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“Get up the Crowned Prince is coming soon.” Baylor kicked one of the younger giants awake. His war band was not going to show their honored guest any form of disrespect on his watch. A quick glare was all that it took for the giants to finally get up.

“Why do you respect him so much? I mean the guy doesn’t even come up to our kneecaps.” The youngest giant there, Gardin, couldn’t understand how any giant could respect the smaller races. A few of the older giants just began laughing.

Baylor continued to look towards the forest, memories began flooding back to him. “The title of Bastior means that I am the greatest fighter of all our kin,” this much the other giants knew. The tales of Baylor’s feats were legendary. “Even knowing this, there are five things in this world that even I wouldn’t want to fight, and Prince Exia is one of those.”

This sobering thought was enough to silence the few disbelievers amongst the younger giants. As Baylor continued to wait a feminine hand gently touched his shoulder.

“What do you think that he would say if he knew that you made him out to be some sort of monster?”

A smile slowly crept across Baylor’s face as he turned to look over at his wife, Laura. Taking ahold of her hand, Baylor gave it a light squeeze; a rare act of affection that few had ever seen.

“I just want the men to respect him as much as I do.”

The giant couple was interrupted as a horn announced his arrival. Emerging through the forest came the Prince himself. To many he looked like a regular traveler except for the feeling of authority that radiated off him. Exia hadn’t even walked fifteen feet before shouting at the giants’ camp.

“Is someone going to pick me up or will I have to walk the rest of the way?”

At once both Baylor and Laura took off to pick up the Prince. It wasn’t the first time that Exia had been around giants, but it was always exhilarating as he watched each step to cause the ground underneath of him to shake. Within no time at all he was looking skyward to the couple before him.

“It is nice to see you again Baylor, and you are looking as lovely as ever Laura.” Exia fell backwards after feeling Laura pushing her hand gently against the back of his knees. Though still a warrior in her own right, Laura had much softer hands than those of her husband.

“We are thankful for your assistance you majesty.” Baylor formed a fist and hit it up against his chest as a sign of respect. The party began walking back to the main encampment. In a voice that only the two giants could hear, Exia began to whisper.

“I know that it’s customary, but once we are alone please drop all of the courtesy crap.” Nothing irked the prince more than for people to treat him differently because of his position.

“He only wants to make a good impression for the soldiers.” whispered Laura as she entered their private tent first.

The night was soon approaching and Exia wanted nothing more than to take a much deserved rest. So as to not cause him any discomfort Laura placed him on top of a make shift table. Both her and her husband sat on the ground so that the elf didn’t have to bend his neck just to speak to them.

“About the upcoming battle,” began Baylor before Exia cut him off.

“I know that you are a little nervous, but everything will turn out fine. We can talk about strategy in the morning, but until then I would like to rest and talk about some lighter topics.” Exia gladly excepted the mattress sized pillow that Laura offered him.

“There is one subject that we would like to talk about.” Exia could see Laura give her husband a nudge.

“And what is it?” the princes curiosity was now triggered. The two giants exchanged glances before Baylor started.

“After this war ends and I hand off my title as Bastior to a worthy successor; we were thinking about starting a small family.” Laura couldn’t help but smile at the thought.

“Don’t worry, my father is already talking to Daedalus and the old man is creating something that will help us end this war.”

“It’s not about the war ending that we want to talk about.” It was now Laura’s turn to speak. “We wanted to know if you would give us the honor of naming our child.”

“I really don’t think that it is my place to name someone else’s child. That should be a decision that the parents make.” Exia was a little unsure of the request that the two had just made.

“You have saved my life plenty of times, and also that of my wife.” Baylor was now bending over to look the elven prince in the face. “It would bring us no greater joy than for the man who we respect more than anyone else in the world to name our child.”

“If you two keep talking like this then I’m going to blush.” Exia had to admit that the couple wouldn’t take no for an answer so he decided to make a compromise.

“How about this, if your child is a boy then you two will have to name him,” began Exia ,”but if it is a girl then you will use one of my suggestions.”

“I think that that is fair enough, then what are the names?” Both Baylor and Laura waited for the Prince’s reply.

Exia began to shift through dozens of girls’ names but none would fit a giantess. After a second of thought two names popped into his head.

“If it is a girl you should name her either Diane or Terra.”

“Don’t you think that Terra is a rather old name?” asked Baylor.

“I think that they are both lovely names, and Diane does have a certain ring to it.”

Exia didn’t want to say anymore, but he couldn’t wait to see his friends form a family one day. Diane was his second choice for naming a girl, but if he was lucky enough he could convince the family to name their next daughter or granddaughter Terra.
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