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Author's Chapter Notes:


Welcome back everyone :D


This time I didn't overwork myself, I just wanted to write soon! :P


Hopefully this chapter looks alright, you'll soon find out because of a certain character introduced it turned out to be a bigger challenge then i had first thought. But, after some editing... well, a lot of editing. I think it came out nicely... I think.


Anyways, Please tell me what you think and enjoy the read!



Casey screamed as she paced back and forth in exasperation. No, that wasn’t even close to what she was feeling. She was fucking pissed! Raising her hand to speak, Kari was silenced once again as her hotheaded friend continued to chew her out, her accent lacing her words thicker than usual as her tone raised a few octaves.


Raising her hand slowly, the younger witch shivered as she tried to speak for the third time since she had told the redhead what she had done. It seemed that she wasn’t on board with it like Nya had been…

“C-C-Could you repeat that… again?” Screaming, Casey ruffled her hair before stomping her foot angrily. “YA DON’T, FUCKING, THINK! You made a deal with a human Kari, a fucking human!” Shrinking backward's from the accusatory tone the older girl was directing her way, a light trail of tears came to her eyes.

“I-I-I didn’t have a choice! I… I’m not strong enough, ok! I can’t… I can’t help Najia anymore!” Flopping down onto her lumpy mattress, Casey ground her teeth angrily before slamming her fist into the wall. She couldn’t believe any of this. Nya, saving a human and now Kari!? What the fuck was going on with people today!

Sure they didn’t want to just kill the shrunken girl, but now they were practically harboring her! “This is a fucking mess is what it is…” Sighing, she shook her head again before rolling her neck around. “And why the fuck did ya pick me?! Couldn’t you go grab whatever the hell that bitch needs yourself?” Whimpering, Kari shook her head sadly before inching a bit closer.

“I… I was seen by people when I first went there. I, I don’t know if they know I’m a Witch or not. B-B-But I can’t go back!” Looking to the blonde as tears streamed down her cheeks, Casey sighed once more. “Fucking hell… just fuck it all.” Her relaxation was ruined, to hell with it.

Pinching the bridge of her nose as she mulled over what had been said, Casey sat in silence as she light rumbling of the walls around her eased her nerves… if only a little. “Fuck, I’m going to get blamed for this again, I just know it. This is always how it starts, ya know that? Fuck me…”

Sniffling, Kari looked up hopefully before moving in front of her friend once again. “S-S-So… So you’ll help us…?” Tsking, Casey looked away before rolling to her feet. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll help ya, you boyd eejit. Fuck, but if this human starts screaming again I’m sewing her mouth shut!” Nodding, Kari moved in front of the redhead before enveloping her in a big hug much to the older girls chagrin.

“Pain… nothing but a pain…” Ignoring her words, the younger blonde smiled as she nuzzled the redhead happily. There was still hope they could save Najia.

Even if Casey was angry… she knew the stakes they were facing. And she knew what she would have to do in the end…


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Biting on her nails as she sat atop their work table, Abby fidgeting with worry as she waited for her young partner to return, this was driving her insane! She had been against it, both physically and vocally but that freaking Monster wouldn’t listen!

Growling, the older girl bounced her leg in agitation as she ran all the possible outcomes of this hopeless endeavor through her mind. By the grace of god, two Monsters’ didn’t want her dead but what were the chances of three!?

“Nyaaa?” Sighing, the brunette turned her head to the side before shuddering as her face was instantly enveloped by the familiar wet appendage she had grown rather accustomed to as of late. Flipping her darker, sticky locks off her eyes, the teenager glared at the Neko currently propping her head on the table beside her.

“NOT HELPING!” “NYAA!” Flopping on her back, Abby rubbed her face dry before gazing up at the florescent ceiling. This was not going to end well; she knew it in her heart. ‘But what choice do I have? We need that damned extract.’ Of all the things the little thief had taken, she had to leave behind that? Everything else they needed was practically here.

‘I wonder what Master will think once he returns. What if I’m not there?’ Gazing over at the unconscious Kitsune lying motionless in her cot, Abby frowned. It would take a regular person about a week to awaken after receiving wounds such as this... but… what about a Monster? She had never heard of anyone treating one before.

Would it be longer, shorter? Would she be here for days, weeks, months… years? Whimpering, the brunette sniffled a bit before cupping her face as she tried to compose herself. This was just a nightmare. Hopefully, one she could wake up from…

“Nyaaa!” Pulling her hands away from her face as she saw the cat girl jump off the table, Abby looked towards the cavern’s opening before stiffening. She could hear footsteps coming. Crawling to her feet in a hurry, the shrunken girl ran behind one of the bottles beside her before peeking out slowly.

However, her fears were soon eased as she saw who it was approaching. “H-Hey, I’m back. Abby?” Brushing her dress off, the brunette walked from out behind her hiding place before nodding to Kari. “Yeah, I’m here. So how did it go-“ Freezing once again, the older girl felt her breath hitch now as someone else entered the cavern following behind the younger girl… and she did not look happy to be here. Gazing up and down as she looked her over, Abby shivered as she recognized the familiarity surrounding her. Her red hair, her gothic black dress, and white frillings, her general hateful permanent scowl adorning her features. She was the same little girl that had been with the witch when she had first awoken here. She was the friend Kari had gotten to help them…?

Taking a step backward's, the shrunken girl gulped as she looked into the dark eyes of the new arrival standing in front of her. “Well, at least you’re not screaming… for now.” Looking between the redhead and the fidgeting brunette, Kari raised her hands up defensively before weighing in.

“A-A-Abby… this is Casey. She’s my friend, like Nya. She promised me she wouldn’t harm you.” “The fuck I did…” “CASEY!” Growling, the redhead turned her head away darkly before turning her back on the pair.

“L-Like I was saying… she’ll help us. Alright…?” Shivering in silence, Abby kept her eyes glued to the agitated redhead but chose not to reply in fear of setting her off. She seemed like someone who could easily be pushed… and the last thing she wanted to do was push a giantess too far.

“Ok, just everyone calm down. I’ve filled her in on what we need to do. Your village is about two miles from here… I think. All we need to do is have you two go there, pick up the extract from your shop and get-““WAIT, I NEED TO GO ALONG WITH THIS MONSTER!” “THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!”

Waving her hands around in a panic, Kari whined loudly before pushing her friend backward as she tried to march over to the teenager. “DON’T CALL ME A MONSTER YOU MONSTER!” “I-I’M THE MONSTER!?” “Glad you can admit it…” “THAT’S NOT WHAT I SAID! WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME ONE! I’M A HUMAN!”

Turning to her side, sending the younger witch plummeting to the floor, Casey nodded angrily. “YEAH, NO SHIT! You, Humans, are the Monsters!” Clenching her fists angrily, Abby wanted to scream at the new girl but… survival took precedence. Gazing upwards as she stood over her menacingly, the brunette shrink considerably.

She was mad at the audacious statement, but she wasn’t going to get herself killed over it. Hearing a loud yowl along with hissing that followed, Casey tore her eyes off the annoying girl before glaring down at Nya, the Neko raised defensively as she growled. “The fuck do you want?”

Watching in fear as the redhead's hand rose up, the smaller girl wondered what she was doing before jumping in shock as her shadow began to wave around over the walls of the cave. ‘B-B-But… s-she’s not even moving…’ Watching with beading eyes, Abby choked on her breath now as she watched the impossibly unfold.

Stretching her arm out, Casey kept a leveled gaze on the Neko as she crouched low in an aggressive stance. Not that it would matter… Screaming, Nya kicked off her feet before launching herself towards Casey… but she didn’t make it more than a few feet before crashing face first into a large black mass that had come out of the floor!

Keeping her hand raised, the redhead smiled smugly as she willed the black shadowy mass the wrap around the cat girl before throwing her away from her. “Knock it off fur ball! I’m not looking to pick a fight with ya!” She snapped before the shadowy mass sunk back into the floor, her shadow returning to normal afterward's.

All the while this went on, Abby could only watch with fear as a silent itching in the back of her mind poked and prodded at her. She had the feeling she knew just what this girl was after that display of power. But, she prayed she was wrong.

Turning her eyes away from the Neko as she tried to pick herself up, Casey looked back at Abby before gritting her teeth. “What!” falling backward's in fright, the brunette was silent minus the whimpers leaving her throat. She was scared… plain and simple. This Monster was just like all the others… and she probably wanted her dead all the same.

Scoffing as she watched the pathetic display from the shrunken girl, Casey looked away before jumping in surprise as she was tackled from behind. “DON’T FIGHT ANYONE CASEY, YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD HELP US!” Lowering her head, the redhead inched out of Kari’s arms before turning around angrily… but, most of that bled away as she saw her tear stained cheeks.

“P-P-Please… don’t h-hurt her. We need her…” Clenching her fists, the older girl glared down at the witch before shifting her gaze to the others present. “Fine, I won’t fucking harm ya. Ya happy now ya shrunken bollix?” She muttered snidely before crossing her arms.

 Saying nothing in fear for her own safety now, Abby nodded her head slowly and chose to keep her words to herself from now on. That could have escalated a lot farther than it did. Propping herself against the table, Casey brooded silently as she tried to ignore the fearful, spiteful, and disheartened look's being directed towards her.

Stepping over to the table slowly, Kari looked down at the shrunken girl before moving her hands forward. “A-Abby… we need you to go along with her. You and I know what Dandelion extract looks like but Casey doesn’t. She doesn’t know a thing about medicine… Please, you have to do this.” Shaking her head slowly, the smaller girl whimpered in fear as she was slowly picked up.

“P-P-Please don’t do make me do this… I-I don’t want to go near it…” Twitching, Casey narrowed her eyes as the silent whispered entered her ears. She was really beginning to hate this human. She was just like all the rest. Patting the older girls back in a calming fashion, Kari gave her, her most reassuring smile before standing back up.

“Casey says she won’t harm you… and, and I believe her. She’s been like a big sister to me since Najia saved me. So, I trust her.” Closing her eyes as her anger continued to dissipate, the redhead sighed silently before rubbing her neck. “I promise… I won’t hurt you like she says. Now let’s just get this over with. Neither of us likes the other so let’s make it quick and painless. Got it?”

Looking to Casey, Abby was silent for a moment before she closed her eyes. “O-Ok…” She was scared. This was even more terrifying than her Neko or Witch encounter. If she was correct about this girl, then she was in even more danger than she had ever been. Hopefully, this would be over quickly…

Nodding her head, Kari moved in front of Casey before looking up at her. There was a slight height different between them, the redhead being about half a foot taller and in general a few years older as well. Looking down at Abby, the taller girl sneered before raising her cross-stitched hand.

Setting the smaller girl down gently, Kari looked at them both before frowning. They were both hating every minute of the other's presence. Sighing, the little witch nodded before moving back to the table. “Alright, let me grab my bag to take with you. If you see anything else we might need, tell Casey what to grab and bring it back with you alright?”

Blinking, the blonde looked back before hanging her head. Casey was already glaring intently at the smaller girl as she began to cry. “COME ON ALREADY, KNOCK IT OFF!” Growling, Casey bit her tongue as she rubbed her neck furiously.

“It’s not my fault she’s painful to the touch…” Looking to the older girl pleadingly, Kari was about to beg her to stop but… she had to pause as she saw the white wrapping around her neck beginning to come undone by her constant touches.

“CASEY! DID YOU UNDO MY GAUZE AGAIN?!” Freezing in place, the redhead blushed before pushing her head back a bit. “Hey, don’t bark at me! It was the sister’s bitches who took it off again alright!” Furrowing her brow as she watched the younger girl screaming angrily, and the redhead currently snapping back at her, Abby observed the scene silently. She felt like she was missing something important here.

“Alright, fine sit down! I’ll fix it again before you go out. The last thing we can have happen to you is for it to come off in public!” Scoffing, Casey nodded before tugging on the white bandages. “You don’t have to tell me twice. Here, sit down and look pretty while we do this.” She smirked before dropping the startled brunette onto the table much to her anger.

“You didn’t need to drop me!” “Be thankful I chose the table and not the floor…” Glaring at one another, Casey was first to break it as she yipped in pain. Flailing around as Kari’s hand tugged on her ear, the older girl began to throw a fit as she was pulled over towards a small table and stand.

Biting back a smirk, Abby sat down before crossing her legs. It was a little victory, but hell she’d take it. Though… she didn’t know why this Monster was able to get under her skin so easily. She was usually terrified of them at first sight… but with her, she wanted to fight her back when they argued.

‘Get ahold of yourself, Abby… stop picking fight's with Monsters…’ She wanted to survive this ordeal in once piece. Watching the two girls as they moved towards a chair, the brunette began to observe in silence as she let them do whatever it was they needed to do.

Sitting down with a bored expression present over her features, Casey crossed her arms before lifting her left hand up for the witch like she always did. Pulling on the gauze slowly, the little blonde slowly began to tugging it off before the older girl’s head started to move back and forth. Watching in confusion, Abby screeched before cupping her mouth in revulsion as she saw her worst fears realized.

As the last of the bandages were removed, the older girls head wobbled before finally falling forward and coming off… all the way off. Catching her head as it landed perfectly where she had placed her hand; Casey smirked as she heard the terrified screams from the human. “Scare ya did I?”

Turning her arm slowly so the bodiless head was facing her way, Abby could only cup her mouth in horror as she saw the severed head grinning back at her viciously. “Aww, is the little lass going to cry? OWE WHAT THE FUCK KARI!”  Flicking the redheads… well, head, the younger witch frowned before staring at her friend in annoyance.

“Don’t scare her Casey! Of course, something like this would frighten her. You’re a Dullahan after all.” Shivering in fear, Abby shook her head slowly as she began crawling backward's. She really was one… a headless rider, a Dullahan. The harbingers of death. They were a B ranked Monster, and for good reason. They could wield powers unworldly…

If the shadow hadn’t been an indicator before, her head left little to no question about the truth behind what she really was. Snickering giddily as she watched the shrunken girl, Casey grinned happily as she looked at her. “Aww, don’t be scared, I’m sure I can wipe that look off your face. Why don’t we just play a little and see what happens~.”

Sighing, Kari began untangling the bandages as she repaired them. She hated seeing this side of her friend. Picking the girls head up by her red locks, the older girl pouted as she was turned around so she was no longer looking Abby’s way. “Aww Kari, I was just doing what you told me to. Look, I’m trying to be friends!” She cackled before whining as she was flicked once again.

“Ignore her… Casey gets weird when her head isn’t attached, all Dullahan’s act in a similar way when this happens.” She muttered before pointing to the bare neck where her head once laid. Nodding slowly as she looked at the headless body sitting perfectly still, the brunette looked in fascination and contempt as she studied her.

She had read up on Dullahan’s before but actually seeing one was another story in and of itself. Instead of the flesh wound, she expected to see from the grotesque nub of her neck, it was… empty. It looked black like there wasn’t even anything inside of her. However… the floating smoke seemingly rising from her neck was enough to cause a shiver to travel down her spine. She didn’t have a clue what any of that was.

‘S-S-So, c-creepy…’ Shuddering in disgust, the shrunken girl looked away as she tried to ignore what was going on behind her. She didn’t want to see any more. Hell, she’d like to forget it if she could. Tying off the end of the gauze over Casey’s neck, Kari nodded before gently stitching it into her skin, complaints aside.

“H-Hey, watch it! That stings! At least kiss it and make it better or something, you’re ah nasty Doctor!” Plucking the girls head up much to her surprise, the younger girl scowled before pushing it back in place. “Hold still, I don’t want to mess up.” Closing her eyes, Casey bit her tongue as she let her friend work on her.

She had learned from experience that having to redo all this work from scratch could be painful… Wrapping the bindings around and around, the younger girl laced light stitches into her skin every so often before finally tying off the final strips of gauze and stitching them together once again. Adding a final layer to keep the one below in place, the sandy blonde nodded before looking back at the older girl.

“Alright, how does it feel?” Opening her eyes back up, the scowl that had been present before returned before the redhead began twisting and cracking her neck… somehow. “Yep, feels good doc, nice job.” Casey grinned cheekily before patting the younger girl’s head. “I’ll try to keep my head away from tweedle bitch and tweedle cunt next time so you don’t have to do this again.”

Giggling, Kari nodded before looking back to Abby who had been turned away this whole time. “Alright, are you two ready to go out? It’s still early enough in the morning so hopefully, nobody’s outside yet. The cover of the dawn should be enough for you two to move around unnoticed… I think.”

Smirking from the doubt that always laced her friend's words, Casey nodded to the younger girl before moving back to the table. “We’ll be quick about it. Like I said, I don’t want to be around, it, any longer than I have to.” She whispered spitefully before extending her hand down to the shrunken girl for her to climb onto.

Turning around slowly, Abby looked up at the redhead before whimpering. “GET ON ALREADY!” Cringing, the brunette took a few shaky steps forward before screaming in fright as she was shoved forward. “Jeez, take your fucking time why doncha…” She muttered bitterly before clutching the smaller girl gently… sort of.

Raising her hand to protest, Kari soon lowered it before looking down sadly as she saw her friend leaving the cavern. She had given her, her word… She just had to believe in her friend, and hopefully, Abby would come back safely in one piece.

She just prayed that Ebon didn’t find out she was still alive. One way or another… if she did, then the brunette was as good as dead…


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Sitting still on the redhead's shoulder, Abby was silent as she felt her fear rising by the second. Ever since they left the cave, she had been blindfolded, and now she didn’t even know where she was. It was still dark outside, and the Dullahan hadn’t said a single thing since they began walking. All she knew for certain was that they were near water, she could feel the dampness in the air.

Cupping her hands tightly the little brunette tried to calm her nerves but it was just no use. She was scared stiff. Kari and Nya… while she didn’t truly trust them, she at least had their bargain to keep her alive. There was no such pact made between Casey and her. What did she have to keep her safe, her word?

‘Yeah, like I’d ever trust a Monster to keep its word…’ She just had to keep praying that their little trip would be over quick before the volatile girl grew too fed up with her. “Alright, we’re far enough away.” Screeching as she was touched from behind, Abby almost screamed before calming somewhat as she realized it was just her blindfold being removed by the giantess.

Narrowing her eyes darkly, Casey pocketed the petite scrap of fabric before crossing her arms. “Now, tell me just where the fuck we are so we can get this over with.” She muttered bitterly. Sniffling, the teenager looked around slowly before noticing the road they were on. It looked familiar, but she wished there was a sign there for guidance. She didn’t leave her town very often.

“W-Well… I think this is harbor road. I-If you follow it south you should reach Darrowford in at least a miles time.” Nodding wordlessly, the little redhead began walking as she crossed her arms behind her head. Eying the child mutely, Abby continued to shiver as she looked at the white fabric beside her. After seeing what lay beneath it, she had been unnerved to be this close to the girl ever since.

Who knew what horrible stuff might claw its way out! Averting her eyes, the smaller girl chose to watch the country road instead. Hopefully, she would find the proper way for them to go so she knew her direction better. She didn’t want to prolong this experience either…

As time passed by between both girls, the sun slowly began to shine as it broke dawn over the horizon. Eying the morning light, Abby sighed silently before closing her eyes. She liked watching the sunrise… though, usually, it was through her small porthole of a window in her tiny room. ‘I wonder if she likes it too…’

Blinking slowly, Abby scrunched her eyes before looking up at Casey. Where did that thought come from? Licking her lips to wet them, the shrunken girl opened her mouth wordlessly before mustering up the courage to speak. “D-Do… do you like-““Not another word.”

Jumping from the harsh tone next to her, Abby cringed before looking up into the Monster’s narrowed eyes. “Don’t ask me stuff. Don’t talk to me unless it’s important to our goal. And don’t act like we’re friends, buddies, chums, acquaintances, partners, or any of the other fucking terms that criteria fall under. I hate ya… and I don’t want to get to know ya. Ya got it Human?”

Her words were dark, a hint of malice laced beneath them. Glaring back at her, Abby nodded before turning away herself. She was right… they weren’t friend. She didn’t need to act like she was a person. She knew better by now. They had a similar objective, nothing more nothing less.

Sitting in absolute silence for the rest of the journey, it was about thirty minutes later, the sun now in the sky if barely breaking the threshold sending a small trail of dimmed light to guide them. Raising her head as a small distance came into view, the brunette smiled slowly as she made out the outline of her village. They had been going the right way after all.

‘Finally…’ Now they just needed to grab what they needed and leave before to many people saw them. She considered the possibility of attempting to get someone’s attention whilst they were there but that idea left as quick as it came. She was three or so inches tall, and in the possession of Monsters…  What odds did a villager have against a Dullahan when even Monster hunters and Knights fear beings as powerful as she?

No… she would play her cards carefully and help the little witch. Then, then she could return to her old life… hopefully…  Approaching the small town, Casey eyed the dreary village before shivering. She really didn’t want to go into any more human settlements. She hated them with a passion after all.

Taking a few steps forward, the redhead sighed before adjusting herself to a more casual pace as to not draw attention. Thankfully it didn’t seem like too many people were out yet. Eyeing the different people carrying goods around, the Dullahan scowled bitterly.

“Alright, talk… where the fucks this shop Kari found. I don’t know how the hell she did it, but all these places look so fucking similar it’s impossible for me to tell.” She muttered under her breath so only Abby could hear her words. Ignoring the slander to her town, the teenager pointed forward.

“Just go two streets down and make a left. It’s close to the center of town. Anyone with half a brain will be able to see which one it is… then again…” Stomping her foot angrily, Casey reached for the shrunken girl before gripping her own hand tightly to restrain herself. “Fuck you, ya ganky bitch!” She snarled before storming down the street in frustration.

Biting back her smirk, Abby sighed as she felt her heart beating quicker. That felt good, foolish, but good. Turning the corner like she had told her to, the brunette’s eyes traveled over to her Master’s shop before her eyes lit up. “There it is! Home sweet… h-home…?”

Eying the build quietly, Casey paused her walk before stopping altogether as she saw people moving in and out of it. “The fuck? Didn’t you say your owner was gone or some shit?” Scowling, Abby nodded as she ignored the rude way she put it. Something was off. There was no way he was back yet… so, who were all these people?

“Go find out what’s going on. Somethings not right here.” “ARE YE AWAY WITH THE FAIRIES?! There’s not a chance I’m just futtin' it over there and introducing meself to you Humans. Ya think I got a death wish!” She barked angrily.

Furrowing her brow as she pieced together what she meant from her obscure turn of phrase, Abby looked up at her sternly. “Do you want to help your Kitsune! Hmm? Then march over there and go see what’s going on! I… I have a bad feeling about this, ok…” Grinding her teeth, Casey looked up at the people once more before punching the building beside her.

“Fuck you… you’re a pain in the arse ya know that?” She was really getting pissed off now. This wasn’t part of the plan! Pulling her black collar up a bit higher so the shrunken girl couldn’t be seen, Casey began walking over towards the group of people before looking around at the small crowd.

The door to the building was wide open, and people were coming in and going out with supplies seemingly helping themselves. Observing in silence, the redhead looked to one of the men trying to make his way inside before she walked up to him begrudgingly.

“'Hey mister, what’s everyone doin here? Isn’t it kind of early?” Turning his head confused, the lanky fellow took one look at the child before scoffing. “Go on back home lass, this ain’t none of ya business. Some shop keep left his place, and he ain’t coming back.” Narrowing her eyes, Casey crossed her arms before looking around at all the people…

It was slowly becoming clearer just what was happening here. “So the owner left, ay? So why did he leave all his stuff jus lying aroun? And why doncha think he’ll be coming back? I reckon he’ll be mad to seeing his place all a sundered.”

Pushing the child away, the man ignored her inquiries as he rushed into the building followed by many others. Tugging on her collar, the redhead looked down to make sure her little stowaway had heard all that before freezing up. Watching in absolute silence, Abby cupped her mouth as she watched the scene in front of her in disbelief.

This… this wasn’t real. This couldn’t be real. I-I-It had to be a dream… There was no way these people would just… be taking things from him. No, not to her Master! Seeing the silent shock the brunette was in, Casey sighed before stepping past the crowds to make her way inside. Looking around, her eyes hardened now as she saw the chaotic mess she had walked into.

The floors were cracked, walls and windows were broken and torn. And miscellaneous items and oddities were cast aside and shattered on the floor in a rush as people carried items out of the abandoned building. Shaking her head slowly, Casey pulled her collar open once again so Abby got a good look around.

“S-S-Stop… w-why… why a-are you all, doing this…?” It was but a faint whisper but the Dullahan heard her all the same. Moving towards one of the people currently lifting a small iron-bound chest upwards, the redhead tapped his shoulder. “Hey, where did the doc go? Isn’t he coming back?” Scoffing, the man grunted as he pulled the heavy object up to his shoulder before turning away.

“Who cares kid, just look around? This place is a gold mine. It’s the old paddy’s fault for leaving it all. Shame on him, and on his lass.” He laughed before walking away from her. Standing in the midst of it all, Casey was solemn as she watched them. This came as no surprise to her at all. She knew what Humans were capable of after all… but to Abby…

Raising her shaking hand forward, the brunette opened and closed her mouth as she tried to speak, tried to say something… tried to stop them... but she was just to stunned by what was happening before her. Her home… her Master’s shop… their life! It was being pillaged… ransacked before her very eyes… and these people, the people her Master helped… the ones he looked after, they were doing it to him.

This was wrong… this was his Village! Gritting her teeth, Abby glared angrily at all the people moving about the shop but, she just didn’t know how to process this. “Monsters… heh, and you thought we were them.” Freezing up, the smaller girl looked up sullenly at the redheads darkened face. "Greed is a nasty desire... its contagious, and disgusting. You Humans seem to harbor it more often then naught, though. Shame.... ain't it?"

Moving around the shop as she searched herself, the Dullahan soon came to one of the cabinets that hadn’t been completely destroyed or pilfered as she gazed over dozens of small vials. “Hey, Human… which one is it? Is this the stuff you need?” Looking down at Abby angrily as she didn’t respond, Casey flicked the smaller girl knocking her down in the process.

“Hey! Get it together here. We need to get what we came for and get the fuck out!” She snapped… however… Lowering her gaze, the younger girl bit her tongue as she saw tears streaming down the shrunken girl's cheeks. She could tell this was killing her on the inside. Clenching her fists, the redhead cursed before pulling open Kari’s bag.

Forcing as many items in as she could, the redhead nodded as she saw one in particular that looked promising. “This, is this it! It has that flower on it you need, right? Right! For fuck's sake, answer me!” Casey snapped. Looking down slowly as the world around her deafened, Abby gazed at the small vial in the giantess’s hand before nodding slowly.

That was the Dandelion extract… But what did it matter… Stuffing it into the bag altogether, Casey nodded before getting up to leave. However… hearing a faint whimpering near her right ear, she paused mid-step before looking down at Abby… she was crying.

Tsking, she shook her head before walking out of the shop… but… Stopping near the entrance once again, the redhead bit her lip before growling angrily. “Fuckin hell…” Storming back in, she began traversing the building, avoiding the human’s around her as best she could as she searched. This was the humans home right? She had to have some kind of a room.

Heading up the stairs, Casey soon came to a small door before pulling it open. But, just like the rest of the building… it had been pilfered. Judging by the clothing tossed aside, she assumed it was the right room, though. But... it didn't seem like there was very much left for her to salvage. Looking over the small cubby, the redhead was about to shut the door before something caught her attention. Something was sticking out from under the mattress-less bedframe.

Kneeling down so she didn’t toss the vacant girl off her, the Dullahan reached under before pulling… a book out? Standing back up, her brow furrowed as she flipped it over. Inside, was writing, and sketches of… Narrowing her eyes, the younger girl flipped it around as she read some of its contents. Sighing, she moved it over to her bag before pausing once more.

“I-Is there something here you want me to grab for you…? Something else?” Hearing nothing but the pitiful tears the Human was still making, Casey shook her head. “Useless…” Storming down the steps, the redhead ignored the people once again before forcing her way outside the building and eventually out of the town.


This place… it was making her sick to her stomach. And after what they witnessed, it probably felt the same to her…



To be continued…



Chapter End Notes:


Well... that escalated quickly. I can't wait to get to the next chapter, :D

Please tell me what you think. the reviews I've gotten over the last couple chapters have made me feel like i'm on cloud nine :)


thats probably the reason i'm writing so much :P


So, i'll see you soon!


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