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“Y’know you’ve actually been doing really well,” I heard my girlfriend say from a distance.  But what was I really doing for her, I wondered?  Was it only for her kicks, or did she feel it, I wondered.

I lean my whole nude, sweaty body with all of my size and leverage into the sole of her gigantic right foot.  She rests the foot with her toes standing up above me, wriggling invitingly just above my head… I think I could reach them if I only reached up high enough, so I try.  I wrap my left hand around the second toe and my right hand on the middle toe, and Lisa lifts me up just enough to dangle me off the ground.  I scream a moment and curse like crazy.  “Lisa!!!” I scream, as she lifts her foot up higher, and higher, and higher off the ground.  “No, please!  Stop, I told you I was scared of heights!  Please!”  Lisa frowned, stretching her foot down to the ground and letting her captive rest on her carpet.  

“You’re being no fun, Scott…” she says softly to her boyfriend as she settles her foot down, her shrunken boyfriend in tow, back down on the open landscape of her mattress.  In turn, Scott releases his grasp on the toes and sits down, resting himself for a moment.  Looking up and out, past the giant foot he had just been massaging, he could see his giantess girlfriend texting on her phone.

“She’s always texting,” Scott grumbled privately to himself, “even when we’re playing giantess games.”

“I don’t feel you on my feet little man,” Lisa spoke sternly, not even looking up from the phone.  Scott almost saw this as an insult, but didn’t dare stop servicing his goddess’s feet.  He slides back to his feet, brings his body into the giant sole in front of him, and puts all of his energy into grasping and squeezing at the nearly eight foot tall wall of flesh.  He tried to ignore the dirt and grime that have collected over the day in a scattered dust, but the crystalline fragments are more apparent at his pathetic size.  

This was when the knock on the door came.

There’s nothing more humbling for poor Scott than what Lisa puts his through with her daughter Sandra.  As an eleven year old girl, she’s young enough that Scott hoped he might be able to integrate himself as a father figure into the household, and potentially even be taken seriously in the event that Scott and Lisa might marry.  He didn’t see a way for it to work if the girl spent time with her future step-daddy as a tiny.  Scott watched with horror as she slid off off the bed, getting ready to walk toward the bedroom door.

“No baby, please don’t!”  Scott pleaded with Lisa, but she ignored his pleas and walked over to the bedroom door.  All he could do was find a place to hide at the foot of the mattress as Lisa turned the door know and casually opened the door.

Scott watched with horror as he saw little Sandra come into view.  She was a small girl for her age, not quite 4’5, right around sixty pounds, and just turned 11 years old last month.  With her auburn colored hair, flowing down in waves down the olive colored skin of her back, she looks much like her mother does now, only diminutive and much less developed.  Her beautiful face, and good looks for her age suggested that one day she will be a beauty, but for now she is just a pretty little girl scared by a bad dream she just had.

“Shhhh baby,” Lisa says softly, wrapping her arms around her little girl and lifting her up easily into her arms.  She cradles her little girl and looks over to her shrunken boyfriend, who she sees on her bed scattering under the blankets at the base of the mattress, running for dear life.  Lisa assumes that it might be safe to keep her baby in the room with her for awhile.  “It was just a dream baby, you know there are no monsters in your room sweety.”

The young girl pouts incessantly, pressing his little face into her’s neck as she’s held.  “Can I stay in here with you tonight, momma?”  

Scott hears the question from Sandra from underneath the bedsheets and starts to get nauseaus with concern.  “Please no…” he says to himself, deeply concerned.  From his place at the base of the bed, he can look up to see the giantess Lisa holding her also gigantic daughter.  From his perspective, Sandra looks nearly as intimidating as her mother.  She’s in her favorite Barbie-themed nightshirt, her bare tanned legs and feet exposed completely from the base.  From what Scott estimates his height to be after being shrunk by Lisa, he would estimate that Sandra is approximately nine times his size, and that based on his normal height of 6’1, she looks to be nearly 50 feet tall, and all the more imposing given the inability to guess what the girl might do if she saw him.  Scott gulped down hard as he saw Lisa carry her daughter over to the bed, and set her down.  The young girl sat upright next to her momma as Scott continued to watch nervously just a few feet away at the base of the bed.

“You can stay here with momma for just a little while, but we need to take you back to bed soon ok?”  Sandra looked up at her momma, tears still running down her flush cheeks, and nodded.  Meanwhile, Lisa adjusts the bedsheets slightly, wrapping herself in them, but being careful not to expose her boyfriend, who lay quietly and patiently toward her feet.  Lisa sets her daughter down besides her, and then slides her feet down right near where she knew Scott was hiding.  

Scott could sense from the scent coming from further up the bed that Sandra’s feet were not too far away either… he tensely crawled over to Lisa’s gigantic right sole and got back to work, wrapping his arms around any flesh he could grab, and kissing into the giant sole before him.  With any luck, Lisa would walk her daughter back to her bedroom and by the morning, everything would be completely normal.  Worshipping Lisa’s feet, he knew, would only improve his chances of remaining unseen by Sandra.



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