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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sam meets Zoe and the Damarks and finds out more than he wanted to know.

----- Wednesday

I woke up with Kaycee, both of us next to Bonnie's naked form. My head was against Bonnie's itty bitty titties. I had told her that they were big to me; in reality, they were still itty bitty. I'd have to shrink quite a bit more for them to actually qualify as even medium for me. I still thought they were sexy. Very sexy.

Like yesterday, Kaycee and I woke together with Bonnie still asleep. Unlike yesterday, I would be leaving the same time that Kaycee did today; no time with Bonnie this morning. I hoped she wouldn't be too upset about that. I gave Bonnie's tits a goodbye kiss right before getting out of bed.

Kaycee and I showered together; no hanky-panky though. We both needed to start our day early. I opted not to eat breakfast at Kaycee's. I headed out before her and stopped at a fast food drive-through and ate in the car. I was on the road a little before eight with Zoe's address that Donny had given me yesterday plugged into the phone.

I settled into the drive, the drone of the wheels in the background as I worked my way to Phoenix, then north. About halfway from Phoenix to Flagstaff I received a call.



"Speaking. Who's this?"

"Fran, from the psych department, from yesterday.

"Oh, yeah. Hi, Fran. How's it going?"

"Good. I found out a little something about Zoe I thought you should know."

"That's great. What is it? I'm headed up to see her now."

"She violent."

"She is? How so?"

"Maybe not too much, but she was suspended from school for fighting with another student."

"Well, you can be suspended for all sorts of little things. Maybe she didn't start it."

"I don't know. Nobody would tell me the full story and the two people I talked to about her, one a teacher, had different stories."

"Ok. So you're saying I should watch myself around her?"

"I couldn't hurt."

"I'm thinking it was a bum rap, Fran. I mean, she did go back to school and finish. She must have because I saw when she received her bachelor's degree. If you do something really bad they won't let you grauate."

"I guess it wasn't too bad then if she they let her back after the suspension."

"Thanks, Fran."

"One more thing."


"Would you ask Zoe to be part of my study?"

"It's just a questionnaire, right?"


"Ok, then. I'll ask her."

"Thanks. And good luck."

I was curious about the questionnaire, but that would be a couple of months from now so I forgot about it. I had other things more pressing.

I reached Flagstaff a little before 11:00. I decided to stop and have lunch first. I settled on another fast food place but went inside this time.

Unlike in the Phoenix area, and parts south, Flagstaff was cold and I hadn't brought a jacket. It didn't have too many little people like me either; people that had caught the Borgford's virus. At least there were none that I could see as I made my way inside the restaurant. I had the basic burger and fries and a soda. As I finished my meal butterflies started to flutter around in my stomach. I was anxious. Nervous is a better word.

I wasn't sure exactly why. I was not comfortable around all of these normal sized people. But I think it was the idea of meeting Zoe that made me feel anxious. I rolled up to the parking lot of the apartment complex where she lived. I found the right building, went down one flight of stairs and saw the door. This was it. I paused for a second to gather my courage then knocked. I waited.

I was about to knock again but I heard the lock being unlatched. The door handle turned and the door opened partway. I saw a little girl standing there. And when I say little, I mean shorter than me -- much shorter. I would say her head came up no higher than my stomach. Was this Zoe or her little sister or cousin or something? She did look like an adult. Barely. She had short black hair and wore a tight black shirt with a black skirt around her waist and black stockings, and her feet were covered in black boots. All black. Goth looking, in fact, although I usually see Goths with lots of makeup; she didn't have any. I caught a glance at her chest and it was clear she was certainly no minor. It must be her. She wasn't speaking so I looked down and asked, "Zoe? Zoe Wood?"

"Yes. Who are you?"

"My name is Sam Cook. I knew Saman..."

BANG! She grabbed the door with both hands and slammed it shut in my face as hard as she could. I could have slammed it much harder, but I put that up to her being much smaller.

"Zoe.", I said, raising my voice, "I just want to talk about Samantha. I knew her a few years ago."

"I know who you are.", came the voice, slightly muffled behind the door. "Go away."

"I ... I'm sorry. You must have been through a lot. It would mean so much if we could talk."

"How did you find me anyway?"

"I'll tell you how if you tell me about Samantha."

She didn't answer. I waited. I waited about a minute or two. When you're waiting, not knowing if something will happen or not, a minute or two is a long time. It felt like two hours rather than two minutes. I was getting ready to leave. I didn't want to but it was clear that the next move was up to her. She could easily have just done nothing and I would have walked away. Walked away without knowing. Walked away with nothing to show for why I came to Arizona in the first place. I turned to go back to the car, then I heard the door latches move once again.

She stood in the half open door staring at me. I raised my eyebrows in a gesture of "Well?"

She sighed and opened the door fully motioning me to come in. I noticed the deadbolt below the doorknob; most are above. While the doorknob was still below my chin, it was above Zoe's head. There was a filled hole where a deadbolt above the doorknob once had been. The new deadbolt was where Zoe could reach it.

She motioned for me to sit on the couch. There were cardboard boxes everywhere. She had just moved in or was about to move out. I guessed the latter. Zoe sat in a chair next to the couch.

"So?", she said.

"So, uh, I heard about Samantha. And she, um, she ..."

"Committed suicide. I know. I found her body."

"Oh my God! I didn't know. That must have been horrible."

"I can't tell you how horrible it was in words. They just don't exist in the language."

"I saw the pictures."

"What pictures?"

"The one's that the police took."

"Did they contact you?"

"Yes, they did. Sammy, I mean Samantha, had left a suicide note and it seemed it was addressed to me."

"Yeah, I know. I played no part in her decision to end her life. You did. She didn't apologize or anything to me."

"Uh, ok. Look, Zoe, this is a little hard. I knew her when I was in school, about three years ago. We spent some time together and then she just disappeared."

"I know."

"You know? What happened to her?"

"She was getting too close to you. That wasn't supposed to happen."

"I don't get it. Why not?"

"Look. The whole thing was a big cluster fuck."

"Our relationship was a cluster fuck. Great to know.", I said sarcastically.

"It's a long story ... Sam."

"Yes, the name's Sam. And I have all the time in the world."

"I know it's Sam. That's what I called Samantha. It's just a little weird calling you Sam."

"Oh. Well, we called each other Sammy, because everyone else called us Sam."

"She did mention something about that."

"You must have known her pretty well. Were you friends very long?"

"Longer than you."

"Yes, I get it. You were better friends to her than I was."

"No. We were lovers."


"Surprised? Yes, Samantha was a lesbian. And so am I."

"That doesn't make sense. Why would she have gone out with me?"

"Because she was dared."

"She went out with me on a dare?"


"Why? Because I was shorter than her?"

"No. She did become much shorter than you though, eventually."

"I used to be taller than this. I caught the virus, apparently from Samantha."

"I know. I did too. But I made that choice. You didn't."

"Wait. You knew she had the virus but you let yourself get it from her?"



"I loved her."

"How tall were you before the virus?"

"Five four."

"Yikes. You know they have medicine that will keep you from shrinking?"

"I know. I'm on it now."

"But you're so ..."



"I started taking it late last year when they first came out with it. Both Sam and I. But she wanted to stop taking the meds and I was with her -- for a little while anyway. Then I couldn't take all the shrinking so I started back up on the meds."

"But Sam didn't?"


"How small did she ... I mean ..."

"Under two feet tall, Sam; only nineteen inches. She was in a pretty bad way. I think it slowly drove her crazy. Then she heard your songs and it put her over the edge."

"I'm sorry. I ... I can't believe she went out with me on a dare."

"Believe it."

"But she knew she had the virus then?"

"Yes. That's why she was dared. They wanted you to get the virus."

"Who wanted me to get the virus?"


"What does that mean?"

"Darknose14 is the handle of one of the people in the game."

"What game?"

"Sword of Lakatos. It's an MMORPG. That's a massive multiplayer online role playing game."

"I know what a MMORPG is."

"Then you play. Do you play Sword of Lakatos?"

"No. I don't play computer games."

"Too geeky, huh?"

"No. No, I just never got into that sort of thing. I program computers, I don't play them."

"You don't program games by any chance, do you?"

"No. I have a friend who's into that, but I develop regular apps."

"Games are regular apps. Like what type of regular apps do you develop?"

"Like spreadsheets and database backends."

"You use them at work?"

"Sure, everyone does. But I make them."

"Oh. Program any good databases lately?"

"No. I kinda work on other things now. Wait. Are you making fun of me?"

"No, I wouldn't think of it."

"Hmm. Why would this darknose14 dare Samantha to, you know, date me."

"I don't know."

"What kind of game is this sword thing?"

"It's big with girls, unlike a lot of other games. I wouldn't be surprised if darknose14 is a girl. She's part of our guild. We go around in the game as a group pillaging and plundering."

"I'll bet. How many are there in the group?"


"You and Samantha?"

"We were, yes. And darknose14. Then there's princesswowee, gunsnposes, crackerjack, and I know for a fact that crackerjack is a guy."

"He must be popular in the group."

"Meh. We're all friends, at least in the game. There's one more. Who did I forget?"

"I don't know?"


"Ok. What's your handle?"


"Hmm. It fits. What about Samantha's?"

"It was grinder8."

"That's the gang, huh? You all go around daring each other to do things?"

"No. But Sam bragged about the virus and how you can catch it sexually. I told her to keep it quiet but she loved to talk."

"So darknose14 found out about the virus and wanted her to give the virus to someone just for kicks?"

"Not exactly."

"Then what exactly?"

"Darknose14 wanted Sam to give the virus to you."

"To me? Personally?"

"Yep. They named you by name once they found out I went to school at Drumford."

"Named me by name?"

"Yes. I was hoping you could tell me who darknose14 is?"

"I don't know anyone by that name."

"Know anyone who plays Sword of Lakatos?"

"I don't think so. But I WILL be asking around. Maybe it was someone at school."

"You must have enemies."

I thought real hard who would want to do this to me. I couldn't come up with any rational answer. "None that I can think of.", I said. "So, darknose14 wanted Samantha to go out with me? Weird."

"No. Darknose14 wanted Sam to have sex with you."

"Well. He or she got their wish and more. Samantha just up and left me. I looked for her but she gave me a different last name. I couldn't find her. Now I know."

"It was only supposed to have been one night. I begged her not to but I couldn't talk her out of it. And then she kept seeing you and started falling in love with you. I knew it was a bad idea. It was I who talked her into leaving."

"Swell. Thanks a lot."

"Don't be sore. She was, after all, a lesbian."

"It didn't seem that way for those two weeks."

"Trust me. It never would have worked out."

"Oh really? Maybe she wasn't one hundred percent lesbian. Did you think of that?"

Zoe bowed her head down. "Maybe.", she said.

"Oh shit. I'm being insensitive, aren't I? You two were lovers."

"Yes. And she was mine. Not yours. I knew her first."

"Yes. I suppose you did."

"Are you going to tell me how you found me?"

"How about you tell me how Samantha knew she had the virus?"

"I don't know. Truly, I don't know."

I sighed. "Ok. The story's a little long."

"I've got all the time in the world."

"Touche!" I said. "Ok, it started at Phoenix."

"Wait. I need a drink. Want one?"

"I'll have some water."

"Are you sure you wouldn't want something a little stronger?"

"Like booze?"

"Of course."

"No. That stuff is bad for you. Especially you. It negates the meds."

"I know. I don't care. Hang on."

Zoe went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of bourbon and two glasses with ice. One was filled with water. I guessed that one was for me. She set them down on the coffee table and poured herself some bourbon.

"You drink bourbon?", I asked.

"Yes. You sure you wouldn't want to try some. This is the good stuff."


"Sam used to hate it too. She said it burned going down. I say it makes you feel warm inside."

"It is cold up here in Flagstaff."

"And not like Phoenix. You were telling me about Phoenix."

"Oh yes. I went to the police station to try to find out about Samantha."

"What prompted you to do that?"

"I learned about her death back home. I live on the east coast and they had a sheriff deputy look me up and tell me about her. But I came back here after that because of the suicide note to see what I could find out about Sammy. I talked to a detective in Phoenix and asked about the pictures."

Zoe took a big gulp of bourbon.

"Look, Zoe. I didn't know you two were lovers. I'm sorry to bring it up. But anyway, I saw the shirt Sammy was wearing when, well, you know."

"What's so special about a shirt?"

"Because you buy your stuff special from Phoenix. The Binky Bird Boutique."

"Yes, we did. I liked those trips to Phoenix. It's not easy to find clothes at this size."

"I know.", I said with wide eyes emphasizing the point.

"So, what then?"

"I talked to a gal named, uh, Cathy. Yeah, that's it, Cathy."

"She told you my name?"

"Not right away. She didn't know your name but she knew who you were. She didn't want to get in trouble for looking over the receipts so please don't make a big deal of it, ok?"

"Ok. Go on. Did she tell you where I lived?"

"No. I had to go to school for that."

"They told you at Drumford?"

"Not exactly. I asked about Sammy first but they said she didn't attend school there. Dio you know if she did?"

"No, she didn't, I did. But she would follow me around campus a lot."

"Right. Ok then I asked about you and they couldn't tell me anything. They said your profile was private."

"I made sure of that."

"Good move. Anyway, when I left the admin building a guy followed me."


"Well, it would have been but he asked how I knew you. I told him I knew Sammy and that you were her friend."

"Who was this creep?"

"His name was Donny. And he wants to see you."

"He wants to see me or his sister Marlene wants to see me?"

"Marlene does."

"There's no way that's gonna happen. Not with that bitch."

"Okaaay. I see you know them."

"She used to go out with Samantha."

"Okay, whatevs. He really seemed genuinely interested in helping."

"They want me to join their cult. She's an abortionist, you know."

"She's a doctor?"

"She's not a doctor. But she believes in killing babies. Do you, Sam?"

"Abortion? To tell you the truth, I've never really thought about it."

"Not political, huh?"

"No, I try to stay out of politics."

"Don't worry. You will be. I promise that."

"I hope not."

"Ha, ha." she laughed. "I think I see why Sam liked you. I'm starting to like you too."


"I bet you wouldn't have thought I was a right to lifer, huh? I mean being a lesbian and all that."

"I really wouldn't know. I thought feminists were all for abortion."

"Feminism stands for many things. Abortion is just one thing. You don't have to endorse every single idea to be a feminist."

"So you're a feminist?"

"What do you think?"

"Frankly, I have no idea. Like I said I'm not political and your sexual identity is really none of my business. If you want to be a right to lifer you have that right. Right?"

"Trying to be funny?"

"No, it just came out that way. I'm really sorry to be bringing all this stuff up for you."

"It's par for the course. My life is shit anyway. So, that creep Donny told you where I was?"

"He did. Said the phone number that he had doesn't work anymore."

"I changed it a long time ago. We've never moved since I graduated though."

"We? You and Samantha?"

"Yes. She supported me."

"But you had the college degree, right?"

"I did. I was fired from my job. You want to know why?"


"Because I was too small."

"They fired you for that?"

"I was a counselor. You can't have someone counsel you if they're shorter than you."


"No! But that's the excuse they gave me. Bunch of swine. Did you know it's not against the law to discriminate against someone for their stature?"

"That sucks."

"That's the biggest understatement of the year."

"I'm so sorry, Zoe."

"Don't worry about it. It's not your problem."

"Can't you find another job?"

"No. Sam's family paid for the apartment. But now that she's gone ..."

"Oh my. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I have until the end of the month to leave this place."

"Do you have family?"

"Mom and Dad died long ago. I was raised by my mother's sister, aunt Milly. But I'm not going back there."

"Why not?"

"She abused me. And now that I'm so small there's no way I could defend myself from her."

"Aren't there any friends you can stay with?"

She just shook her head. I felt real bad.

"Would you mind if I had a drink of that bourbon, Zoe?"

I had finished my water but there was some ice left. She poured the glass half full of bourbon and handed it to me. The bottle said Bulliet Bourbon. Like she said, it was good stuff.

Zoe took her own glass into her hands and said, "Cheers." then downed the rest of her glass. I took a swig of mine and it made my eyes open real wide. She was right: it was warm going down.

"So, I guess my story drove you to drink after all?", she said.

"I'm so sorry, Zoe. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Can you pay my rent?"

I sighed.

"I thought so.", she replied.

"I can do one month, maybe. That might buy us some time to figure something out. How much do you need?"

"No, Sam. First, you shouldn't get involved. Second, you'll just get sucked into doing this forever. Third, I've been down this path racking my brain for a solution. The only path I can think of is the one that Sam chose."

"Oh no you don't! If I have to keep paying your rent then I will. I consider Sammy a real good friend and you were her lover. Even though I didn't know it at the time, I'd say that makes you a friend too. I won't let my friends hurt themselves if there's anything I can do about it."

Zoe started crying. I got up and hugged her. She hugged me back, much to my surprise. There was no where else she could turn. I didn't know what I was going to do but I couldn't let her rot.

"Zoe, look at me.", I said breaking the hug. "I make pretty good money. I can afford to help you out. Ok?"

"I can't let you do that, Sam. I don't even want to stay here anyway. This is where ..."

"I know. I know. I'll figure something out. Everything will be alright, ok?"

There was more crying and she plastered her head onto my stomach.

"Do you still play Swords of Lakatos, Zoe?"

"Not much. When Sam died I told everyone about it and we all sort of went our ways. Everyone was sad I guess. I don't chat with them anymore. Even darknose14 was sad."

"Yeah, well, if I ever get my hands on him or her I'll ... I don't know what, but it won't be pretty."

"You don't need to do this, Sam."

"Yes, I do. Really, I'll think of something. I'm good at that. Perk up. Ok?"

"I'll try. I'll try real hard."

"Good girl."

We talked a little more. Zoe had settled down and dried her tears, but inside I was crying. I was thinking maybe her playing more of her game might take her mind off of the bad things.

When I left I went to a bank in Flagstaff. I drew some cash out and went back to give it to Zoe. It wasn't enough for rent because you can only withdraw so much in one day, plus it was even less than that since I was so far away from home. She didn't want to take it but I forced her saying she didn't have a choice, and she didn't. I wrote a check made out to the landlords for her too. That would buy us some time.

Before leaving for good I asked her if she would take a survey or questionnaire or whatever that Fran wanted.

"It's from someone from your own school and department.", I said. She shrugged. I couldn't blame her for not being enthusiastic about it. There would be time for that later anyway. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon before I left.

----- The Damark's

I couldn't believe that anyone could dare Sammy to sleep with someone she didn't know just to give them the virus. How cold is that? This world is crazy. I still didn't know how Sammy knew that she had the virus three years before.

I found myself plugging in the address of Samantha's parents. It was the address that I had found before leaving and it had to be them. But what if it wasn't? Then, I suppose I'd just turn around and leave. I'd already found out most of what I came here for and it wasn't good. What else would I find?

The navigation app brought me west from Flagstaff. I drove for maybe forty-five minutes, turned off the highway, took a couple of turns and ended up in front of a typical southwestern style house. It was pretty grand too -- stone walls and windows with arched tops graced the outside. The roof was covered in red clay tiles.

I parked on the street in front rather than park in the driveway. There was plenty of room but I felt it would be rude to park there. This was like meeting your girlfriends parents for the first time. And the girlfriend was dead.

I rang the doorbell. A short time later a lady answered. She had red hair and looked like Samantha. I knew I had found the right place.

"Hi. My name is Sam Cook. I knew a girl named Samantha Damark in school. I'm looking for her parents."

The lady looked down on me and smiled.

"Hello, Sam. Won't you come in? We've been expecting you."

"You have?"

"We were hoping you would come. We heard a lot about you. We're happy you did."

"Thank you, Mrs. Damark."

"Bill, honey?", she hollered. "Can you come here? We have a guest." Then she turned to me and asked, "Can I get you something to drink?"

"No. I'm fine."

"Please, have a seat in the living room."

I sat on the sofa she pointed to. Pretty soon Mr. Damark came into the living room drying his hands on a paper towel. They kissed and he sat opposite me.

"It's that boy.", she said. "The one Samantha told us about. Remember? His name is Sam.", Mrs. Damark said to him.

"Yes, dear, I remember." Turning to me he said, "How are you, Sam?"

"Uh, I'm fine. How are you?" I know, real suave of me, huh?

"We're just fine.", Mrs. Damark answered.

"I'm real sorry to hear about Samantha."

Mrs. Damark turned her head away.

"Honey?", Mr. Damark said. "Why don't you go get some cookies for us? Let me have a minute or two to talk with Sam."

Uh, oh! Mrs. Damark left the living room and it was just Mr. Damark and I alone in the living room. The room was immaculate. My house was never this clean. You might say the room was antiseptic. I was nervous.

"So, you knew our daughter?", he asked.

"Yes. I met her about three years ago. At school. Drumford college. I thought she was a student."

He shook his head, so I carried on.

"She, uh, gave me the virus."

"Yes. We know. Samantha told us."

"Did she tell you why?"

"Yes, she did.", he said. He looked pretty uncomfortable now. And now I felt a bit better being here.

"Well, I didn't know that at the time or that she had caught the virus. And Samantha, well, she left me after two weeks without saying goodbye and without a trace."

"She left you for that lesbian."


"Yessir, that's her name.", he spat.

"I looked for her, but she told me her name was Samantha McDougan and I couldn't find her after that."

"I see. McDougan is her mother's maiden name."

"Yes, that's right, dear.", Mrs. Damark said coming into the room with a plate full of chocolate-chip cookies. I could smell them from where I was sitting and they smelled heavenly. I wanted to be polite however I stood a good chance of devouring them all if they would let me. I was hoping they would take the majority of them before they were all gone.

"Have a cookie, Sam, I just baked them this afternoon."

"So," Mr. Damark said, "you came to pay your respects I see. That's mighty fine of you."

"Well, yes and no."


"Yes, I mean. But I have a question."

"Yes, what is it?"

"Well, I found out why Samantha did what she did. But what I don't understand is how she knew she had the virus. She had to have known and she told others about it too but how could anyone know about this virus back at that time? I certainly didn't. How did she know?"

The two of them looked at each other. Mr. Damark cocked his head at her and she got up.

"I have to tend to some laundry.", she said. "You two talk for a while. Please, Sam, have some cookies."

I couldn't resist any longer. I had a cookie and it was as good as I had imagined. Better even.

Mr. Damark leaned in close to me and abruptly changed the subject by asking, "So, Sam, what do you do?"

"My job?"

"Yes, your job."

"I work with computers."

"That's good. It must be real interesting."

"Oh it is. Especially now."


"I just started a new job. I work for a government contractor. I'm not allowed to tell you exactly what I do but it's pretty interesting. Much more interesting than what I used to do."

Mr. Damark leaned back into his chair. I must have said too much.

"Well, Sam. That changes everything."

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind. You must have a clearance, right?"


"Very good.", he said nodding.

"Yeah, well it took a while for them to get all that clearance work done. I thought I'd never get it. It was nerve racking for a while."

"I know. I've had a clearance for many years. I work with classified information too. Unfortunately, I let some things slip and it ruined my life."

"Did you go to jail or something?"

"No. But it killed Samantha."

I couldn't process this. I can't imagine what the look on my face was like. I just sat there dumbfounded.

"How would you like to go for a ride with me, Sam?"


"Don't worry. I think it'll do you some good. Trust me."

I was a little scared but I decided to trust him.

"Dear.", he called out to Mrs. Damark. "Sam and I are going for a ride. We'll be a couple of hours. We'll see you later."

"Ok. I'll have supper for you two when you return."

That part was encouraging. At least he said we'd both return.

We drove west. Mr. Damark, or Bill as he asked me to call him, made small talk. He was pleasant and it seemed I was "the" boy that they wanted Samantha to go out with. They didn't care for the fact that she was a lesbian. A fact that both her parents had seemed to deny. But by the way they talked of her I could tell they still loved her. She was their only child.

We drove deep into the desert. After a while Bill turned to me.

"We'll be coming to a gate soon, Sam. Do you have your id on you? I'm sorry for asking so late. I should have done this before we left."

"Yes. I'm carrying it. I always do."

"Good. Do you know your social security number?"

"I do."

"Great. You'll need to show your id to the guard at the gate."

"We must be headed to some base where they do classified work, huh?"

"You betcha. It's my office."

I wondered why he was taking me here but I'd find out soon enough. When we arrived at the gate the guard recognized Bill.

"Back so soon?", the guard said. "I thought you were working the early shift."

"I am. But I brought a guest with me this time. He should be in JPAS."

I gave the guard my id and social. It took a couple of minutes but he seemed satisfied and I was given a green badge with only a number on it. I was instructed to wear the badge at all times then we drove onto the base.

It was sparse like everyone had left for the day but all the lights were on. We parked and I was led into a little shack. It was more like a quonset hut in the middle of the desert.

"Do you have cell phone, Sam?", Bill asked.

"Yeah. Here. I suppose you have a locker to put this in?"

"You know the drill. Any other radios or transmitters?"

"Nope. Just the cellphone."

With the formalities out of the way he led me down a hall, around a corner then into an elevator. But there was no "up" for the elevator to go. Instead we went down.

When we got out we turned right and went down a long hallway. At the end was a double door that we went through. There were some desks and another door. For this one Bill used his badge to unlock it and immediately beyond that was another locked door with a cypher lock. He punched in the code and we went into a laboratory.

The walls were lined with cages that were nearly all filled with what looked like monkeys. Yes, they looked like monkeys except they were the size of mice.

"Here we are, Sam. This is where it all began."

"Where what began?"

"The virus."

"You made the virus here and you gave it to the monkeys?"

"The virus was engineered in Maryland."


"That's the Army's biological warfare headquarters. They made the virus there first. Then they brought it here."

"The Borgford virus? Here?" I can see why this information was very sensitive and Bill just outright told me about it very bluntly.

"We used to keep them topside but we needed to bring them underground."


"The virus got out."

"No. Tell me all about it."

"You don't have to be sarcastic, Sam. I know, we fucked up."

"Does that have anything to do with Samantha?"

"I used to bring her here. She'd play with the monkeys. We think that's how she caught the virus."

"Jesus. You let her play with the monkeys that were diseased?"

"Yes, Sam, I told you, I fucked up."

"I'll say. So she was it. She was patient zero. She started the whole epidemic?"

"Not exactly."

"Then what exactly?"

"There were reports of the disease before Samantha caught it."

"How did it get out?"

"We're pretty sure it was mosquitos."

"So, it's all true. Everyone was right. The CIA invented this shit and it went wrong because of mosquito bites."

"It wasn't the CIA. Who said it was?"

"Everyone is speculating where the virus came from. It may not have been the CIA, but it was the government, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was. And it went wrong."

"There was someone my girlfriend knows who came out here to find out about the virus. She was right in coming here wasn't she?"

"I suppose so. You mentioned a girlfriend?"

"Yes. What? Did you think I was waiting for Samantha all my life? Look, Bill. Samantha showed me kindness when nobody else would. I'd have loved to spend a lifetime with her. But she left. Ok? Life goes on."

"I didn't mean it that way, Sam. We need to know more about the vector to be sure of all this."

"What vector?"

"The mosquitos. We need an entomologist. Unfortunately, the scientists we wanted to work with can't get a clearance."

"Why not?"

"They're communists."

"Ugh. Politics again."

"The only thing we can do is sponsor a program at the university for a young person to get their degree. Someone who can get a clearance before they turn to communism. The schools nowadays are so liberal."

"Eeyup. A degree in entomology you say?"

"Yes. Nobody wants to go into that field it seems, and anyone that does won't work for the government."

"Hmm. I wonder why?"

"Are you being sarcastic again?"

"Yes, you guessed my secret. Why are you telling me all of this?"

"I'm not sure. I just want to do right by Samantha."

"So, you think telling me will make it right?"

"I don't know."

"I can't tell anyone about this, can I?"

"No, you can't."

"But you want this to get out somehow, don't you?"


"How will this help anyone?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's better that nobody else knows."

"I can help. I might know someone who wants to study bugs."


"Yes, really. She has the virus too. That might be motivation enough."

"I can give you contact information."

"Do that." I said. "What school?"

"ASU, but any one in the area with an entomology program will work."

"Does your wife know how Samantha caught the disease?"

"I didn't tell her. But she suspects."

"What about Samantha? Did she figure this out all by herself?"

"The doctors here took care of her. I never should have brought her to work with me. Like I said, I really fucked up."

"Yeah, well, this whole thing stinks."

"You don't think I know this?"

"I don't think you have any idea how bad it all is."

"Maybe not. But if I could, I would trade with Samantha. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about doing what she did."

"Don't. It wouldn't do anyone any good. So, are you the one in charge here?"

"No! I'm the second one in charge. I used to work on deducing how much damage bombs would do considering climate, terrain, time of year, that sort of thing."

"Sounds exciting."

"It was. We don't work doing the same thing all our lives. I somehow fell into management."

"Oh, that's where the real excitement is."

"I'm going to call you Sarcastic Sam."

"I have no problem with that."

"So what do you do really? You can tell me here."

"Protocols. I study data communication protocols and try to break them."

"Any luck?"

"Oh yeah. I've embarrassed a few people."

"Don't tell me, NSA?"


"I bet that goes over well."

"Actually, they seem to be all right with it. They want me to go to their school."

"You should go."

"Hmm. That's the second time in as many days that someone wants me to go back to school."

"You don't want to?"

"I probably will, just not this soon."

"Think about it. You seem to be successful. It'll be good for you."

"What about Zoe?"

"What about her?"

"She's not so successful. She was depending on Samantha for a life together. Now she has nothing."

"That's not my problem."

"Your daughter loved her. Doesn't that count for anything?"

"That situation was an abomination. It's not natural."

"I see now. Tell me something. How do you feel about abortion?"

"Look Sam, Samantha had to abort your child. There was no way she or Zoe could have brought it up."

That news was a real shocker! I had no idea. But I wasn't going to let him know that.

"So, you were ok with it?"

"We endorsed her decision, but we would have suggested it if she asked."

"Yes, I'm sure it was for the best."

I was getting disgusted with him but didn't want to argue. I was beginning to realize how hard Samantha's life must have been. I would have liked to have talked him into accepting Zoe as a daughter-in-law if not a friend but I knew it wasn't going to happen.

"Samantha didn't always listen to her mother and I. But we wanted the best for her."

"Were you the one who decided to bring the virus here from Maryland?"

"Heavens, no. I didn't want it. The Army decided. They make the orders. We just carry them out."

"You ever think about quitting?"

"All the time, but it's the only job I know. It pays the mortgage and then some."

Bill showed me around a bit more. We went back to his home and ate. Mrs. Damark is a good cook. It makes one wonder how Samantha could have left home with all this good food. But I knew why.

I got back real late that night but Kaycee waited up. I texted her not to wait but she insisted that I come back to her place and that she would wait up.

"So, how was it? Did you get any answers?"

"I got all the answers, Kaycee."

"Are you ok? You don't seem too happy about it."

"You know how they say ignorance is bliss?"

"Is it that bad?"

"Yes, it's that bad. I'll tell you about it tomorrow. Right now I'm tired from driving and weary from the news. Let's just go to bed."

"Sure, Sam. And Sam."


"I love you."

I looked into her eyes. I didn't want to say it, but I had to.

"Kaycee, I love you too. But ..."

"Shhh, I know, Sam. You go back to Julie. But if things don't work out and you feel like coming back here, I'll be waiting."

I didn't want her to do that. What if her perfect someone came along? I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down and cried myself to sleep in her arms.


Chapter End Notes:

No action in this chapter but I hope you enjoyed it. There will be more in the coming chapter. As always, leave comments. Remember, the authors here don't get payed for this -- not that I know of anyway. Without hearing from you, dear readers, there's not a whole lot of reason to keep writing is there? Thanks.

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