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At this size, Andrew knew that he needed to be careful. Every decision he makes would have a direct impact on his survival, so careful forethought was of the utmost importance.

“What do I even do? I could look for somebody to help but I don’t even know where I am. I need to get out of this place and to somewhere that I can get help” he thought to himself. “A normal-sized person probably wouldn’t even notice me on the floor… maybe I need to find some place safe to come up with a plan.”

Andrew didn’t even know what the setup of this house was. He felt like a rat trapped in a maze, helplessly lost in an environment without an escape route. Realizing that standing around would not do him any good, he decided that he should explore the surroundings to find a better place to seek refuge. Looking around, Andrew was able to analyze his immediate surroundings. Behind him was a wall. Upon it hung a painting or picture - it was hard for him to make out what it was from his angle. He followed the wall with his eyes to find that it met with another adjacent wall about 50 feet away from him. This other wall had a large window, shutters closed blocking out most of the light, except that which trickled in through the spaces between the window slats. The wall on the opposite side of the room had a large couch up against it, and directly in front of it was a table. It appeared as though he was in a living room of sorts. Generic living room furniture filled the rest of the space, every object of which was of an enormous scale compared to Andrew.

Looking back along the wall behind him, he looked to see the giant pair of green TOMS shoes. Behind it was an even larger navy blue structure he recognized as being a backpack. It appeared to be one of the popular Herschel retreat bags. It was laying on its side, the flap opened and its contents exposed to Andrew. He marvelled at its contents - schoolbooks and an enormous water bottle lay inside. At his new perspective from 5 millimetres tall, even the simplest of items could be looked at in a new light. The wall of a kitchen counter extended past the backpack high above, Andrew recognized this based off of the appliances he could see on top of it.

From his observations, Andrew was presently in a living room of an apartment, attached directly to a kitchen likely with a bedroom and bathroom somewhere connected to the kitchen. Considering there was a giant backpack and pair of shoes on the ground, the inhabitant of the house was likely around. Andrew knew that if he felt so dwarfed by the giant household items, he would feel this even more so around a giant human. He decided that if he were to survive, it was essential that he avoid contact with such a person. Andrew looked across the room to the couch. There was a gap between it and the floor, approximately 10 centimetres high. He decided that this was likely the safest place he could hide among all of his immediate surroundings. With that, he began a long trek along the hardwood floor, praying that he make it to the other side before the giant arrived.







Monica fumbled around in her bag for her keys, feeling around the bottom blindly as she fought the wave of tiredness from her day. Fishing them out, she unlocked her apartment door and walked in. Closing it gently behind her, she walked down the hallway. Her apartment was small, having only a single bathroom and bedroom, and attached kitchen and living room, but it was big enough for her. She passed the doors to her bedroom and bathroom, walking straight to her kitchen. She continued along into the living room. Laying her bag down beside the wall-attached island separating her kitchen and living room, she slipped her feet out of her shoes and neatly placed them on the ground. Looking down, she could see her sweat glistening as footprints left on the smooth ground. A long day of classes had caused her feet to moisten, as was common when wearing canvas shoes. Monica walked to her bathroom where she decided to shower before her parents arrived.

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