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Jill and Max walked side by side towards the road. Jill was no longer concerned about her nakedness. She was a Goddess and could be or do anything she desired.

The road to town had no traffic as it was midday now. As the walked Max's ears went up again, and his tail began to swish back and forth.

Jill soon saw why. A car was approaching. The driver must have been pre occupied because it kept coming towards them.

The young girl driving was indeed distracted as she adjusted her hair in the rearview mirror. When her eyes went back to the road she screamed and slammed on the brakes. She couldn't believe her eyes. A giant naked woman and a giant German Shepard dog in the road ahead.

The car skidded off the side of the road and came to a stop just a few feet from Jill's foot.

Max bent his head and sniffed the car. Jill squatted on her haunches and looked in on the panicking young girl.

The girl still screaming, opened the door and started running. Bad move. Max quickly brought a paw down on the little body, pinning her to the ground.

Jill moved closer to watch getting on her hands and knees. Jill was getting wet with sexual excitement knowing this was a living person that her dog was playing like a mouse.

Max lifted his paw and the girl tried to get up and run, but max swatted her again sending her sprawling.

Getting bored with the game, he casually bent his head and lapped the young teen into his mouth and began to chew.

Jill almost came as she watched her dog chomping down the little person. Her fingers had mindlessly wandered to her pussy and began to rub.It was then that she realized that she was hungry again. Hungry in more ways than one.

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