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Hitching a Ride

Morris awoke, it was dark and he had difficulty breathing, an unassailable weight bearing down uniformly on the front of his entire body, holding him fast against an unyielding surface and eliminating any possibility of movement. In the gloom, he could hear the deep bass tone of a rhythmic beat, strong and steady. What the hell? Grunting, he tried to shift his body, trying to alter his position to see if he could free either of his arms, but finding the only thing he could do was wiggle his fingers and toes. Whatever it was smothering him was very warm and smooth. It was a breast. He knew without a shadow of a doubt, he was on the underside of some impossibly large breast. Swallowing hard, he realized they had done, the Graces had shrunk him. Panicked, he tried to move again, but his feeble efforts netted the same impotent results, he was stuck. There was a sense of motion, he suspected whomever was carrying him was moving.

This must have been what Tom went through, vividly remembering the expression on Kimber’s face when she mouthed the words’ Where’s Tom’. Hers was the last face he had seen before he passed, was this her boob? Or Elisha’s? Where were they headed? Was he going to be swallowed like Len? He really, really, wished he was high.

Feeling large cool fingers, hard nails dexterously burrowing beneath him and curling around his body, pulling him free of the smothering darkness in a sudden jarring motion. The lurching sensation and rapidity of his acceleration wrenched him stomach and he felt weightless for a moment as light assailed his eyes.

“There you are,” said Elisha, holding him close enough to her impossibly large face for him to feel her warm humid exhalation, a hint of cherry mixed in with her breath. Her face was larger than a billboard.

His eyes incredibly wide with fright, he looked up into hers, each of them larger than a jumbo beach ball and so incredibly limpid and luminous, framed by luscious lashes almost the length of his forearms.

“Please,” he croaked, sure he would have trembled if she wasn’t holding him so securely.

She smiled, glistening lips, deep pink in color, parting, showing him the large polished white teeth lurking behind.

Suddenly she moved him away, again the sensation of rapid acceleration and movement reminding him of a carnival ride as she moved her arm. His field of view altered. He was in a room, a bedroom, girly and clean. Kimber and Susannah were seated on a large bed, each looking and smiling as Elisha turned him and set him on the blanket atop the bed.

“Hello little one,” said Kimber, leaning forward toward him, loose strands of blonde hair spilling over her shoulder and hanging down.

Swallowing again, he shook his head, flashes of his dream returning to the fore of his mind.

He was scared. But, if they were going to kill him, wouldn’t they have done that already?  What could they possibly want? And why am I naked he asked himself feeling incredibly awkward and exposed before the reigning queens of the school.

“You know you are very fortunate,” Kimber said, sparkling eyes glancing at the other girls before falling back on him, “

He certainly didn’t feel very fortunate right now as Elisha climbed onto the bed and closed the circle of girls around him.

Susannah looked to Elisha, broad grin splitting her generous sensual lips, “You’re right, up close he is kind of cute,” she commented, turning her head to look back down at the boy.

“I know,” commented the brunette, chuckling.

For his part, Morris simply stood silently in place, unsure of what to do, his gaze moving from giantess to giantess, seeing no possible hope for escape.

“Not many boys get to see the inside of Elisha’s room,” Kimber said.

“How many boys have seen the inside of Elisha’s stomach?” his mouth asked before his brain could prevent the words from spilling out.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” demanded the brunette, eyes narrowing in affront.

He shook his head, stupid mouth. “Please don’t eat me,” he said.

“Is that what you think Morris? One of us is going to swallow you?” asked Susannah, grin on her face.

He half shook nodded his head in a very noncommittal kind of way.

Elisha chuckled, “Is that a yes or a no?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” he babbled.

Kimber held up her hand, “So if we were going to do that, which one of us would you like for it to be?” she asked, raising a perfect eyebrow.

This is what they were talking about in English, that story with the goddesses, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera. One chick throws a gold apple in amongst them with the words ‘To the fairest’ carved in it. The chicks can’t figure out who gets it so they visit the dude on the hillside, was he a shepherd, doesn’t matter, and they make him pick. No matter who he chooses, he gains one ally and two enemies. Moral of the story, enjoy a blunt and let the ladies figure the shit out for themselves.

“Well?” asked Susannah.

He shook his head, “I don’t want to get eaten,” he said. “If it’s your plan to snuff me out that way, I guess it doesn’t much matter.”

“True enough I suppose, though there are certain euphoric physiological responses that goes along with consuming a tiny person,” she added, smiling and closing her eyes as if re-experiencing the sensation.

“I want him,” Elisha said, nodding her head.

Kimber shook her head, “You know what she said. She wants him unhurt,” she reminded.

Who were they talking about? Who was she?

“Not to swallow, just to play with for the night,” clarified Elisha, eyes back on Morris. “Then we can hand him over to her tomorrow.”

Kimber nodded slowly, “She didn’t say anything about not playing with him,” she stated, expression contemplative.

“Who?” Morris asked. “Who said what?”

“Shh,” urged Susannah, touching a finger to her lips, eyes dancing back and forth from Elisha to Kimber.

“I will use the time to ensure he understands the dire consequences of talking,” Elisha stated, eyes still locked on the tiny young man.

Again Kimber slowly nodded, leaning back. “Methodology of cooperation was not discussed,” she said. “Susannah?”

“I think if we decide that he can be toyed with, I say we should all have a chance to help convince him of the necessity for silent compliance,” offered the shorter blonde.

Kimber looked down on him again, eyes studying him, devious smile touching her angelic face, “Agreed,” she said.

Elisha clapped her hands together in front of her, while Susannah bounced on the bed. The motion forcing Mo down onto a knee to steady himself.

Kimber raised her hands, calming the other two girls, eyes still fixed on the tiny youth, “Let me ask you Morris, have you ever been with a girl before?” she inquired, licking her lips.

Frowning, he wasn’t entirely sure he understood the question. Been with a girl? Like had sex? Up until he had awoken in Elisha’s bra buried under a mountain of her breast flesh, he had never even touched a boob before, well except two years ago at Greg Jensen’s party when Veronica had agreed to let him touch her boobs through outside of her sweater.

“I’ll take that confused look on your face as a no,” Kimber said, half grin still on her face.

Morris knew he was in way too deep to get out of this unscathed.


Chapter End Notes:

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