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Author's Chapter Notes:

Been busy this week. Going away for the weekend so don't expect another chapter until some time next week.

        Come gather round shorties where ever you roam.
        And admit that the people around you have grown.
        An accept it that soon your old life will be gone.
        If your time to you is worth savin'
        And you better start living or you'll die like a stone.
        For the times, they are a changin'

        -- Apologies to Bob Dylan

----- A month and four and a half inches later

My life has officially been lifted up, twisted upside down, then carelessly dropped on its head where it bounced two or three times. Two months ago, my childhood sweetheart -- if you can call high school a childhood -- reentered my life and ever since I've been through some BIG changes. That cute little sweetheart -- little as in smaller than me -- has grown into a bonafide giantess.

My life has always been dominated by giants because of my size, currently 4'7", but I had found a gal who was just like me. That is, little. That's all gone now.

One difference though is that I actually have good friends. Giant friends to be sure. Julie and I are a couple again. Being big, Julie is now the legit one. Nobody ever talks to me. But there's a slight chance that it might happen when I'm with Julie.

Julie is still getting used to it. We go out and people will talk to her, not me. It pisses her off. Now, Julie is not the person you want to piss off anymore. But I take it in stride, I have no choice.

And of course guys are always hitting on her. I think she was always happy with the way she looked. I certainly was; I thought she was the sexiest thing in the world -- even back in high school. But being big forecasts her beauty to everyone. She's having a hard time handling all the newly discovered attention she now gets. I don't blame her -- there's a lot of it. I can't help but notice it too.

She started wearing dresses for the first time. She says they make her feel pretty. I told her, "Julie dear, you would look gorgeous even in a burlap sack.". I'm still getting use to this new fashion statement in her life, being used to her wearing jeans all the time.

But now she wears high heels with her dresses because it makes her even taller, and she's unquestionably getting into that. She towers over nearly everyone at 6'9". And with her new 6" heels she's 7'3"! She's too tall to fit through the doorways at home, even barefoot. She has to duck when she goes from one room to the other.

When we talk to each other at home she gets on her knees and she's still taller than me. But it's easier to talk this way. Easier to hug too, but it's still special when I hug her, both of us standing. My head nestles in under her breasts and I can just fit my arms around the narrowest part of her waist.

As for that monkey-wrench I call my sister? Well, that relationship turned a corner last month. In fact, it turned around 180 degrees and kept going round and round.

Yes, it's been a month since Mom and Dad went on vacation and left me to watch Erin. She stayed over at my house almost all that week. She still comes over now and then. I usually pick her up since they only have one car between three adults.

I tell Mom and Dad I'm letting Erin come over because she'll bug me to death if I don't. That's still true. But I'm not averse to the idea like I once was. I have enough bedrooms, so even if she moved in it wouldn't be so bad.

And she also bought a pair of 6" heels like Julie. They're platform shoes. I don't know where they're getting them. That makes Erin 6'2" when she wears them, and she loves to rub it in my face, literally. I like it too since that means she's rubbing her big ole titties in my face. But Julie's tits are noticeably bigger than Erin's now. I thought Erin would be jealous but she thinks it's "cool".

I'm amazed at how Julie and Erin have taken to each other. I don't just mean friends but sex partners too; although I'm always there with them. The two are very passionate.

Julie and I had talked about this. She admitted that yes, she did like the idea of having sex with other girls. What really blew me away though was the fact that she didn't mind me having sex with other girls either, as long as she was there to share. I still didn't know how I felt about this. It was a foreign thing for me to think about. However, Mr. Happy has no doubts that this is a kick-ass concept.

Julie's growth spurt seems to have leveled off, a bit. But I think she's still growing. Her health insurance will kick in soon and we're waiting to make a doctor's appointment for her.

You see Julie started her full time job recently. She's still working at Mike's too but not nearly as much as she used to. She needed to keep getting some cash before her first full time paycheck.

But now she has her first paycheck so I assume she'll be quitting Mike's soon. It wasn't a full check though so it may be a little bit longer. I don't think she really wants to let go -- it's a really nice place to work.

So, with her first paycheck, guess what she bought? Not clothes; weights. Julie's still working out and needed more barbell plates than what I have.

She's still hanging on the inversion table too but now it's too small for her. I rigged some cement and wood blocks underneath the table so her head doesn't bang the ground. She says it makes her knees feel better. I just can't wait for the health insurance to kick in.

She made me promise to get a checkup too. I've been shrinking. Three whole inches since Julie started growing. I told her I'd wait until she got her doctor's appointment so we could find out at the same time if anything is really wrong. I'm a little scared for both of us but soon we'll know.

We've had Julie's Mom and sister out to the house twice. Well Mom was out twice. Jill didn't come the second time, but did come later.

However, since being in love with Julie I'm coming to treat Jill as my own sister. NOT like Erin! We all agree that Jill should get a job -- she graduated from high school a couple of weeks ago. I guess we shouldn't be so pushy, but it would be good for Jill. I truly do want to see her succeed.

A funny thing I noticed is that I used to think of Julie's mom as being just like Julie, only older. She still looks good for her age, whatever that is. Of course, with Julie growing, the "Julie's twin" concept is out the window.

But, an even funnier thing (not really funny) is that now I have to look up to Julie's mom. I guess three inches makes a huge difference when you're this small. I used to look her eye to eye standing; at least I remember it like that. I don't know, maybe she's taller than 4'10".

We should probably measure her too. Not naked, of course. Still, I can see Julie's resemblance to her mother and it becomes more and more evident whenever I see her mom. Let's just say that Julie's a super sized Julie's Mom.

So Jill did come to stay with us one night. Neither Julie nor I wanted this, but her mom insisted. Mom had to go see family or something. I didn't get the whole story. I think someone in their family might have died, or is real sick. When Julie was working that day Jill and I talked a bit.

"Hey shrimp.", she said.

"Why do you call me that?"

"Because you are."

"Does it make you feel better to say that?"

"I am better!"

Oh boy. I'm gonna need to put her in her place.

"Can you lift 190 pounds like I can?", I said. I had been working out too. And to my surprise actually getting stronger. Of course Julie far exceeded me here.

"Being stronger doesn't make you better.", she said.

"And neither does being bigger."

Ha, that shut her up.

"Hmmph." She started to go back to the bedroom. She seemed to spend a lot of time alone in there.

"Jill.", I called bringing her back.


"Are you upset that Julie got taller than you?"

"No. I'm ... happy for her."

"Do you think she's better than you now?"

"No. You just said bigger doesn't mean better."

"That's right. So don't feel bad, ok?"

"I don't feel bad.", she said right away.

"Ok, ok.", I relented. "Can you do me a favor then?"


"How about not calling me shrimp."

"Fiiiine. Shrimp."


"Alright. Sam!", she finally said.

"Thank you. You're prettier when you're nice you know.", I said. That caught her off guard. She looked down.

Still looking down she said, "No, I'm not."

"Sure you are, Jill."

"I'm flat."


"As in flat chested. No one will go out with me."

"I don't believe that. You don't need big boobs to be pretty. And big boobs don't automatically make you pretty, either."

"Julie has big boobs now."

"Don't be jealous."

"I'm not."

A few silent moments passed.

"Ok, maybe a little. This whole thing with Julie growing is weird. Why did she have to grow?"

"What's so bad about that?", I asked.

"She always gets everything."

"Everything, like what?"

"Like you."


"Well, she has a boyfriend. And now she's bested the one thing I used to have over her. She's really big now."

"Tell me about it."

"Yeah, sorry, I guess you'd know about that.", she said. "Sam?"


"Um. Can I ask you question?"


"It's a personal question."

"Ok.", I said. I was speculating on where this was going.

"I was just wondering. You know, if ...", she was drawing this out.

"Go on.", I said.

"How do you and Julie, you know, do it?"



"Why do you ask that?"

"Well, you know."

"Know what?"

"With her being big and all that, ok?"

"Well, this is getting personal, Jill."

"Sorry. I'll just go back to my room."

She said "sorry". I guess we're making progress.

"NO, no, it's ok. We can talk about it.", I said.


"It's not an easy thing for a guy to talk about. Especially when he's talking about his true love to her sister."

"It's ok then. You don't have to."

"No, maybe we can discuss it more later, but just to satisfy your curiosity, it's not weird and kinky, ok? Just pretty much what other people do." Little did she know.

"Ok. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't intrude."

"That's ok, Jill. Even though you're a brat, I still consider you family."


"Well, you called me shrimp.", I said.

"But I stopped."

"Ok, I'm sorry for calling you a brat. I was just kidding.", I apologized.


"Are we even then?", I asked.

"Yes. We're even."

"Good. Let's start over, ok?"

"Ok.", she agreed.

"You could come see us more. Your sister actually likes you.". What was I saying? Just a few short moments ago I was thinking that having her over was a bad idea.

"Yeah, I know I used to berate her for her size. I don't know why she likes me, especially that's she's like a model now. It's just that ..."



"You can say it. I won't let anything get back to Julie if you don't want to."

"Mom either.", she said.

"Sure. It'll be our secret. Just between us."


She fidgeted nervously.

"Go ahead.", I said.

"Well. Julie is prettier."

"I told you, you're just as pretty."

"You really think so?"

"Of course I do."

"Well, I wish somebody else would notice."

"You mean somebody taller."

"Yeah." "No! No, I didn't mean it that way. Really. You're cool. You were a jock weren't you?"

"True. So was Julie, but you should know that being a jock does not make you cool.", I set her straight.

"I never had a cool boyfriend."

"Sure you did. Julie said you had boys all over you.", I kind of lied a little.

"I wish. They were all jerks."

"See, guys do like you. So why did you go out with them if they were jerks?"

"I only went out with some of them and only a couple times before I decided they were jerks."

"You never went out with anyone more than once or twice?"

"Well, not really. Some maybe. Not that's it worth remembering. I don't know. None of them were memorable."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Jill."

"That's ok.", she said with a sad face. There was silence for a little bit after that.

"So, you thought I was cool, huh?", I broke the silence.

"Yeah.", she said.

"I wish more people would think so.", I said.

"Julie told me you have a fan club at the coffee house."

"She said that?" I was blushing.


"Well,... thanks." This was beginning to be a great conversation I was having.

"I'm jealous.", she said.

"Of me?"

"Of Julie. I wanted what Julie had."

"I had no idea."

"Don't tell Julie!"

"Don't worry. Our little secret. Remember? Zip lips, cross my heart and hope to die."

"Ok. Good.", she said, seemingly relieved.

"So, you've felt this way since high school?"

"Yes. I mean you're cute and everything." I was blushing. "But I really wanted the relationship you two had.", she said, then, "Have.", she corrected instantly.

"I'm sure you'll find a nice guy, Jill."

"No, I won't. I'm destined to be lonely."

"No. I'm destined to be short. You're just young, give it time. Hey, we're friends, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"So, you can always come see me when you're lonely. I can listen real good."

"Yeah, right. And take you away from Julie. No way."

"It's not like that. I mean, think of me as the brother you never had."


"Of course. Don't you ever talk to Julie like that?"

"No. I could never admit to her what I just told you. She never really wanted to talk to me. You know, like sisters."

"Well, I like talking to you now, Jill."


"Look, I need to get some work done. Would you like to help me fix dinner later? We can surprise Julie.", I said. She seemed a lot perkier than just a few moments ago.


"Well I'll see you in a couple hours then. You might want to go outside on the deck. It's a nice day."

"Ok. Can I sunbathe?"


I went back to work but was distracted by Julie walking to the back deck in her bikini. Oh boy, I didn't need this. But despite the distraction I did get some work done.

All in all that was the most constructive conversation I ever had with Jill by far in, forever. I could see a little family resemblance in her, but I guess she must have taken after her father.

They all had dark hair though and Jill's was cut short. Don't tell anyone, but short hair on a girl turns me on. Maybe it's because it makes them look younger, I don't know. Jill had a bob haircut, and it kinda made her look like a model.

She was fairly slim, taking after her mom and Julie. Her bust was, I don't know, maybe a B cup. Remember, even though I really enjoy Julie's new boobs, and of course Erin's too, size doesn't really matter. Ha, that's ironic, isn't it?

But all in all, Jill was hot. I never noticed it though, until I saw her in the bikini.

Of course, even Jill was taller than me, making her one of the "big people". It's hard sometimes to think of big people as being less mature than you, but I was learning real fast.

I was seeing Jill as a little sister now. Ok, big little sister. (I just hoped she wouldn't call me her little brother.) By the way, Jill has really great looking legs too.

Later on that day Julie arrived home and Jill helped with dinner. Being a nice day we cooked on the grill again: hamburgers and hot dogs this time. I ate only one hot dog. Jill had one of each. And Julie had two of each.

I was admiring both sets of legs that evening after dinner as we sat out on the deck, but trying not to be caught. Hey, I'm pretty good at it by now.

We had a radio station on. I have speakers out on the deck; installed them myself. Nothing fancy, just something I picked up at the warehouse store. I was still proud of my work.

Jill was dancing. Julie and I weren't. Jill was still in her bikini dancing barefoot and then suddenly yelled, "OW!"

She started jumping up and down holding her right foot and came over to sit in a chair.

"What's wrong?", both Julie and I said.

"I think I got a splinter."

I went into the house and came out with alcohol, gauze and tweezers. "Ok. Let me pull up a chair."

Dr. Sam decided surgery was indicated. Patient's vitals were taken: pretty face, great legs. Check! He went to work. In no time the pedal intruder was splinter-ectomied. Gauze was used to control blood loss but bleeding was minimal. Patient is expected to make a full recovery.

"Thanks.", she said.

"Oh, someone is being nice tonight.", Julie piped in.

"Come on, Julie. I just took a splinter out of her foot. What did you expect her to say?"

"I don't know. Maybe, 'your stupid deck attacked my foot. Shrimp.'"

"Julie!", I retorted.

"Oh. Sorreee." Julie hadn't known of our conversation earlier today.

"Jill is being nice to us now. You owe it her to be nice yourself.", I said.

"Thanks, Sam", said Jill.

"Whoa. What's with you two?", Julie said.

"Nothing.", we replied.

"Ok. Let's see how far we can this then.", Julie said with a sly look in her eye. "Jill, did you know Sam can give a really killer foot massage?"

Where was this going? Ok, I'll play along. "Alright, I'll massage her foot, but only because of the splinter.", I said.

"Oh, that does feel good.", Jill was cooing. I was extra careful not to put too much pressure on the wound.

"Why don't you kiss her boo boo, Sam?"

"No." This was going somewhere I didn't want to go.

"Come on, you're really good at kissing toes Sam."

"Kissing toes?", Jill said with a starry-eyed look.

"No, Jill. Besides, your Mom will be here soon to pick you up. You need to get ready."

What was Julie's game? Did she want a repeat of what happened with Erin? This was weird. But then, for the last two months the weird has been showing up in my life regularly.

"Mom will be tired of driving all day. We should call her and have Jill stay the night.", Julie replied.

I looked at Jill and she had a longing look in her face. I wondered if I was going to win this one. I didn't have anything to come back with.

"Jill, do you want to stay with us tonight?", Julie asked.

"Sure. I guess."

I wasn't so sure this was a good idea.

"It's settled then. We'll call Mom and tell her Jill can stay the night."

"No. You'll call her and ASK her if she doesn't want to take Jill home." Somebody had to be the grownup here. I'm sure Mom would have been proud. Anybody else would have seen a wee little kid trying to act grown up. The girls new better.

"Party pooper."

Where did that come from? Just a moment ago Julie was really aggressive toward her sister. Now this.

Julie called her Mom. Mom still wanted to pick Jill up and bring her home tonight. Julie argued with her; I suppose no one ever told her: never argue with your mother. Jill ended up going home that night. Thanks, Mom.

Jill changed from her bikini and got ready. When Mom arrived we said goodbye.

Before she left I turned to Jill and said, "Remember what we talked about. And you're welcome here whenever you want?". I'm not sure that was the right thing to say but I was feeling closer to Jill than I ever have. Jill gave a big smile as they pulled away.

When they were gone my giant lover turned to me and said, "What did you mean, 'what we talked about'?"

"No. You tell me what that was all about tonight, with the foot rubs and toe kissing."

"I asked first."

"Ok. We just talked. Geeze.", I said.

"What about?"

"Nothing." Remember, I had a secret to keep.

"Uh, huh. Right."

"No really."

"I can't believe you had a civil talk with Jill."

"Well, we did. And you should make the time try it too some day. You are her big sister." Really big sister now.

"She won't talk to me. Not civilly anyway.", Julie said.

"She was civil to both you and I tonight."

"Hmm. I guess she was. Alright, mister. What did you do to my sister? Where did you hide the body?"

"Julie, we just talked about stuff. A little about you and how you were growing and how I was worried about it and just things in general. I swear."

"What about the 'you're welcome here anytime' remark?"

"I meant it. I was trying to be nice. To make her feel welcome, I guess. It's good, you really should talk to her."

"That's all? You should have asked me first before inviting her."

"I don't have to ask you. It's my house. Besides, you're the one that wanted her to stay.", I said. Maybe that was too strong. It felt like maybe were getting into a fight.

"So why didn't you back me up then earlier when I asked her to stay?"

"It's not right. You seemed eager to have her here tonight. What gives?"

"I, don't know.", she said, looking away.

"Come on. Spill!"

"I was just having fun. Ok?"

"Fun? Do you realize where that could have went? Remember when Erin spent the first night?"

"That turned out pretty good, didn't it? Besides, I saw you checking out Jill's legs."

Uh oh, busted. "That's, ..., that's, ... beside the point.", I stuttered.

"Is it?"

"You want another threesome with Jill?"

She blushed. My cute, formerly little, sweetheart was turning into a sex freak. An incest sex freak.

"So, is incest your thing now? Is it because we did it with Erin that you want to do this with Jill?", I asked.

"No. I might be curious but I'm sure Jill would enjoy it."

Wow. I guess with the way my life has been going I should have expected this. "So, just family?", I said.

"Well, there's this girl at my new job..."

"Wait. Hold it right there.", I interrupted. "I'm done. We'll talk about this later."

"Ok. Can I ask a favor then?"


"Can you kiss my feet and legs tonight?"

"Of course, honey."

"Can you pretend it's Jill's legs?"

Wow. You could have pushed me over with a feather.

"Um, yeah. She has great legs like you. Just not as long. No problemo."

Chapter End Notes:

The next chapter will tell more of the back story with Julie and Jill.

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