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Author's Chapter Notes:

Contains: violent, soft/hard vore.

    Satisfied that no one would be able to leave the city, Tresdin watched over it, wondering what she would do next. Her stomach made the decision for her when she realized how hungry she was. She had not eaten while on the battle field. All the work she had done made her hungry, and she needed energy to rest. Keeping her muscles in top condition required her to have a high protein diet, and she had in front of her a city filled with one of the best sources of the nutrient.

She looked around for a place where she could get a good bunch of them, as she didn't want her meal to delay her too much. Seeing an airport in the distance, she thought that the building and planes should contain a lot of people.  She started heading there, but a moving vehicule below her caught her eye. "This should whet my appetite", Tresdin said as she reached down and grabbed a bus. Peeking inside, she saw the tinypeople scream in horror. Smiling, she answered their cries : "Oh, there is nothing to be scared about. After all, today is the day your lives finally have meaning. You will all have the privilege of being part of something greater. You will serve your goddess longer than most."    

That being said, she teared the roof from the bus and let the people fall into her hand. She grabbed a plump woman from the lot and observed her wiggle between her fingers struggling to be free. "So weak", the giantess taunted, "your body is simply pathetic. You're wasting such a gift being lazy and sitting on your fat ass all day. The way I see it, you should be thanking me. After all, I'm making you a favor since, in a way, you'll have a great body in no time!"

The woman could only cry from the abuse, when she suddenly felt her breath being forced out of her and a painful pressure from the giant fingers. Looking at the giantess, she saw her frowning. Tresdin told her : "What part of 'You should be thankingme' do you not understand? Are you slow as well?" "Th-Thank you" the woman said, shaking and fighting to relieve the pressure. "'Thank you' who?" asked Tresdin, not removing any pressure and visibly enjoying the power she held over the woman and the show she was giving the others. "Thank you... goddess?" tried the woman.

The pressure lessened, but she was rapidly stripped from her clothes and moved upward."You're damn right. Now do your job." With that, she opened her mouth and let the woman fall on her tongue. Tresdin closed her mouth and played with the woman with her tongue. She licked her, enjoying the salty taste of her skin. The flavor quickly dissipated, so she brought her tongue to her palate, slowly building up the pressure until the woman bursted. "Fuck, they're good", she thought to herself." Just like a miniature piece of tender red meat, fat and juicy on top." After savoring her food, she swallowed it, a content expression on her face. 

Grabbing about half of the people remaining in her hand, she threw them in her mouth, deciding this time to chew her food. Biting in a handful of bodies, she quite liked the texture, which was tender at first with a crunchy center. None of them were as juicy as the woman from before, but together they filled her mouth with a strongflavor. After having chewed her food thoroughly, all that was remaining was a red paste. She swallowed it, happy to give her muscle a good dose of protein.    

The people left in her hand were panicking. They had just seen the others being crushed by her teeth, leaving them scared for their lives. Seeing this, she smiled at them, some of her teeth red with blood. "Don't be scared", she told them, "Today is your lucky day. I've decided that I'd let you live." The people seemed to calm down for a moment. Their respite was short-lived as they rapidly went up and were thrown in her mouth. Tresdin played with her food for a bit, catching the morsels with her tongue and bringing the dozens of people on her tongue. Closing her eyes and raising her chin, she swallowed,sending them down her throat and into her stomach, alive. "I didn't say where I'd let you live", she added with a chuckle. "I'm sure you will all do fine in there. If you manage to live long enough, you can always leave by the other side and clean up while you're there."

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