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DISCLAIMER: I did not create the shrinking mechanic involved in this story. It is ripped from a story I read a long long time ago and can't remember the name of it or the author. If anyone reading this figures it out, let me know so I can give the guy credit.


ALSO: This first chapter is really only implied smut and it's more character driven than most of the other stuff I've written so far. This story will be a longer one. Enjoy.






“Jessie, I want full details of her capture.” Julian said as they walked down the dimly lit hall together. His Lieutenant nodded.  She looked pale and exhausted. He’d seen Jessie execute many flawless Smoother capture missions, but Julian had never seen her so worn out.


“Well sir, we didn’t go into this mission properly briefed.” Jessie said. There was annoyance in her tone.


“What do you mean?”


“I mean that we were in no way prepared for the target to be as powerful as she was. We could have all been killed or worse.”


“I don’t understand.” he said, raising an eyebrow. Jessie sighed.


“Julian, what do you know about this target?” she said. Julian thought for a moment, all he could recall were a few pictures and a list of some recent disappearances near the target’s home. She was a pretty girl, only slightly younger than Jessie. Reports suggested she’d been caught on a security camera shrinking and smoothing someone.


“Target was—Allison Lee. Suspected C-class Smoother. Responsible for the disappearances of several people recently around the State College area. You and your team should have been overkill, honestly,” he said. Jessie stepped in front of him and stopped, staring up into his eyes. She shook her head.


“That’s just it, Julian-er, sir. She wasn’t a C-class, her power was incredible and oppressive. She shrunk me, with ease. I was nearly smoothed to the bottom of her foot. I haven’t been shrunk like that since, well-“Julian shook his head and motioned for her to continue. Jessie’s face reddened, but she went on.


“Well, Jake and the others distracted her while I got myself back to normal, but we just couldn’t contain her power without all of us pushing on her at absolute maximum. And she kept shrinking us one at a time like it was nothing. It didn’t even take her a minute or two to recharge, it was just one after another. I haven’t seen anything like it except for, well, you and Elise,” she said.


Julian’s eyes widened and his mind became awash with ideas.


He and Elise were the only A-Class Smoothers in the world. The idea that another could exist undetected, and at such a young age was amazing to consider. How had she developed under the organization’s nose? How had she gotten so strong so fast? Who was she?


“Sir, she’s also sociopathic to the point of evil.” Jessie said, interrupting his thoughts.


“Of course she is.” Julian said, almost letting a smile creep to his lips.


“I don’t think you understand. We found 56 living people smoothed to her body.”




“Fifty. Six. All of them smoothed to various, um, parts of her. She kept screaming about how she would do the same to all of us. Sir, she’s a monster. If she had better control of her powers, my team and I would be 57 through 64. She told me where she’d put me, sir. She said I’d-“


“Enough,” he said, cutting her off.  “I get it. No wonder you looked pale. What did you have done with the victims?”


“We unsmoothed them but didn’t unshrink them, we didn’t have the space. What we’re doing now is giving them psychiatric evaluations to see if they’re capable of normal life. Sir, it’s frightening. Some of them have been living on part of her body for almost ten years. Some of them can’t speak or even act like people anymore. We have never seen anything like this.” Jessie said.


Indeed they hadn’t. Julian thought about the possibilities. How had a monster like this been created? What caused this type of power to be left unchecked and used so viciously but at the same time with such great care? Most people who discovered this power and used it for personal gain weren’t careful with it and gave themselves away. There were of course mercenaries out there who sold their services to the highest bidder, but patterns could be recognized. A business partner suddenly disappearing was a common one. It was amazing to see the arrogance of some high-powered CEO willing to wear a former partner as part of a ring or a necklace. Of course, sometimes the evidence was disposed of.


Once a person was smoothed to a surface they didn’t need to eat to survive, but they still needed oxygen for some reason (albeit small amounts). Smoothing someone to a rock and tossing them into a pond was a death sentence. Stomach acid would also do the trick. Julian had read a particularly nasty debrief about a woman that hired a Smoother to smooth her ex-husband to a jolly rancher.


There were many ways for the unique power that he, Jessie, and this monster girl shared to be used. Julian hadn’t exactly been a saint himself before joining the organization, but he’d never killed anyone on purpose nor had he left them smoothed to parts of his body. Though the idea seemed to spark something within him, it seemed disgusting and demeaning, something you’d only do to punish a heinous criminal or perhaps someone who held power over you…


Julian shook those thoughts away and cleared his throat.


“Alright, well. At least I know what I’m in for. Let’s go meet this monster.” he said. Jessie nodded and the continued down the hall-way.




Alyssa Lee couldn’t recall being quite so furious in all her life, mostly because she couldn’t think back far enough to a time when she didn’t get her way. Beauty and her unique power left her with nary a memory of being told ‘no’ through her whole life. So as she sat in the center of the large and brightly lit interrogation room, her hands and feet bound to a metal chair that was bolted into the ground, with no way to use her powers, her mind blossomed with disgusting and vengeful images, ways that she planned on disposing of the dozen or so people focusing on her at the edges of the room.


She growled with exertion as she tried to shrink one of the men to her left. He’d been involved in her capture and was particularly proud of himself. After she’d been caught, he’d called her all sorts of names. One of them was ‘cunt’. She’d show him a cunt alright. He would spend the rest of his days smoothed to hers. Her anger waned as she imagined his time spent there, getting coated every time she had to pee, getting bludgeoned by every guy she fucked, and having to take in every single period up close and personal. His miserable life would make hers joyous.


He didn’t shrink, of course. None of them did. Every time she tried to use her powers, she would feel them come back into herself as though she were being boxed in. They were doing it to her, they apparently had the same ability Alyssa had and they were using their own power to subdue hers. It enraged her so much to see them there, unflinching, calmly pushing back every one of her attempts to shrink them. She screamed, for a good thirty seconds and felt better.


She bent her head forward and let her blond hair tumble in front of her face for a moment as she inhaled and exhaled. And then she began to laugh. She looked up to see if it caused a reaction but then stopped caring and threw her head back. Alyssa was laughing because she knew she’d win. She knew that eventually one of these bastards would screw up and she’d have them all. They’d all become her possessions just like everyone else that had crossed her. Alyssa never lost.


She figured she’d try talking to them. It might make one of them crack. Scanning the room for the least focused face, she began to think of what she’d do to each person. She settled on an ugly brunette woman with a square, manly jaw and ratty hair.


“Armpit,” Alyssa said, looking her in the eye. The manjaw glared back.


“What?” she said. Alyssa was pleased they’d taken the bait.


“Oh, just deciding what places I’m going to put all of you once I get out of this. You look pretty disgusting to me, so I’ll put you in my armpit. It can get pretty disgusting there.” Alyssa said, putting on a bright, cheerful smile. The manjaw didn’t respond, but just rolled her eyes. Alyssa turned away and scanned the room again. This time her eyes fell on a middle-aged black man with considerable facial hair. She eyed him up for a moment and then spoke.


“You, I’d put you in between my toes but I’m worried your scruffy beard would tickle me. Maybe the bottom of my shoe would be better.”


The man didn’t say anything, just continued staring straight forward. Alyssa pouted for a moment but then went back to looking around the room. Her eyes lit up as she found her new target, clearly the youngest person in the room. He could have been younger than her. He became nervous as his gaze met hers.


“Oooh. What’s your name?” she said, a sort of sing-song tone to her voice. The boy swallowed and opened his mouth.


“N-Nelson.” he stammered.


“Nelson, huh? I can think of a loooot of places you’d like to go on me, Nelson. Why don’t I let you pick?” she said. Nelson’s face flushed bright red.




“Nelson, don’t. Just ignore the psycho bitch.” said the man from before, the cocky one. Alyssa whirled around and glowered at him.


“And you? You’re going to be smoothed to my tongue while I give Nelson the best blow-job of his life.” she said. She licked her top lip and her mouth curled into a wicked grin.


“Uh huh,” the man said. “You know what we’re gonna do to you? Probably shoot you in the head. I know that ain’t depraved enough for you, but it’s what you deserve.”


Rage welled within Alyssa. No one got away with speaking to her like this. And he was sneering at her. She lost focus of her vision she was so angry. She would devote her life to coming up with creative ways to torment this man.


She’d find his family. She’d slowly drown them in spit while he watched. No, not enough. She’d go to a buffet and smooth every person he loved to a separate piece of food and stay the entire day until they’d all been picked up by different people. No, still not enough. The microwave. No, the oven. No, on top of the stove. Inside a pan with boiling water. Would they drown or cook first? She grinned at the possibilities, but then the door opened.


In stepped the girl responsible for her capture. Jessie. There was only one place for bitches like Jessie. They had to spend the rest of their lives kissing Alyssa’s ass. The thought of smoothing Jessie as absolutely close to her butthole as possible made her giggle, but then her attention was drawn to the man following her into the room. He was taller than her, but also dressed differently than the teal and gray uniforms the rest of them were wearing. He wore a navy blazer over a white oxford that had its top button undone. His red tie was just a bit loosened. He had wonderful stubble of facial hair that helped define a sturdy chin. His green eyes met hers and she almost melted into the chair. Simply put, he was gorgeous and she absolutely had to have him. Alyssa tried to regain her composure as the man looked around the room. Finally he spoke.


“Alright everyone, relax. I can handle her.” the beautiful man said and Alyssa became excited. This would be their mistake.


“All due respect sir, this bitch ain’t to be messed around with. She’s crazy strong.” said the cocky one and Alyssa suppressed the urge to hiss at him. She was preparing herself, focusing. It would only take one powerful surge to shrink this new man, and the other ones would likely be tired from restraining her for so long. This would be how she won.


“Yes Jake, I’ve been informed, I’m ready for her. So relax.” the man said.


Alyssa eyed him up. He couldn’t be ready for her all on his own. How could he be that sure of himself? An odd, unfamiliar sensation came over her. It crawled about her skin like several tiny spiders. Her catatonic step-father would have been proud to tell her that this was doubt and uncertainty if he could still speak. Alyssa had never felt it before and it made her want to shout, so she shook it from her and regained focus.


“Do as Julian says, you guys need to regain your strength anyway. It’s been a long day.” Jessie said.

Her team looked at her with wary eyes and she nodded at them. Alyssa waited, and began to feel the oppressive pressure lift from her. She didn’t lash out right away. She stayed cool and looked at the man called Julian. Those beautiful green eyes stared right back at her, daring her to attack. She could almost see the corner of his mouth curling into a smile. That put her over the edge.


Alyssa gathered up and sent out the strongest wave she possibly could. It traveled across the room with such speed and force that everyone felt it. Jessie looked petrified and leaned away from Julian, who held his hand up and was rocked by the force of it. He stepped back, but was not shrunk like Alyssa had planned.


“Whoa there—amazing,” he said, almost holding Alyssa’s pulse in his hand it seemed like, though the energy couldn’t be seen. “I see why you guys had so much trouble, that’s a lot of raw power. You did very well to capture her. Thanks for the demonstration, Miss Lee. That’s exactly what I wanted.”


His casual tone started to enrage her and she shrieked, releasing another pulse straight at him. Julian’s expression changed and he caught the other pulse before growling. Alyssa didn’t have time to react before being squeezed. The oppressive force of all the uniformed soldiers who captured her didn’t come close to this. A squeak left her mouth. It felt as though she was being squeezed by a gigantic hand. She couldn’t bring out even the slightest bit of her power. Her eyes widened and another unknown feeling she’d have needed her step-father to explain flooded her. Alyssa was afraid for the first time ever.


The brief fear was replaced by more rage, because she’d lost. She tried to explode with power, but none of it would come out. A scream welled within her throat. Slowly it rose and escaped from her mouth. It became an utter roar of anguish. The power inside her fought desperately against the squeezing force Julian was applying. Power began to swirl throughout the room. The lights flickered first, and then the ground started to shake as Alyssa moved her head to one side and then the other, shrieking as though she were being tortured. She looked up and glared at Julian before howling again. Julian glared right back and growled, showing the first real signs of exertion on his own part.


The energies continued to swirl throughout the room. Bits of Alyssa’s power came surging out of her, unguided, as though it were water slipping through a pair of fingers. A loud shriek was heard as a blast of it hit Nelson and his form disappeared, shrunk to mere inches. Jake prepared to jump in and help, but Jessie held her hand up.


Alyssa threw her head back in another almighty prolonged roar. Another of the soldiers was zapped and disappeared. Then another. But as Alyssa’s last roar ended, the power surge disappeared and she slumped forward gasping for air. She felt like she was being held now by two massive, strong hands. Looking up through her disheveled hair she saw that Julian was holding both hands up toward her. He barely looked phased, and the smile had taken over his face. She thought she’d be angry, but no visions of disgusting tortures crept into her head. Instead, thoughts of those hands and arms wrapped around her filled her mind. She gasped again and again, not understanding completely that this might have been what she was searching for her entire life. Someone that could stand up to her. Instead of rage she felt the return of her desire. But instead of having this man in the same manner as all who had come before him, she felt compelled to let him have her…


Alyssa focused herself and kept her head lowered; only peering at Julian through pieces of her tousled hair. Around the room, the soldiers began to resize their shrunken allies. Soon enough, she thought, they’d be shrunk again, permanently.




“Well that was-“ Julian started but was cut off by Jessie.


“Terrifying.” she said.


“I was going to say fun.” Julian replied, smiling at her. She shook her head, but Julian could tell she was suppressing a grin. He turned back to the crazed creature he’d just battled with.


“Miss Lee, I am wondering what your plan of attack there was. Even if you’d shrunk all of us, you do realize you’re locked into that chair right?” Julian asked. Alyssa didn’t respond, or move for that matter. Julian just grinned at her.


“Just pointing out the situation you’re in so we can avoid another episode like that. Yes, you could shrink all of us but that doesn’t get you out of the chair. You’d have a lot better luck convincing Nelson to get the keys and let you out,” Julian said. Nelson’s eyes went wide and he shook his head before starting to open his mouth but Julian continued. “And that wouldn’t work either because I am the only one with the key.”


He paused, waiting for a reaction. He got none, but he could see Alyssa’s wild eyes beneath her hair. She was hiding her face, not wanting to give him a glimpse of the expression lurking under there. He was excited to talk to this one.


“Alright everyone, you can head on out of here and get some rest. You’ve earned it. Jessie, you stay and watch the cameras and make sure the interrogation is recorded as per Elise’s request. Sven’s team should be here to take over guarding Miss Lee in a few hours. Until then, I want to speak to her alone.”


Some of the team started out as soon as Julian was finished. He watched their tired bodies lumber toward the door. Nelson’s eyes lingered on Alyssa as he shuffled out. Jake and Jessie remained. Jessie looked worried and Julian knew what was coming from Jake.


“Captain, I would like to file a complaint.” Jake said, each syllable bubbling with rage.


“Jake, not now.” Jessie said, turning to him and trying to pre-empt the explosion.


“No, fuck that. Today we got sent into a god damn suicide mission. Who was in charge of the intel on this one? How the fuck do we not know we’re going up against a Class A, huh? That’s some pertinent god damn information. You or Elise should’ve been there. We were lucky to get out of this without ending up stuck to some part of psycho-bitch over there’s anatomy.” he spat. Julian sighed.


“I know Jake; it was a tremendous oversight, and not something you can easily lay blame on anyone for. You know our intelligence team is top of the line here.” Julian replied.


“Top of the line eh? Top of the goddamn line he says. Do you know some of the places we had to pull people off of? She smoothed two of them to-“


“Jake, stop!” Jessie pleaded.


“Hell no, that could’ve been us, Jess. I’m sick of being fucking expendable.” Jake said.


“Jake. Please understand that you all are the furthest thing from expendable. If something like that had happened today, both Elise and myself would have come to your aid as soon as possible.” Julian said, holding a hand up to try and get Jake to calm down. It didn’t work. Jake’s face just got redder.


“Yeah, and how long would that have taken to get one of you two into fucking gear, eh? Tell me how long I’d have been stuck puckered to psycho-bitch’s asshole before you two came to my rescue? An hour? A day? Those people we pulled off her ain’t normal anymore, Julian. She had some of ‘em there for years. Years. They can’t even talk anymore, they don’t even remember being human.”


His tirade was interrupted by light laughter coming from the center of the room. Alyssa had lifted her head up and was giggling. She seemed happy with the impression she’d made on Jake.


“What are you laughing at you fuckin’ monster? Your days are numbered, you’re gonna pay for what you’ve done.” he said.


“Oh, nothing. You just don’t know how it works, really. You’d keep your sanity for more than an hour or a day. It’s usually after a few months that they start questioning their identity as a person. Some of the tougher ones lasted as long as a year, especially if I kept talking to them. And you wouldn’t end up on my asshole; I only do that to girls. That’s where she’s going to end up,” she nodded toward Jessie, who seemed to shudder with fear at even being acknowledged. “You, I’ve got some options for you but I think you’ll end up somewhere on my pussy. As far as keeping your sanity there goes, it depends on if I’ve got a boyfriend at the time or not.”


“Alright, enough of that.” Julian interrupted and stepped in between Jake and Alyssa. Both because he wanted to get Jake out of there before he did something stupid and because hearing Alyssa talk about this was more than fascinating him.


“Jessie, get him out of here.” he said but he didn’t need to, she was already dragging him out. The door slammed amidst a flurry of obscenities and at last Julian was left alone with her. He stared into her eyes for a moment as she smirked back at him. He turned and looked over his shoulder at the door then back at her.


“Did you really have to wind him up like that?” Julian asked. Alyssa raised a brow.


“Wind him up? That’s really what I’m going to do to him. Well, eventually. First I’m going to make him watch me kill everyone he cares about,” she said. Julian’s expression dropped a bit.


“Jesus, they weren’t kidding. You really are unpleasant.”


“I’m sweet once you get to know me.” She shook her head, getting a few blond strands out of her eyes.


“Yeah, tell that to the 56 people they peeled off of you.”


“Want to know the funny thing about that? There are three more that they missed.” She winked at him.




“I mean, they might not be alive but—I know they’re there!” She grinned, bright and cheery with all her teeth showing.


“Hoo. This is going to be a long one.” he said, clasping his hands together.


“A long what?”


“Interrogation, interview, whatever.”


“What makes you think I’ll tell you anything about me?”


“You like the attention and you love describing what you do to people.”


“Hmm,” she thought and blinked. “But what’s the point if you’re just going to shoot me at the end anyway?”


“That might not need to happen. If there’s a chance you can be reformed, with someone of your strength we might just take it. You could be an incredibly valuable ally. But in order to do that…”


“What?” She asked.


“In order to do that, I need to know everything. From the beginning.”


“Hmm. I don’t know if I feel like it.” She grinned at him. Julian tapped his foot once.


“Well I suppose if there’s no chance of you being reformed we could just shoot you and get it over with. I’m sure Jake would volunteer.” Julian smiled and Alyssa’s expression soured. He laughed and walked over to the corner of the room to grab a chair. He set it down very close to Alyssa and sat so that his legs were just about touching hers.


“So, let’s hear it. From the start. Earliest memory of your ability as a smoother.” he said. Alyssa didn’t say anything but her face was tinged with a hint of a blush from being so close to Julian.


“I’ll even start. I was seven. My brother and our friend were wrestling and I wanted them to stop, and suddenly they shrank. I picked them up and they were smoothed to my hands. They were freaking out, but once we realized it was safe and I could grow them back we thought it was the greatest thing ever. One day though, I had them smoothed to a remote control car that I accidentally steered into a storm drain. We never found it.”


Alyssa didn’t say anything, but she seemed to show a bit of surprise.


“See, no one’s innocent in this world of ours. I’m a reform case myself. I’ve never done anything like what you’ve been doing through your life, but I’m willing to try and get you better. So, help me help you. Talk to me.” he said.


For a long moment Alyssa didn’t say anything, but finally she closed her eyes and sighed. Julian smiled.


“Okay. Fine. Well…”




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