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Daryl felt his stomach gurgle when Dwight mentioned food and he had a serious case of dry mouth. The notion of swigging down a couple of mouthfuls of giant girl piss quieted the rumbling in his gut. He got the impression Dwight was pretty familiar with the area, the confidant way he seemed to know what was just around the corner. During their scrounging, they were able to find one slightly larger than normal unlabeled can and box of flavored crackers.

“Good haul today,” Dwight commented, taking the pair a short distance up a relatively small hill side, though it gave them a decent vantage over a portion of the city. In the distance, at the edge of the gloom, they could see a giant fair haired woman combing through the rubble of a building.

“Fuck, am I starving,” Daryl commented, sitting down beside Dwight, rubbing his hands together. “Please tell me you have a can opener?”

Dwight chuckled, “I have a can opener,” he replied, sloughing off his folded up roll onto the ground beside him. Untying an end, he fished out the small tool.

“Man, if there was saliva in my mouth I would be drooling,” commented the older man. “What do you think it could be?”

Dwight shrug then put the opener on the can, twisting the small butterfly handle, opening it. “Chunky soup,” he said, prying up the lid and folding it back. Lifting it to his mouth, he took some the handed the can to Daryl.

Taking the can in both hands, Daryl greedily drank of the contents, pieces of vegetable and broth spilling down over his cheeks.

“Easy,” cautioned Dwight. “That was a significant score, we might eat like this again for a week or more, so slow down, don’t waste it,” he said, opening the box of crackers and taking out a handful. “That’s funny, finding soup and crackers on the same day,” he chuckled as he munched.

Daryl wiped his face and reached for the crackers.

Another huge woman appeared within their field of view in the distance, this one with dark brown hair that seemed almost black in the haze.

Dwight took out a bottle of ‘water’, uncapping it and taking a drink. “Some?” he asked, offering Daryl the liquid.

“Pass,” he replied, shoveling a handful of the small crackers into his mouth.

“Look, the first giantess found something,” Dwight said, pointing in the distance.

The second giantess approached, embracing the first, then sharing a kiss.

“Are they making out?” Daryl asked, squinting. “They are!” he declared, grinning.

Dwight said nothing, watching silently. The two women were indeed engaged in some intimate play, they were too far away to make out the little figure the two seemed to be sharing and using to enhance their play.

“This is fucking awesome,” Daryl said, nodding.

“Unless you’re the guy they’re using,” Dwight countered.

The spectacle continue for nearly an hour, the woman changing position to pleasure one another individually, then mutually. At the end of their tryst, it looked like they shared a kiss, the tiny man inside their mouths, passed back and forth before one of the women swallowed him. Finished they parted, the area around where they enjoyed themselves left in ruins.

“Fuck, watching that nearly gave me a rod,” Daryl joked, shaking his head.

Dwight pointed, “there’s no telling how others might have been hiding in the building those two flattened in their heat,” he said.

Daryl looked at the devastated area, “Still though, pretty hot. Speaking of hot, why does it seem every one of the pieces of gash we’ve seen so far seems to be a fox?” he asked. “I mean, those two were straight up dimes, both smoking. The freaky green eyed stomper, mega hot. My two and your Tamsin, all fine my friend.”

Dwight shrugged. “Catch more flies with honey maybe,” he answered, “can’t say for sure.”

“Honeys, yeah, that’s good,” he said chuckling and nodding his head.

“There’s another one,” he said, pointing at a large figure emerging from the darkness across from them.

Daryl looked, grin slipping, “Hilary,” he said, recognizing her as her features became more distinct.

“Hilary?” Dwight queried.

“Another one I sort of, well, let’s just say it was a very complicated situation,” he replied.

“Hayley, Hilary, and Julianne,” Dwight said.

“I was with seeing all of them at the same time without any of them knowing about it,” Daryl boast, eyes on the large woman as she knelt down and picked through some untouched buildings.

Dwight shook his head.

“Does it ever get light here or is it like this always?” he asked, looking up at the dark sky overhead.

“It seems kind of strange, like it will stay light, like midday bright for a couple of days and then return to this for like a week. When it’s light out though, I just hide,” he stated.

“There was power in the motel where I came to and I can see street lights and stuff down there now,  but does it ever get full dark?” he asked.

“No, pretty much like this,” he responded. “We’re going to need to address another one of Maslow’s primary needs, namely a place to crash,” he said, retying his roll before rising to his feet and throwing it over his shoulder.

“Uh, looks like Hilary found someone,” Daryl said, pointing at the brunette who appeared to indeed have something in her hands. ”She was very gifted orally, best blowjob I ever had,” Daryl snickered as she sucked the figure from her hand and into her mouth.

“For your sake, let’s hope you don’t get to revisit that talent first hand,” Dwight said, moving down slope between the sparse trees.

“So they like just wander around like that, looking for people?” Daryl asked, following the younger man.

“And we hide,” Dwight answered.

“You know a place where we can crash?”

Dwight nodded, “I’ll show you.”


Chapter End Notes:

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