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Story Notes:

This is my first story attempt.  It's feet-centric because I'm weird like that.

Please let me know what you think!

Melissa leaned back in her plush executive chair, going through the dayplanner on her phone. Her feet, clad in strappy high-heeled sandals, were crossed at the ankle, resting on her huge mahogany desk. As she sat alone in her extravagant office, she heard a soft beep coming from the intercom, followed by the voice of her ever-loyal receptionist, Candice.

"Miss Sterling," Candice's voice sang through the speaker on Melissa's desk. "Your ten o'clock has arrived. Shall I let her in?"

"Yes. At once, Candice." Melissa replied. She pulled her legs off her desk and rested them on the floor, sitting up straight in her chair. She set her phone down on the desk and folded her hands, waiting for the employee she had summoned to enter.

Melissa Sterling was, on all counts, big. She was the CEO of Roundtree Innovations, a big tech company with big corporate and government contracts. She drove a big SUV, lived in a big house on a big property, and had a big office on the top floor of a big skyscraper in a big city. She lived big, dreamt big, and spent big. She never cared to marry or have kids. That wasn't the lifestyle for her. After all, she always had big ambitions. Starting as a lowly intern, she scratched and clawed her way to the top of the pecking order. On her way to the top, she never much cared who she had to step over or throw under the bus in order to get where she wanted to be. Her coworkers saw her as cold, ruthless, and intimidating. A bully, some would call her. She shrugged this off though. She knew they were only jealous of her success.

Her intimidation factor was certainly helped by her stature. Melissa's large lifestyle was complimented by her physique. At a staggering 6'4", Melissa towered over all the other women in the company, and most of the men! To accentuate that, she loved to wear heels just to make herself that much more imposing. She was beautiful too, and she knew it. With curves in all the right places, she could have been a supermodel. That seemed beneath her, though. Even at age 40, she had a body that women half her age would be envious of. Her face, with a milky-white complexion, was highlighted by her shoulder-length auburn hair and piercing green eyes. Her crimson red lips tried to hide a smile as she awaited her guest.
Ashley Robertson slowly opened one of the two large wooden doors that lead to the CEO's office. "Hello?" She called out as she peeked through the door.

"Ah. Hello Ashley." Melissa said cheerfully with her deep, husky voice. "Please, come in."

Ashley slowly stepped through the door and closed it behind her. She looked around at the expanse of this office that was maybe twice the size of her apartment and was in awe both at the sheer size, and also the extravagance. Sitting at the far end of the room at her desk was the CEO, who she had yet to meet. What reason would she have to meet with her? She was a just intern, a small cog in a big machine, who had only been working for the company for a few months. "You... wanted to see me, Miss Sterling?" She asked timidly. Her voice was much more high-pitched than Melissa's. Almost squeaky.

"Indeed I did." Melissa replied as she stood to greet her guest. Ashley watched as her boss rose up and up out of her seat and approached her. Her long, tall frame was adorned in a charcoal grey pant suit with white pinstripes. The white blouse under her suit jacket was unbuttoned just enough to show a bit of cleavage on her ample chest. "Wow!" Ashley thought. "People said she was tall, but I had no idea! She's enormous!"

Ashley, in stark contrast to Miss Sterling, was petite, to say the least. She was barely 4'10" and weighed about 80 pounds. She was fairly attractive in her own right, with long blonde hair tied back into a ponytail, baby blue eyes, and perky little B-cup breasts. She was sporting a modest white blouse with a beige pleated knee-length skirt. Sheer stockings covered her short, skinny legs, and her tiny size 4 feet were shod in comfortable beige flats to match her skirt. At 24, she was fresh out of business school, and managed to land an internship at Roundtree with her MBA degree. She lived by herself in a small downtown apartment, but hoped to climb the corporate ladder at Roundtree so that she could pay off her student loan and start living even a fraction as lavishly as Melissa Sterling seemed to.

As Miss Sterling approached her shoes clacking across the hardwood floor, Ashley found herself craning her neck higher and higher to meet her employer's face until she stood over her. The top of her head barely even came to the amazonian executive's chest! Melissa looked down for a moment to see Miss Sterling's huge feet, housed in strappy black 4" heels. "Why would someone so tall need to wear heels like that?" She pondered. "She must really like being the tallest person in the room!" Ashley's thought train was derailed when she saw Melissa's crimson-polished toes wiggle, as if to say "I see you staring!" She snapped her head back up to Melissa's face, which was smirking down at her.

"Do you like my shoes?" Melissa asked with a smile.

"Oh uhhh, yes." Ashley answered. She was embarrassed now. "They're very nice." What else was she going to respond with?

Melissa chuckled. "Thanks. They're Italian leather. I have them custom made. Very hard to find shoes like this in a size sixteen, you know." She sighed dramatically. "The plight of the big and tall." She said woefully.

"Jesus!" Ashley thought. "Size sixteen?! That's unbelievable! She'd be hard-pressed to fit her big toe into one of my shoes!"

"I uhhh... I wouldn't know." Ashley said nervously.

Melissa laughed at this. "No, I suppose you wouldn't." She turned and walked towards her desk. "It's not all it's cracked up to be, being this tall. I mean, sure I can reach high places, but good luck finding clothes in your size or fitting into an airplane seat. Even first class is cramped for me!" She sat down at her desk and smiled at Ashley. "But we're not here to talk about me." She gestured at a small chair on the other side of her desk. "Please, have a seat."

Ashley complied and sat down across from her boss. The smaller chair, combined with her small stature, had her head just barely above the top of the desk. She could practically rest her chin on it. "Is that by design?" She thought.

Melissa leaned forward in her seat. She folded her hands and rested them on her desk in front of her. "Now then... You've been here at Roundtree for how long now?"

"About three months, Miss Sterling."

"Three months..." Melissa repeated. "And everything has been going well?"

"Oh, yes!" Ashley nodded. "Everyone has been very nice and helpful. I feel like I fit in here, and I'm really excited to work for this company!"

"Uh-huh. That's good, that's good." Melissa nodded back assuringly. "I've heard good things about you too, Ashley. They say you're smart as a whip, easy to get along with, and you perform your tasks efficiently and meticulously."

"'They,' ma'am?"

Melissa chuckled. "I have eyes and ears all over this building. Just because you don't see me out on the floor very often doesn't mean I'm not staying on top of what's happening in my company."

"Oh, of course, ma'am! I would never imply that..."

"It's alright." Melissa interrupted. She grabbed the pitcher of ice water sitting on her want to discuss your future here. Now, would you like some water, dear?"

Ashley nodded. "Yes, please." Melissa filled the two glasses with water and placed one in front of Ashley. Ashley raised her arm to retrieve the glass and took a sip before placing it back down on a coaster in front of her. Melissa downed her glass of water and set the empty glass back down. She leaned back in her chair and brought her legs up, letting her feet come down on the desk with two profound thumps, crossing them at the ankle off to the left side of the desk. She put her hands behind her head as she reclined. Ashley tried not to stare at her boss' feet again, but it was easier said than done when they were practiaclly in front of her face like this. In this position, they rose higher than the top of Ashley's head. Melissa rocked her left heel back and forth while rotating the ankle of her right foot, which was resting on top of her left. Ashley heard some light cracks and pops as Melissa flexed her feet. Again, Ashley couldn't help but think that this was done with intent. Was Miss Sterling trying to intimidate her? Or maybe flirt with her? Or maybe a bit of both.

"Now then, Miss Robertson," Melissa continued. "There are two traits I cherish in an employee over any other: loyalty and obedience. Employees who are loyal to me and do what I say without question, they are rewarded. Handsomely. Those who are not loyal, and question my directions, well..." She stared off at a painting of a city skyline on the far wall as she uncrossed and recrossed her legs left over right, bringing them even closer to Ashley's face and obstructing her view of Melissa's face now. "Well, let's just say they don't stay employed for very long."

"Y-yes ma'am." Ashley was staring directly at the black soles of her boss' sandals now. Sure enough, there was an encircled 16 inscribed on each of them. She poked her head to either side of Melissa's feet trying to look at her face. "Uh, M-Miss Sterling?"

"Hm?" Melissa looked back towards Ashley to find herself staring at her own feet. She let out a laugh and uncrossed her legs, setting her feet back down on the floor. "Sorry about that! Got lost in thought there, didn't realize what I was doing!" She shook her head as she continued to laugh. "Practically shoving my big boats in your face!"

Ashley forced out a laugh, not wanting to upset Miss Sterling. "It's okay, really. I just... couldn't see your face." Ashley had little doubt left that this was all intentional, but still wasn't really sure of her boss' intentions. "All that money might just be making her eccentric." She rationalized.

"But you heard what I said, yes?"

"Oh, of course ma'am."

"So you're willing to be loyal to me and this company, and follow my orders to a T?"

Ashley nodded. "Yes. I will do whatever tasks you ask of me, Miss Sterling." She certainly wasn't going to say no.

"Very good to hear, Ashley. So let's get started. Please stand up."

Ashley did as she was told and stood to her feet, pushing her chair back. "O-okay."

Melissa grinned. "Alright, now just stand right there for a second." Melissa opened the top drawer on her desk and retrieved a strange looking device. It looked like a big remote control with several buttons and an LED display. Ashley thought it looked like something right out of Star Trek. "Now don't move."

Ashley was confused and a bit scared. "M-ma'am? What is..."

"Uh uh uh." Melissa interrupted. "What did I say about questioning me?"

"S-sorry, Miss Sterling. I've just never seen..."

There was a bright flash. Ashley felt like she was falling rapidly, but the feeling was gone in just a couple of seconds. Everything was a blur. She staggered as the sinking feeling ceased. She was in tact, but very dizzy. "What the hell was that?" She thought. As her vision returned, she looked around at a landscape that was both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. In front of her was a huge, dark brown wooden wall. She looked up and saw that the wall stretched up a long ways, but not to the ceiling. No, the ceiling looked to be hundreds of feet away. She turned around to see the steel leg of the chair she was just sitting in just a minute ago, except now that chair was immense! She put the pieces together quickly.

Ashley had shrunk.

"Wh-wha... wha..." Was all Ashley could sputter out of her mouth. "How could this happen?" She thought. "People don't just shrink! That's fucking impossible!" As she tried to wrap her head around her situation, she felt and heard the floor rumble. What was the simple act of Melissa wheeling her chair back felt like an earthquake to little Ashley. The rumbling stopped, and then there was silence again. Ashley had never been so scared in her entire life. Her breaths were short and her heart was racing as she broke into a cold sweat. The silence was broken by a thunderous noise. Ashley cringed and covered her ears. The sound repeated again and again, getting louder. The source of the noise was revealed as the gargantuan sandal-clad right foot of Melissa Sterling peeked out from behind the wall of her desk. Ashley stared at the huge foot, which was soon joined by the left as Melissa turned and looked down on Ashley. Ashley slowly looked up the long, pinstriped leg of Melissa's pant suit and all the way up to Miss Sterling's smirking face. Ashley stood staring up at her, paralyzed with fear. She towered over Ashley at normal height, but now she looked to be a hundred feet tall!

"Hello down there, Miss Robertson."

Ashley was shaking. Her mouth was making noises, but nothing that could be called words. She stepped backwards, continuing to stare up into Miss Sterling's green eyes.

"Don't be afraid, Ashley. I'm not going to hurt you." Melissa said soothingly. She took another step towards the tiny woman, planting her foot directly in front of her. Ashley fell backwards, landing on her rear. She stared straight ahead at the mighty toes in front of her and started screaming wildly. She scooted backwards on her ass before scrambling to her feet. She took off running across the vast expanse of the office's hardwood floor in the opposite direction. "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" She cried as she ran. She didn't know where she was running to, but every instinct in her body told her to run as fast as she could from this behemoth.

Melissa sighed and rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on Ashley. Don't be like that!" She started walking in Ashley's direction. Ashley wasn't looking back, but she could hear the horrible thunder of Miss Sterling's high heeled sandals clacking against the floor. Despite Ashley running as fast as she could, she could hear the footsteps getting louder. Even at a slow saunter, the colossal Miss Sterling was gaining on her! Her run came to an abrupt end as she felt gigantic fingers wrap around her from behind, gripping her firmly, leaving only her head exposed. She felt light-headed as she was quickly raised high into the air. The whole time, she couldn't stop screaming. She finally came to a stop right in front of the billboard-sized face of Miss Sterling, who was smiling devilishly. "Shhhhhhh!" She shushed. With her free hand, Melissa lightly pressed the tip of her index finger against Ashley's face. Ashley's screams were muffled until they finally stopped. Melissa pulled her finger away and looked at her little captive's head poking out from her closed hand. "Be calm, Ashley. You're safe."

Ashley stared straight ahead at Miss Sterling's face, unable to move her body. "M-M-Miss Sterling!" She managed to get out. "What did you... wha-wha-wha-why did...?"

Melissa chuckled. "Okay, given your circumstance, I'll let those questions slide. I'll try to explain." The giantess was on the move again as she walked back behind her desk and sat down. "I'm going to set you down on my desk, Miss Robertson. Please promise me you won't try to run again. It would be a very long drop down to the floor for you."

"Y-yes. I p-p-promise I won't run. Just please..."

Melissa rolled her eyes again. "I told you I'm not going to hurt you. Now I know this is all very overwhelming for you, but I need you to trust me, Ashley. Do you trust me?"

"Y-yes, Miss Sterling." Ashley closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to collect herself. She opened her eyes again and looked ahead at the giant face in front of her. "I... I trust you."

Melissa smiled. "Good." She brought her hand to her desk and slowly opened it, letting Melissa down gently onto her desk. Ashley stood up and looked down at herself. She was still fully clothed, thankfully. She adjusted her skirt and blouse and looked back up at Melissa, who was now looming over her. "So," Melissa said with a wry grin. "First of all: How, you ask? Well, with this thing right here, of course." She grabbed the strange device off her desk and showed it to Ashley. "This is something I've had our R&D department working on for years. Off the books, of course. They call it a 'Quantum Mass Displacer,' or 'QMD' for short." She played with it in her hands. "I'm not a scientist. I have no idea how it works, but, as you can tell, it certainly does." She let out a light laugh. "In layman terms: It changes the size of things, and..." She gestured at Ashley. "It changes the size of people, too."

Ashley's knees felt weak. This was too much for her to handle. "How... small am I?" asked asked, unsure if she really wanted to know the answer.

"Well, I set it to make you one tenth of your normal size, so..." Melissa looked away as she did some math in her head, silently mouthing numbers. "You're a little less than six inches tall right now." She looked back at Ashley, a proud look on her face."

"Si...six inches?" Ashley was having a hard time staying calm.

"Mmm-hmm" Melissa nodded. "About half a foot." She brought her legs up again, letting her left leg come down on its heel right beside Ashley with a resounding thud before crossing the right foot over on top of it. Ashley staggered, trying to keep her balance as the desk shook. "Well, not half of one of my feet, but, y'know, a normal foot." Melissa joked as she leaned back in her executive chair. "Don't worry, Miss Robertson, it can enlarge things too."

"So... so you can grow me back then?" Ashley asked hopefully.

Melissa let out a soft laugh. "Believe me, Ashley, I've been anxious to try that function out myself. But let's not be too hasty here. I want to be discreet about it, for the time being. Let's just keep this between you and me, 'kay?"

"Y-y-yes, Miss Sterling. Of course." Again, Ashley was in no position to argue. "What the hell is wrong with this woman?" She thought. "Does she get some sort of sick pleasure from lording over people with her size? She had this company spend probably millions of dollars to satisfy herself, for Christ's sake! She's already a friggin' giant, and she wants to make people even smaller! Hell, she even talked about wanting to be even bigger! She's fucking insane!"

Ashley looked to her left to see Miss Sterling's feet towering over her head. She was more up close and personal with her employer's powerful feet than ever before. The heel of the left foot rocked back and forth, almost as if she was inviting Ashley over to them. Indeed, Ashley wasn't even half as tall as one of these monsters now. Maybe a third, at best. What Miss Sterling referred to as boats before were now literally the size of small watercraft. With them so close, she could feel the heat coming off of them. She could smell a heavy combination of leather and coconut, mixed with a distinct, yet not entirely unpleasant, foot scent. It was still early in the day, so she must still be fresh from her morning shower. Despite being so big, Miss Sterling certainly kept her feet in great shape. CEO money could definitely pay for the best pedicures, after all.

"Now," Melissa continued. Ashley's gaze shot back to her boss' face in the distance. "As to the why: it's quite simple." Her lips parted into a toothy grin. "I've been waiting my whole life to have someone to... assist me with very special tasks, Miss Robertson. Tasks that no normal sized person can fulfill."

Ashley's heart raced. She didn't like where this was going at all. "What... what kind of tasks?"
Melissa chuckled. "Eager to get to work, are we? Alright then, we'll start off easy." She uncrossed her legs, letting both heels rest on the desk. Ashley had to jump back to avoid the mighty heel as it settled beside her. "First, I want you to remove my shoes."

Ashley look incredulously at the giant foot beside her and back at Miss Sterling. "R-remove your shoes, ma'am?"

Melissa nodded. "That's what I said." Ashley felt a rumble as Melissa rolled her chair forward. Her body seemed to grow in size to Ashley as she leaned in. "Here, I'll even make it easier for you." Melissa said as she started to undo the buckles on her sandals. When she was finished, she pushed her chair back and reclined once again. "You may proceed."

Ashley looked at the enormous job in front of her. The sandals were now hanging loosely from Miss Sterling's toes high above. The toes wiggled back and forth, letting the shoes playfully slap against her soles like flip-flops. Ashley slowly approached the narrow heel of the left shoe. At four inches, it was about two thirds as long as Ashley's whole body! She figured this would be the best place to get the right leverage, and got to work. She cupped her hands underneath the tree trunk-sized heel spike, bent down, and started lifting as hard as she could. It was indeed heavy, but not impossible to lift. Slowly but surely, she raised it up until she was standing up straight.

"Almost there. You can do it, Ashley." Melissa encouraged from the distance. Melissa managed to get the heel up over her head. She turned to face the huge sole of Miss Sterling's foot and walked her hands, and herself carefully forward. Finally, with her face nearly touching the soft, wrinkled sole flesh, she jumped as high as she could, pushing the shoe up and over her boss' toes. The shoe came crashing down beside Ashley, who pressed herself up against the hulking foot in fear. She looked at the now empty shoe resting beside her, amazed at its size and, deep down, feeling a little bit proud of herself for being able to actually lift it. As she fought to catch her breath, she felt the warm, musky flesh of Melissa's sole push harder against her, forcing her back. "Hey, don't get too comfy down there. You still have one more to go!"

Ashley looked over at Miss Sterling's right foot. It rocked back and forth in anticipation. She took a deep breath and prepared to repeat the process. It was definitely harder this time, as she had spent so much energy on the first shoe, but with a final leap and push, Ashley managed to free the giant monster from its cage. After the shoe fell to the desk, Ashley dropped to her hands and knees, panting in exhaustion.

Melissa wiggled and splayed her long, finger-like toes as she flexed her meaty soles. "Ahhhhhh. That's much better." She rolled her heels to the sides so she could see Ashley kneeling and gasping for air, relishing in the idea the the air she was breathing probably smelled heavily of her feet. "Good job, Miss Robertson. You completed your first task excellently."

"Tha-tha-thank you, Miss Sterling." Ashley panted, looking between Melissa's soles at her pleased expression. Melissa let slip a girlish giggle at this. Not only did this miniscule young woman struggle as hard as she could to remove the sandals from her feet, but she was actually thanking her now! This was everything she could ever dream of, and she was just getting started.

"All tuckered out, are we?" Melissa said with a mocking sympathy. "Don't worry, little Ashley. Your next task will not be so... labor intensive." She pulled her feet back and pressed them against the front of her desk, letting her long toes curl over the lip. She drummed them lightly against the mahogany and leaned in. She beckoned Ashley with her index finger. "Come closer."

Ashley slowly stood to her feet and turned to face the giantess yet again. She walked towards her, getting closer to the enormous toes resting at the edge of the desk until she was standing right in front of them. Melissa turned her hand and pointed her index finger at the big toe on her left foot.



Melissa's smile turned to a scowl as she pulled her right foot back and kicked it forward, slamming her sole into the front of her desk. This made Ashley yelp as she fell backwards. "I'm not going to tell you again not to question me, Miss Robertson." She said sternly.

"Sorry! I'm sorry! So sorry, Miss Sterling. Please, I..." Ashley was terrified and desperate not to anger the colossus any further.

Melissa took a deep breath and regained her composure. She let her toes curl over the edge of the desk once more. "Let's try this again, shall we?" She wiggled the big toe on her left foot. "Kiss."

Ashley, on hands and knees, clambered over to the mammoth digit. With a hand clasped on either side, she leaned in and landed a kiss on top of Miss Sterling's crimson red toenail. She looked up at her boss' face, hoping to have appeased her.

"Hmmm... not bad, but I couldn't really feel it. Maybe..." Melissa raised her toe up a little to reveal its plush pad. "There. Try it now."

Without hesitation, Ashley leaned in again and planted a kiss on the soft underside of the toe. She kissed it again, for good measure.

"Mmmm... yes, that was much better." Melissa lowered her toe back down to the desk and raised up her right big toe, wiggling it a little. "Now this one."

Ashley moved over to the right foot and pressed her lips against it. This was all so bizarre to her, but she was too scared to stop, not that she had a choice.

Melissa laughed and rubbed the tip of her toe against Ashley's face. "Very good, Miss Robertson. But maybe... yes." She slid her right foot up the side of the desk so that Ashley was looking at the sole, just below the ball of her foot. "One more right there. Right in the middle. Maybe give it a little lick while you're at it."

Ashley did as she was instructed. She pulled herself up to the edge of the desk and kissed right in the middle of the sole of Melissa's foot. She hesitated for a second before sticking her tongue out and letting it slide up the giant sole to the ball of the foot. It taste was salty, to say the least, and made Ashley gag and cough. Melissa, on the other hand, felt an amazing rush as the little tongue moved up her sole. It tickled a little, and made her laugh as she scrunched her toes. "A little strong, is it? It's an acquired taste, I'm sure. You'll get used to it, in time." She said non-chalantly, splaying and scrunching her toes over Ashley's head.
Ashley got to her feet. "In.. in time? She moved to the side of the foot so she could see Melissa's face again. Melissa was looking down at her lap, playing with the QMD, making some sort of adjustment. "Miss Sterling, forgive me, but what do you mean?"

"I mean, my dear..." She looked back at Ashley with a smirk. She raised the device up and aimed it between her feet at Ashley. "That we are just warmed up."

Ashley froze like a deer in headlights. Wide-eyed, she started pleading. "Oh no no no no no no no-EEEEEEEEEE!" Ashley was blinded again by the flash of the device. She felt that same falling feeling once again. When it was done, she was scared to open her eyes. She heard a noise. It sounded distant, but very, very loud. It kept a constant rhythm and echoed around her. Her heart sank when she realized what the sound was.


Ashley opened her eyes to see something that she was not at all prepared for. It was a wall. A big, lightly tanned, fleshy wall that seemed to fold in on itself, creating huge ridges. "Oh. My. God." Ashley said slowly as she slowly looked up and up and up this enormous, writhing monolith, all the way to the top, where she could see the wiggling toes of what she now realized was Miss Sterling's left foot. It was huge to start, and gargantuan just a minute ago, but now... now it was even taller than Miss Sterling was when she was shrunk for the first time! She couldn't have been much more than an inch tall! Ashley shrieked as loud as she could, and couldn't stop. She dropped to the floor of this now seemingly even bigger desk and curled up into a fetal position, screaming and crying as she lay on her side, hugging her knees. She was helpless. Absolutely helpless, and at the mercy of this now god-sized megalomaniac.

Melissa moved her foot to see her now even smaller captive curled up on her desk. A tingle went down her spine and she shuddered with delight. She slowly slid her hand down the front of her pants and rubbed her now moist pussy. She knew the device worked, but she had yet to take it to this extreme. This is more than she ever hoped for, and she was excited beyond belief at the possibilities at her fingertips.

"Awwww! What's wrong, Ashley?" Melissa cooed. "Did my big ol' feet scare you?" There was that tone of mock sympathy again. "They're not so scary once you get to know them." Ashley was still too scared to open her eyes again. Melissa rolled her ankles so that her feet were on their sides, soles facing each other on either side of Ashley's tiny, prone body. Slowly, she moved them closer together as she continued rubbing herself. She pulled her hand out only to frantically remove her suit jacket before reaching back in and proceeding to embrace this moment.

Ashley only opened her eyes to see a giant, wrinkled wall moving towards her. She scrambled to her feet and ran in the opposite direction, only to slam into a similar wall that was behind her. She turned to see the first wall close in on her and press her into the other soft wall behind her. Everything was dark. And hot. And reeked of coconut and feet. Ashley was mashed into the expansive, yet forgiving flesh as she was flailed around by Miss Sterling's shifting feet. Through the madness, Ashley thought she could hear sensual moans that resonated through Miss Sterling's body all the way down to her feet. Somewhere in her chaotic flailing, Ashley ended up underneath Miss Sterling's toes. She was now drenched in sweat both from herself and her foot prison.

Melissa instinctfully scruched her toes and squeezed lightly on Ashley's body. "Ohhhh!" She moaned loudly. "Oh God, yes! Right there!" She felt the tiny body squeeze up between her big and second toe and this was enough to drive Melissa wild! She pulled off her blouse as she felt her body temperature rise. Now down to her bra, she continued to work away both with her hand and her foot. She let out one final gasp of ecstasy as she clenched her toes together and brought herself to orgasm.


Ashley was laying on her back when she woke up. At first, she thought maybe it was all a dream, but she opened her eyes to see Miss Sterling's sky-filling face smiling down on her, and realized that this nightmare was, in fact, a living one. Miss Sterling's face was directly overhead, and Ashley could feel hot, pungeant breath washing over her.

"Welcome back, my little worker bee." The giant, smiling face said. "I hope that last task wasn't too... demanding of you." Ashley could only stare up, still too scared to move. "I am very, very pleased with your work today, Miss Robertson. You proved yourself to be both loyal and obedient. And you remember what I said about employees who are loyal and obedient, right?"

"They..." Ashley began to say weakly. Melissa leaned in close so she could hear her answer. "They get rewarded."

"Handsomely" Melissa said assuringly. "Miss Robertson, please stand up, and I will give you your reward."

With all her strength, Ashley stood up, staring up at Miss Sterling's face the whole time.

"That's a good girl. Now. I'm going to pick you up and set you on the floor so I can adjust your size. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Miss Sterling." Ashley was relieved to hear that she wasn't going to be this small forever. She awaited the tree-sized fingers as the thumb and index finger pinched her gently and raised her up into the air. Ashley closed her eyes, feeling the wind on her face and the g-forces rushing blood to her head as she was quickly moved down to floor level. When she was released, Ashley stood on the endless floor, looking ahead at Miss Sterling's goddess feet before tilting her neck back. Miss Sterling's face was so far away now. Her size, from down on the floor, was beyond words.

Melissa chuckled and moved her right foot so that her toes loomed over Ashley. The idea of her little subordinate literally underfoot was making her horny again, but she managed to control herself. "You are so cute at that size, Ashley. I mean, you were cute to start, but now you're just the perfect size for a woman like me." She giggled. "Oh, if only everyone was as teeny-tiny as you." She put her foot back on the floor in front of Ashley and stared down at her. "But, alas, it's time for your reward." She grabbed the QMD off of her desk and took a few seconds to adjust it before aiming it at Ashley.

Ashley eagerly awaited the flash this time, but when it came, she felt the now familiar sinking feeling again. "No." She thought. "She didn't!"

She did.

When Ashley opened her eyes again, everything was wrong. She had a hard time making anything out. Everything seemed alien to her. Even the once smooth floor was now riddled with ridges and chasms. She felt her heart race again. "Oh fuck! How small did she make me now?" The answer was tiny. Super tiny. An eighth of an inch tall, to be exact. Without warning, Ashley was blown off her feet by a sudden displacement of air as the heel of Miss Sterling's now mountain-sized foot crashed down in front of her. She tried to look up to her face, but all she could see was the inside of Miss Sterling's grey pant leg. Anything past her ankle was a blur anyway. With a ripping sound, the sweaty heel lifted off the floor as the cruise ship-sized toes stayed flat on the ground far, far away. Ashley's entire sky was now the wrinkled size 16 sole of Miss Sterling's foot, but she could still feel her piercing green eyes gazing down at her from afar.

Melissa's voice was thunderous to Ashley. "Congratulations, Miss Robertson." It spoke. "You have officially been promoted to being my new personal assistant."

"WHAT?!" Ashley shrieked. "That's my reward?!" She was overwhelmed. Lip quivering, she let out a hysterical string of obscenities towards her captor. It was probably best that Miss Sterling couldn't hear her anymore. Her profanity was silenced when the epic sole moved away, and Ashley could see the full extent of Miss Sterling's body coming towards her as she knelt down. To Ashley, it looked like a planet was falling towards her. She screamed and ran, but it was futile. She felt something grab her. It wasn't fingers this time, though. It was tweezers. Miss Sterling had picked her up with a pair of tweezers. Ashley nearly blacked out as she was raised up like a rocket. Miss Sterling's face started to come into view now. She was brought up to a giant eye with a green iris as wide as a house. The eye examined her carefully.

"Wow, Miss Robertson, you're like an ant now!" Melissa said in amusement. She couldn't hear Ashley anymore, but she was obviously upset. "Oh, come on Ashley. I won't keep you this small. It will just make transport much easier." She brought her new mite-sized personal assistant down to desk level and into a small capsule. She released the tweezers and let Ashley roll gently onto the floor of the transparent prison. She snapped the lid shut, which thankfully for Ashley had small perforations on the top to let air in. She stood up straight and went to retrieve her blouse and jacket from the floor, slipping them back on while Ashley pounded her fists helplessly against the side of the container.

Melissa leaned in and pressed the button on her intercom. "Candice, I would like you to please place some employment ads. Miss Robertson has been promoted to my new personal assistant effective immediately, and we will need to fill her old position as quick as possible."

"Of course, Miss Sterling." Candice's voice answered sweetly.

Melissa pushed the button again. Oh, and please hold my calls for the next two weeks. I need a vacation, and will be at my country residence, if there's an emergency." She looked over at Ashley who was now sitting, resting her chin on her knees, and bit her bottom lip with anticipation.

"Miss Robertson will be accompanying me."


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