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Angela threw open the next door as we raced to see what was next. Again, we were placed in an empty room with two chairs facing a TV. Logically we both took a seat, waiting for our next set of instructions. After we both sat down, the TV suddenly turned on, scaring us both a bit. We looked to each other, laughing at our skittishness. Our laughter was silenced when a voice came on the TV. It was simply a blank screen the visualized the audio of the voice with a frequency bar.

"Hello you two, and welcome to The Match. One of the, if not the most, exclusive clubs to be apart of. You will not regret your time here as all candidates are handpicked to ensure a good experience. Now I assume you two are happy together being that you've matched; as the rings indicate. That's great and only the first step."

Angela and I periodically looked at each other as the voice continued. It didn't seem like a personalized recording and was speaking more so in general terms for anyone who had made it this far.

"So now I must explain why this is so exclusive." The voice continued. "What goes on behind the next set of doors will be unlike anything you've ever seen. Before we give you a taste of that, I want to state a couple of essential rules:

1. You can't tell anyone about this place. No one.
2. The only days we are open will be Friday and Saturday.
3. You cannot unmatch. If you wish to do so, you both must sacrifice your spots at the club.

Now those are just the formal rules, and soon enough you'll come to understand the informal rules. For now, let's discuss the rings.

The woman's ring is white and the male's is black. You cannot remove them unless you choose to unmatch. These rings serve as a contract to each other and hold a certain power within them. It's easier to show and tell than discuss.

So ma'am would you point your hand at the gentleman next to you? Take a good look at him."

Angela laughed but followed the simple directions, unsure of what was coming next.

"Now imagine him a foot shorter."

She closed her eyes and what came next was unbelievable. I could feel my body seize, forcing me still as my perspective continually changed in conjunction with my shrinking body. Fortunately the clothes shrank as well. When she opened her eyes, she was as speechless as I was. Her left hand covered her mouth while the other hand remained pointing in my direction.

She mouthed, "Holy shit."

I was significantly shorter than before and a bit scared too. The world of physics that I had known was being turned on its head.
The electronic voice spoke again.

"Now I know you're head is probably spinning but just so you know this is real I want you to image him being six inches tall."

I shot a look to the TV in horror as Angela closed her eyes again. In a quick moment I was suddenly smaller than a doll, staring up at the building-like figure of Angela. My fear was nothing like her reaction. She gave the widest smile of our time together and her eyes glowed with curiosity.

"Great job. One last thing to note is that in these shrunken states, they are somewhat invulnerable. They can still feel pain, but it's dulled and they can withstand great amounts of pressure, and falls many times they're height. Go ahead and try something." The voice suggested.

I watched in horror as Angela approached me. Each of her footsteps sending small quakes through the ground until settling in front of me. I could barely tilt my head back enough to see her face. She was still smiling, but her face was eclipsed by her foot which was now hovering above me. It's slow decent began and the daunting shadow around me expanded before finally stopping just above my head. I breathed a sigh of relief when suddenly Angela's foot came crashing down, squashing me to the floor.

Between the hardwood floor and her unforgiving sole, the pressure was unbearable. I wasn't even sure how I was alive. I couldn't move, let alone breathe and it only seemed to be getting worse as the weight from above continued to press down. Her soft sole molded around my body, cutting out the light and air. The brief moment felt like an eternity when she finally stepped off, revealing an uninjured me. She was as in much disbelief as I was, and began laughing uncontrollably at the situation.

"This is amazing!" She noted. I agreed despite the discomfort of that situation.

Suddenly I was transformed back to my original height, making things more normal again. I stood up, brushing myself off. Angela hugged me unexpectedly, squeezing me tightly.

"Sorry if that hurt. But tell me you find this as cool as I do. I mean you've always fantasized about giant women, right?" She asked.

"Well yeah, but that doesn't take the shock away. It's one thing to fantasize and another to actually live it out." I explained, still baffled by what had just happened.

The robotic voice interrupted, "Thank you for completing orientation. You may now proceed to the club. Please grab a rule guide in the back as it will inform you of proper roles and behavior during your time here. Goodbye."

The TV screen went dark, leaving only a reflection of us in its place. We both looked to each other and then back to the table. We followed our gazes to the back of the room where we snagged a couple of small readers before heading to the next door with "Entrance" written above in bold letters.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

We opened the door and were immediately greeted by the subtle thump from music playing in the background. As we paced down the long dark corridor, light began to seep through the curtains at the far end. When we finally made it out, we were surprised to find a fair amount of people throughout the club. Some were on the dance floor, other at the bar, it looked like there was a restaurant towards the back and other small social areas spread throughout the club. It was huge. There was even stairs leading to a second floor and some areas we couldn't quite see. It was a massive party place.

After looking around, I was quick to realize that the size of the place was nothing as striking as the people that filled the glamorous space. People of all sizes were everywhere, although it appeared that only the men could be shrunken down. None of the women appeared shorter than somewhere around five feet tall. Men varied immensely depending on if they were in a ultra-shrunken state or not, but by the looks of it, none of them were taller than their Match. I was soaking in every detail as Angela guided me through the club. I felt like she wasn't taking it all in, but then heard someone calling her name.

"Angela!" A voice called out.

We weaved our way through traffic to the voice and Angela quickly released my hand to hug this unknown person. The laughed and chatted for a moment.

"I'm so glad you got in. I was worried they didn't invite you like I had recommended." She told Angela.

"Oh my God, Kate, I didn't know you had anything to do with this! Thank you so much." She said gratefully.

Kate followed, "So who'd you get there? This is your Match, right?" She was clearly eyeing me, judging my appearance.

"Oh this is Dave. He's a great guy. We've been getting along great!" Angela said excitedly.

"Oh yeah? Well that's good. Glad you have respect for each other. I just do what ever the hell I want to mine. Isn't that right Dirt?" She asked looking behind her.

A small timid man popped out from behind her. He was about the height of Kate's breast which made him fairly short given she was the same height as me. He hesitated to look up or say anything. Suddenly her hand whizzed by and smacked him across the face, knocking him back a couple steps.

"If you're not gonna say anything, go grab us some drinks at least." She demanded, shooing him away with her hand. He quickly disappeared.

"Wow, that's a very different relationship." Angela commented, clearly a bit discomforted. Me included.

"Yeah, but that's why I like it. I'm a housewife at home, but when I come here, I get to treat that poor little man like garbage. Don't worry though, Dave, that's just what he happens to like to." She reassured me.

I gave an awkward grin before asking a question myself. "So how long have you been coming here?"

"Just over a year. Practically when it opened. You two will love it here. In fact let me introduce you to my friend. She organizes the kinkier activities and most events around here. She's normally by the...yep, there she is." She said pointing over to the stage area.

We followed her over to a table where a another woman with shorter blonde hair sat. She was watching the show on stage which was basically a dance off between women and shrunken men. I was equally captivated by the show since it was unlike anything else. I was snapped from my gaze as Angela grabbed my face and pointed it to the woman sitting down who had a hand out.

"Hi I'm Jen." She greeted me.

I shook her hand and replied, "Dave. Nice to meet you."

"I'll be the one you talk to if you want to get involved in any events around here. Unfortunately I have to leave right now but you're more than welcome to take my booth and enjoy the show." She noted while taking a moment to stand up. "I'll see you later."

She passed by us and I noticed she was nearly a head taller than Angela. Just behind was her Match who was dwarfed by the tall goddess. As my eyes shifted to the smaller figure behind her, I noticed something unique: the smaller Match was female. She was the only shrunken woman I had seen all night. Beautiful too. I was caught staring too long and Angela tapped my shoulder, grabbing my attention.

"Hey have you noticed that most Matches have one significantly smaller than the other. I think you should be smaller...that's the whole point of this, right?" She suggested.

Before I even gave a response I noticed the world growing before me until I stopped around the height of table. That seemed to be the average shrunken height of the people we had seen so far. Angela stared down at me with a big grin.

"That's better."

I had to jump onto the booth seat to see anything. Angela took a seat next to me and then Kate slid in behind her. Even standing next to her on the seat, I was only a little taller than Angela. Looking around I saw other Matches together watching the show. Each couple appearing different than the next. Some sat on the woman's lap, others on the shoulders, and others were just next to them like me. For twenty minutes, we watched the show while Kate and Angela caught up.

Towards the end of the show, I noticed Jen getting onto the stage. She grabbed the mic and looked in our direction.

"Thanks for coming to the show. Can we give a warm welcome to our newest members: Dave and Angela. They are sitting over there so please feel free to grab them drinks and to encourage first time activities. Cheers." She concluded, raising a glass of champagne into the air.
Chapter End Notes:
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