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Author's Chapter Notes:

Thanks for the reviews for Chapter 1. It really means a lot, hope people enjoy Chapter 2.



Elia asked the question and was trying to block out everything else from her mind in order to make sure that she could hear the tiny man in her ear. Despite this however all Elia could see was the small city and all of its inhabitants paying all of their collective attention on the Giantess. Elia could sense many hundreds of thousands of people, men and women, young and old, lord and peasant all staring up at her. Suddenly Elia felt self-conscious. I must look ridiculous. It was not her extreme height, or her nudity that affected her. Elia enjoyed showing off both. It was the fact she was holding her hand over her ear like a person plagued with a horrific headache. But Elia just shrugged that thought off. I must do what I need to in order to communicate with the tiny people.

At that thought the miniscule man in Elia’s humongous ear answered as loudly as he could: “Lord Eddard Stark, my Princess; the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North.”

Elia briefly softened at the name and briefly mused at the past. Before Elia could command Great Lord’s to march literally to her humongous feet, she had met young Eddard Stark during the Tourney of Harrenhall. And Lyanna, and Brandon as well. Eddard Stark was a quiet and sweet lad who looked like he was heading to his first battle during the great dance; Elia remembered being amused as she witnessed his flustered attempts at asking great ladies to share a dance with him. Elia remembered Lord Eddard being so nervous that he resorted to asking his older brother to ask Lady Ashara to allow him the honour of a dance with her. The dance itself was so sweet to watch and though Ned’s movement lacked any genuine sense of rhythm, the lad was clearly trying his best and he treated Ashara like the noble lady she truly was. Elia smirked as she remembered Eddard blushing like a maid after Ashara thanked him for the honour of dancing with her, whilst Brandon and Lord Robert were watching on with barely suppressed fits of laughter. How the times change. Elia was stunned to think that within three years that very same sweet boy grew into a powerful warrior and renowned leader of men. Elia could not think so softly of his siblings however, Lyanna Stark had stolen the heart of her husband, and Brandon stole the maidenhead of Ashara during that cursed tourney. No one will ever hurt her again now. After a lifetime of being sickly and delicate, Princess Elia could not wait to show her family and friends in Dorne her newfound power and monolithic size.

Elia held her hand over her ear in order to stop young Eddard Stark from falling to his death. As Elia was straightening her head she marvelled at the surrounding country, so far away she could see, Elia could even see the red wastes of her beloved homeland Dorne, and she gave a sweet smile to that blessed place. She wondered how many people in Westeros could see her at this very moment; she wondered if Oberyn and Doran are looking at her now. No doubt they will be wondering what in the Seven Hells had just happened. Elia could not wait to see Oberyn again and laugh at his japes and exploits. But will he still love me? Rhaenys’ warm smile when she picked her up from the ruins of the Red Keep were fresh in Elia’s mind and it warmed Elia’s heart to know that to Rhaenys she was always going to be her loving mother, but would Oberyn share that same smile for her? Or would he cower in fear instead? Could Oberyn even cower? Elia truly hoped not, Oberyn was a sweet charming man whose smile warmed her heart and Elia could not wait to look upon it again. But Elia secretly fearful that Oberyn would not give her the same sweet smile he always gave her and everything would change in their relationship, one that was so close in childhood. But everything has now changed forever for me. Elia Martell was now two miles tall and though she had already accepted and embraced the incredible power that she has been given, Elia knew that there might be sacrifices from that power. I will cross that bridge when it comes; I got a war to end here first.


Elia heard Ned Stark’s sigh of relief. It sounded like music to her ears. He trusts me, this can hopefully end well. Elia continued onwards: “IF YOU AND THE OTHER HIGH LORD’S SURRENDER RIGHT NOW I WILL PARDON YOU ALL. I JUST NEED TO ASK A QUESTION.”

Elia felt calm as she announced her commands, she was getting used to being genuinely listened to now. Elia looked back towards the city and she could feel the awed hush from everyone watching her. No longer am I just merely Rhaegar’s frail sickly wife or a powerless Princess. Elia’s thoughts were further confirmed when Lord Stark meekly replied: “Anything my Princess.”

Elia allowed herself a smile. She knew that the people of King’s Landing were listening to her every word and watched her every action and no doubt will for every single decision she will make for the rest of her life. There is and can never be any true privacy anymore. Elia knew she could never hide her true intentions under concealed council meetings or through elaborate plots; every action she would make would be and had to be transparent to everyone in Westeros. I need to set an example to my people. A calm leader is more respected than a mad dog. “WHERE IS LORD ROBERT?”

Elia heard a gulp; she knew Robert Baratheon killed her husband during the heat of battle. What she would do to Robert she herself could not say, she hated him but realised that he was as wronged as she was when Rhaegar stole Lady Lyanna away from him. Elia’s thoughts evaporated when Lord Stark answered, “He took a wound at the Trident, and he commanded me to take the city.”

Didn’t expect me to fight back did you Stark? The Giantess thought bitterly, but she had won the war and allowed herself another smug smile and instead asked: “DID LORD ROBERT COMMAND LORD TYWIN TO MURDER ME AND MINE AS WELL?”

Lord Eddard immediately answered, “No. Lord Tywin acted on his own initiative; Robert had nothing to do with the…”

Eddard began to pause, He is afraid of me. Well and good, a frightened lord is a compliant lord. “SLAUGHTER?” suggested the Princess.

“Yes” answered Lord Eddard apprehensively.

Princess Elia had heard tales of Ned Stark’s restraint, of his honour. Rumour had it that Lord Eddard Stark himself had personally pleaded for Ser Barristan Selmy’s life to Lord Robert Baratheon after the battle whilst other Lord’s suggested a quick unceremonious end for the legendary warrior. Shame my Uncle was not in a position for mercy. Elia remembered her Uncle Lewyn’s look of disappointment in the throne room when King Aerys commanded him to march the Dornish army to the Trident and leave his family’s side. Aerys even spitefully mentioned in front of the entire court that to a Kingsguard his family is irrelevant; all that mattered was the King’s safety. Lewyn seethed at that but he accepted his duties regardless. No doubt Ned Stark would have vouched for Prince Lewyn if he had survived the battle. Still, would Stark have been as quick to protect me and mine? Knights kept their honour around other knights, but inconvenient women and children were another matter entirely. It was impossible to know for sure now what Stark would have done if he and his men had got to her first, and Elia knew that in reality Stark and his rebels were too far away to prevent Tywin’s sack from occurring anyway. Thank the Gods I no longer need to be subjected to the mercies of others.

Lord Stark would have opportunities to prove his honour to her, but before he can, Elia was taught from her mother and from Prince Doran that a healthy level of mistrust was needed in a Princess. Too much though and I’ll end up sour and spiteful like Aerys was. Elia remembered the insults, the stares, the random intervals of foreboding laughter, but most of all Elia remembered seeing Queen Rhaella’s injured and abused body the day after Aerys burned a body in front of his court. The vile monster got his pleasure from seeing other’s burn to their deaths. The Faith do not consider a man forcibly taking his wife as rape, but what Aerys did to Rhaella during that night was rape; there was no way the dignified Rhaella would consent to be brutalised by a madman. I am not going to let that horror be accepted anymore. Elia was going to have a stern discussion with the Faith at a convenient time and discuss some very necessary reforms that needed to be implemented. I am sure the faith will listen to the suggestions of a Giantess, no doubt they could even say this growth of mine was the Seven’s will. Nothing like this had ever happened before and it was now a time of infinite possibilities.

The possibilities for good though? The sudden thought flashed inside Elia’s mind and suddenly all she could imagine was the spiteful dishevelled broken thing that was once King Aerys. As much as Elia loved her newfound size and power, she knew she could not abuse the power and become the monster that Aerys was. Aerys would have crushed everyone and everything to the ground already if he was the one to grow. The thought sobered Elia, chills ran through her veins. Thank the Seven it was not him. Tywin needed to be punished but I cannot use my powers for evil. Elia took a deep breath and reminded herself that she was in control. I am not Aerys. I am nothing like Aerys. I will not become Aerys.

Princess Elia mood had blackened from these disturbing thoughts. Elia then remembered the miniscule man in her ear. The second in command of the great rebellion whom was now currently petrified for his dear friend’s life. Elia realised that neither herself nor her guest had said anything to the other in what seemed like an age. Elia was growing tired of this, the past was done and she had a Kingdom to repair and a peace to broker. I will have time to worry about the past and its monsters later. Elia cleared her throat and announced: “LORD EDDARD STARK IF YOU KNEEL TO MY FACE I WILL ACCEPT THAT AS SURRENDER, AND THEN I EXPECT THE LORD’S ARRYN AND TULLY TO DO THE SAME.”

Elia had released her hand and nudged her finger slowly to get Stark onto her finger safely. It was a slow, tedious affair but eventually she noticed a small weight on her finger. Without any hesitation she slowly and steadily moved her finger over to her looming face and saw already that Lord Stark had knelt. He remained on his knees for some time. Elia wanted not only Lord Eddard but the rest of Westeros to know that this was the end, the end of not only a great rebellion but also the end of any conflict against the royal family. Aegon will only ever know peace in his life. Elia milked the moment and was amused by how unwavering Stark’s kneeling was. I would not want to upset a Giantess if I was him. After some time Elia got her face closer to her perfectly still finger and as her face loomed eternal over Lord Stark, Elia announced dispassionately, “RISE”.

Ned Stark got up and looked up and stared in open awe at Elia’s face. Elia looked at the incomprehensibly tiny Lord on her finger and could only imagine how titanic her face was to him. My pupils alone tower over him; every detail of my face dominates him utterly. Elia and Lord Stark just stared at one another for a moment, both quietly appreciative of the preternatural forces at work. Elia’s own look of awe changed into a small smile and she could feel her eyes sparkling down towards the tiny warrior, Elia felt calm and at peace, she knew what she needed to do: “NO TIME TO LOSE LORD STARK.”

Elia took a step and she gently released Stark by the city walls, and she loomed over towards the city, nobody had seemed to move to the best of Elia’s knowledge and she commanded: “LORD ARRYN, LORD TULLY, IT IS NOW YOUR TURN TO SURRENDER.”

The process began very similar to Eddard’s, both miniscule figures walked past the gates and she put her finger onto the ground and both figures climbed aboard. She put them in her ears to confirm that they were who she commanded to appear, and then afterwards they knelt. Elia was not in the mood for a thorough negotiation and knew that there was no haste for such right now; Elia had won and everyone knew that. Her terms would be honoured.


With the formalities out of the way as Elia hastily deposited the two great Lords onto the ground just inside the city walls, Princess Elia decided to get the practical work of repairing the city out of the way, “I SHALL NOW HELP REBUILD THIS CITY.”

Elia saw the entire population of King’s Landing explode into loud cheering and even heard chants of “Elia the Good, Elia the Great.” The Princess did not expect adulation and she was so touched by her people’s acceptance of her that a tear had begun to build up in her eye, but she thought about the damage it would do to the city and quickly wiped it away from harm. Any part of my body could harm my subjects at any time, I must always be vigilant.

Before Elia began her duties, she asked a nearby commoner to fetch some water for her children due to the rising heat and within moments of receiving it she quickly moved the water into the safe space outside of the city she had left her children and the Knights at earlier. The children were well protected with the knights surrounding them and she quietly whispered to Rhaenys as she leaned into the ground after giving her some much needed refreshment, “Mummy needs to rebuild the city and protect our people; I will not be long sweetling.”

Rhaenys smiled and waved to her mother. Elia quickly waved back happily as she rose from the ground and continued back onto the city.

Elia realised for the first time as she left the pails of water with her children that she felt neither thirst nor hunger. The excitement from today’s events; or something permanent? Both learned Maester and uneducated peasant agreed that all living things in this world needed food and water to live. But they never took account of me. Elia softly smiled to herself. Those queries can wait; repairing the city is more important right now. Elia took one look at the decimated city and as her magnificent nude body loomed over the city and her massive breasts hung proudly over the city, she knew in her heart that she was a protector and it was her duty to repair King’s Landing. Without ceremony Elia gingerly moved across and began her mission.


For the next few hours Elia cleared out rubble and rescued many trapped citizens from wreckage. Picking up the destroyed buildings took no effort whatsoever and Elia was able to get on with the rescue effort in a quick and efficient manner. The ease from which Elia rescued the trapped people and act as a force of good inspired great love that day.

Elia knew that her powers were increasing when she gently picked up and freed a trapped young peasant woman from a collapsed brothel; she heard with great clarity as this young woman was freed from the rubble, “You are the Mother reborn.”

Elia could not even try to hide her humongous smile and merely whispered to the woman, “Always proud to help.”

Elia had noticed the woman’s wavy blond hair and her pretty and surprisingly innocent face with incredible detail. My hearing is improving; my eyesight is improving rapidly as well. All my senses are growing stronger by the moment. “I will not ever forget this. I never thought a highborn lady like you would make me feel so big.” The tiny woman said appreciatively.

Elia cooed at that, she did not think that her citizens would speak so freely to a being so utterly different to them and Elia felt truly honoured by the openness this sweet young woman was receiving her. I need to be feared by my enemy’s, but loved by my subjects as well. Elia smiled as she let the woman down softly and lifted herself up to her full height and said softly back to her, “I am sure you will not forget good woman. And I want you to know that all of my people are important to me.”

The woman gave her a huge grin and briefly curtsied to the Giantess; Elia’s smile grew massive and she acknowledged this with a small bow and continued her rescue mission.


Despite the narrow streets, Elia was able to manoeuvre around the city and targeted the buildings where people needed saving and thus she efficiently and largely unceremoniously rescued many people from collapsed buildings. Elia’s heart briefly stopped as she found an unconscious girl around Rhaenys’ age in a collapsed villa, but gave a massive sigh of relief when she began coughing, she quickly found her mother in another part of the building, screaming and shaking until she saw that her daughter was alive. The mother hugged her daughter and kept her in place as fiercely as a lioness would her cub, and she looked up at their monolithic protector and whispered appreciatively at her, “Thank you.”

Elia quickly picked them up at the palm of her hand and moved them to an unaffected part of the city and commanded a nearby innkeeper: “KEEP THESE TWO SHELTERED AND FED UNTIL THERE HOME IS REBUILT, SEND FOR A PHYSICIAN AS WELL. MY STEWARD SHALL PAY YOU SOON.”

The innkeeper nodded gravely, not one to deny a request from any highborn, never mind a Giantess and he sent both mother and daughter inside his establishment with great care and dignity. As they were going in the little girl turned around and looked straight up at Elia and as Elia’s titanic eyes matched the girl’s one the girl smiled and softly waved up at her. Elia waved back to the little girl with a smile of her own and as they went inside the safety of the inn, Elia resumed her duties.


Elia had rescued men, women, the young, the old, and the rich and the poor throughout the day and Elia remarked to herself the dignified manner of the citizens she had rescued. They are a strong, noble people. As long as I am still breathing, I will never allow a catastrophe like this to ever happen again.

As well as clearing out the damaged buildings, Elia realised that she was able to remove all of the fires from the burning buildings completely with just her finger, as she realised that neither the heat nor the flame affected her at all. Is the power of the Ring turning me into a Dragon as well? Elia may have married into a family that thought themselves as Dragons, but none of them could have even have dreamed of anything resembling this, and Elia could not deny that she was loving every moment of being a Giantess. Within the hour all fires in the capital had disappeared, absorbed into the gigantic body of Princess Elia.

After clearing out all the buildings and removing all of the fires, Elia stood proudly over the damaged but safe city with both hands on her hips. Elia’s body towered over the capital completely and she looked down at them as protective as a mother to her babes. As Elia looked down she smiled and she noticed that thousands upon thousands of people were all looking up smiling at her in turn, realising that the worst was over. The citizens had begun to cheer loudly in celebration and Elia had never been more proud of herself. I have saved many lives today, the histories will remember this day for the right reasons.

Elia smiled sweetly, she felt so warm inside and she allowed the tiny people to cheer to their hearts content. Even at her massive stature the cheers were loud and she could see individual faces of highborn and lowborn all cheering her on with gleeful abandon. Elia felt truly touched and her heart was beating harder and harder from her joy.

Elia took a deep breath and she quickly composed herself and she announced to her adoring public: “GOOD PEOPLE, THE WORST IS OVER. TODAY WAS A DAY OF HORROR, BUT NOW HOPE HAS RETURNED, AND TOMORROW WE WILL BECOME STRONGER.”

The cheers had grown monstrously loud and despite feeling warm from it all Elia could not help pondering: These people have lost everything, and they still treat today as a victory. These same people will sleep rough in the cold tonight and go hungry. I simply cannot let that happen, I will not let them suffer even more.


The cheers grew even louder as did Elia’s proud smile. Elia had always desired to be able to make a genuine difference in life and to the people of Westeros and now was able to rebuild the shattered city that stood beneath her. As horrible as the day initially was for her, Elia still desired for it not to end, not until she got what her people needed, as well as seeing the rest of her family. “I WILL RETURN TONIGHT MY GOOD PEOPLE. I PROMISE.”


Elia had walked back to where she left her children. She knelt to where they were and asked softly for them and the knights to ride on her hand. Elia had picked up her children and saw the wonderment from even the most hardened of knights as they slowly, safely, but surely soared through the air on her hand. They have never been so high up before. The skies were beautiful and everything felt so calm and peaceful up there in rarefied air. You would never think that a war was going on here. Elia just looked at her precious children safely on her hand and just sighed in appreciation that everything worked out after all.

Elia had moved her hand close to her face and heard her daughter laughing merrily as she had put her hands over a passing cloud next to them and Rhaenys cried out: “It’s so soft Mamma.”

Elia smiled and put her free hand over another cloud near her and saw her hand go through it like a hot knife cutting through butter. “It really is sweetling.” Elia answered back softly to the smiling Rhaenys.

Elia felt as giddy as a child and marvelled at the enchanting scenes of her daughter playing with the clouds with a massive smile and a childish laugh whilst on her mother’s gigantic hand. Elia smiled as she realised that her family were now free in ways never known before. Elia then immediately contrasted the joys of being up in the clouds with imaging the horrors of her prisoner being stuffed in her asshole; Let him suffer in there even more.


Despite the initial horrors of the day, the Princess had never felt so secure in herself. Elia was determined to get the food needed to satisfy the displaced citizens and to end this magical day doing the one thing she truly wanted to do, but never could, confess her undying love to her beloved brother, Prince Oberyn Martell. Oberyn will understand. He always understood. Elia remembered him constantly holding her hand as she was going through her bad health as a child as she laid in her sickbed in utter agony. She remembered his constant stream of japes to get her to laugh when she was too poorly to be allowed to play outside after recuperating from her many illnesses. But Elia mostly remembered the sad, dejected but extremely angered look on his face when Oberyn realised that her betrothal to Prince Rhaegar was set in stone, despite his numerous overt unsubtle attempts to stop it. Oberyn does want me. I know it. Elia smiled and looked directly towards the red wastes of her homeland and announced with great determination during her giant strides southwards: “DORAN, OBERYN I AM COMING HOME.”

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