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Empty Handed

Sitting at the table in the kitchen, fingers tented, Sersei’s frustration bordered on downright anger. Her group scoured the second floor, practically turning it upside down and finding no further trace of Oliver. Nothing. Judging by the look of barely contained rage in Cerys’ icy blue eyes, Sersei surmised the second group achieved a similar lack of results.

Leaning against the edge of the counter near the sink, “He might have doubled back and returned to the first floor,” Cerys stated, nodding more to herself than the other girls assembled in the kitchen.

“Why don’t we look?” offered Acacia, earning a deathly glower from Cerys.

It didn’t feel right to Sersei. He was on the second floor and he just eluded them, somehow. She felt it.

Vesper appeared in the kitchen, “Well?” she inquired, the hope tone in her voice matching the look on her face.

Sersei shook her head, the expression on her face conveying the disappointment she felt.

A small smile appeared on Vesper’s face, “Crafty little fellow our Oliver,” she commented as Allie walked in.

Looking to the reigning president of Omega Pi, “We need to search the main floor,” Cerys declared, folding her arms under her sizable breasts.

Turning her head to look at Vesper, Allie frowned.

“While you and Sersei were upstairs tearing it apart, we were looking down here,” Vesper replied, spreading her hands and shrugging her shoulders.

Brow furling deeper, “Everywhere? He could be anywhere down here, under the stove, behind the fridge, anywhere,” Cerys growled, pointing at the appliances.

Addressing Sersei, “How thorough did you search your rooms upstairs?” Acacia asked.

Turning to look at the freshmen, a menacing smile appeared at the corner of Sersei full-lipped mouth, “We practically turned the rooms we went into inside out and did twice as many as you guys did,” she replied.

Turning to scowl at Acacia, “Need you be reminded of your position here in the house?” Cerys challenged.

“Thank you,” Sersei acknowledged.

Allie raised her hands, “Yes, thank you Cerys, Sersei, for reminding us this isn’t a competition and there is no point going at each other. We all have the same mission in mind, finding Oliver.”

“To that end, what do we do next?” Sersei inquired.

Stepping into the room “If I may?” Edith Frost offered.

“Please by all means,” Allie acknowledged, surrendering the floor.

Smiling at the girls, she spread her hands, “First off, let me provide some measure of reassurance for you,” she started. “This is hardly the first time a little has gotten loose inside an Omega house and I can promise you it won’t be the last,” she added with a chuckle.

“Small comfort,” Allie said sheepishly.

“I know some of you have been searching since the completion of the ritual last eve and are functioning on depleted batteries, so I suggest you get some rest. All of the doors have been adequately blocked on the second floor and time is a luxury that is on your side at the moment,” she offered.

Cold blue eyes flashing defiantly, “Do nothing?” Cerys challenged, a frown pulling down the corners of her mouth.

Edith shook her head, “Now it seems completely obvious to me this little fellow possesses an industrious nature by virtue of the efforts he has made to equip himself and his initial success securing a meager amount of water. He may even be enjoying a small modicum of short-lived confidence based on temporarily eluding your best efforts to locate him. But,” she paused, turning in the spot to make sure she shared a moment of eye contact with each of the girls, “he is small and alone, and afraid. Patience is one your side. I have seen in other cases where once the hunger and dehydration set in, the little has willingly surrendered himself.”

“We tried to encourage him to come out, highlighting the exact things you’ve pointed out,” Sersei informed.

“As did we,” Cerys added, nodding her head.

Miss Frost nodded solemnly, “We have no way of knowing what damning things he may have witnessed or what things he might have overheard so I very much doubt he would be easily lured out by false promises or inducements,” she stated. “No, once he feels his stomach feeding on itself and the lack of water begins to tax his little body, when the realization hope itself has abandoned him, he will become more desperate, more inclined to take risk.”

“So you say we should just wait him out?” clarified Sersei, gnawing on the inside of her cheek.

“No, I’m saying you need to get your rest. After that, I would encourage you to search again, high and low. Anywhere you think he could go, any place he might fit,” Edith replied.

“What about the possibility he might have tried to sneak back down the stairs to the main floor? The doors down here aren’t blocked,” queried Acacia, piping up.

Edith chuckled softly, “Given the desperate nature of his original flight, I think has now had time to consider his situation. I strongly feel it counter intuitive and highly improbable he would risk circling back down the stairs. The span is too long and they are too wide open. He’s still up there in one of those rooms, hiding,” she said with a predatory smile.

Mirroring the thought, Sersei nodded. She was beyond tired. Maybe Miss Frost’s idea was right, maybe they just needed to get some shuteye, come back at the situation rested and recharged? Turning to look at Cerys, “What do you say? Grab some rest and start over, this time me, you, and Harmony room to room looking everywhere?” she offered.

Cerys nodded slowly, “Acacia and Teagan on the stairs,” she added.

Sersei nodded. “Small proof our rooms in the interim, lift cords and such to eliminate hiding spots?”

“Yes,” agreed the dark haired girl.

Holding up her right hand, “Know this, after your rest, I shall grant this house one day, a span of twenty four hours to capture little Oliver. If you do not find him in that time, I shall become involved and then I will invoke Prima Eligendo,” Edith Frost declared.

Heart sinking, “After the rest?” Sersei asked, seeking clarification.

Edith nodded slowly, confirming not only the blonde girl’s worst fear, but also dark haired Cerys.

Harmony wasn’t quite sure how she felt. If they found him, he would go to Sersei then Cerys and if he survived then to her. If not, he would go to Edith Frost. Torn, she was unsure about her feelings.


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