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Kim walked into the dimly lit bar. It was close to closing time and her target was located at the bar still drinking. Looking around she noticed that there were still just a few other people left in the bar, including the staff. Deciding it was time to talk toward her man, Kim looked over to her two armed security officers. They were here to help and provide assistance if things... got nasty. Steadying herself, Kim headed over toward the lone man hunched over his drink. Just as Kim was going to introduce herself to the man he spoke to her.

"I don't care," he said in a grumpy voice.

"I'm sorry," Kim said confused.

"I don't care what it is, leave me alone." The man said in an even grumpier voice. He picked up his drink and downed it. "Another," He told the bar tender who was looking between the two. Apparently the bar tender had been trying to cut him off for a while now.

"It's my treat," Kim said trying to win the man's favor.

The bar tender gave Kim, who was in uniform a sketchy look but then went about to make the drink. The man gave the bar tender a shitty grin. "Well," He said to Kim. "You have until I'm done with my drink."

"Make it a double," Kim said already hating the man she had to deal with.

The man laughed, "I like you. So?"


"Just Matthew, or Matt," He cut her off.

"Matthew," Kim said continuing where she left off. "I'm in need of your assistance."

"Obviously," Matthew said with a knowing smirk. Kim was doing her best not to break down and grab him by the shirt and start shaking some manners into him. His entire demeanor insulted her. But this was for her sister. So she would behave.

"Matthew," Kim said continuing as she eyed the bar tender who was taking his time to make the drink. She would have to remember to tip him well. "I hear you're one of the best trackers there is. You could track anything... or anyone."

Matthew shrugged, "So I've been told."

"I have a job for you," Kim said sliding a folder toward Matthew. Matthew picked up the document and opened it up. He read the first line, the location of the mission. It was a planet in the Bermuda sector and the only Gargantua in the system, or better known as B1G. Immediately Matthew closed the file and slide it back.

"No." He said firmly.

"Please," Kim said shocked at his reaction. "I need-"

"I said no," Matthew said coldly.

This ignited Kim's anger, "I'm buying you a damn drink. The least you can do is sit there and listen to my damn request!" Kim slammed her fist on the bar to emphasize how upset she was.

Matthew let out a deep sigh, "Fine."

Kim tried to reel in her anger but it was hard, time wasn't on her side and she needed this man. "A few day's ago a group of researchers landed on B1G to do some surveys and samples. Before they could leave the planet they were hit by something and crashed on the planet."

"Then they're dead," Matthew said dryly.

"We don't know that," Kim told him trying to hold on to hope that he was wrong.

Matthew scoffed, "I do. There's no way they could survive 12 hours on that planet with no weapons or survival gear. Trust me, they wont survive for long."

"My sister was part of that group," Kim said trying to get Matthew to understand.

Matthew shook his head, "Then she's dead too."

Kim couldn't stop her self she reached out and grabbed the man by the shirt and lifted him out of his seat, "You don't know that! She's still alive! I just know it! Now I need a fucking tracker who knows the land and can find my sister."

Matthew slowly pulled her hands off of him, he didn't even flinch through the whole scene. However the whole room was tense as the bar tender looked over at them and the officers that Kim came with started to move in to intervene.

"There's plenty of people who have been there and can track people for you." Matthew sat down and waved for his drink that was now finished. "Get Richard. He's pretty good."

"I can't, my sister went to him when you didn't help her. He was on that ship too."

Matthew paused for a moment as if thinking. He vaguely recalled some chick asking for his help. He turned her down, just like he was turn down her sister now. Life was funny that way. He looked at his drink as he thought about it. Looking at the file on the bar he slowly picked it up and started to read it. He need to track down a researcher. Lulu Carmen, the same last name as the Major here. They must be sisters. Last known location was in sector J on B1G, not a very good place to be. Matthew knew from experience, this was not going to be an easy mission. As he read it he said, "If Richard was with them, then maybe... just maybe, they are still alive."

This seemed to calm Kim down. Matthew read a little more and knocked back his drink. "Double the money." Kim fought the urge to snap at him, but finally after a long pause she agreed. "Good, we're leave in 6 hours," Matthew told her as he got up and started to leave, "And tip the bar tender will you, he did a good job buying you time."

Kim frowned at how observant Matthew was at picking up on that. "Meet me at Dock 4," Kim shouted at Matthew who didn't respond.

"Ma'am?" One of the officers asked as Kim payed for the bill.

"Notify the General, we have our tracker..."



Matthew entered his apartment on the space station. Matthew headed toward the fridge where he kept mostly liquor in. Opening it up, he grabbed a new bottled and cracked it open. He started to pour it as the memories started to return to him. They never truly left him, even when he drank. Drinking only eased the pain that they brought. Painful memories that made him want to scream out in pain, or cry from what he lost. That planet took everything from him and now... now he was going back. But this time it would be different. He wasn't there to rescue some scientist, or whatever the army was really after. Matthew knew that there had to be something bigger going on. There was no way that the military would get involved with planet B1G over a rescue mission for a simple scientist. The presidents of all 12 space stations could crash on that planet together and the military wouldn't lift a finger. They would just deem them MIA and leave their sorry asses there. That's how dangerous this planet had been marked. So there was a reason that they were willing to send a heavily armored carrier off to this mission. But Matthew didn't care about any of that, no he had his own reasons to go. This was for revenge...




Kim was finished talking to the General who gave her the green light to proceed with the operation. With her two officers from before she headed in to see if Matthew was ready. She found his room and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Matthew said from the other side of the door in a weak and muffled voice. Kim opened the door and walked in. She looked around the dark room and walked around till she found who she was looking for. On the kitchen table was Matthew head down with a couple of bottles around him. He looked like he died.

"Oh my God," She said rushing over to see if he was ok.

"Whaaat, don't speak so loudly..." Matthew said as he lifted his head up off the table. "What time is it?"

"7:30, we leave in 30."

Matthew looked around slowly and then got up. "Right... I'll see you down in dock ... 6?"

Kim let out an aggravated sigh, why her. "4. We are meeting up in dock 4!"

"Mmm, right..." Matthew said as he grabbed a half empty bottle of booze and carried it with him into the bathroom. He closed the door and the sound of the shower being turned on could be heard.

Kim just looked dumbfounded that this man was the legendary tracker that everyone praised. The only man to survive on B1G for over 2 months and thought to be dead. Matthew was nothing like the legends sound. He was a sloppy and drunken ass, who couldn't let go of a bottle to save his life.

Kim would have left but she half expected Matthew to fall back asleep in the bathroom. It was getting closer to the time of departure and Matthew still hadn't finished. Kim went to knock on the door to make sure he didn't die, the door swung open before she made contact with the door. This caused Kim to move her hand and accidentally hit Matthew in the face.

Matthew wasn't prepared to be punched in the face today, or at least not this early so it was a little startling for him to have someone hit him once he got out of the bathroom. Matthew let out a shocked noise as he grasped at his face trying to make sure he didn't have anything broken.

Kim gasped at her mistake. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..." Kim tried to apologize but just as Matthew thought she was going to see if he was ok Kim suddenly said, "None of this would have happened if you didn't take so long! What were you thinking, it's almost time to go."

Matthew was stunned at Kim's sudden change of attitude. If it weren't for the embarrassed look on her face, Matthew would have thought she seriously didn't care that she just hit him in the face. Matthew watched as she hurried out of the room and waited for him outside. Matthew grabbed his gear and headed out of his apartment, Kim lead the way. As Matthew checked to make sure he didn't have a broken nose or swollen eye, Kim said something to him.

"Sorry about that... are you ok? It doesn't hurt does it?"

Matthew couldn't help but smirk at the captain. "Trust me I'm fine. I've been hit much harder than that before," Matthew said jokingly.

"Are you saying you're used to people hitting you?"

Matthew shrugged, "Something like that."

Kim was going to say something when they arrived at their destination, Dock 4. Matthew took a look around. He had never been to the upper docks, the other docks the ones in the double digits, were a lot more dirty and chaotic. The upper docks were held for special cruisers or war ships. He got to watch as military personal were setting up for their departure on an enormous carrier. Matthew saw some crates full of what he assumed were supplies for the mission get loaded on the ship. The ship itself could hold possibly thousands of people and looked to be very spacious compared to what he was used to flying in, cramped cargo ships that were not meant for comfort.

"This way," Kim said as she lead Matthew off to the side of all the action of prepping the ship. There was a room off to the side of everything that held a group of men in uniform all talking about something. When Matthew entered the room one of the older gentlemen in uniform got up and offered his hand.


"It's Matt or Matthew," he corrected before the gentlemen could finish.

"Right, Matthew. Welcome aboard. I'm glad we got you to change your mind. The captain was telling me how you were thinking of not joining us."

"Well, it's a lot of money that's being offered," Matthew said eying all the men in the room. They must be the men behind all the money for this mission. Interesting, especially the few corporate puppets he saw standing off to the side. "Will I have the pleasure of working with you..." Matthew spotted his insignia, "Admiral?"

He laughed, "That you do boy, and don't forget it. I hear your pretty good at your job, is that true?"

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't." The admiral laughed again.

"Good to hear. Captain, please show Matthew where he will be bunked."

"Yes sir," Kim said as she walked Matthew out of the room and toward the ship they would be taking.

"An admiral on this mission? This professor must be important," Matthew said.

"The research my sister was doing was just as important as any other researcher."

Matthew shook his head at the obvious lie but didn't fight her to find out the truth. It didn't matter to him. It didn't take to long for Kim to show Matthew his room and where everything was, showers, cafeteria, the bridge, and anywhere else that would be important for him. Just as she was done showing him around did the ship finish prepping and started to take off. Matthew went to the bridge to watch as they depart from the station. Kim stood next to Matthew as he looked out a window he watched the ship depart from the station. He would never get used to seeing the station whenever he departed and how large it was. Even compared to the cruiser, the largest ship in the felt, it's size couldn't match the space station's size. It was daunting how miniscule he was compared the massive mechanical beast.

"It's beautiful," Kim said amazed at the sight.

"You never left the station," Matthew asked as he continued to look at the sight.

"No, I mean I've done drills and flight test outside of the station, but never actually departed from it."

Matthew nodded, "Yeah, we are always told how large the station really is, yet... you never grasp how large it truly is till you see the sheer size of it."

Kim turned to Matthew, "I wanted to thank you for coming with us for this mission."

Matthew shrugged and turned to leave. "Just let me know when we arrive."

Kim watched as Matthew left the bridge. Kim turned back to the helm of the ship and continued to look out the window of the bridge. They would need to gather some distance and speed from the space station before activating their jump drive. Then it would take them a couple of days to arrive at planet B1G. Kim closed her eyes as she prayed that her sister would be able to last that long.




By the time Matthew reached his room, he felt the familiar lurch as they activated their jump drive. He felt the sensation of slipping into a dimension drift, or hyper space as some people referred it. It allowed any ship to break the laws of physics and travel faster than the speed of light. It wouldn't be long before they reached B1G and then his journey would truly being. Grabbing a bottle out of his provision that he packed for the trip, Matthew took a big swig. He couldn't help but pull out a picture that he packed with him. Looking at the picture he couldn't help but feel tears come to him. The image was of Matthew a few years younger than he was now and with a beautiful woman. They were both smiling at the camera when the photo taken. The woman had a slight bulge showing a small sign of pregnancy. The woman was Matthew's wife Rebecca. Unable to dwell in the past anymore, Matthew put the photo away and tried to forget the past. Taking another drink from the bottle Matthew began to work his plans out of how he would track down the monster responsible for taking everything away from him. He would find it and then exact his revenge. Even if it meant sacrificing everyone aboard this ship to do so...

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