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Finding a Muse

Aedin awoke with a sudden jolt, bright lights shining down on him, the smell of antiseptic strong in his nose. There were voices and beeps and noises as he frantically swung his had about trying to interpret the message his eyes were sending him.

He was full sized, lying in a mostly reclined hospital bed, metal rails to either side of it, an IV planted in the back of his right hand. There was a stout woman dressed in a multihued shirt standing there, looking down at a clipboard.

“Hey,” he croaked, unsure about trusting his voice.

The woman looked up, “Oh my god you’re awake!” she exclaimed, her eyes growing round as her mouth hung open.

He smiled, body feeling weak.

Raising her hand, holding up a halting finger, “Just a minute, I’ll be right back,” she said, bolting from the room. He could a host of people beyond as the door slowly closed.

Rolling his head to the side he looked toward the window. It was light out and he didn’t hear the sounds of any storm.

A man walked into the room, neatly attired in dark blue slacks, pale blue shirt, and a black tie, wearing a white physician’s smock. He looked older, retirement age, white hair, and a friendly smile. “Mr. Stray,” he said, “I’m Doctor Leighton, how are you feeling?” he asked, holding a small portable electronic tablet.

“What about the hurricane?” Aedin asked.

“Hurricane?” inquired the doctor, looking puzzled.


“There hasn’t been a hurricane round these parts named Gertrude since like early seventies,” he said, eyes smiling.

Aedin frowned, “But,” he said, confused, a frown pulling the corners of his mouth down.

“Do you know what’s happened?” the doctor inquired, moving closer.

“The bus got a flat and we took shelter from the storm,” he explained,

The doctor pursed his mouth and nodded slowly, “as near as we’ve been able to tell, I put this in layman’s terms, you were poisoned. Our best guess is that when you stopped you and your bandmates were exposed to a low sitting pool of something the locals call swamp or marsh gas, though our tox screens haven’t been able to identify which ones other methane specifically. There is some suggestion the mixture might have included traces of hydrogen sulfide, though as I said, our results are inconclusive,” he explained.

“What?” Aedin queried.

Doctor Leighton smiled and put a comforting hands on the rocker’s foot, “You’re very lucky to be alive. Quick thinking on the part of your band’s assistant manager prevented what could have been a tragedy,” he said.

“Karli?” he asked, eyes growing wide.

The doctor nodded, “She’s right outside, she been hovering like a poor concerned mother bear,” he offered with a chuckle.

“But, she’s a giant,” Aedin babbled.

Doctor Leighton raised an eyebrow, “When we got you in, you delirious, suffering from hallucinations, ranting about King Kong and a vibrator,” he explained with a heartfelt chuckle.

“No, you don’t understand,” Aedin started, hesitating. What could he say? Tell the doctor that Karli shrunk his band down so a bunch of girls could play with them like sex toys? A known heavy drinker, frequent user of narcotics, what kind of possible credibility did he have? Zero.

“The others?”

“The other members of your band will be alright, though it appears Mr. Vogel was probably exposed to the most toxins and will need a few more days, but like I said, it does appear as if there has been any permanent damage,” he answered with a grin.

“Did anyone else say anything?” he inquired.

“Mr. Kelley went on about being tied to the stake and Mr. McCrary talked about drinking rum from a graveyard and being chased by a giant pussycat or something,” he informed.

Aedin leaned forward in the bed, sitting upright, “But there is some similarity in what everyone is saying,” he stated.

“While it is not particularly common, it’s not unheard of for people from a group exposure incident to report similar stories based on interpretation of stimulus triggers encountered during that exposure. For example, ten people think they’ve been abducted and eight provided accounts that are somewhat aligned. Does it mean it happened? Who’s to say? All I know is that with any luck, you should be up and about in a couple of days,” he assured, moving back toward the door.

“But,” was all Aedin could muster.

“There seems to be quite a hullabaloo outside, I’m guessing your band is pretty famous?” he said.

“You haven’t heard of us?” Aedin asked, surprised. They had been to part of the world where no one spoke English, but they knew who Injustice was.

Doctor Leighton smiled, “After Elvis Presley, I’m afraid my musical knowledge is pretty limited,” he apologized.

Aedin chuckled softly, “Yeah, I guess you could say we’re pretty famous, not in league with the King though, but then, who is?”

The doctor nodded, “I’ll let Karli know you are alert and capable of receiving a guest. I’m going to limit your visitation time to no more than fifteen minutes, you still need to convalesce,” he added, slipping out the door.

Aedin leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, frown on his face. Swamp gas? Sounded pretty farfetched. What about the hurricane? I guess if a chick can shrink you down to the size of a lighter, she can do just about anything. Weird, just plain weird.

Karli poked her head in the door. “How you doing champ?” she asked, entering the room and walking over to stand beside his bed.

“You shrank us and sold us to a bunch of girls as playthings,” he accused.

She grinned and nodded.

His eyes narrowed, “You admit it?”

“Of course, but just to you,” she said, grin blossoming into a smile. “I let you keep the majority of your memories intact. The others are already beginning to forget, their memories dissipating like smoke in the wind,” she touch, touching her lips with her fingers and spreading them as she blew.

He crawled back away from her, pulling the blanket up higher to his neck, “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why? The whole thing. Why do it? Why leave me with memories?”

She tilted her head. “First, like I told you before, it was just a contract. It’s what I do. I provide a very unique service to people with very specific tastes. As to why you? Well I think because I’ve taken a bit of a shine to you. I’ve listened to your songs, ballads about powerful female archetypes, and here I am,” she said with a big smile, spreading her hands and singing in his voice, “Girl how you beguile, so innocent and sweet, I’m at your feet. I’m on my knees there’s no disgrace.”

Swallowing hard, “Are you a witch?” he asked.

She laughed, genuinely amused, “Hardly,” she replied, shaking her head.

“What now?” he asked.

“Well,” she said, “You’re going to have to finish the tour, I’ve already set about re-scheduling and then you and I can spend some time together.”

“Some time together?”

“Now that I’ve fulfilled my contractual obligations to Amanda, you and I need some time away from work, you know, maybe I’ll be your muse and help to inspire you to write so more songs,” she said, tipping her head to the side.

“Are you going to shrink me again?” he asked, voice small.

“Most assuredly,” she answered, reaching out and cupping his cheek in her delicate hand.


Chapter End Notes:

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