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Author's Chapter Notes:

It's not such a good week for Sam and his friends.

----- Monday

Sue was the first one to leave Monday morning. Jill, Cindy and I followed -- they rode with me. I dropped Jill at her mother's house then dropped Cindy off at the school she teaches at in the city before heading into the office.

Erin didn't need to work until the afternoon. That meant that she would get off in the early evening so I picked her up when I got home, only staying at the office for a few hours.

We ate dinner but Erin passed.

"Can you bring me to Fred and Sharon's place tonight?", she said.

"Sure, what's up?"

"They're having relative's visit as they're passing through on their way up north. Fred invited me to come over to meet his extended family and have dinner."

"No problem. When do want to come back?"

"I think Fred will bring me home. If not, I'll call you. Is that ok?"


"It may be late."

"It's still ok, Erin. I don't have to go in to the office tomorrow."

"Thanks, Sam. You're the greatest."

"Anything for my little, um, big, sister."

When we arrived I decided to walk her to the door to say hello to Sharon and Fred. They asked me in.

"Good evening Mrs. and Mr. Sullivan."

"Hello, Sam.", Mrs. Sullivan said. "Would you care for some snacks?"

"No thanks. I just wanted to say hello to everyone before I left."

"Hey, Sam. Can we talk?", Sharon asked.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Over here, in private."

We went to another room where we were away from everyone else.

"Ok, what's the big secret?", I asked.

"It's Tee. I haven't heard from her in way too long."

"Be patient, Sharon. Don't rush her."

"I'm worried."

"Would you like me to check up on her?"

"Please. You wouldn't mind, would you?"

"I'll be happy to check. Maybe it will do her good to see me. I'll go now and see you in a bit, ok?"

"Thanks, Sam."

I knocked on the door and Teagan's mother answered.

"Hello, Ms. McIlroy. I'm a friend of Teagan's and Sharon. Sharon and I were wondering if Teagan was feeling any better."

"And you are?"

"My name is Sam. Sam Cook."

"I don't think Teagan would want any visitors, Sam."

"Ms. McIlroy, I have the same virus that Teagan does."

She looked me over.

"You do look like that. How did you know Teagan has the virus?"

"She told me herself. I think I'm the only other person she knows that has this."

"I see. Come on in and wait in the kitchen. I'll go see if Teagan would like to talk. Hank! Come see someone."

Her husband came into the kitchen and Ms. McIlroy introduced us.

"Sam has the same disease as Teagan, Henry."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Sam."

"Mr. McIlroy, I came to see if Teagan would talk to me. Sharon is a good friend of hers and she's my friend too. She's very worried about Teagan."

"Teagan is not doing so well, Sam. I wish I could tell you otherwise."

"Did she sign up for the clinical trial treatment program?"

"What? No."

"Did she go see my doctor?"

"No. She didn't."

"I told her to see him. He seems to know a lot more about Borgford's disease than the doctor she saw earlier. To get into the treatment trials she'll need a referral from a doctor."

"You told her this?"

"Yes. I came over here to see her a few weeks ago. She told Sharon that she wanted to talk to me, but Sharon doesn't know what's going on. Teagan wants to keep it secret."

"We know. There's a cure for this?"

"It's not a cure. Just a treatment. She'll need to be on it the rest of her life, unless they find something better."

"Why didn't she tell us, honey?"

"I don't know. She's very depressed."

"Look, Mr. and Mrs. McIlroy, why don't I give you the contact information for my doctor? He can help Teagan."

"That would be appreciated."

"I'll go up to see if Teagan will take a visitor today, Hank."

When she had come back down she shook her head. "I'm sorry, Sam. She's too depressed to talk to anyone. She barely talks to us anymore."

"I really hope she gets better. Please take her to my doctor."

"We will, Sam. In the meantime, please respect her wishes and don't tell anyone about this."

"I haven't, and I won't."

"Thank you for caring about her. I'll let her know that you're a concerned friend."

"And tell her that Sharon is worried too."

"Sharon's a good gal.", Mr. McIlroy said. "One of the worst things about this is that Teagan doesn't talk to her anymore. Tell Sharon we love her too and that we'll work through all of this."

"I will."

I left and went back to see Sharon.

"She's still not any better. I did talk to her parents. I think they might be able to get her to cheer up and hopefully make her do the right thing to get better."

"I hope so, Sam. Did you tell them I miss her?"

"Yes, and I told them you were worried. They said to say they love you and wish Teagan and you would get together soon."

"Ok, Sam. Thanks. I wish there were something I could do."

"Don't worry. I think her parents will fix things up. All you can do is be her friend when she needs you. I know you will. Just keep being yourself, Sharon."

When I made it back home I told Julie about Teagan; at least what I could tell her. Fortunately, Fred brought Erin back home. We invited him to stay but he had to get back. Erin seemed to have had a good time meeting their family. She was in good spirits.

----- Tuesday

I brought Jill with me again to the clinic. The staff were showing her around and gave her little chores to do. Jill liked doing this so much that we didn't get too much of a chance to talk. She felt a part of something now and everyone there liked her. Everyone except George.

At one point in the evening Jill, Gail and Sue got a little time to talk. George, never seeming to give up, came walking around the corner, ostensibly to bug Gail. Sue gave him a snarl and he ran off the other way. I wished I had recorded her expression when she did this. The moment was priceless.

Sir Gail-ahad was much more talkative and open today. Her and Sue were getting along like old friends and both of them had some laughs with Jill. Marie and Joe had joined in too. The two other girls in the group -- Michele and Jennifer -- were also getting along real well with Gail.

I spoke to Michele about her job.

"It's going ok, I guess."

"Would you like a change of scenery?"

"A change?"

"I spoke to someone where I work. They're always looking for computer literate people. If you have a resume I'll take it to them. I can almost guarantee a job for you."

"You would do that for me, Sam?"

"Of course I would. It's no big deal. Everyone does stuff like that. Referring friends is a tradition. In fact, I believe most people get jobs that way."

"I'll get you a resume ASAP. Where can I send it?"

"You can email me." I gave her my contact information. To say she was excited was an understatement. She was much more animated the whole evening.

It wasn't until halfway through that I realized I hadn't seen Cindy. I asked around and nobody else had seen her. I found Zoe.

"Hey, Zoe. Wait up."

"Hi Sam. What can I do for you?"

"Have you seen Cindy tonight?"

"No, I haven't."

"Did she call in to let anyone know anything?"

"I don't think so."

I was worried so I called Cindy on the cellphone.

"Hi, Cindy. It's Sam."

"Oh, Sam. I'm so glad you called."

"We miss you here."

"I'm at that hospital."

"Oh, no. Is everything ok?"

"My mom had a heart attack, Sam."

"Is she any better?"

"She's in a coma in critical condition."

"I'm so sorry, Cindy. I'll come see you as soon as I can. Are you doing ok?"

"Yes, I'll be ok."

"I'll be there in a jiffy. Just hang on, ok?"

"Ok, Sam."

I had to see Zoe again.

"Zoe, can I talk to Doctor Sarson?"

"She's not in tonight. You can talk to Doctor Hall."

"Yes, please. We need to talk. Cindy's mother had a heart attack and she's at the hospital right now."

"Oh, no. Let's go see the doctor."

We found him talking to someone but I butted in.

"Dr. Hall can I finish up early to see Cindy?"


"Her mother had a heart attack. She's at the hospital. I'd like to go to be with her right now."

"You only have one more session for the night."

"Can I cut in line for it?"

"Alright, I'll see what I can do to rearrange the schedule."


I told everyone what I had found out about Cindy. Everyone was shocked. I would go to the hospital first but everyone else wanted to go there too. Sue volunteered to bring Jill when she came. I had my last dose and I left.

On the way there I called Julie. She wanted to come to the hospital but we decided that there would be too many people and didn't want to crowd Cindy. I stopped and bought one of those little personal pizzas in case Cindy hadn't eaten anything.

When I arrived she was in a waiting room. Her mother couldn't have visitors yet so Cindy and I hugged and she cried on my shoulder.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, Cindy. They know what to do here. They save people with heart attacks all the time."

"She was as white as a ghost this morning when they brought us here, Sam."

"But they revived her, right?"

"Not until she got to the hospital. They think even if she does come round she might have brain damage. Oh Sam..."

"How long have you been here?"

"Nearly all day. Since about ten this morning."

"Have you eaten anything?"

"I just can't right now."

"I picked up a little pizza for you. It has sausage. I know you like sausage pizza."

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry."

"I understand. But you'll have to eat something soon. It's not healthy. And you know how important it is to stay healthy."

"I know, Sam. Just give me a while."

"No problem, Cindy."

A little while later Sue and Jill showed up followed by Gail, Marie, Jennifer, Zoe and Joe. Nearly everyone was there.

We all tried to cheer Cindy up. It was understandable that she stayed in a dreadful mood, She was still grateful for everyone caring.

After a couple of hours people started leaving.

"Are you going home tonight, Cindy?"

"I'm staying."

"You really need to eat and get some sleep."

A nurse showed up and agreed with me. She told Cindy to go home. Her mother was resting in intensive care and there was nothing she could do at the moment. They would call if there were any change in mother's condition. It took some doing but we finally convinced Cindy to leave for the night.

"I don't want to go home."

"How about you come home with me?", I offered.


I brought her home. I guess she figured that around friends would be preferablt to being alone at the hospital or even at her home. Jill kept trying to get her to talk on the way but Cindy was too bummed out. But I think it was doing her a little good by keeping her mind occupied on other things.

When we arrived Julie ran to meet her and they hugged while Cindy cried. Even though they stayed like this for a while I tried to get Cindy to eat but she refused. I only succeeded in getting her to drink a cup of tea.

We all stayed up most of the night talking of nothing in particular just to keep Cindy's mind off of stuff. Everyone fell asleep late but at least Cindy got a little sleep.

----- Wednesday

I brought Cindy to the hospital early the next day then went to the office. I checked up on her and her mother throughout the day by texting. When I left by late afternoon I went to see her again at the hospital.

"Any change?"

"No. She's still in a coma. They let me in to see her. I only came out to see you, Sam."

"Julie will be here later after she gets off of work."

"Good. I'd like to be with her."

"Can I get you anything?"

"No. I'm fine."

"Did you eat?"



"I don't know."

"You didn't eat anything, did you?"

"I don't have an appetite."

"Then you'll have to force yourself to eat."

"I will. Later. Ok?"

"Ok. Promise me."

"I promise."

We talked. They wouldn't let me into her mother's room since I wasn't family and I didn't want to deprive Cindy so after a bit I let her go. I went to grab a bite to eat myself and to bring something back that Cindy might be able to put in her mouth.

Julie met me at the hospital. When Cindy came out I had Julie convince her to eat the burger that I picked up for her. Thankfully, she ate it.

We convinced Cindy to go home for the night. Julie stayed with her at her mother's house Wednesday night. Cindy could take her own car to the hospital the next day.

----- Thursday

Julie left early from Cindy's place to go to work. I had stayed home the night before so I was coming the other way into the office.

While there I received a call from Cindy.

"Sam, I ..."


"She ..."

I knew what she was trying to say.

"Are you at the hospital?", I asked.


"Want me to come over?"


"I'll be there as soon as I can."

I took off the rest of the day. The people in the office understood. When I arrived at the hospital Cindy didn't have to say anything; we just hugged and cried.

I brought her home with me that night.

----- Friday

I let Cindy sleep. She slept until the afternoon. Even Erin woke up before her. But Cindy deserved to sleep in. She had hardly gotten any rest the past couple of nights.

When I went to get treatment it was without Cindy. The first thing I did was to seek out Zoe.

"We need to talk."

"Go ahead, Sam."

"Cindy's mother passed away yesterday."

"I'm so sorry to hear that. Is Cindy ok?"

"Well, she's pretty upset. I couldn't convince her to come with me today. Will it be ok if she misses this session?"

"It's not good. Let's go see the doctor."

Doctor Sarson arrived shortly thereafter.

"So we were wondering, Doctor, if she'll be ok to miss two in row."

"Normally one miss is the limit. I think we can make an exception. I'll talk it over with Doctor Hall. But this will not be good for Miss Meneford."

"I'll make sure she makes it next Tuesday. She just needs a couple of days."

"I will let you know before you leave tonight what the disposition will be."

"Thanks, doc."

Everyone felt bad for Cindy. I hated to tell them but I had to. Jill hadn't come with me; she stayed at our house to see if she could help Cindy.

I did a lot of just walking and thinking. At one of the break sessions I caught George with Gail. He had her cornered in a place where nobody could see them unless they walked down the hall.

"Well, look who it is. I'm on to you, Sam. I know you made up that story about Marie."

"I don't have to make up stories. Even Marie can kick your butt without any martial arts training."

"You better watch yourself or I'll kick your butt."

"I'm not afraid, George. But keep away from Gail. She doesn't want you annoying her."

"Mind your own business."

"It is my business. She's my friend."

"That bloated amazon is your friend. But none of your amazon friends are around now. You better watch what you say."

"I say leave Gail alone. Right, Gail?"

Gail hadn't said anything but she spoke up now.

"He's right, George. I don't like you. Leave me alone."

"Leave you alone, or what?"

Gail looked scared.

"Leave her alone or I'll wrap you into a human pretzel. I can do it."

He was looking away but suddenly turned around and tried to cold cock me. The only problem for him was that he telegraphed it. I could see that coming from a mile away.

I easily ducked. I would ordinarily have hit him in the stomach, but George was a lowlife and that was too good for him. I hit him in the nuts just as hard as I could. He bent over and as I stood back up I punched him in the face. He went down.

He was probably not going to get up anytime soon but I wasn't taking chances. I put my knee in the middle of his back and a hand on his head shoving it into the floor. I got down and put my mouth real close to his ear.

"I'll always be able to kick your ass. You know why? Because you're a wuss. I slimy, horse's ass of a wuss. If I ever catch you bothering Gail or anybody else here, I'll break your neck. Got that? Wuss?"

I heard a squeak come from his mouth. I don't know if that was a yes or no, but it didn't matter.

"Come on, Gail. Let's go."

I took her hand and when I turned I saw Sue standing with her mouth wide open.

"Close your mouth, Sue. Flies will get in."




"Yes, I did. Get over it. Fast."

"Shit. They were right."

"That's not getting over it. I need to find Zoe."

"She's right over there."


I walked over to her nonchalantly.

"Zoe. You might want to have someone check on George. I think he slipped and fell. He might have hurt himself. He didn't want any of us to help him."

"Ok, I'll have someone check on him."

"Good. I hope he's not hurt too bad."

Gail took me by the hand and dragged me to a corner where nobody could see. She kissed me.

"Thanks for saving me."

"My pleasure. I've wanted to do that for some time now. I hope he gets the idea this time."

"I was a little nervous without Jill here. Now I know I didn't need to be."

"Don't make this into a bigger deal than it is. Ok?"

"I won't. But I'll never forget this."

We went back to mingle. Everyone wanted to know if I was playing at Mike's tonight.

"I don't think so. I'm going to try to comfort Cindy tonight. She needs it.", I told them.

"Can I come over?", Sue asked.

"I'm sure Cindy would love to see you."

"How about me?"

"You too, Gail."

"So would it be ok for Marie and I to come too?"

"Absolutely, Joe. I can't promise a Friday like we've had in the past but I'm sure you all will help to cheer up Cindy."

Michele took me aside.

"Did you get my resume?"

"I did. I sent a copy to one of the guys at work. His name is Yo. He's a good guy. I'm sure he has something for you. If you get an email from him don't put in the trash or spam bin."

"Thanks, Sam. I didn't get over to see Cindy Tuesday night but I heard nearly everyone else made it. I'd like to make it up. Can I come over to see Cindy?"

"Of course you can. We'd love to have you. I'm sure Cindy will appreciate it too."

I gave her the address and directions along with my phone number. It would be the first time Michele had come over. It was looking like a full house tonight. I called and warned Julie. She understood.

Before I left Doctor Sarson told me that her and Doctor Hall had decided to talk to Cindy before making any other decisions. They wanted me to be sure to tell Cindy that she had to make it next Tuesday. Soon this study would be over and there wasn't much time to get things fixed for her.

----- Friday night

What can I say. It certainly wasn't the wild Fridays we've been used to but there were more people at the house this time than ever. Even Zoe and her boyfriend Xavier were there. I called out for pizza, buffalo wings and garlic bread.

It did Cindy good to see everyone. She was reminded that she had plenty of good friends. She even ate. Not too much, but then she'd have probably puked if she pigged out, having not really eaten anything for three or four days.

I was talking to Michele about work when she changed the subject.

"You were right about Julie. I mean, oh my god, she's huge. She's even bigger than Jill."

"They're sisters, you know."

"I can tell. She's really your girlfriend?"

"Yes, she's really my girlfriend."

"Where does she find clothes?"

"Online, mostly. You'll have to ask her."

"What do you guys do together?"

"Well, we exercise together."

"What kind of exercise?"

"Weightlifting and running."

"She must be able to lift a lot."

"She uses me as her barbell."

"She does?", Michele said as her eyes opened wide.

"I'm just kidding."

"Oh. I can't get over how big she is and even more so your size difference."

"I know. We get stares."

"I'm sorry. I know how that feels. People stare at me too."

"Don't let it get you down. They wouldn't be staring if you weren't so pretty."

"Sam, are you trying to flatter me?"

"I sure am. But you deserve it. It makes you feel good, right?"

"I guess so."

"Then my mission is complete."

"Ha. I heard you were cheeky."

"Don't believe it. I've got the ugliest cheeks here."

"You're nuts."

"That's me. But my cheeks are still uglier than my nuts."

So, yeah. I like to make people laugh. Then I spied someone else who was here for the first time.

"Hey Jennifer. I'm glad you could make it out here."

Jennifer was one of the smaller gals of the group. I'm sure she wasn't even four feet tall -- only about the same height as Marie and Joe. Nobody knew what she did for a living. She was mysterious.

"I figured it was time I made it out to see you, Sam. And I couldn't pass up seeing Cindy. It's such a tragic thing that happened."

"It is. Did you say hello to her?"

"Oh yes. We've been talking. She seems to be doing ok, especially with everyone doting on her."

"There's a lot of people here tonight. I hope we didn't overwhelm her."

"I can't imagine how she's feeling but I hope she feels better soon."

"I'm sure she will. It'll take time but she's resilient."

"I wish I could do something for her."

"By coming to see her you're making her feel better. Do you plan on staying late?"

"No. I should get going soon."

"If you're too sleepy to drive you can stay here. We have enough room."

"Thanks. I'll be fine driving home. I don't live too far away from here."

"You live in town?"

"Just outside, like you do. Maybe a little further out."

"Well, I expect a few of you will be staying so we'll have a full house and you're welcome. Let us know what you're doing tonight."

"Will do."

When I walked into the living room Sue and Gail had everyone's attention.

"There he his."

"Who? Me?", I said, looking around.

"My hero.", Gail said.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know very well what we're talking about, Mr. Badass.", said Sue.

"Oh, no. Not me."

"Holy shit. You should have seen him. He hit George right in the balls. George crumpled up like an aluminum beer can in Arnold Schwarzenegger's hands."

"It wasn't like that, Sue."

"Like hell it wasn't. You were like, so natural, Sam. It was like Sam was taking a walk in the park. Then he jumped on top of George and was ready to split his wig."

"Sue likes to embellish stories everyone. I didn't hurt him that bad. Come on now. Let's not talk about this."

Zoe confronted me about it later.

"So then he didn't take a fall, did he?", she said.

"Sure he did. He fell right onto the floor."

"He had a black eye."

"Definitely from falling. Hard floors can do that."

"I see. I hope it was for a good cause."

"You heard. It was for Gail."

"Let's not make it a regular thing. Ok, Sam?"

I had dodged a bullet. I was pretty sure Zoe knew George's reputation and was cutting me slack because of it. I could have been in real trouble.

I finally made it over to Cindy and Erin.


"Yes, Cindy?"

"Sue is right. Isn't she?"

"Sort of."

"She is. I hope we see the last of him."

"Me too.", I said. Cindy was smiling. "You're looking better. You feel ok?"

"A little. I ate some pizza."

"Good. Get some rest tonight. You staying over?"

"If you'll let me."

"Pffft. Let you? You don't have to ask. You're always welcome."


Cindy wanted to sleep alone on the living room couch, so I got the linens and made as nice a bed as I could for her. I would have taken her place but I didn't think it was fair for Julie; she hardly fit in the queen size bed we had and there was no way she could sleep out in the living room with me. At least Cindy was finally getting rest.

Sue and Gail ended up staying the night too. Gail, of course, slept with Jill. Erin and Sue hooked up for the night; fancy that. Everyone else left.

Julie and I had a little talk before going to sleep.

"You beat up someone else, didn't you?"

"No... Ok, I did. But he deserved it."

"They always deserve it, Sam. I'm glad you did it for Gail."

"Whatever. How did Cindy do when I was gone?"

"Not too bad, all things considered. But Sam I think I need to tell you something."

"What's that?"

"I think Cindy shrunk a little more."

"Oh shit. Really? Are you sure you aren't growing?"

"No. Unless you're growing; she looks shorter next to you."

"Damn. It must be the stress and not eating or sleeping enough. I told her to take care of herself."

"It's not her fault."

"Yeah, I know. I just feel so bad. This on top of her mother passing away."

"Don't tell her yet."

"I won't. Do you mind if we have Cindy over for a while."

"I love to have her over."

"Good. I'm going to invite her to stay here for at least a week. I'll bring her in to work. And she really needs to make it next Tuesday."

"I'll help where I can."

"I know you will. For a while we might have to cool it having sex, for Cindy's sake."

Julie gasped. "Oh my. What will I ever do?"

"You don't have to be overly dramatic."

"Sorry. We'll do what it takes. Cindy is like a sister to me now."

"More like a daughter, I'd say."

Julie had a surprised look on her face. I could almost see the gears in her head turning.

"I never thought of it that way, but you're right.", she said. "I just want to hold her and love her and make her feel better. I'll do anything, Sam -- whatever she needs me to do for as long as it takes."

"I guess she wants to be alone tonight."

"I think it's good that she's here with us though and not at her house all alone."

"True. But while she's out there we shouldn't waste this time alone to ourselves."

"What did you have in mind?"

"How about a game of cards?"

"Cards?", she said. She took off her clothes and came close. I was staring into her pussy. "Does this give you any ideas?"

"It sure does. I need to buy a new razor."

She stepped over me with one of her legs and got me in a scissors hold.

"I'll show you a razor.", she said.

"Ahh. You're squeezing me. Stop."

"Make me."

I started nibbling and sucking on her clit. She wasn't able to squeeze me very hard then. She started bucking her hips back and forth. It didn't take long; she had her orgasm then fell back onto the bed.

I laid down with her.

"So, how about that game of cards now?", I said.

"What did you want to play. Strip poker?"

"We already lost."

"Good. Losers have to go to sleep."

Which was fine with me. We were both sleepy from the last few days and nights.

Chapter End Notes:

Poor Cindy. To top everything off she might have shrunk some more. How much? We'll see next chapter.

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