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Robby chirped up an idea, "What if we made it a gradual alteration instead of an instant one? We could theoretically cause little to no stress to the machine, right?"


Josh was dumbfounded by Robby's quick thinking. "Actually...you're right. The only problem is the machine can't bring about a gradual change. We saw what happened when it took longer than a split second."


Rob was frustrated, "Why can't we just bump women up one more time then? It's not like it even matters. They'll still only be 5'8"."


"On average, Rob" Josh added.


"So what? That's still 2 inches shorter than the average man," He retaliated, "Which should be more than enough for us! Come on man..."


"No Rob, I'm not doing it." Josh stood his ground. "You can't convince me."


"Fine then. I'll do it!" Rob leapt towards the machine at lightning speed!


"ROB NO!!!"


"WOMEN 2 inches taller!" he slammed his fist onto the execute button and a brief seizure in time occurred.


Only moments later Rob continued to get pummeled by Josh's scolding.


"What the fuck have you done?! I never intended for this machine to be used as a personal fantasy device for your sick mind. Fuck!"


Rob still argued against his friend.


"Look, we've got something that no one has EVER created before! We can always reverse it, right? So what's the big deal?"


"I don't want any malfunctions to occur due to overuse! There are so many mathematical equations that you aren't even aware of that could potentially destroy our very existence! Just give me a moment before you use it next time, alright? I'm not saying we can't have some fun. I did program it with you in mind."


Rob grinned. There was the Josh he knew.


"Hah! I knew you'd come through, old buddy! So, we gonna chat sum'more or shall we bless some girls with bigger hooters!" Rob draped his arm over Josh's shoulders. Josh rolled his eyes. "Here we go again. Not a moments hesitation."


"Josh Robinson, you get your little fanny up here right now and clean your room!" A loud, booming voice echoed off the walls. The voice of authority roared, striking fear into the hearts of her offspring.


"Yes mom!" He squealed, running up the stairs. Rob quickly followed after him.

Denise slowly crept out of her hiding spot, examining the heavily bolted steel machine in front of her.


"How did they do it again?" Denise squeaked to herself. "Oh yea!"


She slipped up to the control panel and, with her delicate little hands, reached for the microphone. It was just out of reach. "Come...onnnnn!!!!!" She strained, using her tippy toes for the slightly added boost. "Almost...got....you!!" Her index finger scrapped against it and then finally managed to wrap around it enough to pull the bendable wire down to her mouth.


She tried to recall what phrase they used. "Oh, right!" She cleared her throat and spoke as clearly as she could into the mic, all the while her heart pounded like a dozen drums."Women, 2 inches taller!"


There was a moment of silence, and then a loud "EhhHHhh!!" Error sound. Denise slapped her hands to her ears.


"What the?"


"Voice Unrecognized-- Request Denied."


The machine began to whir down, leaving Denise in silence. Only the sound of her young startled heart kept her company in the dark empty basement.

"And make sure it's spotless, ok young man?!"


"Yes Mom!"


Mrs.Robinson had now grown quite a bit over the past hour, making her an imposing figure to adapt to. Gaining four inches to an already tall woman proved to be quite the sight. She barked orders with new found vigor at a height that rivaled Robby's 6 foot stature.


Her additional two inches of growth did not go unnoticed by the two boys either. Mental comparisons of the Mrs.Robinson that he had just seen moments before were still fresh in their mind. Now an even larger version of the mother they all acknowledged was standing right before them; magnificent as always... only bigger.


Rob began, "Dude, your mom is--


"Don't even start!" Josh cut him off.

Denise stepped silently up the basement stairs and into the kitchen, placing her weight on each foot gradually, as to not make a sound. Once out of questionable proximity of the machine, she made her way over to the commotion.


Both Robby and Josh snapped their heads towards Denise as she rested her weight against the door frame.


"What are you looking at?" She snapped bitterly.


Josh turned away from his sister, completely ignoring her. He proceeded to pick up the loose clothes scattered across the floor. Robby joined in on the collecting.


Denise stood idle, staring at the boys as they knelt down to collect the loose clothing. It was then that a thought occurred. A brilliant plan had been formed to get exactly what she wanted.


There was a tap on Rob's shoulder.


"Hey Robby, can I talk to you in the other room for a second? Pleeeeaaaasseee?" She leaned in with the biggest puppy dog face she could muster, and Robby, who was a fool for any female, nodded with a dumbfounded expression.

"What's up?" Rob said plainly, staring down at the petite girl before him.


"I uhhh," She hesitated, playing with her fingers. "I couldn't help but overhear you two talking downstairs.", searching for the right words.


"Can it really do what Josh says it can do?" An expression of extreme hopefulness sprayed across her face. She held her arms up to her chest, clasping her hands together.


Rob couldn't help but feel guilty about lying. She looked genuinely innocent. Bah! Why not, he figured.


"Yea, but it's still experimental." Rob responded with a casual tone, in an attempt to negate any excitement she might get from hearing him answer honestly. Sadly, it did not work.


"D-Do-you-think-you-could-help-ME-use-it?" She blurted out.


"I dunno, Denise. That doesn't sound like such a good idea."


"Oh come on...what harm could it do!? You'd only be helping me out, what's wrong with that? Plus you'd be giving yourself more to look at." She winked, knowing Rob all too well...


Rob grew flustered with conflicted thoughts.


"Alright...but only this once, ok? I don't want Josh finding out I'm using his machine again without his permission."


"Thank you thank you thank you!" Denise jumped up and down with excitement.

Little had Rob known that this decision would forever change his life.

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