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Author's Chapter Notes:

First time collab. My excitement is paramount. Enjoy~




The name alone brought a whirlwind of emotion to Lorelei – most of it things like jealousy, envy, hatred, fear, anger and distrust. It made her irrational – and that made her angrier. The redhead usually considered herself quite pragmatic; she was able to, much more often than not, run through every course of action that a situation could be handled with and assess the consequences. She was a woman of science, a smart, radiant girl...and then along comes Sammi and her whole wall of confidence shattered like a wave upon a cliff.


At this point, just saying the name, forcing her lips and tongue to work themselves into the proper syllables, was infuriating. It wasn't exactly that Lorelei didn't trust her wonderful girlfriend – Naomi was for all intents and purposes the best damned thing that had ever happened to her – it was that she was not without her stated irrationalities. She'd read and studied and researched, because that is what she did, and a change so apparent and obvious in Naomi's behavior warranted a proper investigation. She wanted to know, had to know, really; anxiety made her physically ill.


The breaking of Lorelei's confidence always began slowly. A subtle crack in the wall, a little voice that said she's going to leave you for someone less needy, less angry. This made her think; it had only been a week since Naomi's disposition changed, but it had felt like years had gone by, and now she could only remember energetic, happy, sexual Naomi as something of the nostalgic past. All you do is want her. She's sick of your advances. Lorelei hated her brain's other occupant, the ever-alert demon there ready to beat her apart. She gets home every night and you try to slip your tongue into her mouth, you try to seduce her. Every night. You're a monster; consider her feelings for once.


So before she knew what she was doing, she was following Naomi to her 'new job'. Lorelei had huffed a bit at the indignity of the lie; gods, the girl was a bad liar. Blushing and looking away and stammering and everything. I want a new car, she had said. Lorelei replayed Naomi's entire speech over and over in her head until she had memorized every last word. Though she imagined her dark-skinned love was far from expecting to be followed, Lorelei had still donned one of their cosplay wigs that did a lovely job of obscuring Lorelei's rather obvious red hair.


It was the worst kinds of luck, of course, that what Lorelei witnessed convinced her of absolutely nothing but the vindication of her fears. Naomi did in fact get a second job; she was doing this all for Lorelei, not against her, but as to sweeten the surprise had formulated a lie. Lorelei didn't see the store's name or the other cars, she didn't see the other people, no; the only thing Lorelei was capable of seeing was Naomi greeted by none other than Sammi, the blonde whore that clicked her heels on her way to greet her, the top buttons of her shirt undone, pressing her chest to obnoxious proportions. She hadn't stayed to watch; instead, she'd gone home to hate, to sulk, to plan.


Lucy knew the air by then; how it changed when Lorelei was upset. She also knew to keep a civil tongue, duck her head, and hide, if at all possible, when Lorelei was angry or sexually frustrated – and right now, she was both.


“Little thing,” Lorelei stated quietly as she set her car keys on the counter. “Where are you.” It wasn't a question, it was a directed statement. If Lucy did not respond, she'd be in much worse trouble when the redhead found her. So, Lucy timorously stepped out of the shadows and eyed the colossal, gorgeous girl. Naomi treated her like a pet; she was fed, handled with care, played with, and sometimes even involved in their sex games, which Naomi made sure were fair to the tiny creature. When Lorelei was alone, however...she felt far less safe.


Though only Naomi could understand Lucy's chittering noises, Lorelei could practically taste the fear in them. This burned a fire inside the redheaded dominatrix, who again pushed down urges to throw the little thing onto the floor and roll her feet over her until the insect was crying and begging in its nonsensical language. But, alas, Naomi had forbidden harm to come to Lucy.


“I need a blood sample from you,” Lorelei said huskily. Her long fingers reached out to the cowering girl, who at this point strongly considered whether or not shattering her legs upon the linoleum below was a better fate than trusting herself to the redhead. “I promise I'll be gentle enough.”


Lucy didn't react fast enough; she was too paralyzed by fear and conditioning to attempt to run from Lorelei. Better to just get it over with. Lorelei held her in her hand; rougher than Naomi would, but still without applying painful pressure. She locked her tiny eyes with the relatively gargantuan ones of her captor, and trembled.


“Now, cut yourself open on my fingernail. I only need a tiny, tiny drop.” Lorelei demanded. Lucy squirmed; what kind of sick game was this? She thoroughly wished, as she often did, that she could be understood by others. Lucy slowly stood upon Lorelei's pale flesh, trying to gain balance against the smooth contours of her hand. She slowly walked towards her thumb and braced her left arm against the titanic redhead's thumbnail. Wincing, she sliced herself open, just enough to warrant a small leak of blood. She offered the arm to Lorelei.


“So obedient,” Lorelei said with a vicious grin. If Naomi were here...she shivered with delight. She'd make her curvy submissive girlfriend coat the girl in drool, a big ballgag sealing the tiny in. It was a simple game...don't bite, and don't swallow. “Thank you, tiny.” She set Lucy back on the counter, and then went into the basement to work.


*** *** ***


Sammi sighed, taking another puff of her cigarette and checking her watch. Twenty minutes left. How annoying. The breaks were too short, the work too hard, the co-workers too awful. The only thing still keeping her at this horrible job was her ex, Naomi, who had yet to return the affections of the tall blonde. Her! Naomi was actively rejecting her. Unheard of. She could get anyone she wanted.


Naomi had bawled her little eyes out when she left her before; why wouldn't she take her back now? She pleaded and begged and cried, so, what was stopping her now that Sammi practically laid out a runway for her? How could whoever she was with be better than Sammi herself? The blonde clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and stepped back and forth, using the back of the building to block the blinding sun.


She didn't notice anything strange about the car that pulled up behind the store. Another customer, obviously. Who else would come here? She didn't really think anything about the slowly building high-pitched noise, but it was the flash of light that caught her attention, faintly illuminating her silhouette against the building. When she turned around, of course, it was far too late – light tends to travel rather quickly.


The first thing she noticed is that she was somewhere else. The building and cars were gone, replaced with an endless expanse of black stone that stretched in every direction unto oblivion. It was cracked here and there, the cracks giving way to a black nothingness deep within the earth. Suffice it to say, Sammi was petrified, confused, and nearly hyperventilating. The earthquakes were not helping.


She let out a terrified scream, compulsively throwing her cigarette aside, when two absolutely enormous structures slammed down in front of her, on either side. They were black, dirty, and...leather? She stared at them, from one to the next, and slowly, slowly looked up.


The hand that reached for her came down like a bird of prey. She shrieked in terror, practically paralyzed by soul-wrenching fear. Long fingers closed around the squirming girl, and she cried freely as the hand lifted her far, far above the expanse of black that dominated the ground. From this vantage point, she saw it all – the building, the cars, and the gorgeous face of the girl that was now her horizon.


“Shut the fuck up,” The girl commanded. She was grinning from ear-to-ear. “Shut up or I swear to all the gods they will never fucking find you.”


Sammi clammed up and turned green with fear, backpedaling until she fell onto her butt in the hand of her gigantic captor. The girl laughed; a sound that made Sammi scream in pain from its volume. The redhead's face darkened again.


“N-no, no, wait! I'm...I'm sorry, please.” Sammi begged. Lorelei's eyes widened and her expression turned from anger to dangerous mirth.


“I can understand you...does that mean Naomi won't? Wait, I'm confused. Why does that even happen?” She held Sammi tightly and turned her upside-down, laughing a bit as the girl swung back and forth.


“N-Naomi? What d-does she...who are you?”


“Your Goddess,” Lorelei said hautily as she opened up her purse and dropped Sammi in. “I'd say something like, 'and don't forget it', but honestly if you manage to do that by the end of tonight I'll be impressed beyond words. Let's go...” She sealed the sobbing girl in a leathery darkness, grinning savagely. Scooping up the shrink gun she left on the ground, Lorelei spun on her heels to leave before anyone saw her.


No one who would steal Naomi away could be allowed to live.

Chapter End Notes:


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