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The survivors of the BRIPAC paratrooper brigade volunteer for the mission, sir. - Said Captain Miró.

I knew it. - Thought Lieutenant Eric Bravo. - The old bastard is either too crazy or too brave.

Eric was too professional to voice his concern, but they had just volunteered for the mother of all suicide missions.

General Salamanca seemed pleased and proud to have volunteers from the brigade. He handed an envelope to Captain Miró, saluted and left without a word. Everyone knew what was coming next. Since it became clear they were no match for the Goddess, what little remained of the armed forces was on constant alert so in a few minutes, the whole company was ready and getting briefed in the hangar. A hundred, fully-equipped paratroopers were watching TV screens showing a recording of the Goddess. Eric's head was spinning, they were so unbelievably tiny compared to her.

In the video, taken by the Olympus observers, you could see the Goddess getting dressed and about to leave the room. On the floor by the door there was a pair of flat shoes, underwear, socks and close to all that, a city that looked more like a gray stain. As she passed by it, the Goddess squatted and smiled. She reached out with her hand and flattened most of the city with a finger. The soldiers shuddered at the sight. With that simple gesture tens of thousands of lives were taken.

Then the video was replayed, this time they were told to pay attention to the Goddess' handbag. You could see clearly how her phone fell from the side pocket of the bag when she was destroying the city. The device fell right inside one of the ballerinas of the Goddess and she did not seem to notice.

This is our mission. - Said Captain Miró. - We estimate that we have four hours to hack the phone and contact the outside world for help.

Telecommunications stopped working when the Goddess shrank half the world and put it in her bedroom. This was the opportunity they were waiting for. At least those who had not yet become fanatical followers of the Goddess.

We must not fail. - Continued the captain. - This very morning she sacrificed half a million fanatics for her pleasure.

Everyone had seen the news, rescue shuttles had barely picked up a handful of survivors.

We'll fly in an A400M and jump in the shoe. It will be a HALO jump (High Altitude, Low Opening) of more than 10 kilometers in free fall, once we get to the phone we'll have to connect one of these devices and contact HQ so the tech guys can get to work. Said Miró showing a device the size of a car radio.

They all knew it was suicide, they were going to jump over a kilometers tall ballerina shoe to tinker with the phone of the Goddess. Everyone was afraid, but nobody said anything.

Any questions? Good, let's move!

The flight was done in complete radio silence to prevent any sabotage attempts by the fanatics. The paratroopers were nervous but they did not show it. They knew that escaping the shoe would be nearly impossible even if their mission was successful but what bothered them was getting caught by the Goddess, she had a special talent for cruelty.

They could all hear Captain Miró's voice inside their helmets.

"20 minutes"
"10 minutes, activate GPS"
"5 minutes, get ready"
Then he said: "God creator, you are in the air, embrace us, heal our wounds and pick up our soul"


Amen They all said

The hundred paratroopers were positioned, they were equipped with altimeter, GPS, G36 rifle, USP 9mm pistol, oxygen tank and nearly thirty kilos of survival gear in the backpack. None of that would make a difference but it was their duty to be prepared for anything.

We are only missing a screw. - Thought Eric.

The tailgate of the A400M opened and a red signal started blinking on the side of the door.






And they jumped.

The sight was breathtaking, it was like a map but seeing the ruins of flattened cities inside footprints was just crazy. The hundred soldiers fell, directing their fall toward the shoe that had the giant phone inside.

Some turned their heads and watched as the transport plane turned around and returned to base. They were alone.

The ballerina shoe was close. They were almost over the edge and still in free fall toward the phone. Then the moment they opened their parachutes. The Goddess opened the door.




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