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Story Notes:

This story is very graphic and explicit!

If you are easily offended and grossed out i would not reccomend you to read this.

I claim not rights to Kill la kill in any way and make no money off of this story.

Author's Chapter Notes:



This story was requested to me awile back by Sparky_Zinger.

Its for the Anime Kill la Kill in case anyone hadn't realized before clicking on it and if you don't like anime or media in general, i'm not the writer for you.


This story i have to say is by far one of (if not) the most graphic things i've ever written and want to warn you now, it will be messy. If you like the lighter things then please look to my other work.


If your still up for this then by all means,


Sit back,


Get comfy,


Get back up and lock your door before sitting back down and getting comfy once more,







“Slumber party, slumber party, slumber party, slumber party, slumber part-“Ryuko cupped Mako’s mouth before sighing. “Please will you stop singing, you’re giving me a freaking headache.” Mako wiggled out of her grip before gasping excitedly.

“But Ryuko this is my first slumber party, how could I not be excited?!” She bounced around giddily. Shaking her head, Ryuko sat down as she watched her friend cleaning and tidying her house. After the events that happened with Ragyo and the primordial life fiber, things had begun to return to normal for her… well as normal as life was for her.

It had been a week since that event and since she had all the answers she needed. Deciding it was time for her to leave, Mako had immediately burst into tears begging her to stay. Somehow one thing led to another however turning her quiet departure into a slumber party with all her friends.

‘How did I get myself into this mess? It’s not like I planned to move far away, I just needed to get my own place, I can’t mooch off Mako and the others forever.’ As she looked around the house she frowned.

“Do you think it was rude of us to ask for the house to ourselves? Where will your parents stay tonight?” Mako stopped cleaning as she tapped her chin in thought. “I dunno… oh well.” She shrugged before humming once more.

“Geez, you could at least act like you care.” Rubbing her brow she got up before heading to the bedroom. “Guess I’ll take a shower before Satsuki and the others come over…” Blinking, she counted in her head before coming up with a blank.

‘Wait I don’t have that many friends to begin with who all’s coming over anyways?’ Mako was the one to invite people so she didn’t have the faintest idea who all would come. Shaking her head again she stepped into the bedroom before looking the place over.

“I hope there’s enough room in here for us all. It might be a tight fit…” Ryuko paused as she heard a chuckle from the closet. Glaring she stormed over towards it before shoving the door to the side. “O-O-Oh, h-hi Ryuko… I was j-just-“”LEAVING YOU LITTLE PERV!”

Matarō screamed and thrashed around as Ryuko gripped him by his collar. “H-H-HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING, I HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HERE!” Kicking the front door open, she tossed Mako’s brother onto the street before glaring at him.

“Not tonight you don’t!”, “Where am I supposed to stay then?!”, “Not my problem.”” But I’m an inside boy!”” Not tonight you’re not.” She smirked before slamming the door shut, an audible click being heard from the other side.

Getting to his feet, Matarō grinned before running to the back of the house. “Fine I’ll just sneak in then.” Clicking the top window panel he was about to slide through it before a foot collided with him launching him back to the ground below.

“You’re not sneaking inside!” Ryuko screamed before locking the window. Glaring up at her he scampered off before moving a loose piece of plating on the underside of their house. “I’ve got plenty of ways to get inside you won’t stop me!”

Crawling under the floorboards he slinked in the darkness for a moment before seeing a small light. ‘Jackpot!’ Pressing up on it, it gave before popping up. Poking his head through the small hole he grinned seeing the lose tile in the bathroom.

“You can either crawl back down that hole or leave through the toilet…” Matarō froze as he stared up. Ryuko glared down at him as her foot rested on the tile near him. “I’ll count to 3.” She didn’t even need to however as Matarō ducked back under before crawling away.

“Damnit how does she know all my secret pathways!” Crawling out from under the house he growled angrily. ‘I know I can get in there but how…’ Thinking it over for a while he finally sighed. ‘Maybe I should wait till its dark…’ Nodding he crossed his finger’s behind his head before walking away.

“Now I just need to waste a few hours…’’ Thinking about what he was going to do something dawned on him. “Wait, Ryuko said Satsuki is going to be there tonight! That means…” Looking towards the imposing structure known as Honnōji Academy he grinned from ear to ear.

“No one’s going to be around it if their president isn’t there. I guess I better liberate them of a few things.” He grinned running towards the school. Today might not be so bad after all.


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~ Honnōji Academy ~


Matarō giggled excitedly as he ran through the halls of Honnōji Academy. Strung around his back was a large sack nearly twice as large as him. ‘This place is a goldmine! I can’t believe people just leave stuff in their locker’s their insane!’

Rounding a corner he dashed left and right making sure to pay close attention to the camera’s hidden around the school. Even if the place was vacant he didn’t want to get seen later on. As he quickly ran past a classroom he suddenly froze as a loud crashing noise could be heard on the other side.

‘What the hell was that?’ Lifting himself up a bit he peeked through the small window as he saw a light flickering on and off strangely. “Huh…” Quietly he set his stash down before opening the door. Tiptoeing towards the light he froze once more as the light suddenly stopped.

Moving closer he peeked over a teacher’s desk before seeing a large metal plate and tools scattered on the ground. “Can I help you?” Matarō Screamed falling backwards as someone stood over him. Looking up in fear, he suddenly calmed seeing who it was.

“Geez you scared me half to death Mr. Mikisugi, what the hell!” Aikurō grinned before stepping past Matarō. “You know I’m not really a teacher you can call me by my first name.” Matarō scowled as his question was ignored but he quickly picked himself up as he looked over the strange plating on the ground.

“What are you doing?” Picking up a small torch, Aikurō sparked the tip before burning a hole into it. “Well this shouldn’t come as a surprise to you but since I was a double agent for Satsuki I had to have a scapegoat just in case I was ever found out. This was the failsafe… which is literally a fail safe.” He chuckled at his own joke before a small chunk of the metal fall down through the hole he had just cut out.

‘So that’s what the light I saw was…’ Setting the torch aside, Aikurō tapped the metal a few times before tugging on the plating. “Pass me the crowbar please.” Matarō looked at him oddly before Aikurō pointed towards his feet.

Lifting his foot up, he frowned. “S-Sorry, didn’t know I was stepping on it. Handing it to him, Matarō watched curiously as the elder man worked on the plating for a few minutes. After a loud clink was heard the whole thing fell through, revealing a small cubby below.

“Bingo! And I am in.” Moving towards the small hole he eased his body inside before disappearing all together. After a minute or so, Matarō scowled before walking towards it. “Geez he just left me here?” Jumping into the hole he was surprised to find it rather deep. As he landed in the darkness he looked around for a minute before the lights inside of it all turned on at once.

“Ahh much better, now that that’s settled I be-“Aikurō stopped as he saw Matarō standing in the safe. “Don’t you have something to do besides follow me?”’ Hey I was just curious is all don’t flatter yourself!” Sighing, he moved towards a large table near the end of the room.

“If you must know, this safe was built when Honnōji Academy was constructed. I infiltrated it a long time ago and hoped to never use it but it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Walking around the room, Matarō grinned seeing the chrome lined walls.

Different gadgets hung left and right all looking rather old… and valuable. “So why build a safe in one of the most heavily fortified buildings in the world?” The elder man stopped for a moment before shrugging. “Like I said in case of an emergency, if I was found out before it was time to act I’d have to leave rather quickly don’t you think? This vault was built to assist me for that reason.”

Matarō nodded at his logic as he picked up different things. “Most of these gadgets I built myself actually. I’d come down here in my spare time to better my chances of escaping should the need every rise. Thankfully that’s not the case why I’m here. I just wanted to collect my gear before leaving for good. After all I put a lot of time and money designing these things.” He paused for a moment before tossing a pin towards Matarō, missing him by mire centimeters.

“And I know exactly what’s in here and where it belongs, so don’t get any ideas.” He grinned much to the younger boy’s dismay. “H-H-Hey what gives?! I was just admiring your… things.” Chuckling Aikurō lifted a bag from his side before he started packing it.

“Try to keep this little conversation of ours a secret for me will ya? I’m on good terms with Lady Satsuki at the moment and if she knew about this little dwelling then that might rock the boat, you know what I mean?” Matarō grinned before nodding.

“Well that would be a shame, especially since she’s staying at my house tonight and could over hear things said through our hollow walls.” Sighing, Aikurō looked over his shoulder before pointing to a small bucket.

“Keep your mouth shut kid and you can raid my scraps.” Smirking, he nodded before heading towards the pale. Scraps were better than nothing considering he couldn’t even get near Satsuki as it stood. Looking through the bucket he saw lots of wired machines and other assorted parts he had no clue about but they had to be worth something right?

As he dug deeper he suddenly saw something that didn’t look broken or scrapped. “Hey what’s this?” Matarō lifted up what looked like a bulky wrist watch with one dial on the end of it. Aikurō looked over his shoulder before smiling.

“Well now that brings back memories. That was one of my first inventions. I call it my Special Homemade Radical Infiltration & Nullification Contraption!” He smiled with pride as he received an addled look from Matarō.

“Shrink?” He deadpanned causing the Ex-Teacher to facefault at the name. “It’s not Shrink! It’s my Special Homemade Radical Infiltration & Nullification Contraption!”… “So shrink but with a C?” Aikurō groaned as she sulked into the table.

“So, what does it do?” Hearing the subject change, the elder man composed himself before grinning. “Well as I was saying my Special Hom-“” Your shrink watch.” Grumbling he nodded before leaning against the table. “It’s an escape band I designed in case I was ever cornered.”

Matarō looked at it perplexed. “How the hell does a watch help you escape from someone?” Grinning, Aikurō turned back to his table as he continued packing his bag. “Well I designed it to alter the molecular atoms in your body to make them much denser. By pressing them together just enough to alter your bodies composition, I was-“Hearing a quieted snoring from behind him he drummed his fingers in agitation.

“It shrinks you!” Matarō blinked before looking at it shocked. “WAIT WHAT, HOW DOES IT DO THAT?!” Sighing, he shook his head. “I’m not going to go into the details if you’re just going to fall asleep again. “I wasn’t sleeping, I was mocking you.”

Tsking, Aikurō tapped his wrist in annoyance. “By condensing your atoms it makes you much smaller giving you the appearance of being shrunk. My idea was to make it so you would be the size of an insect, maybe a few centimeters even! But… there were a few issues with it.” He sighed shaking his head sadly.

“The problem was I planned for the user to be as light as a feather so they could scale walls or jump over large obstacles but… all the density in a person has to go somewhere so it just makes you much heavier. Imagine one hundred or even two condensed into a small three inch object. Jumping is next to impossible, and walking is strenuous.”

He shook his head. The device was going to be amazing but he could never get the bugs fixed. “The bigger issue I had with it though was the battery. When it’s turned on it uses the battery rather quickly but after you shrink it shrinks the life on it by hours. Every time I used it I was able to shrink for maybe three minutes before I had to change back or else I-“He stopped talking as he turned around.

The room was empty. Apparently Matarō had left as soon as he found out what the watch was. ‘Huh… well he’s a clever kid I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Shrugging, he went back to packing his stuff before leaving the vacant school before any of the night guards began their patrol.


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~ Back at the Mankanshoku residence ~


Hearing a knocking at the front door, Ryuko sighed before heading towards the door. ‘This better not be Matarō again.’ Opening the door, her eyes widened slightly as she saw Satsuki and Nonon standing there. “Good evening Ryuko, I trust we aren’t late?”

Shaking her head, she stepped aside. “N-no, your fine just… what are you wearing?” Satsuki looked down before lightly blushing. She had on a pair of white pajama’s that looked as if they were steamed and pressed perfectly. “I-I was told this was a slumber party… while I’m not accustomed to them I know that the usual apparel is…” She blushed as she looked at Ryuko still wearing her normal clothes.

“P-Perhaps I made a mistake…” Before Ryuko could comment Mako cheered happily crashing past her in her own pair of Pajama’s. “Nope you got the memo great! And… wait, why is she here?” Mako pointed to Nonon confused.

“W-W-What?! You invited me!” The pinkette snapped harshly. “Oh yea I did didn’t I? I guess I figured you wouldn’t show up though on account that you don’t like Ryuko.” Nonon sighed walking past them both. “I’m not here for Ryuko, I’ve just been to these kinds of things before and wanted to make sure Lady Satsuki was comfortable. Where she goes I go.”

“Hard to believe you’ve been to anything involving others,” Ryuko mumbled walking past her. Ushering in her guests, Mako shut the door behind her leaving the four inside to themselves. Matarō peeked from out of the bush he’d been hiding in before sighing.

“Man that was close, I thought I was caught for sure.” Stepping out from his hiding spot he looked around before frowning. “I can’t use any of the doors or windows to get in and the floorboards are off limits to…” As he eyed his house over he grinned looking up towards the roof.

‘I guess I found my way in.’ Climbing up the gutters, he began scaling them before jumping on his roof quietly. It was already dark outside but he could still see clearly enough to find were he needed to go. As he looked over the different pipes he tried to remember which one wasn’t linked to their chimney, he didn’t want to be burned alive after all.

Finding the ventilation shaft to the kitchen he lifted his wrist up as he flashed the *Shrinc*. “Turning the dial he watched the device as it began buzzing loudly. Suddenly his arm spasmed as he fell down in pain. ‘D-Damn it this hurt!’ growling he watched as it died down before remaining quiet.

“Old bastard, you could have told me it would hurt!” shaking his hand a bit he froze as his eyes landed on the massive Colom in front of him. Looking around a vast landscape of shingles greeted him on all sides. ‘Whoa… it worked…’ Smiling broadly he looked at the large pillar before grabbing onto it.

As he began to climb he suddenly felt his body pulled downward. “What the hell, why can’t I climb it?” Trying harder he pulled himself up about a foot before feeling his body struggling to stay up. “G-Geez am I out of shape or something?!”

Gritting his teeth, he began climbing in agony as he tried to get to the top. What would have been a ten second climb took roughly twenty minutes. As he gripped the rim he pulled himself on the edge before panting tiredly.

“Geez… this… sucks!” Looking over the edge he suddenly felt a sense of dread as he stared at the dark passage. ‘M-Maybe I should find another way inside… Hearing voices from below however made him growl. “No I got this!” Jumping in, his intention was to cling to the walls and slowly climb down but as soon as he met air, his body shot down quickly.

“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!” As he fell, he saw his stove coming in fast. Knowing he was going to die he screamed covering his eyes before his body suddenly impacted with the metal stove leaving a large dent in it.

Groaning in pain, Matarō looked up from the crater he had made before looking around. ‘How the hell did I survive?’ Looking up, the steam vent for their stove was over head so he had to have fallen a good hundred feet, well to him at least.

‘Maybe I have some kind of powers at this size.’ Grinning, he crawled out of his hole, hearing an audible creep under his feet. “Well this is a good enough time to test my theory…” Jumping off the stove he impacted with the ground leaving a loud thumping noise where he landed.

As he peeled himself off the floor he looked around before smiling happily. He was perfectly fine… for the most part. “Hell yeah, I can dig this!” Running towards his living room, he began looking for the girls before seeing it vacant.

“I guess they must all be in my sister’s room.” Grinning he began his journey there. It took him some time to make it but once he was at their door he could hear multiple girls talking on the other side. “I can’t believe all the other’s didn’t show up!”, “Others, who all did you invite over?”,” Everyone we know.”

Hearing the commotion from the other side he peeked under the door before drooling as he saw Ryuko, Satsuki and Nonon in pajama’s all sitting around one another. “Geez, why the hell did you invite so many people, the rooms crowded enough with just the four of us.” Ryuko wined as she rubbed her forehead in agitation.

“Sure you’re not just upset that no one came except your sister?” Nonon smirked before a pillow was launched into her face. “Say that again I dare you!” Growling the pinkette looked ready to fight but was stopped as Satsuki pushed them both apart.

“Enough both of you. Try to remain civil if only for a night,” Satsuki sighed mimicking Ryuko as she rubbed her temple. “Aww don’t fight guys the fun hasn’t even begun yet we still a have the whole night ahead of us!” Mako cheered happily much to Ryuko’s dismay.

“A whole night of fun eh?” Matarō’s mind worked rapidly as he tried to imagine what all they had planned, his brain coming up with many perverted scenarios. He had heard about slumber parties turning into other things before and he was eager to watch one for himself.

“Well by all means let the fun begin ladies,” Matarō drooled excitedly as he watched the scenes unfold.




“Ok I have to admit, this was pretty fun,” Ryuko sighed laying back in her bed. “Indeed, it was nice to hang out together.” Satsuki muttered laying in her own. “I wouldn’t say enjoyable but definitely tolerable.” Nonon mumbled tiredly as she nuzzled her face into a pillow.

“Aww are you guys going to bed already?! But we can do so much more an-“Mako started before falling asleep almost instantaneously as her head hit her own pillow. “Geez the way that spaz sleeps during the day I expected her to be up all night,” Nonon mumbled before yawning tiredly herself.

“Perhaps it’s best we all follow Mankanshoku’s example and retire for the night.” Nodding, they all laid back before preparing for bed. “Good night guys… this was nice…” Ryuko whispered quietly before letting herself fall asleep.

Matarō pounded his head into the wall repeatedly as he cried. “What cruel fate is this?! I wanted to at least see them kissing or something!” Turning back he growled before slouching. ‘Even if my sister was here, I had three prime targets I could have watched, this sucks!’

Clenching his fists he watched Ryuko’s chest rise and fall as she slept, his face twisting into a lascivious expression. “I bet I can still salvage this night… I’ll just have to be quick.” Crawling under the doorframe he looked around cautiously before running into the bedroom towards Ryuko’s sleeping form.

As he grew closer, he felt a sudden feeling of apprehension. ‘D-Damn she’s huge…’ Shaking away the feeling he ran closer before pushing her blanket aside. ‘Let’s see, how am I going to do this…? I’ll have to climb either her stomach or feet to get to her chest then-‘His thoughts where suddenly stopped as Ryuko began to move.

‘C-C-Crap did I wake her?!’ Running back he ducked behind her blanket as he watched her carefully. It seemed she was just moving to get comfortable, nothing serious… although… Matarō’s eyes landed on his new target. Having turned in her sleep she now rested on her stomach… exposing her beautiful large rear!

Drooling slightly, Matarō grinned before running towards her massive ass. As he approached the base he couldn’t stop himself from shuddering in pleasure. “This is so cool! I’ve wanted to do this ever since I met you!” Grabbing onto her pajama’s he began climbing but a similar event occurred like the one on the roof.

Tugging on the cloth it just pulled down, not giving him the chance to climb higher. “D-Damnit why do I have to be so freaking heavy?!” Gritting his teeth, he let go of the fabric before running back. ‘I guess I’ll try to jump then.

As he rushed towards her, he jumped before screaming as he face planted into her ass giving it a slight jiggle. ‘Crap…’ Falling back down, he groaned. This was just painful, her ass was right here and he couldn’t even get on it!

“Think, come on think! I’m not going to miss the chance of a lifetime!” Grabbing onto her pajamas again, he began franticly tugging on them but they only stretched farther. ‘It’s no use… what do I do now?’ Almost as if his pleas where heard, Ryuko grumbled in her sleep before pulling on her Pajama’s as she tried to fix them.

That was all Matarō needed however as he was pulled all the way up. Screaming slightly, he fell between her massive cheeks as his body sunk a bit deeper. ‘W-Whoa…’ His nose began to bleed as he looked around.

“I-I-I’m on her ass!” Cheering in triumph he quickly covered his mouth as he looked over at the others before letting out a quieted sigh of relief. ‘Geez why not just scream their names Matarō…’ Shaking away his momentary lapse of judgment, he quickly dived towards her ass.

Tonight was going to be a magical one indeed.




Ryuko groaned quietly as she rolled onto her stomach. Something was bothering her and she couldn’t figure out what. ‘What’s with these pants…?’ Pulling on her Pajama’s she felt them suddenly sink down between her ass but she didn’t care. She was just too damn tired.

After her going away party ended, they had all ate and told varies stories over the past couple hours. It had to be well into the A.M by now. As her pajama’s sunk lower she growled before giving them a sharp tug out of her crack before they sunk right back in.

‘Fuck it…’ Moving her hand between her ass cheeks, she pressed down burying them so they would stop moving. Feeling, the foreign feeling cease she smiled before letting sleep once again claim her.




Matarō was in the process of groping Ryuko’s ass as he laughed giddily before he was suddenly pulled upwards. Falling back down he looked up confused before seeing Ryuko’s hand pulling her pajama’s up a bit. This continued for a little before he heard a low growl from the tired giantess.

As her hand moved around again he was unsure of what to expect but almost screamed as her hand moved right over him. ‘OH SHIT SHE FOUND ME! I’M A DEAD MAN! SHE’S GOING TO KILL ME!’ Saying his prayer’s he closed his eyes expecting to be withdrawn and beaten brutally but… that didn’t happen.

As her fingers pressed in to him, instead of being withdrawn he was shocked to find himself sinking deeper! ‘S-She’s pushing me in her ass?!’ As he was deep enough to the point he couldn’t see light, Ryuko’s massive fingers withdrew leaving him trapped in darkness.

Minutes passed before he heard her snoring lightly. ‘Thank god…’ Letting out the breath he had been holding him he tried to move before scowling. ‘Damn it what do I do?’ Thrashing a bit he felt his body coming a bit lose but Ryuko suddenly moved making him freeze.

Counting silently, her movements stopped before he sighed. “Geez what now, I can’t move or she’ll wake up for sure…” Moving slowly, he began positioning his back around until he got comfortable. There wasn’t much he could do anyways, he might as well get nice and…

A loud rumble caught his attention making him look around confused. ‘That… that didn’t sound good, what the hell was it?’




Ryuko peaceful face slowly began to twitch before turning into a frown. Gritting her teeth, her eyes fluttered open as she stared off in the darkness. ‘W-What… what is…’ Hearing a loud gurgle she groaned as her arms moved around her stomach.

‘O-Oh god that hurt!’ Hearing another loud groan she looked around before feeling a large pressure knocking on her back door. ‘A-Are they sleeping yet?’ Biting her lip, she released a bit of the pressure before a quiet fart escaped making her sigh.

The pain was a bit lessened now but… ‘Oh god that stinks!’ Cupping her nose she grit her teeth. If she could smell it then there was no doubt in her mind, the others would probably smell it to. ‘I need to take care of this before anything else tries to come out…’

Crawling to her feet, she began to groggily make her way towards the door before letting herself out. As Ryuko navigated the small hallway, she had to constantly tug her pajama’s back up. For some reason it was like something was trying to pull them down.

As she moved towards the bathroom, she left the light off, letting the small skylight illuminate enough of it for her to see with. She didn’t want any of her friends (or Nonon) investigating what she was about to do.

Moving towards the small toilet only the females of the Mankanshoku’s were allowed to use, she tugged down her pajamas before hearing a quiet splash below her. ‘What the hell was that, did I drop something in the toilet?’

Looking between her legs, her eyes bugged out. “W-What the hell, how tired am i?!”




Matarō heard the low rumble increase before be sunk a bit lower. “What the heck is-“Before he could finish his sentence a massive gust of foul wind was blow right into him causing the miniature Mankanshoku to clutch his throat in pain.

‘AHHH WHAT THE HELL, THIS SMELLS TERRIBLE?!’ Covering his nose he coughed violently but the stench was pressed into his nose and throat. He could practically taste the foul substance. Before he could do anything about the smell however he was suddenly turned upside down as Ryuko moved around.

‘C-C-Crap what’s going on?!’ Struggling franticly he decided his stay was over welcomed now as he tried to escape from Ryuko’s ass but her plump cheeks kept him firmly tucked in place, he was trapped in her ass!

As he was tossed left and right he felt his reality shifting all around him. He had no idea where he even was at this point. He didn’t need to wonder long however as Ryuko’s movements suddenly ceased. As he was suspended he waited for something to happen before screaming as he was suddenly airborne.

Falling down he closed his eyes before suddenly being submerged in cold water. As he sunk down, he thrashed around for a moment in fear as his body tried to sink lower. But as he moved his hands below him he coughed feeling the surface close by.

“W-What the hell, how tired am i?!” Matarō froze as his eyes widened in fear. Looking up his stomach dropped as he stared at two terrifying things. The first being he had fallen in a his sister’s toilet which was just disgusting, the second being the giantess Ryuko standing over him, her face changing back and forth as she tried to process what she was looking at.

‘Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! Time to go!’ Lifting his wrist up, he slammed his hand on the dial of the shrink watch. After a second he noticed himself the same size before he panicked, hitting the watch repeatedly. “Come on you piece of crap work!” Ryuko turned her head to the side confused.

‘A-Am I still dreaming? What the hell is Matarō doing inside my toilet… and tiny?’ As she watched the small boy smacking his hand and screaming she shook her head. ‘This is one weird dream… although…’ A small smirk graced her lips as she looked at Mako’s helpless, little brother.

“I don’t know what you’re doing in there but that’s not the best place to hide from me, especially not now.” Matarō looked up confused as he saw Ryuko’s cruel face. “W-W-Wait Ryuko you need to help me get out of here!”

Ryuko chuckled dryly as she shook her head. ‘I guess if this is a dream I just imagined having to go but, I bet I still can.’ Turning around she pulled the rest of her Pajama’s down as she displayed her large rear to the young boy.

“R-R-Ryuko?” He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Was she, was she sitting down?! “Ryuko this isn’t funny, help me out please!” Ryuko heard his tiny squeals but she couldn’t understand what it was he was saying.

‘This will be fun, I wonder if I should taunt him to…’ Smirking she spread her legs a bit giving Matarō a dim view of her trimmed nether lips. “You know you’ve been a pain in my ass for a while right? Always trying to look at me when I’m changing, or peeking on me when I bathe… I guess this is karma huh.” She grinned as she pulled her cheeks apart, spreading her puckered anus.

“W-W-WAIT I CAN EXPLAIN, I GOT THIS WATCH FROM MR-“ He tried to explain what happened before a loud rumble suddenly shook through the toilet bowl, causing him to clench his nose in pain. “Ahh… It felt like I was holding that in for hours. Who knew farting on you would be so fun?” She grinned as she heard the shrill screams below her.

“Oh god Ryuko that stinks, what the hell crawled up you and died?!” Shaking his head in pain the smell was violating his senses. Both his eyes and nose burned! Hearing more rumbles above he froze. ‘I-I-Is she going to f-fart again?!’

Looking up in fear he didn’t know what to expect. Why was Ryuko doing this to him?! Time passed for a moment and nothing happened. Maybe he had imagined it? As minutes passed the ominous rumble from before returned, only now much louder than before.

“G-Geez, what the hell did Mako feed us?” Her stomach felt like it was doing flips. Clutching it in pain she tried to force what was in her out. Matarō could smell something now, it was much worse than the fart from before.

Looking up he took a step back but knew there was nowhere he could run. Something was coming, and he knew what it was. Ryuko groaned before a small smile made way to her lips. ‘F-Finally…’ Feeling the buildup pressing against her sphincter she let it out sighing in bliss, the pressure from before finally having a place to go.

Matarō couldn’t see much, the dim light shining between the giantess’s legs wasn’t near what he needed but he could make out an outline of something, and it was coming out of Ryuko’s ass! “R-R-RYUKO STOP, STOP! I’M STILL IN HERE YOU NEED TO GET ME OUT, PLEASE DON’T!”

His cries were heard, but Ryuko only smiled. ‘Serves you right you little perv. I guess you pissed me off more than I thought if I’m dreaming about you.’ Matarō trudged through the water as he tried desperately to climb up the slick porcelain walls but with his weight and the wet, smooth walls he was trapped.

Looking up in fear he didn’t know what to do now as he saw a massive shape slowly come into view. “Oh crap…” Screaming he felt his body suddenly being hit by what felt like a truck as he was shoved under the shallow toilet water.

“Uhh… t-that felt nice…” Ryuko moaned as she felt her bowels happily being released down on Mako’s tiny brother. The thought brought a smile to her lips. ‘I hope he’s suffering in there,’ A small giggle escaped her lips as she continued.

Matarō cried as he thrashed in vain. All around him he felt Ryuko’s hot, moist, excrement surrounding him. It was solid, but he sunk right in it! He tried to scream but that proved to be his biggest mistake as her foul shit began to move into his mouth.

‘Uhh…’ Coughing, he wanted to puke but nothing would come out with Ryuko’s shit pushing down his throat. ‘T-This is hell!’ Struggling he tried to get free but he only felt his body being pulled into the wet log surrounding him.

Ryuko sighed happily before standing up to look at her handiwork. Inside of course disgusted her with what she made but… the small wiggling shape in it made her die with laughter. “HAHAHAHAHA Oh my god! You look so p-pathetic down there Hahahaha!”

She clutched her sides in pain seeing the limp form flopping around in her shit. ‘I suppose I better help him. “Well time to go, I hope peeking at me was worth it you little shit.” She grinned vindictively before reaching for the toilet handle.

“I don’t know why this is so fun, watching you squirm in my waste and all but… I suppose I should just enjoy it.” She smiled before pushing the handle down, letting the new water run into the toilet as she flushed it.

The feeling she felt was she watched Matarō slowly being washed off from her shit was slightly hedonistic but, at the same time she could enjoy where he was headed. Matarō screamed as he felt his body being thrown left and right before he was spun rapidly in a torrent of Ryuko’s shit and water.

“M-Make, i-it, s-stop!” he cried feeling his body torn apart as he was pulled in every direction… however. Suddenly it all stopped as he began to sink. Looking down he screamed in fear as he was pulled towards the drain. He was about to be plunged into the sewers!

Crying he was dunked underwater, once again drinking some of Ryuko’s waste before his body was forced against the small drain pipe. ‘God this hurts!’ His body was forced into the metal frame but… at the same time it saved his life.

As all the water and waste (for the most part) washed past him, the current died down pulling him back out into the surface. As he surfaced he gasped for air before coughing violently as he took in a fresh whiff of the stale toilet air around him.

“Huh, I guess a part of me wanted you to live after all.” Matarō went rigid as he looked up, his heart dropping as his eyes landed on Ryuko’s cruel face. “But I’m still pretty mad at you for all the times you’ve fucked with me. Actually, I think I know the best way to punish you for it to.” She smirked before reaching into the toilet.

Matarō tried to run but he could do little more than wade in the water as Ryuko’s massive finger’s clutched him from all sides. “G-Geez, why are you so freaking heavy?” Ryuko lifted Matarō up confused, he had to weigh at least 50 pounds!

Matarō struggled to get out of her grip but was suddenly stilled as she squeezed him tightly. “Quit fighting you little twerp. Here’s how this is going to go. Do as I say and I won’t drop you back in the toilet and try my odds at flushing you again. Do good and I’ll let you go, do bad and I drop you in the toilet anyways, got it?” She spoke succinctly as she tried to drill into him what he had to do not to anger her further.

Gulping in fear, he nodded as he tried to remain quiet. Ryuko was in a volatile mood apparently, the last thing he wanted was to end back up in the toilet like before. “Good, now get to work, you have a mess to clean up.” She grinned cheekily before she belt over moving Matarō behind her.

As he was moved lower, Matarō wondered what she meant until he was face to face with Ryuko’s filthy asshole. Apparently she didn’t want to waste toilet paper when she flushed before. “W-W-WAIT, YOU’VE GOT TO BE JOKING! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!”

Ryuko heard his little squeals but still couldn’t make out what he was saying. “I don’t have a clue what you said but I don’t feel you cleaning yet, get to work, unless you’d rather go back in the toilet?” She pulled him away from her anus as she moved him over the open water.

“N-N-NO, NO, NO I’LL… I’ll do whatever you want!” Feeling his struggles she smirked before pushing him back against her asshole. “Then get to it, use your tongue, I like a little water cleaning once and awhile.” She blushed, recalling her experience with the bidet’s at Honnouji Academy.

Matarō grimaced as he saw her smeared, wrinkled anus come into view. ‘D-Does she r-really want me to, t-to lick it?!’ It had been a fantasy of his to tongue a girl for a while now but… ‘I never thought my first time would be with Ryuko’s filthy asshole! This sucks!’

Feeling Ryuko’s fingers tighten around him he gulped before closing his eyes. ‘M-M-Maybe it won’t be s-so bad…’ As he moved his head closer he extended his tongue timidly as he prepared to clean her ass. However, Ryuko was growing impatient with his hesitance.

“Geez just lick it already!” Matarō didn’t have a chance to react as his face was suddenly shoved forward as his head was pressed against her anus. Moaning, Ryuko bit her lip as she felt the unexpected pleasure flowing between her legs.

‘W-W-Wow… this feels, g-great,’ She smirked before twisting Matarō around as she used his tiny frame to wipe her ass clean. There was just something so fulfilling when she wiped Matarō in her shit. It was just so, empowering!

The young Mankanshoku on the other hand didn’t feel the same way. As his sister’s friends shit was smeared into his face he gagged as the foul smell and taste. “R-R-Ryuko please stop!” He cried but to no avail, she couldn’t even hear him at his current size.

His face was smashed against her sphincter as he found it being ground back and forth much to the giantess’s pleasure. It seemed she didn’t care for cleaning it at this point, it just felt good to torture the shrunken boy.

“D-Damn… I better stop or I might get lost in this…” She mumbled tiredly as she felt her knee’s wobbling under her. Moving Matarō to the top of her crack, she pressed him in before giving him a long wipe down her ass as she gathered the remaining filth left before Lifting Matarō up.

“Damn you look like shit,” She laughed seeing his smeared body as he coughed repeatedly. “Well I told you to lick my ass and I didn’t feel any licking back there, I think you should be punished for that.” Ryuko grinned callously.

“WHAT! YOU KEPT RUBBING ME IN YOUR ASS, HOW THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSED TO CLEAN YOUR ASS THAT WAY YOU PSYCHOTIC BIT-“Ryuko laughed loudly, silencing his small rant. “I still can’t hear a thing you’re saying, but I don’t really care either way. See ya around.”

Before Matarō could register what she meant he screamed as his body went airborne. Falling he grimaced in fear before his body suddenly collided with water once more as he fell back in the filthy toilet, that had imprisoned him earlier.

“I’ll just leave you in there this time, have fun.” Ryuko laughed again before she pulled up her Pajama bottoms and stepped out of the bathroom, leaving the shrunken boy nauseous and disoriented as he waded in the murky water being diluted by the shit coating him.

‘This sucks…’ Tears fell from his eyes as he continued to spit out the foul taste in his mouth. He was just used as a piece of toilet paper! This wasn’t what he wanted at all!’ Lifting his wrist up, he glared at the watch around his wrist in anger.

“Damn it, this is your fault! Why the hell didn’t I change back?!” Slamming his hand on it, the dial beeped for a second before flickering out. “COME ON YOU STUPID PIECE OF JUNK WORK!” The watch just hummed every time he hit it however before fading out again and again in succession.

“Damn it!” He screamed thrashing around in the water. “Great I’m stuck like this and inside my sister’s freaking toilet! Not to mention humiliated by Ryuko… how the hell can I ever look her in the eyes after this?” He figured she thought he was just a figment of her imagination since she was tired but still, she had tried to kill him! What did that say about how she felt towards him in real life?

Looking up he stared at the moon overhead through the small skylight. “At least she left the lid up… it would have sucked to be stuck in the dark like this…” Looking his body over he cringed before he began cleaning himself off.

‘The water’s disgusting but at least her shit won’t be on me any more…’ As he bathed he looked his clothing over before groaning. They were tattered, torn, and just plain ruined. “Great…” Tugging off his shirt and pants he stripped before he continued to bathe.

“That was one of my favorite shirts to…” Sighing he dunked his head under water before ruffling his hair as he tried to clean off the brown smudges he knew were there. Upon surfacing he gasped before his nose wrinkled in disgust at the smell.

“How long will I be stuck in here?” It had to be a matter of time before someone else came in. They’d know he was real right? Almost on cue the door to the bathroom jiggled alerting him to someone’s presence.

“YES! THANK GOD I’M SAVED!” As the door swung open lightly an imposing figure stepped inside the small bathroom before shutting the door behind her. Matarō couldn’t make out who it was at first but as she stepped into the light his eyes widened.

“S-S-SATSUKI?!” Out of all the people he expected, he never thought it would be her. After all she was just so… regal. Using a bathroom like this must have been a last resort for her or something. He couldn’t imagine any other situation where she would willingly use theirs.

Satsuki lifted her nose a bit before taking a light sniff of the air, her face turning to one of disgust. “This place is filthy, I can’t fathom how Ryuko’s survived here for so long.” Her tone was one of sadness as she shook her head.

“HEY OUR HOUSE ISN’T THAT BAD!” Matarō screamed in defense but his tiny voice was apparently unheard as Satsuki turned around. “W-W-Wait you can’t just leave! Please you’ve got to help me I’m trapped in… here…” His voice died down as he felt his stomach drop.

She wasn’t turning to leave, she was sitting down! Satsuki hooked her thumbs under her pajamas before tugging them down as she exposed the young Mankanshoku to her pristine white panties, clearly embroidered and well made.

“G-Geez does she highball everything she owns?!” As Satsuki moved her thumbs around her panties she blushed lightly. She had an uneasy feeling for some reason. It was almost like she was being watched. Looking around a bit she sighed before tugging down her panties.

“I suppose using a stranger’s bathroom would do that to anyone…” She hadn’t used anyone else’s before after all. Matarō was terrified, scared beyond belief, horrified really but… His nose began to gush blood as his eyes landed on Satsuki’s bare nether lips and cute, puckered anus.

“Whoa… s-so hot…” Feeling his face heat up, he felt his body going dizzy as he admired Satsuki without her knowledge. ‘I know I wanted to shrink to do this but… wow…’ His mind was going over hundreds of perverted thoughts featuring Ryuko’s elder sister.

‘I’ll never forget this…’ Hearing Satsuki sigh he looked between the small crack between her legs as he saw her lightly tinted face as she tried to relax, wait relax? His eyes suddenly widened as he remembered where he was.

“Oh shit! Satsuki, Satsuki down here hey, HEY!” He began screaming franticly but it was clear the elder Kiryūin had no clue he was even there. Taking a step back he pressed his body against the Porcelain wall as he braced for impact. He had learned before standing in the middle of the bowel like an idiot was a stupid idea… however.

Slowly something began to drop in the bowl much to his shock. ‘Wait she didn’t fart did she… then that means,’ His eyes widened just before a torrent of warm liquid fell into the small toilet bowl. His current position would have been fine if Satsuki was in fact emptying her bowels but what he failed to take into consideration was the fact she might not be shitting at all.

As the wave of salty liquid splashed into the bowel, the murky urine was cascaded into his body forcing him against the Porcelain walls painfully. “S-Satsuki sto-“He tried to scream but was silenced as the giantess’s salty piss was forced into his mouth much like Ryuko’s excrement had been earlier.

Coughing he tried to spit out her urine but more filled his mouth much to his dismay. Satsuki blushed as she emptied her bladder. Looking around she still had an uneasy feeling, like someone was in fact watching her but no matter where she looked nothing was there.

Biting her lower lips she breathed slowly, as her nose wrinkled. She always hated going to the bathroom. For some reason whenever she went, no matter what she did or ate, her piss would always smell sour to her.

‘At least in my bathroom there are fresheners on every wall. The smell, it’s just so strong this time.’ Her nose wrinkled in disgust as she continued emptying her bladder. Matarō cried as he felt his body pelted with liquid.

It felt like he was being shot repeatedly by a cannon as little drops of liquid stabbed into him. ‘P-P-Please… s-stop…’ As he continued being baptized in her urine, Satsuki finally sighed as she felt the last of her bladder emptied.

As the stream died down, she wiggled her hips a little to let the last of the water drip off before she reached behind the toilet. After a moment however she scowled as she felt no button for a bidet. ‘I… I guess they wouldn’t have one would they…’ As she blushed, she looked to her side before grabbing a couple pieces of toilet paper.

Folding them properly, she gave her nether lips a quick swap before discarding the paper in the bowl below. Matarō groaned as his body clung to the wall. The force of her stream had plastered him onto it even though the water was all around him.

Looking up he saw a small slip of paper fall in before the shadow of Satsuki rose, illuminating the toilet completely. The murky, yellow water all around him made him gag, especially now that he tasted the sour flavor of Satsuki’s piss, fresh in his mouth.

Tugging on his body, Matarō struggled as he tried to free himself. “Satsuki please I’m still in here, HELP!” He started screamed but Satsuki only tugged her clothes back in place before moving her hand towards the toilet handle.

“WAIT SATSUKI DON’T-“ He didn’t get a chance to finished before the toilet flushed, letting a stream of water wash over him, freeing him from the wall before being plunged into the sickly yellow water below. As he was dunked, his mouth was wide open, giving him a fresh taste of her piss, as he gulped down mouthfuls in agony.

As he was spun around, more and more of her piss entered his mouth, forcing him to drink whatever came, or else drown. Like before he felt nauseous as he was spun before suddenly being sucked down. But like before, his body was shoved against the small drain pipe as he was pelted by a flood of water.

Once the suction died down he was shoved back by the current before surfacing. Satsuki closed the toilet lid before moving towards the sink. For some reason when she closed the toilet however, the feeling of being watched ceased.

‘How peculiar…’ Shrugging, she rinsed her hands off before exiting the bathroom to return to her slumber. Matarō lay on his back as his face barely rose over the water. Since water was scarce where they lived, there family had a 3 flush system per toilet or else the water would run out.

After so many flushes the water would just stop coming till the next day. In the end it saved them money but currently it saved his life. He was beat… Lying back he groaned in pain. His stomach was fighting him as he it tried to puke up the foul substances inside him but he just couldn’t for some reason.

“At least I’m not dirty anymore…” Satsuki’s piss had cleaned him off very thoroughly… Clutching his arm he cried softly. This was hell, how did peeking on his sister’s friend’s turn into this?! As he waded in the darkness he only prayed who ever came next looked in the toilet.

He was three inches after all, someone had to notice him! Hearing a loud creek his eyes suddenly shot to the toilet lid. Someone had entered the bathroom again. “HELP, HEY I’M IN THE TOILET, HELP ME PLEASE! COME ON LOOK DOWN HERE, I’M IN THE TOILET!” He began screaming at the top of his lungs as he tried to jump up and down.

A small shadow moved over the toilet before plunging the whole bowl in darkness. As the lid slowly raised his eyes lit up as he looked at the face of Nonon who was looking directly at him. “Why the hell are you in a toilet?” She mumbled tiredly as she stared at the tiny Mankanshoku.

“THANK GOD! FINNALY SOMEONE FOUND ME!” He screamed with joy, jumping up in triumph. Nonon looked at him bored before she sat down on the side of the tub next to the toilet. “Ok, you peaked my interest. What the hell happened to you?”

Matarō immediately began explaining (minus the whole shrinking to peek on them thing) how he wound up shrunken and why he was in a toilet. Nonon’s face kept changing through his story, first bored then interested then frowning, then smiling, before ending with her on the tiled floor laughing hysterically.

“Oh my god that’s too good, Hahahaha” She cackled with glee. Matarō growled as he tapped his arm. “IT’S NOT FUNNY! I WAS USED AS RYUKO’S FREAKING TOILET PAPER!””I know that part was perfect!” Nonon clutched her stomach laughing harder.

“Oh god…” She wiped a tear from her eye as she chuckled. “Man this slumber party wasn’t a total let down after all.” Leaning back up on the tub’s side she caught her breath as she tried to calm down. “Well come on take me out all ready! I need to wash off all this… gunk.” Matarō grumbled as he flicked off some of the excrement still clinging to him.

Nonon stopped laughing as she gave him a quizzical look. “Wait, what made you think I was going to help you?” His jaw hit the floor. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! YOU HAVE TO HELP ME OUT I’M THE SIZE OF A MOUSE!” Nonon tapped her chin before shrugging.

“That’s not really my problem now is it? But it could be fun to take advantage of it.” Her smile turned barbarous as she rested her head in her hand. “W-W-Wait, w-what are you talking about?!” Sighing, the pinkette stood up as she towered over him.

“Well it’s not every day I get to be bigger than someone, that’s especially annoying considering I have a dominant personality.” She frowned recalling all the people of her past she was dwarfed to. “But you on the other hand are the perfect size for plenty of fun activities I could do, and then some.” Her smile was sadistic as she stared down at the shrunken boy cowering at this point.

“W-W-Wait, b-b-but I…” Matarō tried to speak but he was terrified at this point. The primal look he was receiving horrified him to the core. “I’m not sure why this comes as a surprise to you, I don’t like you or your family for that matter, and I get frustrated easily so really it’s more of my issue but, your just easy enough for me to take advantage of.” Nonon shrugged once more before reaching in the toilet.

“S-S-TAY BACK WAIT, WAIT WHAT, I-I-I’LL TELL SATSUKI ABOUT THIS!” Nonon’s hand froze as she leveled her glare at Matarō. “Will you now? Honestly I don’t think she’d care, she knows I can be cruel to others but… I could just as easily get rid of you once I’m done,” Nonon’s smiled sinisterly as she looked towards the toilet handle.

“Flushing you might not be an option but I could just as easily drown you. It doesn’t even have to be in water.” She giggled as she reached down once more before gripping a now rigid Matarō. Lifting up the tiny boy she looked him over.

‘Huh, he looks average for his age I suppose. He’s nothing special really.’ She had hoped to get at least a bit excited holding a tiny boy toy in her hands but the little Mankanshoku wasn’t really doing much for her. ‘I guess I have too high of standards.’ She scowled. When it came to other’s she liked she viewed all women to Satsuki’s standards and all men to… well better than Sanageyama, not that she’d ever try to get with that monkey.

“Well this sucks. I’m not even turned on holding you, what a pain.” Nonon pouted as she put the small toilet seat down before sitting on it. Matarō gave her an odd look, what the hell was she talking about. “I guess I can just imagine I’m holding Lady Satsuki instead but then I’d be playing with you way to gently,” she pouted imagining what she’d do with her childhood friend.

“Oh I know! I’ll just imagine your Ryuko! I can be as rough as I want with that bitch.” Nonon smirked as she closed her eyes. Matarō watched Nonon for a moment as her cheeks slowly started darkening. “There we go, this will be fun.”

Picturing things was pretty simple for her. With just a thought she was in the same room but now she held a struggling Ryuko in her grip instead of Matarō. “Time for you to know your place you tramp,” Nonon smiled as she moved her free hand around her pajama bottoms.

As Nonon tugged on her pink pajamas, his eyes were glued to what was hidden below. ‘A-A-Am I d-dreaming?!’ Was she really about to do what he thought she was?! As the pink garment moved around her ankles she moved Matarō in front of her bright, frilly, pink panties as she began to pant.

“D-Do you like what you see? You little slut. Always dressing so floozy, god you piss me off!” Gritting her teeth she hooked her thumb around her panties before giving them a sharp tug down, causing Matarō to go silent at what he saw.

She wasn’t bare like Satsuki, not in the slightest. Her pink pubic hair was very abundant, which did answer one question of his, if her hair was natural but brought more questions to light. What the hell did she plan to do with him now?!

“Y-You like what you see that much? I knew you were a tramp.” Nonon chuckled as she hung Matarō in front of her nether lips. Her Glistening juices slowly dripping out the more she spoke. “How about you give it a kiss? I know your dying to you lit-“”NONON WAIT DON’T DO THIS!”

The pinkette’s eyes snapped open enraged as she glared down at Matarō. “DON’T SPEAK!” Her finger’s tightened around the shrunken boy as he struggled in pain. “I don’t want you annoying voice to distract me got it! Just do whatever I tell you to and I might not stomp you into the floor!” She hissed as her cheeks darkened.

Shuddering he nodded, even Ryuko wasn’t this venomous with him. Closing her eyes once more, Nonon took a deep breath as she tried to resume her fantasy. “Go on give it a kiss, I know you want to. A skank like you can’t help it.” Nonon grinned as she moved Matarō in front of her labia, her free hand parting her lower lips a bit, exposing the even pinker coloring inside to the young boy.

‘Whoa… s-so this is what she looks like…’”I’m waiting…” Nonon said whispered darkly as her finger’s curled around his neck. Nodding franticly, he blushed himself as he leaned forward. ‘I-I guess I have to…’ Nonon’s breath caught in her thought as she attempted to moan.

The gentle tickling sensation on her nether lips indicating *Ryuko* was doing what she told her to. “Y-Y-Yes, keep it up! I knew you were a slut!” Her voice carried both anger and lust as she imagined the shrunken girl pleasing her.

Matarō kissed her pink flesh continually, his own arousal beginning to show now at how excited he was by this situation. Sure he was being held by threat of… probably something worse than death, but Nonon was still cute to him, and with her heat radiating right on him like it was, he couldn’t help but get turned on by what was happening.

Nonon mewed as she began pressing Matarō into her folds. “G-Go on, rub your worthless face against my crotch! Bath in me, let me mark you as mine you stupid bitch!” Matarō stared up at Nonon shocked. She had a lot of pent up anger towards Ryuko apparently.

Feeling Nonon tighten her grip on him, he got the hint and started rubbing his face into her folds getting a loud moan from the pinkette. Panting, she began forcing him forward getting struggles from the tiny Mankanshoku. “S-S-Stop struggling and just accept your fate!”

He wanted to scream but he knew his voice would most likely just piss her off even further. As his arms were bent painfully, he grit his teeth before pulling them away, as his body was now shoved half way inside her.

“Uhhh…. Oh…” Nonon bit her lip feeling the foreign insertion wiggling inside her. He felt nice, much nicer than her other toys. And with the image of Ryuko struggling in her mind added to the feeling tenfold. “K-Keep it up… I, I want you to thrash! Fight me like you did before!” Her panting grew rugged as she began forcing Matarō back and forth with haste.

It had only been a few minutes but she knew she was reaching her peak already. This just felt too good. Matarō gaged as he tasted Nonon’s juices. They were all around him making him feel rather sticky. Hearing her muffled command he couldn’t make it out but as her inner walls squeezed him he began to struggle, he couldn’t breathe!

Letting her head fall back Nonon stifled a low cry as she felt her peak being reached. “I… Gah!” She screeched quietly as her hips began bucking into her hand as Matarō’s beaten form was washed out of her by her climax.

Flowing with the wave of her juices, the tiny boy coughed and gasped for air as he drank it in. “I… Thought I was… a goner…” Nonon looked down at Matarō before scowling. “It wasn’t that bad you little twerp, I bet it’s the closest you’ve ever even been with a woman.”

Giving the pinkette a scowl of his own, he smirked. “To bad it was with you instead of a woman. Then I’d at least have a story to tell!” He immediately regretted his statement however as Nonon clutched him enraged, as her fingers squeezed him hard enough for a crack to be heard.

“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY? LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! I don’t care what happens to you, I was going to set you down on the floor and let you fend for yourself but after that comment, you’re dead!” Hearing the venom in her tone he cowered.

“W-W-WAIT I-I’M SORRY I-“”It’s too late!” Moving Matarō’s naked form back towards her nether lips he began to scream and thrash, fearing she was going to use him again, however as he was inserted slowly she moved his feet in first this time.

“How bout I wash you off? A shrimp like you, doesn’t deserve to wear my essence,” she spoke haughtily as she moved the toilet seat up under her. As Matarō was moved over the open water once more he paled. “W-W-Wait, N-Nonon please d-don’t do this…” His words died as he looked up at her sinister face.

Moving her hands to each side of him, she gripped his arms, pinning his lower half inside her. “I wonder if this will kill you or not, I’m kind of curious actually. Looking up in terror he felt a light drop of liquid stain his face as he began coughing, the familiar salty taste entering his mouth.

“NONON STOP-“He tried to scream but was cut off as the pinkette released her bladder right on him. The torrent of yellow liquids gushed into him at point blank range, causing him to scream as her salty piss flowed into his waiting mouth. The feeling before when he was pinned in the toilet by Satsuki paled in comparison. It felt like his skin was being ripped from his flesh by the pressure he felt!

“Uhh…” Nonon moaned lightly as she felt her bladder emptying onto him. She didn’t really half to go when she had first gone to the bathroom, but for some reason when her she played with herself she always had to go afterwards.

In this case, it played out rather nicely. Looking down, she couldn’t even see Matarō in the stream of urine. It was like his whole body was being blown away. Luckily she still held onto his arms however, he wasn’t going anywhere after the comment he made.

Feeling her bladder almost empty she squeezed whatever else out she could before it finally died down leaving the shrunken boys limp form in her hands, her piss running out of his mouth like a faucet. ‘Huh, maybe I over did it a bit, oh well.’

Letting go of his arms, his body limply fell away before splashing into the water below. “Serves you right you little shit.” Grabbing some toilet paper from the side rack, she began wiping her hands off from the sprinkles that had hit her before she was caught off guard by a light splashing noise below her.

Looking down, her eyes widened, he was still alive? Matarō groaned as he lay on his back in the pool of urine surrounding him. His entire body was bright red from the brutal stream that had hit him but, he was alive. “Damn you’re a durable bug I’ll give you that. I suppose I should let you off the hook but… I think you deserve something else.” She smirked before dropping the soggy toilet paper over him.

The tiny Mankanshoku barely reacted as the wet cloth draped over him, he was just so worn out now. As he gazed up through the padded toilet paper he could make out a rough shape but couldn’t see enough. However, as the seconds passed the image began to become clearer and clearer before his eyes widened in fear.

Rolling onto his stomach he coughed away the salty water as he tried to move but it was too late. His body suddenly shot down as a massive shape collided with him forcing him to the bottom of the toilet. Nonon panted softly as she shook her rear.

‘That was a large one, I wonder what I ate?’ Shrugging, she grabbed another wad of toilet paper before wiping her ass down now. She didn’t feel remorse in the slightest for what she had just done, in fact she never felt better.

She was still tingling from her orgasm, and the thought of throwing him away after she used him really got her turned on again. ‘I wonder if I have time for another quickie…’ Contemplating it for a moment, she did consider it however a loud knocking on the door made her jump.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey is anyone in there?! Please say no, I really got to goooooo!” Nonon’s face went blank for a moment before she groaned knowing who it was. “Give me a second I’m in here.” Hearing a cry of pain from the other side she shook her head.

‘Don’t they have two bathrooms here? Why doesn’t she just use the other one?’ Shrugging she finished wiping her ass before standing up. As she looked in the murky water at her mess she saw the small wiggling shape in the murk she had made.

‘This should be fun…’




Mako jumped up and down as she held her stomach. “Come on, come on, come on, come on!!!!!” Tears fell from her eyes as she vibrated. Something she had eaten didn’t quite agree with her, and it wanted out now! Hearing the lock on the door click she practically burst through the wooden frame, startling the pinkette.

“Geez, watch where you’re going you spaz!” ”S-Sorry I really got to go!” Nonon smirked as she stepped out. “Fine by me,” Stepping out of the bathroom she gave a might wave to Mako before turning to leave. Mako shut the door quickly nodding vigorously.

As the door was shut, Nonon lifted her hand up as she looked at a small chain and plug. “Have fun you little twerp,” she chuckled as she walked back to her room. Matarō was in for a fun ride with that one.




Matarō’s eyes slowly opened as he stared up. His entire body felt stiff, he couldn’t move. Groaning in pain he struggled but he was firmly lodged in something. Looking around the darkness he couldn’t see anything but the smell left little to the imagination of what he was trapped in.

‘I-I’ve… I’ve got to get someone’s attention…’ Forcing his hand out of the sticky mess, he tried to unbury himself but was suddenly blinded as light shined down on him. Squinting, he saw a large shape over him but couldn’t quite make out what it was.

“Got to go, got to go, got to go,” he heard someone chanting before his eyes widened in realization. ‘Oh please no…’ As darkness flooded the bowl once more he saw a small light shining down as he looked at it. A face now came into view as his eyes adjusted causing him to nearly faint.

“M-Mako… W-Wait I’m in here!” He coughed out in pain as he tried to move but the only thing he could do was limply wave his arm. As he watched his sisters face contort into a look of discomfort he heard loud rumble overhead much like the one Ryuko had made earlier.

‘Not… again…’ As the air popped, a stale smell hit him, making him cough in disgust. Her fart was even worse than Ryuko’s! Feeling his second wind, he began clawing at the pile of shit he was stuck in as he tried to dig himself out.

‘C-Come on, A-Almost…’ Freeing his other arm he began tossing away more and more of Nonon’s waste away before hearing another loud pop over him. ‘I n-need to get her attention,’ he grit his teeth, spitting out the lingering remains in his mouth.

Soon he freed his leg leaving his other one the only thing left. “Almost, g-got it!” He screamed pulling himself out completely as he fell back on the small island of shit he was sitting on. “MAKO I’M DOWN-“He began but was silenced as a third fart rung out right over him.

Looking up his eyes widened as he felt a powerful gust directly above him. As a gurgle was heard he fell to his knees knowing it was too late. Crying in bliss, Mako moaned as she felt her bowels release, a stream of her shit now draining out of her.

Whatever she had ate, had given her something horrible. As her anus began to spasm, she grit her teeth. Her ass felt like it was going to explode! More and more waste began to shove its way out of her as she panted in vexation.

Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes began to double. After what seemed like nearly a half hour, Mako finally cried in bliss as she felt herself stop, her sweating form  resting limply on the straining toilet. “Oh wow…. That was horrible! I’m never eating my dad’s cooking again!”

Tugging on the toilet paper roll, she grabbed multiple fistfuls as she cleaned off her hindquarters. Throwing it in the toilet she stood up as she pulled her pajama bottoms up to look at the mess she had made.

As the white paper began to sink into the large, brown, murky bog that was once her toilet she frowned. “Wow I really did have to go. Well I’m glad that’s over.” Smiling happily she reached for the toilet handle, pressing it down before hearing nothing.

Blinking in confusion she began pressing on the handle vigorously but still nothing happened. “Odd, did I break the toilet?” Looking at the mess with worry she sighed before moving to the sink. “I guess I’ll let mom take care of it, she knows how to fix things.”

Humming happily she washed her hands off before going on her way, unaware of torture she had just inflicted onto her own brother…




~ Some time later~


Matarō ’s eyes were rolled back in his head. His body was both battered and felt broken, even if he knew he couldn’t be. The murky brown waste all around him had tinted his skin a dark shade. The smell would probably never leave his body.

As he gargled on the foul excrement around him he limply moved as he tried desperately to stay afloat. He was beyond tired but resting just wasn’t an option. ‘Life s-sucks…’ He’d been flouting in his sisters waste for who knows how long… he just wanted it to end.

As the door to the bathroom opened he heard a gentle humming but remained still, he just didn’t have the energy to speak anymore. “Well it looks like the girls really did make a mess of things. I guess I better get started.”

As the humming continued he gazed up in the darkness knowing the voice. Once the toilet lid was lifted up he smiled seeing the startled face of his mom. ‘I-I-I guess she sees me…’ Sukuyo Mankanshoku stared down in the toilet in shock, her face turning to one of surprise.

“Oh my, I guess Barazō must have cooked the food wrong again. Well that’s the last time I let him make dinner.” She humphed, as she reached for the toilet handle. Clicking it down the toilet remained silent confusing her.

“Well that’s strange. I wonder what happened to it.” She tapped her chin in thought before shrugging. “Oh well, I guess I’ll just clean it by hand.” As the humming continued Matarō smiled faintly. He was disheartened his mother hadn’t noticed him but at least if she cleaned up then she’d eventually find him.

He’d probably have to start working on an alibi however. He didn’t want her to find out this whole thing started with him trying to peek on his sister’s slumber party. “Oh well I guess since I’m going to clean up anyways I might as well.” ‘Might as well? Might as well wha-‘ Matarō’s face darkened in horror as he saw a shadow looming over him as his Mother’s ass began to descend on the toilet.



Chapter End Notes:






Thank you all ladies and gents i hope you enjoyed the story and once again like always please review and request, i love seeing what you guys have to tell me, all reviews are welcome.

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