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“So, you own this whole thing?” Gia asked as they walked into the hangar.

“Um, yeah. It looks like it” Tess replied without looking up. She was still reading the letter informing her of her inheritance from her distant uncle who she had never even met. 

“It says he didn’t have much of a will so when he died a few years ago his stuff was locked up until they could find a living heir” she looked around the place and whistled at the size of it, 

“well, if nothing else we have a kick ass place for a party”. 

The hangar was massive, it could have easily held several jumbo jets with room to spare. Tess wondered what exactly her uncle used this place for. It obviously wasn’t anything too lucrative since there was no money left to her unless you counted the account set up to pay the taxes and utilities for this monstrosity indefinitely which she didn’t since the only thing he mentioned in his will was that the money could only be used for the upkeep of this place and its equipment. 

Equipment that didn’t seem to exist from what she could see, the place was barren. 

“Ok”, Tess said a bit disappointed, “Maybe there’s something way down there in that room?” as the two girls made their way down. On the way they saw measurements all along the walls and on the floor. The ones on the walls went up to 100 feet and stopped just shy of the ceiling while the ones on the floor marked every ten feet.

“Weird”, Gia commented as they went on, both hoping there would be something worthwhile in the only room in the place. 

When they got there and opened the door they weren’t sure what to make of the place.

It was a decent sized room with a couple of couches against one wall and a large panel of instruments with surprisingly modern computer attached to it. As they entered the lights came on and the screen on the computer flickered to life.

Tess was worried that it would be password protected but to her surprise she was able to just move the mouse and it woke up. 

It seemed to be running its own operating system, not one she recognized, possibly something custom made.

“Oh”, Gia said “I guess he was a computer geek”

“I wonder if there’s anything  in here were can sell?” Tess wondered out loud as she clicked on a folder labelled ‘results’.

In the folder were a number of videos all labelled in the same way. They were a woman’s name followed by a date, followed by a number ranging 1 to 100. There were also a subfolder labelled ‘1 and less’.

“What do you think these numbers mean?” Tess asked.

“I don’t know”, Gia replied, “let’s watch one”

Tess scanned the list and chose Maria/Nov05/20.

The video took place in the hangar outside, apparently there were cameras all over it from the number of angles it kept switching to. In the middle of the room was a young woman, no more than 25, wearing jean shorts and a white T-shirt with flip flops. She wasn’t doing anything, just standing there. In the corner of the screen there was another picture with a shot from inside the room they were currently in. A man the girls recognized as Tess’s uncle was in there entering something in the computer. He looked at the camera and said, 

“Subject, Maria. 20 feet” and click a green button labelled engage on a program he had running. 

When he did that, the room grew very bright and a large hum could be heard. It eventually grew brighter than the cameras could handle and the cut out for a moment. 

When they cleared the girl was lying on the ground, unconscious. There was a layer of smoke on the ground. Something else looked different about her but it wasn’t immediately obvious.

The video suddenly switched to a handheld camera and the operator left the room into the hangar. The girls thought maybe something had gone wrong but if it had Tess’s uncle was either used to it or just didn’t care. 

As he made his way toward where the girl was lying he was saying some technical stuff that neither understood. It was hard to see with all the smoke which was another thing the two girls didn’t get, when they say Maria lying on the floor the smoke wasn’t even covering her but now it was higher than he was in just a few seconds.

He kept going until he came to a large shape. 

“What the hell is this?” Gia asked.

Tess just shrugged her shoulders as they kept watching. The shape was moving up and down very slowly. The camera panned to the left and right and the object seemed to go on pretty far. He was still filming as he walked along the length of this obstacle. 

The smoke was starting to clear and the girls could see that was a person, only much bigger than a person should be.

Just then the smoke completely went away and a familiar voice, only deeper spoke from a few feet away from the camera.

“Well?” the voice boomed, “did it work?”

“You tell me” he replied as the face of the woman they had just seen standing in the hangar came into view only now it, along with the rest of her, was roughly four times bigger than it was before. 

“Oh my god!” she shouted “you’re so small!” as she stood up to her full height leaving the camera just above her knees. He panned down to her feet and put his next to hers for comparison. It was over twice the size of his. He then panned up and up to her face where she was looking down at him with a huge grin and said, 

“Hey there shorty”.

“Very funny”, he laughed “now go stand over by the wall so I can make sure you were grew as expected”. 

She did as he asked and stood next to the height chart. He then got into a hydraulic lift and rose to her head level where he checked and confirmed that she was no exactly 20 feet tall.

“Subject is now exactly 20 feet tall”, he said into the camera.

“This is amazing!” she said, “I’m the biggest person alive!” and without warning she picked him up in both her hands and held him in front of her face. At this point the camera dropped and landed on her big toe so all they could see was the side of her foot but they could hear what sound like kissing. 

The camera was then picked up and the video ended but not before the giant woman said, “Now, let’s make this really interesting” 

and a massive shirt dropped over it.


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