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Andrew awoke to a pounding headache, one that hurt his frontal lobe so much that he could hardly open his eyes. Ringing filled his ears and an aching pain washed over his entire body preventing him from standing up.

"What the fuck happened to me?" he thought out loud. He was unable to gather his thoughts to figure out how he found himself in this position.

Using one hand to shield his eyes to prevent light from worsening his headache, Andrew used his other hand to steady himself as he attempted to stand up. He stumbled forward, still off his balance from the constant pounding in his head. Falling on his side, his body ached even more than it did previously. As he lay on the cold floor he tried to trace his thoughts back to where he may be and how he may have gotten here. Andrew opened his eyes to scan his new surroundings. The light blinded him momentarily, but as he regained his vision he found himself in what appeared to be an almost infinitely large room. The room was enclosed by four large walls, which stretched up for miles, taller than any building he had ever seen. The rest of the space was littered with enormous structures, too far away and distant for him to make out. The light was sourced from glowing structures along the ceiling. The ground beneath him was smooth and hard against his skin. The distinctive feeling of icy air-conditioned air washed over him, giving him goosebumps.

Andrew tried to rationalize these surroundings, but was unable to. He had never been in a space as expansive as this and the sheer enormity of the objects within it were unlike any human structure he had ever seen before. It appeared such that the room was devoid of any life.

"Am I dead?" Andrew thought to himself. "Maybe this is what happens after death."

As he scanned his surroundings, he observed a pair of large olive green objects in the distance. The bottoms were a thin layer of white foam and the top was a canvas-looking material. Andrew's heart began to race as he read the label of a tag at the middle of the shoe.


At this point, the foreign environment began to make sense. He wasn't in some far off land. He was in a house. The only problem was, he was the size of an insect. Judging by the size of the shoes, Andrew figured he stood at about 5 millimeters tall, insignificant compared to a normal sized human.

Monica sat impatiently in her final class of the day, eyes focused on the clock at the side of the lecture hall, she had spent her entire day in classes. What kept her going was the knowledge that it was Friday. She had only been back at school for one week from after her summer break, but the excitement of being off at school had worn off. She looked forward to unwinding at home before spending the weekend catching up with friends. Unfortunately, Monica’s relaxing weekend would not begin right away, as her parents had drove into town to visit her for the night. Her hometown was only six hours away, so her parents would occasionally make the drive down to visit her. Monica didn’t mind their visits, as they would bring food and buy her groceries from her hometown that were not available in the part of the state that her college was. She wasn’t, however, looking forward to hearing them go on about her grade point average and the importance of her academics. Being Indian-American parents, they held very high expectations of her and she appreciated the chance to get away from them while at college.

As the professor concluded the lecture, all the students got up and exited. Monica packed her notes into her bag and swung it over her shoulder, exiting the hall. She began her journey back home, where she would begin cleaning the house in advance of her parents’ arrival.

Chapter End Notes:

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