maybe a little taller than normal. I don't know for sure. I didn't measure and well, one normal sized girl seems as tall as the next to me. I can't really see where their head lines up so, you know."

"Un huh."

"But you take the cake, Julie. I think you must be the tallest person in the world."

"No, I'm not."

"You don't know that. Zoe might be the shortest person in the world."

"And you don't know that. Was she pretty?"

"Wilma? Pretty enough. If I had to measure her up, I'd say she wasn't nearly as pretty as you or anybody else in this house."

"How was she, then?"

"Uh, she was good."

"Even though she wasn't so pretty?"

"That's right."

"Did you two sleep together?"

"Yes. But we only had oral sex."

"Well, that's not really sex, I suppose."

"It's called oral SEX for a reason. Of course it was sex. I'm more guilty than you since you didn't have sex with what's-his-name, Joey?"

"Yeah, Joey. So, oral sex was good?"

"Oral sex is never bad, Julie." I chuckled. "But it was very good."

"She gives good blow jobs?"

"It wasn't so much her technique. More like, uninhibitedness."

"Were we ever inhibited?"

"There was always a future with you Julie. I didn't want to do anything that you might think was, I don't know, weird."

"Weird? What could you have done that would make me think you were weird?"

"Like reading giantess stories online."

"I see. So you didn't care about Wilma in Utah finding out about your giantess fetish?"

I grimaced. "I don't have a giantess fetish. Now see? You think it's weird."

"No, I don't."

"I just used that as an example. I didn't care what Wilma thought. I don't think she did about me either. We just accepted each other for who and what we are, whatever that would turn out to be."

"I can see where uninhibited oral sex would be good."

"We, uh, played games."

"What kind of games?"

"Well, I think that's what made it good. Neither of us had a relationship to worry about."

"You mean you didn't have a relationship with me?"

"We were in limbo, Julie. We kind of still are."

"So you don't want us to get back together?"

"Stop putting words in my mouth. That's not what I said. I haven't finished yet."

"Then go on."

"I don't know. We talked."

"About being uninhibited?"

"No. It was more, like, do you like me?"

"I see. You asked her if she liked you first before you asked her out."

"She asked me out."

"And that's when you asked her if she liked you?"

"Well, she asked me if I liked her first."

"Did you?"

"Of course I did."

"Enough to have sex with her?"

"Well, duh."

"So she asked you if you liked her and then you had sex?"

"Geez, not like that."

"Then how?"

"She asked me out to dinner. I figured I was out of town and should probably sample the local cuisine while I was there, so why not. We had dinner and ended up in the motel room."

"So you had exotic food in an exotic location with an exotic lady? I get it."

"There was nothing exotic about any of it. Everything was pretty, um, uninspiring. Especially the motel room."

"Uninhibited, yet uninspiring."

"It's not wine we're talking about."

"But you got some strange."

"You make it sound downright dirty. It wasn't like that."

"How was it then?"

"We were, um, ... oh I know. Like two ships passing in the night."

"Two ships that had oral sex together."

I shook my head. "You're making this hard. I know how you feel, Julie. You didn't have sex while I was away. I did. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. After all, our relationship was in limbo."

"You're going to hold this over my head, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry. Maybe I'm being too critical."

"I'm trying to be honest, Julie."

"Please, finish."

"Well, that's it, pretty much."

"What game did you play?"

"Oh that. Well, not really a game, per se. Just different things."

"What was different about it?"

I scrunched up my face. "She, uh, called me her little stud."

"She did?" Julie said, eyes getting wide.

"Yes, she did. Ok?"

"Emphasis on 'little'?"

"Yes, emphasis on 'little'. Geez, Julie. She was bigger, ok?"

"You didn't like it when I called you little."

"Yeah, but ..."

"But what?"

"It was different."


"I don't know. She ... she ... she looked down on me."

"I do that all that all the time."

"She asked. Ok?"

"She asked if she could call you little?"

"She asked if I liked her."

"We've already established that."

"She asked if I liked her taller. If I liked taller girls."


"Well, yes. I said so. I mean I like all pretty girls, big or small. But we were playing games."

"I thought she wasn't that pretty."

"She was pretty enough."

"Tell me more about this game you were playing."

"That's pretty much it. She cornered me against the wall."

"You didn't like it when I did that."

"You didn't corner me. You forced me. You just wanted to stick your penis into something."

"Penis? Did you say penis?"

"It may as well be. It's probably bigger than mine."

"I don't have a penis. It's a clitoris."

"I don't know. Do you pee standing up?"


"Ok, ok. I'm kidding. But this is no laughing matter: what she did and what you did are not the same thing."

"Ok, fine. I apologized for that. I won't do that again."

"I ... I ..."

"You what?"

I rolled my eyes and put my face in my hands and sighed. I then looked down at my feet and said "I called her a goddess."

"What? I couldn't hear what you said."

"I said ... I called her a goddess."

"You called her a goddess?"

"I called her my goddess."

"You never called me that."

"I know. I should have, because, well, you are."

"I am? Do you mean that or are you just saying that?"

"I mean that, Julie. Look, I called her a goddess, she called me her little stud, she had me pinned against the wall but not against my will, I ate her pussy, then she gave me a blow job. The next morning we took a shower together. That's it."

"So, that's all that happened?"

"And she took me to the airport the next morning. I swear that's all."

"I see. That's all. Hardly means anything, does it?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it."

"No, it's ok, Sam. Really. I mean it's not like I kept any secrets from you."

"No. Not like telling me you knew I had the virus."

"That's not the same thing."


"I couldn't, Sam. I just couldn't tell you something like that."

"Ok, fine. We've got everything out now."

"What about Kaycee?"

"Oh, you know about that?"

"Cindy told me."

"I guess you know all about her."

"How about you tell me all about Kaycee."

"Not much to tell. You know how I was such a stud in college right?"

"I know. You had sex three full times."

"Well, I had sex with three girls, not three times. When I went to college I thought I was a ladies man."

"You all think you do."

"And all the girls know that. I know that now."

"You could have had me. You could have been my ladies man."

"We were a country apart, Julie. How could we have made it work?"

"I don't know. But if you truly love someone ..."

"We were just out of high school, Julie. What did we know about love?"

"I knew I loved you."

"And I was stupid. So, I took my chances in school and struck out."

"Three girls, three strikes?"

"No, just struck out, period. I had sex with Samantha for a solid two weeks. You know that, don't you?"

"Yes. So what about Kaycee?"

"One night stand. As much as I wanted to, it didn't mean anything."

"That's not the way I heard it."

"That's the way it was. At least until I went back to Arizona. She changed."

"How so?"

"She got the virus. She shrunk and didn't have any friends. I think she saw me as someone from the past who wouldn't shun her the way her normal sized friends did because, well, because I had the disease too."

"She was bigger than you, wasn't she?"

"No. Well not now. Before she was. And I looked her up when I went back to Arizona because of that. Because she was one of the few girls who didn't hold my stature against me. And I owed her for that."

"So you slept with her?"

"Yes. But not because I owed her. At least not that alone. I mean, I was still on the meds. So was she. And ... I don't know. The first night I spent at Gabe's, but the rest of the week I spent at Kaycee's apartment."

"Do you love her?"

"Don't ask me that. I honestly cannot answer that question."

"Could you love her?"


"Do you love Wilma?"

"No. We're friends though because how can you not be friends with someone you ate? Know what I mean?"

"I know what you mean. Anyone else?"

"Now that you mention it, there was Bonnie -- Kaycee's roommate. And yes, I loved her, but only because she was Kaycee's best friend. In fact, she was her only friend that she had left and Bonnie was taking good care of her."

"You do have feelings for Kaycee. I can tell. Is it because you gave her the disease?"

"I didn't give her the disease. She got it from someone else."

"Are you sure? Maybe she was just telling you that."

"Why would she do that?"

"Because she loved you and didn't want you to know."

"That doesn't make sense. I didn't know I had the virus back then. I ..."

"You what?"

I thought for a few seconds. "Fuck! I can't believe this. We spent the night together one night and it was after Samantha split. I could have been carrying it. She must have known. No, it can't be. Julie?"


"I couldn't have given Kaycee the disease, could I? It was just one night."

"I don't know, Sam."

"But you knew I had the disease. You knew. You knew before I did. You knew back then, didn't you?"

"I didn't know for sure."

"But you did. You didn't tell me, even when I started shrinking. Were you ever going to tell me?"

"Were you ever going to tell me about Kaycee?"

"I told you about her. I just didn't tell you about the last time. There hasn't been enough time."

"Ok. You're right. I'm not mad at you, Sam. I have no right to be. I swear. Is that not enough guarantee that I won't hurt you again?"

I paused to think. Then I shook my head. "What should I do about Kaycee, Julie? What if I gave her the disease?"

"You don't know that you did."

"You implied it."

"Didn't you ever think of that yourself?"

"I guess I tried not to."

"What about the other girl?"

"Who? You mean Jayde?"

"The other girl you slept with in college."

"That would be Jayde."

"Does she have the disease?"

"I don't know. I tried looking her up but failed. And I ... shit. Now I have to find her."


"To find out if she has Borgford's."

"What if she doesn't?"

"What if she does? That would be a whole lot of evidence that I gave both of them the virus."

"It could have been others. Lots of people in Arizona have it."

"Lots of people near Phoenix, I think. I'm not sure it's all over the whole state."

"But maybe it wasn't you."

"Maybe it was. You know I'm going to find out now. I have to."

"It sounds like another trip to Arizona."

"Come with me then. We can wait until both Cindy and Tee are out there. We can use that as another excuse to see Arizona."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you. But in my own way. Please let me finish."


"You knew though."

"Knew what?"

"You knew I had the disease. How did you know I couldn't give it to you?"

"I didn't."

"You could have caught the virus from me."

"I could have, but I didn't."

"That's not the point. You knew you could have caught the shrinking disease. Didn't you?"

She shrugged. "It wouldn't have been so bad."

"Like hell. You say that now, but you have no idea what it's like."

"No, I don't. But I do know what it's like to be small. I was. Remember that?"

"I do. It wasn't that long ago. What would you have done if you caught the disease from me?"

"Sam, we would have been together if that happened. We would have shared it. I know you won't believe this but I would trade being eight feet tall for being the same height, even shorter, than you are now as long as you and I were compatible once again and could be together."

Whammo! Did you hear that ton of bricks falling on me?

"I-I had no idea, Julie. I can hardly fathom anyone wanting that. But, you knew all along. I should have figured this out. Damn. I'm really stupid."

"You're the smartest person I know, Sam."

"I'm the dumbest. You're perfect and I keep pushing you away."

"I'm not perfect."

"Perfect for me."

"Not anymore."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I'm too big for you."

"Too big a heart."

"You have the big heart. You're the one always helping people."

"Meh, only some. I should be helping you more."

"So, we can be back together?"

"I'm not finished. Let's agree that we can sleep with others, for now. But we have to make an effort to ask each other first. Or at least tell about it as soon as we can. Can we agree on that?"


"Good, just one more thing we have to be clear on."


"A safe word."


"Thank Wilma for this."


"We need some uninhibitedness and spontaneity in our relationship. We need to be able to say anything to each other and not worry about the consequences of feeling embarrassed or hurting the other one. Do you agree?"

"I guess so. You're the smart one."

"No. Think about it, because if you don't agree I have to know now."

"I agree, Sam. I'll do whatever you want."

"What if I want you to kill someone?"


"Nobody. Just asking. Look, you're the one that wanted to experiment, remember?"

"Yeah. I regret that."

"Don't. Just, let's talk about it before hand from now on. Let's not hold anything back."

"Ok. What about work?"

"Work? I guess we'll work it out. Or make things work. What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you going to tell me about your work?"

"Uh, no. Why would I do that?"

"No secrets."

"But I can't. I'd get arrested and go to jail for that."

"Really? You can go to jail?"

"Hell yes. Didn't you know? It's top secret."

"I didn't know you can go to jail."

"You most certainly can. Ever heard of espionage?"

"Oh, yeah. I don't work with top secret stuff, Sam. I didn't know."

"Now you know."

"Am I going to jail?

"No. You sound like Erin."


"Sheesh. Chloe then. No, Julie. I can't tell you secrets from work and that's why you or I aren't going to jail."

"What if I kill someone for you."

"Are you being obtuse for a reason?"

"I'm giddy, Sam." she said with tears starting to form in her eyes. "I think you're going to tell me that we're getting back together."

"Of course we are."

"What's a safe word?"

"I'll tell you if you let me finish."

"Then finish. Hurry up."

I rolled my eyes again. "Fine. I think we should expand our boundaries. That's what you were trying to do two weeks ago. Am I right?"

"I think so."

"And if we do then we're going to be moving out of our comfort zones. But if we move too far past those boundaries we need a way to stop. We need a word to say that only we know, a safe word that means stop."

"Why not 'stop'?"

"Because it's too common. We're too likely to say it in another context. The safe word doesn't mean anything by itself -- it's benign. Unless we use it when we want to stop. Ok?"

"Ok. What is it then?"

"I don't know. I'll think of something. But we have to agree to stop immediately when one of us mentions it. Ok?"

"Ok, Sam. I can do that."

"I hope so."

"Does this mean ..."

"Yes, Julie. We can get back together and give our relationship another chance. At least I'm willing. Are you?"


"You don't have to cry about it."

"I can't help it."

"Ok, fine. Here." I said as I jumped up on her thigh and hugged her around the neck.

"I'll be good, Sam. I promise."

"I know you will, Julie. I know."

"I'm sorry for hurting you. I won't ever hurt you again."

"Hurting is a part of life. You lick your wounds and move on. You'll probably hurt me again, Julie, and I'll probably hurt you. It's ok. We can agree to keep trying, right?"

"Yes. I can."

"Me too."

"I love you, Sam."

"I love you too, Julie. But I have to ..." I said pulling back away from our hug. "Hey wow. Look at that. My shirt is soaked."

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok. But I need to break it to the others."

"That we're back together?"

"That I won't be sleeping in their room tonight."

"We can have a foursome."

"Do you mean that?"

"Yes. Don't you want to?"

"Let me think about that. Yes."

She threw a pillow at me. I opened the door but Erin, I mean Chloe, Cindy and Zoe were standing right outside the door.

----- The others

"How long have you guys been there?"

"Long enough."

"You heard all of that?"

"Yeah." they all agreed.

I rolled my eyes. "So, uh, ..."

"It's ok, Sam. Spend the night with Julie." Cindy said.

"But," I said looking at Zoe, "I kind of promised I'd spend the night with you, Zoe."

"Like Cindy says, it's ok. I can play with Julie's wonder clit whenever I want."

"Ha, ha, very funny."


"What, Erin?"



"I'm happy that you two are getting back together."

"Me too, Er, uh, I mean, Chloe." I said as we hugged. She had her nighties on and her stomach was bare so I had my face in her belly button again. I craned my neck to look her in the face but all I saw was the bottom of her boobies -- a nice sight to be sure but I needed to talk. I had to step back to address her. "You knew we were going to get back, didn't you?" I asked with a smile.

"I was hoping."

"Well, I didn't disappoint you, did I?"

"You did this for me?"

"I did this for all of us. Mostly for Julie and me though."

"Are you going to live happily ever after?"

"I hope so, but I doubt it. We all have our ups and downs; even in our relationships. But I think we're going to do ok. We decided to put some effort into it. Right, Julie?"

"Yeah. Sam's pretty smart. He came up with some rules."

"Not rules. Just some things that we agreed on."

"Your four things, Sam?"

"Yes, Zoe."

"That last one about a safe word is genius."

"Oh shut up. I heard that idea a long time ago."

"Still, you're going forward with this and Julie's right: you're pretty smart to put all of that together."

"I thought about it for long time, guys. Too long. I hope this works. I'm still a little nervous."

"Me too, Sam."

"That's good, Julie. It means that you have something invested in this."

"Of course I do. I'm the one that messed things up. I'm going to make up for it."

"There's no need to feel that way. We have to work things out together. Ok?"

"You're right."

"You kept us all in suspense, Sam."

"I know, Cindy. I just needed time to think. I'm sorry."

"Did you write your story on that giantess website?"

"Aw, man. You all heard that?"

They nodded their heads.

"I'll tell you one thing: they were rooting for Julie and me to get back together."


"I don't know them really, but they include Battlemaster-3d, Layston and others. They probably don't want to be mentioned but Bigdawg K, Ugly one, and Last_one_33 all wanted us to get back together too."

"You put your relationship on the internet?"

"We're anonymous. I have a different name online. They give me inspiration though. And I give them inspiration, I think."

"What did you tell them?"

They were all listening intently now, especially Julie.

"As much as I could about Borgford's disease."

"How did Julie get in there?"

"I didn't use her real name. But I figured I'd let them know that even short guys can date bigger girls. And Julie and I are probably as far apart that way as it gets."

"That's why they wanted you to get back together."


"Are you going to tell them now?"

"Do you mean tell them that we're back together? Maybe I should keep them all in suspense." I said with an evil grin.

"You can't do that."

"Why not?"

"They have to know."

"I have a sneaky suspicion that they already know."

"Tell us about Wilma."


"What about Kaycee?"

"I'm tired everyone. I want to go to sleep. Come on, let's all go to bed. We need to leave the house tomorrow and I don't want to be late."


They were excited about Julie and I for sure but I think they were as tired as I was so we all turned in for the night.

"So, what do you want to do tonight?" asked Julie when everyone had left.

"I wasn't lying when I said I was tired. We could just cuddle, if that's ok."

"That's ok. We haven't cuddled in a long time."

"Our first night back together and no sex. We certainly must be a couple now."

"Is that bad?"

"No, Julie, it's good. It will all be good from now on."


Chapter End Notes:

I hope it turned out to your liking. More to come, hopefully soon.

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