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What Big Eyes You Have

Shifting inside the orange plastic pill bottle, Oliver did his best to secure himself from bouncing around in Sersei’s purse. After she cleaned him up, she had placed him in the empty bottle to ferry him. She had openly discussed sliding him down the front of her panties and transporting him that way, but decided against it on account of she wanted him presentable to meet her grandmother.

Once the purse stopped moving, he could hear the sounds of voices, one belonging to Sersei, the other unfamiliar to him.

“I have my little one,” Sersei crowed.

“What in the heavens are you doing here then girl?” asked the unfamiliar voice.

“I REALLY wanted to have a bath,” Sersei expressed, drawing out the word really.

“Well, let us have a look at your new toy,” urged the other speaker.

Reaching into her purse, Sersei brought out the smallish pill container. Carefully removing him from the plastic tube, Sersei set him and the container down on the coffee table. “Oliver, this is my grandmother Eleanor, grandmother, this Oliver,” she introduced. “I’ll leave the two of you to get acquainted while I get the water ready,” she said, clapping her hands together and bounding off.

Getting to his feet, Oliver brushed his hands over his body as he looked to the extremely attractive woman seated on the ornate looking chesterfield. Her brown hair swept back, she obviously maintained herself and took some pride in her appearance.

Leaning forward, arms resting across her thighs, “You are certainly a handsome little dickens aren’t you?” the woman asked, smiling down on him.

Was this her grandmother? Trying to win Sersei over with his charm, Oliver was too heavily invested to break character, so he swallowed his sarcastic indictment of the older woman and said, “I can certainly see where Sersei gets her incredible beauty from.” He hoped the smile on his face appeared more sincere than it felt. How many boys had she stolen the lives from to look so good? He wanted to throw Cam’s name at her and make her feel the fate she had consigned to her grandson. There was no point.

 “Flatterer,” the woman accused, a twinkle in her eye.

“It’s not flattery if it’s true,” he countered.

“So you are the little scamp who caused the ruckus at your harvest,” she said with an amused half-smile.

Oliver spreads his hands and tried to look sheepish, “The whole process was, let’s say, a little overwhelming,” he voiced.

Eyes looking toward the door out of the room, “You should consider yourself fortunate she collected you before others did,” she said.

Choking back on the venomous jab forming on his lips, “I sure am lucky,” he said, smiling. Did she really think him dimwitted enough to actually think he shoulder consider himself lucky? If she did, she hid it behind her perfect mask.

Almost as if reading his mind, “You are not a very good liar,” she accused, the smile on her face turning wry.

Evaluating her, he shook his head slowly, “What boy wouldn’t jump at the chance to spend some time with your amazing granddaughter?” he asked.

“After your shenanigans at the sorority, I am finding your docile little show her somewhat circumspect so why don’t cut the shit,” she suggested.

Eyes narrowing, he knew she saw right through his game. “You want to cut the shit? Okay, where do we start, oh I know, maybe your grandson, his name was Cameron and by now whatever he once was or ever aspired to be has turned to shit. And if your darling peach of a granddaughter doesn’t kill me chasing another orgasm, then next sister in line, or the one after that will. So if you think maybe I’m not conveying a deep enough sense of gratitude to Sersei, I’m sorry,” he spat back, the rant feeling good.

Rewarding him with a smile, “Well said,” she replied, bringing her hands together.

He wanted to tell her to go fuck herself, but even after all he had been through, thought it ungentlemanly, so instead, gave her a mocking smile.

“Speaking of Cameron, I heard he collapsed in on himself like a cheap tent. Disappointing really, the feisty ones are always the most fun,” she purred.

What could he say to that?

“I don’t know if Sersei is aware of your lineage, but you have no idea what I wouldn’t give for a couple of hours with Edith Frost’s biological grandson,” she added, the gleam in her eyes menacing and filled with deadly promise.

Would Sersei pass him off to the old girl? Before he could retort with something clever, a knock sounded from the front door.

Eleanor held his eyes a moment longer. “I wonder who that could be?” she asked, curling her the fingers of her right hand around him and squeezing tightly enough to force the air from his lungs. “One moment,” she called out, picking up the pill bottle and shuffling him inside before sealing the cap above his head. Setting the bottle on the table, she got to her feet and departed the room.

When she returned, she was with another woman. Through the curved side of his containment, the plastic not thick enough to distort the image, Oliver could see the woman clearly. She was different, and not just in appearance. Though tinted orange, he could tell her hair was light, probably almost white or silver and there were no lines in her stunningly attractive face. She looked to be about the same age as Sersei, but he got the very disturbing sense she was like Edith and much, much older than she appeared to be.

Taking a seat, she looked at the bottle standing out on the polished table. “Hello little one,” she greeted, a hint of the smile on her perfect lips touching her eyes as she tapped the plastic cap atop the bottle.

Inside his prison, Oliver bowed respectfully.

Picking up the bottle with her right hand, the woman pressed down on the lid and removed the cap, tilting it enough to allow Oliver to crawl into her left palm.

A hint of some scented lotion touched his nostrils as he crawled out onto the smooth flesh. Her long straight hair was mostly silver, streaks of white through it. Her eyes caught his attention, as they seemed to scintillate and subtly change in color.

Bringing him closer to her face, “And who might you be?” she asked, eyes sparkling.

“Oliver Haynes,” he replied, “and you?”

The woman’s brows rose. “Oliver? Well now isn’t this a treat. A Frost by any other name,” she said with a beaming smile, a hint of mint on her warm breath as she spoke.

Getting to his feet, “Who are you?” he asked.

The woman looked at Eleanor and then back to Oliver before smiling, “You may call me Sabina,” she offered.

Sersei appeared in the room, spotted the woman and immediately drew to a halt, hands clasped in front of her, eyes down cast, “I’m sorry to intrude, I did not realize you were here Proavia,” she voiced, there was a note of concern in her voice.

Eyes on Oliver, “Think nothing of it, I am here for the McCready harvest tonight and decided to drop in because I was in town. I was just getting to know young mister, Haynes you said right?”

Oliver nodded. Judging by the way this woman carried herself and the behavior both Eleanor and Sersei displayed, she was someone with some stroke within the sorority. He did not know the word or title Sersei used, Proavia.

“Um, may I?” Sersei asked, smiling meekly and looking at Oliver.

Sabina chuckled, “Of course dear, why don’t you go enjoy your pet,” she offered, extending the hand with Oliver. “Your mother and I shall attend to the curious young man skulking around the outside of the house.”



Chapter End Notes:

Next chapter, Oliver and Sersei aquatic excursion...

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