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Author's Chapter Notes:
Giantess fights off an army. It's got GTS, violence, some foot stuff, and some cruelty.
“Whoa... that was cool. Do that again.”



As if on command a tiny pop could be heard from below. Glancing down quickly she smiled as a small puff of black smoke dissipated in an instant, leaving her flesh unmarred by the firepower of the heavy armor below her. Her thin, cruel lips formed into a smile as she brushed stray red strands of hair behind her ear.

“That's fucking pathetic. Is that really the best you can do? The greatest military force in the world can't even leave a mark on me?”

Her words almost seemed to spur them into action, as more tiny wisps of smoke formed on her skin after a presumed explosion she couldn't even feel. Small black specks at the point of impact were the only visible signs left behind, and it took nothing more than a simple brush of her fingertips to erase them from her flesh.

“You're all so weak...” She whispered, her voice trailing off as she slid her fingers up her thigh excitedly. She was in love with herself and the incredible power she now wielded so effortlessly. Massive armored machines of war she'd seen when she was one of them weren't able to even be sensed by her now. And yet, she could feel the gentle touch of her own fingers on her massive form. She traced her own body from her smooth thighs up to her taut stomach. Her fingertips turned into cupped hands as she held the heft of her breasts in each hand for a moment. They were scared of her. Scared of her size, and scared of her power.

Exhaling softly, she slid her hands back down her curvaceous form, and eyed the ground beneath her. How had this even happened? How had mild-mannered Laura, the redhead in apartment 333 transformed into this unstoppable tower of femininity? It didn't matter, in her opinion. It had happened, and that was that. The young girl who would steal away plastic army men from her neighbors to pit them against herself had become the real deal. Only now she didn't have to contend with sharp plastic bits poking into the bottoms of her feet.

The childish games she'd played never fully left her psyche, and genetics had gifted her with a gorgeous, strong body that she had kept in excellent condition. Being well over six feet tall had kept her secret desires alive in the back of her mind, though she always secretly yearned for more.

And now here she was. The details were lost to time, but they were irrelevant. It was the ultimate showdown between unstoppable giantess and a mobilized army. And, just like the games she'd played all those years ago, there was no way she was going to lose.

“My name is Laura.” She announced. She wanted them to know her name. She wanted them to have a name to curse in their final moments. “And this is my foot.”

The massive toes gripped the ground as she moved first the heel, then the ball of her foot out of the crater she'd left behind after a casual step. An avalanche of dirt and debris drew the attention of the ground units, and it was soon mixed with the sound of gunfire and more tank shells firing.

They knew it was hopeless. After the first shells had only caught the giantess's attention by chance, the ground units knew that they couldn't do a thing to stop her. They knew it was a suicide mission, but more a large-scale evacuation was a tricky thing, and any time spent slowing the giantess down meant more potential saved lives. Loyal to their country, they'd gathered their things and headed out to intercept her, per their orders.

After the morning sun vanished under an oppressive fleshy ceiling more than a few combatants seized up. Firing upon a giantess who didn't care about your presence was one thing, but now she had acknowledged them with her feet. Bits of crushed street and debris rained all around the densely packed crowd of soldiers, and the sound of gunfire fought to overpower the sound of those thick, powerful toes simply wiggling against each other.

Soon the only light was from the muzzles of their guns. The grim details of the bottom of her sole could made out thanks to the brief burst of light from every bullet fired. Dried red streaks caked with brown dirt were splattered on a shifting canvas of wrinkled flesh that seemed excited to greet them.

“And... dead!” Laura laughed, pressing her bare foot down into the middle of a crowd. All at once a slight warmth formed on her sole as the dozens of soldiers attempted to stave off their impending doom concentrated fire on the bottom of her foot. It ended in failure, and what little heat she'd felt was extinguished when the uniformed men and women were transformed into a thin organic paste.

“What does that make the score now?” She asked, lifting her heel and twisting the ball of her foot like she was extinguishing a cigarette. “A coupled hundred me, and zero for you?” She laughed, sliding her foot side to side and painting grand red swaths from the people in front of her toes.

A wave of panic washed over the little uniformed men and women as they scrambled to regroup. Orders were being shouted in every direction, and the lofty giantess smiling down on them from her impossible heights only frazzled their fragile psyches even further. Any optimism among the troops was quickly doused as it was now painfully obvious that they didn’t stand a chance against her feet, much less the rest of her massive form.

Laura watched from above, and a frown began to form on her pretty face. Only one foot had taken out a sizable portion of this crowd surrounding her, but from her vantage point it looked like they still had some faith in their ability to bring her down. She knew she was unstoppable, but did they? It should have been obvious, shouldn’t it? She was hundreds of times bigger, heavier, and stronger than anything they could possibly throw at her.

But they continued their efforts to mobilize and attack her again. They must have held onto some modicum of hope that they could defeat her. That they could bring down the single greatest threat their nation had ever known in this standoff.

The more Laura watched the more she grew disgusted with them. What insane degree of misplaced confidence did they hold to believe they had a chance? A simple wave of her foot had wiped out their entire front line! Her toes clenched as she grew frustrated, and with a loud exhale, Laura crouched.

It was like the sky was falling to the ground units before her. The tremendous giantess bent her knees and crouched down to get a closer look at them. Things only got worse when one of her massive, slender hands reached towards them. Those who found themselves cloaked in darkness knew their lives were about to end and that no degree of bracing themselves could have prevented it.

“Why do you still think you have a chance?!” Laura shouted, before slapping her palm down. Crimson-painted earth exploded in every direction as her hand smashed into the pulsing crowd of attackers. Even things not caught directly underneath her fingers were rocked violently from their foundations and sprayed with debris.

Laura's frown melted back into a smile as her hand lifted out of the fresh trench she'd created. A slight stickiness could be felt as she peeled her hand away from the bloodstained earth and she admired the mark she'd left behind. A bloody hand print, not unlike evidence one would find at the scene of a murder.

This wasn't a murder though. Murder was too small of a word for what she'd just done. Massacre seemed more fitting, and her lips tingled as she mouthed the word silently.

With her latest display of power the message finally seemed to break past every bit of training the little army had received. No longer would they accept being ordered to their deaths, and Laura could make out tiny flashes of light reflecting off of weapons and gear as the owners fled. It brought a warm, pleasant feeling to the pit of her stomach, and she brought her blooded palm up to her face for closer inspection.

Nothing identifiable was left behind. At least, not as far as she could tell. Maybe she was just so big that a sea of mutilated corpses was only a pleasant, cherry-colored paste on her fingers. Pursing her lips together she blew her hand dry, and looked down at the retreating flock of humanity.

“And now you think you can get away? It’s too late for that too!” Laura laughed, bringing her red-streaked hand back towards the countless individuals fleeing for their lives. With a simple chop to the ground she erected an impassable wall. The panicked crowd reeled at the sudden blockade placed before them, and struggled to change its direction.

It was hopeless. There were too many people under too much stress for anything constructive to be done. A deafening giggle escaped the monstrous woman’s lips as she curled her fingers and carefully scooped up as many of the tiny people as she could manage.

It wasn’t a precise job by any stretch of the imagination. The size difference between herself and her future victims was so great that even when she was actively trying to spare their lives a few fresh red dots stained her beautiful hands.

“Can’t even pick you worthless fuckers up without crushing you…” She groaned, transferring the first handful of people and vehicles alike to her opposite hand. The messy scooping was repeated until she had two handfuls of miniature people trying to find a way out of the horrifying situation their lives had dealt them. Their attempts at walking her palm tingled, and she clenched her teeth to stop herself from laughing. She was feeding off of their terror, and anxiety. A girlish giggle from their tickling sensations would ruin that.

“I just wanted to thank you all for everything you've done. I thought I was just going to wake up and walk to a city today, but you've done a wonderful job of breaking up the routine.” She explained, standing up straight again so the already deadly drop to the ground became several times higher. “But you're boring me now.”

Laura clapped her hands together quickly, then separated them. A few stray bodies fell from between her palms to the ground far below, and a few of the red splatters looked like they were still moving after the sudden, deadly attack. None were unharmed, but Laura didn't particularly care. She wasn't lying when she said the army had bored her. The simplest, most carefree of her movements had ended dozens of pathetic lives in the past minute, and she yearned to try out her power on something sturdier. Something bigger. She'd spent her first day as a giantess wandering the countryside, and now she wanted to explore a city, and all of its waist-high structures.

Wiping her hands off on her expansive chest, Laura took one final look down to the foolish men and women who'd thought they could stop her.

Scattered troops left behind on the ground fled for their lives against all orders demanding they hold their positions. Commanding officers screamed into radios, but few of the servicemen and women continued to fire up at the giantess.

Wiggling her fingers goodbye, Laura simply stepped over the great bloody battlefield she'd created with only her hands and feet, and stepped closer to the city. It was as simple as that. She didn't have to kill so many of them. She could have walked away at any moment and reached her true goal the entire time.

But she'd stayed, and proved her point. And now she was going.

As Laura's bare feet moved they created powerful gusts of wind that carried any remaining soldiers up into the air and far away. They had prided themselves on their training, and their equipment. And they'd lost it all. And for what?

Laura arrived at the city only a couple minutes later than she'd expected.
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