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I look around at my brothers surrounding me. I notice their faces. They are normal, expressionless. All prepared for battle. Each equipped with a desert eagle and a chest piece. The time then hits zero and we rush. Some go A, some go b... I go A. I run towards the large open doors. They are very tall and metal with wood played attached to them. I hide behind one. Looking back I notice my brother. I watch as he concentrates on the doors. Preparing for the terrorists to walk through. I watch intently for a sign of terrorists. I watch every little movement in him. And finally, he shoots.

He shoots while jumping for cover behind the large building. I turn around and see shots coming through the door. I wait in dead silence as my brother does so. We both stay armed. Ready to fire. I look at the clock. 40 seconds... No bomb. I start to move towards the door. Slowly. Aiming. Before I can even get beyond the doors I am stabbed. Stabbed right in the back.

"What the fuck!" I scream at the computer screen once again.

"How the fuck did he kill me! My teammate was right behind me!" I complain to myself while feeling the anger kick in.

"Fuck this game!" Without thought I throw my fist as fast as I can at the computer screen. This time I wasn't so lucky...

"Jimmy! What the hell is going on!" My step mother yells as she quickly opens the door.

She gasps as she sees the screen all busted and torn apart. "Anna! I-I am so sorry! It's my anger. It's uncontrollable!" I say quickly as she stares with fire in her eyes.

"Your anger will no longer be tolerated as you are going to be punished through mine! So, since you cannot behave, I am going t-"

"Ok! You can take my computer if you want. But just for the night!! I want it back tommorow!" I yelled while interrupting her.

"No way!" She giggles. "You won't be let off that easy. In fact I think it's time you get what you deserve." She says as she pulls out of her pocket a bag with a large pill in it.

"Take this."

I look down at her outstretched arm and the pill on her palm.

"What's I-"

"Now!" She yells.

I grab the pull out of her hand and look back up at her upset face. I notice how eager her facial expression is. Like how much she wants me to take this pill. Looking back down at the pill I hesitate. But only once. As I know that she would never do anything to harm me...

"Open your mouth." She says as she looks for the pill. "Good boy." As she walks away my mind is so confused. She has not once called me 'good boy' in her entire life. I also wonder what my punishment is going to be... Maybe she let me off the hook. Maybe she's giving me one more chance. Or maybe she is still thinking about how she will punish me. But whatever it is... I know that she would never do anything to harm me...

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