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A calm lap of the nearby waves was all Princess Elia Martell could hear as she opened her eyes. She smelled the various wares and exotic spices lingering over her. I am home. Elia was resting on a soft chair just opposite her bed, wearing a sleeveless dress fashioned in the golden red colours of her house. Elia was overlooking the beautiful harbour just outside Sunspear’s walls that was visible in all of its glory from her bedchambers. The harbour was heaving with ships of all kinds: cargo ships, exotic ships from lands very far away, and most impressively, the royal fleet was stationed in formation by the docks, at least forty ships were present, all bearing the three headed dragon of House Targaryen; skippered by the young Lord Paxter Redwyne who cut a dashing figure with his long flowing red hair and arrogant smirk. The narrow sea looked immense and seemingly never-ending, and as Elia began to think about her life, she saw her closet companion Ashara Dayne running with all haste towards her room, clutching her gorgeous blue dress as she was calling out: “My Princess….Elia, you don’t want to be late. The feast shall begin soon. The King is waiting for you.”

Ashara dragged Elia softly by the hand down the stairs and straight into the great feast hall, where everyone was already sat. At the head of the table was King Aerys Targaryen, the Second of his name. Aerys looked at Elia with thinly veiled contempt, besides him was his Queen, Rhaella Targaryen, who shot Elia a look of sympathy and dread. By their side was their precocious youngest, Viserys, who could hardly stay still and followed every action around the hall with insatiable greed. But the most impressive figure was the towering heir of the seven kingdoms, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, who gave Elia a brief smile and nod to acknowledge her, but his purple eyes betrayed him. He did not want to be here. Neither did their Uncle Prince Lewyn who was decked in fine armour and his pure white cape indicating his sworn duty. Lewyn nobly bowed his head to his niece but it was apologetic, as if he was privy to some horror he could not express aloud. The Targaryen’s were flanked by their hosts. Noble Prince Doran sat with his young wife, the Norvoshi beauty that was Mellario, who looked at her approaching sister in law with a foreboding sense of dread. Their young daughter Arianne was clutching a doll as she waved and bellowed a childish greeting to her aunt, completely ignorant to any tension whatsoever. Opposite them, lurking in the shadows was the sulking Oberyn Martell. The young Dornish Prince with his frozen expression and blatant scowls looked like he would rather be anywhere else but there. Everyone, but the youngest and most naïve of children, were wishing to be anywhere else right now. The story of power: Ignoring every urge in your body to run away and staying on course in order get to the great table.


The feast began with a massive tray of Dornish Dragon Peppers; King Aerys Targaryen was smiling and nodding insincerely at Prince Doran’s conversation, with both Mellario and the Queen silently musing at their respective husband’s conversation. Opposite them on the great table was the pensive Prince Rhaegar Targaryen who solemnly sang from his great harp, The Dragon must have three heads. The Dragon must have three heads. The Dragon must have three heads. Many great ladies were crying copiously at Rhaegar’s sweet voice. Elia felt cold staring at him, and at that moment she spied Oberyn staring daggers at Rhaegar. Oberyn’s face was a blinding vision of hate, exacerbated by Rhaegar’s utter indifference towards him or his sister.

Rhaegar’s singing continued on for some time, but the lyrics remained the same. The Dragon must have three heads. The Dragon must have three heads. The Dragon must have three heads. As Rhaegar was singing, a worm slowly crawled out of his mouth. This worm stretched several feet long and Rhaegar’s singing became garbled sounds but he continued on regardless. As the worm eventually vacated Rhaegar’s mouth, blood began to ooze out of his mouth in the worm’s place. The ladies were crying harder as the blood rushed out of his mouth quicker and quicker. This continued until a massive red stain appeared over Rhaegar’s chest, Rhaegar’s bored look of indifference turned to a sombre sadness and the lyrics changed to: Lyanna. Lyanna. Lyanna.

Aerys stared at his son and began to laugh. The laugh grew louder and louder until it echoed throughout the entire hall but no one laughed with him. Almost every other person in the hall looked away; both of Elia’s brothers turning their faces and pretending not to hear their monarch, Prince Lewyn covering his mouth as he watched his charge while Queen Rhaella planting her hands over her eyes. The only person that Elia could see watching the King was the young lad Jaime Lannister. Elia could not place why Jaime was there, but she had noticed that the handsome but exceedingly young Lannister boy staring at his King with pure loathing. Elia looked further down and saw that whilst he was staring at his King, Jaime was sharpening the sword he was brandishing with a whetstone. Aerys’ laughter reached its climax as he began screaming: BURN THEM ALL!

The entire hall began to clear out, with many Lordlings’ pushing their way towards the doors. BURN THEM ALL! Aerys had repeated as more lords began outrightly running towards the door, creating a stampede, Elia saw many ladies being pushed to the ground and being stepped on by their far larger husbands. As Aerys was screaming, BURN THEM ALL!, blood began squirting out through his throat and his commands began to sound more incoherent, but as Elia began to walk away, she could hear one last time: BURN THEM ALL!

Elia walked through the crowd, every single member had stepped aside for her. Trampled ladies got themselves up and began curtsying at her. Men began nodding grimly and Elia walked past the men, but as she left the hall she felt cold. A sharp cold. It was a deep never-ending coldness that stabbed at the souls of men and froze their hearts. As Elia shivered her way out of the castle, there was no sand. The desert of Dorne was completely covered in snow; the nearby harbour was completely frozen over with the boats trapped in place. And for as far as Elia’s eyes could see she saw things staring at her. To call them people would surely be wrong. Elia saw an army of decomposing husks that once housed the human spirit staring angrily towards her. The only thing living in those entities were their sharp blue eyes. Eyes so penetrating that it felt like ice personified.

As Elia stared at this horde, a lone creature walked amongst them. A man seemingly made of ice, with his crown seemingly inserted onto his own skull. This thing walked slowly and deliberately towards her. This thing stared at her and said: You will die.

Elia began running as fast as her frail body would allow her. You cannot run from me girl! The cold being spat out at her with great venom.

As Elia was running she looked at the ground and felt an insufferably loud abundance of screaming. Elia looked down and saw that she was now completely naked and that her absolutely gigantic bare feet had completely decimated the Capital. The Red Keep was in millions of fragments, and entire neighbourhoods had ceased to exist, crushed entirely by mountainous feet. Elia cried out in horror as she heard millions of voices screaming in terror and felt millions of bodies splattering over her soles. “I’M SORRY” Elia screamed out in utter horror.

Elia began running away further, trying to ignore the screaming of the people she was unwittingly crushing, but as she ran a myriad of visions engulfed her. A white lion running at full tilt and tearing apart a decrepit Dragon’s throat out before it could unleash its fury. A visibly sick woman holding her bloody baby and pleading, Promise me, Promise me. A country of slaves throwing down their shackles and chanting: Mysha! Mysha! Mysha! Shadows of young dragons emerged, flying over a frozen landscape; roaring their fire out onto an inhuman enemy. A raven fluttering around the empty sky, but as Elia saw it flying over her she noticed that this raven inexplicably had three eyes.

Elia kept running. She saw her massive breasts heaving and sweat began dripping down onto her naked torso. Elia looked down and she saw entire castles ripped from their foundations and being washed away by the unconscious by-product of her body. “I’M SO SORRY.” Elia screamed frantically to everyone and no one.

As she was running Elia saw her dear Rhaenys being dragged out from under her father’s bed, kicking and screaming; crying with red bloodshot eyes. All Elia could do was to scream out: “RHAENYS! I SHALL SAVE YOU RHAENYS!”

But as she was about to reach out for her child, the bright brown eyes of her daughter were replaced immediately by the icy sapphires of that vile hoard she was running from. As Elia stared at this horrifying impersonation of a child, the great crowned thing conjured out of nowhere and was staring back at Elia as he held the frozen Rhaenys in his hands, whispering: I will take everything you hold dear, I will take away your power. You will destroy everyone and everything for me. You will die!

Elia jerked up and screamed. Elia looked around and breathed a sigh of relief. The thing was gone, but everything else around her was as well. All Elia could see was an all-encompassing darkness, but Elia realised that this was not quite true as she could see her hands as she moved it around her, despite the complete absence of light.

As Elia picked herself up, she saw her. It was herself, a completely perfect exact duplicate of herself. This woman like her was completely naked and noticed she had moved her arms in a sign of invitation. Elia admired her doppelganger’s incredibly large breasts, her stunning figure, and even took a cheeky gander at her magnificent feet. This woman is perfection. Elia then realised that this was her. Elia smiled as this other being smiled towards her and said: “Princess Elia, please come here.”

Elia did as she was asked and quickly went up and hugged this woman. Their breasts colliding as they hugged. Elia began crying at the touch, thinking about all the horrible things she just witnessed: “It was terrible, those things were….”

Her other-self had put her hand on her cheek and dried a tear with her slender finger. “Shhhh sweetling, I know all about it. I am you, and I am here to help you.”

Elia began to calm herself down; she stared at her beautiful doppelganger and whispered: “You will help me?”

Her other replied softly: “Yes, just sit down here and I will explain what I know.”

The doppelganger sat down onto the ground and the original followed her lead and sat down beside her on the strange ground. The ground looked like a clear sky at night, and though it appeared infinite and limitless, they were both able to sit on this ground.

The original’s eyes were completely dry as they sat and her inner strength had returned. I need to know all I can. Elia stared at this being and softly asked: “What is happening?”

The new Elia had put her arm over her and said in a soft murmur: “You have been given a great power that nobody on this planet has ever wielded.”

Elia had looked at the beautiful brown empathetic eyes of this being and asked: “Where am I actually at?”

The newer Elia gave a soft laugh and said: “That has two actual answers. The first one is that you are in the undiscovered emigrated home of the Children of the Forest along with your brother Prince Oberyn and your newfound lover Ellaria Sand. The Children are safe underground; they had felt that you were coming. Do not worry; Oberyn and Ellaria are safely where you left them earlier.”

Elia stared uncomprehendingly at her twin and asked: “If that is the case, what’s the second answer?”

The newer Elia answered: “We are currently inside your mind. Nobody else but you will ever hear or see me, but I am here to help you in your quest, whilst in your dreams.”

Elia had mused at that answer and then thought of a million different questions and quickly settled with: “If you are me, then how am I talking with you like I would another person?”

The other Elia smiled and said, “I am your soul fused together with the great ring you wore. I am the ring and you. We are now forever entwined, even if you ever wanted to be rid of the power, you cannot. The power of the ring is eternally yours and yours alone. However there are those that will try to destroy you and bend your power to their own will. This ring has got the power of the God’s, but it was created by man, and with it you shall serve man.”

Elia was taken aback by the answer. How can anyone have made this incredible power? “You do not need to think, I can hear all of your thoughts.” Elia’s other had answered during her silence and gave a soft chuckle at witnessing the original’s stunned reaction to the news. “I can tell you how I was made if you desire.” Elia nodded inquisitively and her other continued.

“Nearly four centuries ago the Valyrian Freehold was the true power of this world. Other Kingdom’s existed and even thrived, like many of the Kingdoms of Westeros for instance. But the Freehold was the world’s true power. One day a man, his name would mean nothing to you. He came from a powerful Valyrian family. A dragon lord as you would call him. This man was wiser than any Maester and held more knowledge in his mind than the entirety of the Citadel. The man’s intellect had no equal in the world before or since. This man created many incredible inventions but his truest genius was that he realised that this planet held the key to all the great mysteries and was discoverable by man, and he thus dedicated his entire life to fulfilling his dream of knowing all. He travelled all over the world. He met shadow binders in Asshai; he led expeditions to the Summer Islands. He even travelled to Oldtown and spent months at the Citadel, studying ancient scrolls and interrogating the wisest maesters. After forty years of his quest this man had forged a ring from the many elements, spells and artefacts that he had learnt and discovered. He came to the conclusion of pouring all of his power into a ring after a chance encounter with a warlock who claimed to have had a vision that a single man could hold supremacy over the planet and all of its inhabitants if he owned all the elements on his hand, through a ring. Through painstaking research, and even blind faith and a hint of luck, the man created the great ring that you wore and are now a part of. The one thing this man needed was a power source to activate the elements. He theorised that lightning would be the key. He waited and waited and eventually he learnt of a spell to summon lightning from a travelling shadow binder. Through this spell on the ceiling of his manse in the Valyrian Freehold, he summoned a great amount of lightning and it began.”

The doppelganger stopped abruptly. Elia had noticed this strange pause. She had noticed a sadness come into the face of her doppelganger. Elia softly stroked her other’s hair and whispered quietly: “You don’t need to say it; I think I know what happened next.”

The other Elia shuddered but composed herself and said softly: “But I must say it, my dear Elia. The spell caused the Doom of Valyria. The manifest power of the spells he used was far too great for him to control and the power destroyed not only the man but also the greatest empire this world had ever seen in one night.”

Silence returned and Elia hugged her twin softly to comfort her and her other reciprocated the hug in kind. Her twin looked into her eyes and said: “The worst part was that if the warlock was telling the truth, the Freehold would still thrive today.”

Elia looked at her twin and asked: “What do you mean?”

Her other replied: “The warlock did see the power of this ring, he did see a genuine vision of the future, but it was a woman he saw. He saw you. The warlock refused to accept that a woman would be the beneficiary of the Ring’s power and thus he lied and said that he saw the man in his vision. Due to the volatile nature of the ring a man’s soul cannot wield my power, but a woman’s soul can, and now has.”

Elia looked at her and as she was empathising with her other’s tragic plight, she still needed to know what else happened. “Please, I need to know. How did you get to me?”

The other Elia looked at her and said: “When the ring was activated during the Doom of Valyria, I was born. And in my formative years, the spells and knowledge inscribed in me helped give me the power to ensure the Doom would not happen again. For nearly four centuries I was stuck alone in the burning wastes of Valyria. Time dragged on seemingly eternal, and I was not even sure that anyone would ever discover me. That all changed when a bold sailor came through the ruins and found the ring. Aside from the power of giving the wearer of me incredible height, I also had other powers, powers of influence and persuasion. I manipulated the mind of the sailor into not putting me on his finger. The Doom would have occurred again immediately if he had done so. I was strong enough to stop him from wearing me and he continued on his duties. He eventually sailed back into his homeland, Dorne.” Elia’s face piqued at the sound of the name of her homeland as her other continued: “He wanted a rich prize for me, and ignored many suitors who became aware of my existence, as he sailed back to Westeros as he guarded me jealously. The sailor haggled with a wealthy merchant at Sunspear. They quarrelled over the price and in his rage the sailor murdered the merchant. The noose was ready but I saw my chance. Your mother was alive then and as she watched the formalities of the intended execution, I influenced her mind to take me. Then she passed the ring onto you.”

Elia was now confused: “Wait, why didn’t my mother put the ring on and grow into a Giantess herself?”

Her twin looked at her and said: “The time was not right. Though a woman can contain me, the initial power can only be used effectively from a great need for it. Your mother led a life free of mortal danger. But you…” Elia did not need reminding. The Sack of King’s Landing. “Yes Elia, the power could only come initially from the need to protect yourself and your family from imminent destruction, but now you control the size you wish to be.” So I can actually control my size? Her twin replied to her thoughts. “Yes Elia. You are now a Giantess but you have already grown, then shrunk and then grown again in the space of mere hours, but you did that without understanding how and why you grow. You will need to learn how to control your power. As you have no doubt have already learnt, extreme sadness will cause you to shrink down and extreme anger or arousal will make you grow.”

Elia had laughed at that, “Yes, I might have overdone it last night.”

The other Elia laughed and said: “It will take time to control, but you will learn.”

Elia thought about this and said: “I am currently far too big to fit onto Westeros safely.”

The other Elia looked at her and said: “You were frightened earlier from what you saw before we spoke and you shrunk instinctively from it. You are nowhere near the size you were as you went to sleep.” What a relief, Elia thought. “Yes, you are now a 1000 feet tall. Now you need to grow to actually get back to Westeros safely. It is treacherous waters back to Westeros”

The original Elia laughed as she imagined another round with Oberyn and Ellaria and said, “No problem, I will have that sorted.”

The doppelganger looked at her patiently and said: “It is morning in Westeros. Do what you need to do and return to your people. But remember this. The true enemy was never Tywin Lannister; it is those things you saw. Your visions were a clue. I do not know much about them, aside from fables and legends, but if we work together. I know we shall discover the secret to defeat them.” They are the White Walkers, Elia wanted to say, but her doppelganger gave her a soft kiss on the lips and said: “But we have time enough to stop them, and you have a busy day ahead. It’s time to wake up.”


Elia felt that she was floating upwards and felt a soft daze, but almost immediately she sat up, and as she woke she saw the luscious green landscape of this unknown land. I’m back. Elia remembered everything that occurred in her dreams and knew in her heart that she needed to see and hear everything she had done. Elia noticed that she did indeed have shrunk down considerably. At her smaller height she could see the majestic forests around her. Speaking of forests. Elia put her hand down over her bush and into her wet pussy and dislodged her two guests. Oberyn and Ellaria were still asleep, but they stirred and began to open their eyes and stretched themselves awake. They had a good night’s sleep. Elia smiled warmly at her two smiling lovers and announced: “GOOD MORNING.”

Her lovers stared lovingly up and Oberyn said oozing charm: “You look ever so radiant my dear, but you look a great deal smaller than last night, not that I’m complaining of course.”

Elia laughed, she did not want Oberyn or anyone else to know the horrible things she saw during the night. No need to worry them just yet. So Elia simply replied with: “YES, BUT NOW I AM TOO SMALL TO GET BACK HOME. I SHALL NEED MY TWO GORGEOUS LOVERS TO GIVE ME A BIT OF SOME MUCH NEEDED GROWTH, ARE YOU TWO UP FOR IT?”

Oberyn and Ellaria cheered their consent, with Oberyn bellowing: “Anywhere, anytime Elia.”

Ellaria laughed at that and exclaimed: “It would be our honour my Princess.”

Elia gave them both a massive sloppy kiss over her still miniscule lovers and as they laughed Elia asked them: “COULD YOU LET ME SEE YOU TWO AT IT AGAIN PLEASE.”

Oberyn pounced on a laughing Ellaria and they quickly got into position and exchanged quick kisses as Ellaria reached for Oberyn’s cock and guided it over to her throbbing pussy. Elia was drooling at this stage, staring at Ellaria’s gorgeous body taking in Oberyn’s beautiful cock and she fingered herself and watched as Oberyn began pounding his cock into Ellaria. Elia was amazed at seeing how majestic Ellaria’s perfect breasts looked as they moved to the rhythm of Oberyn’s thrusts. Ellaria’s sighs of joy drove Elia crazy and she screamed: “I NEED YOU TO FINISH IN ME.” Elia guided them back into her pussy and they continued their love making back inside her cave.

Elia began to grow and grow. Her magnificent breasts began to dwarf the nearby mountains and her enormous pussy was burning as Oberyn and Ellaria were finishing inside. Elia came and roared in pleasure as Oberyn and Ellaria finished and she rose to around eight miles in height. Elia surveyed the Eastern coastline of this newfound continent and mused: Perfect. It won’t take me too long to get back home, and I can rule in a safe manner. Elia picked up her lovers from inside her enormous pussy and smiled deeply at them as she lifted them to face level: “THANK YOU FOR THAT BOTH OF YOU. YOU HAVE DONE ME A GREAT SERVICE.”

Oberyn quipped, “Always a pleasure my lover.” Elia beamed and kissed both Oberyn and Ellaria and licked them clean and then just stared lovingly at them. They taste so good.

All three could not have looked happier, all perfectly content at staring into each other in a comfortable silence. Elia could have done this all day but was forced to say: “I CAN’T WAIT FOR OUR LATER ACTIVITIES, BUT NOW DO PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND STAY ON MY PALM. WE ARE GOING BACK TO WESTEROS.”


Elia began the walk across the unknown ocean. It was fairly deep and thus she kept her hand with Oberyn and Ellaria over her head, but the deepest point just about covered Elia’s ginormous breasts. Looks like this is where I need to go whenever I need to bathe. Elia had walked through the dark all-encompassing mist separating this land from Westeros, but she continued her course and within a couple of minutes she went past the great mist and eventually saw Westeros over the horizon.


Elia smiled and reached the southern part of the continent and walked around the Western shoreline of Westeros and followed the coast until she saw Sunspear. Oberyn and Ellaria cheered in joy at seeing the rising sun over their beautiful homeland. Prince Doran’s court had noticed the Gigantic Elia looming over the Castle, her shadow enveloping over the entire castle. Arianne and Rhaenys saw the Giantess and with massive smiles on their faces began running towards the nearest balcony whilst holding hands. Both children were in the golden colours of House Martell and looked as happy as children could possibly be. Rhaenys with a smile of pure joy waved frantically at her mother and called out: “Good morning Mamma!”

Elia through her keen eyesight and hearing she noticed her loving daughter's enthusiastic greeting. Gods I love her precious heart. Elia waved back and smiled a sweet maternal smile to her precious daughter and Rhaenys looked on with good natured impatience, waiting for her invitation to soar high into the sky. Elia feigned confusion, looking around at the landscape in a comical extravagant manner with a silly grin on her face. Elia smiled as she saw Rhaenys laughing watching her mother playing around. Elia smiled and she then quickly got down onto the ground and softly put her finger by the castle walls. Elia held the naked Oberyn and Ellaria on the other hand far enough away for the children not to see them properly as she did not want either them or the children to be embarrassed by their nudity. Both Rhaenys and Arianne ran excitedly onto the carefully laid finger and they both got onto the finger safely. Elia smiled and she softly raised her finger upwards to her face. Elia looked across at the two girls who loved every moment being up by the clouds as they looked across the landscape with utter joy. Elia carefully and slowly twirled around, hearing the two girls squeal with joy. As she stopped Elia moved her face and gave both girls a little kiss and as they were dazed Elia bent down and carefully put the girls both back down onto the castle’s walls. Elia moved the other hand and she smiled as she could see and hear her two lovers’ laughing amused as they covered their private parts in case the children looked in their direction. Both Rhaenys and Arianne were laughing uproariously and they both looked up in awe at the great Giantess that was Princess Elia Martell. Elia just looked down at the two smiling children with great joy. Gods I can just do this forever with them. It just feels so magical seeing the girls witnessing the world at my level.

Elia Martell looked up at the two adoring children and announced with a great smile on her face as she spied Doran and Mellario walking onto the battlements: “GOOD MORNING TO YOU TOO RHAENYS, GOOD MORNING ARIANNE. I HOPE YOU TWO ENJOYED THAT.” Both Rhaenys and Arianne nodded their appreciation. Elia smiled and she continued: “GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, WE ARE BACK HOME AND GOT MUCH WORK TO DO TODAY. ROBERT’S REBELLION SHALL END TODAY.”

All Elia could hear was a gigantic round of applause. Elia cooed as great lords, soldiers and the sweet Arianne and her dear Rhaenys cheered at her proclamation. Robert’s Rebellion will end, and finally peace will descend back onto the land.

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