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Another One Bites the Dust

Finished her initial liaison with the lead guitarist, Anna scooted off the bed and walked over to the pile of her hastily removed clothing, pulling on her top and pants before sauntering back out to the parlor.

Amanda looked upon her daughter and smiled, “You seem contented,” she commented.

Anna nodded.

Looking at her daughter, “Where’s Eddie?” Amanda asked, not seeing the little man.

Anna giggled and wiggled her bum back and forth playfully, “My ass,” she said.

“What?” Karli asked, mirth in her voice, eyes moving to the girl.

“I left him in there for the time being. I’m kind of hoping to catch another one. I want to play with two at the same time,” she informed.

“Daphne has Aedin,” Amanda provided.

Celeste appeared, “They’re not in there, I scoured both rooms thoroughly,” she said, consternation on her face.

“We caught Aedin out here,” Anna’s mother provided, pointing at the location by the end table.

“Come to think of it, Eddie was coming back down the hall,” Anna recollected, looking in the direction where Daphne had seized him

Celeste shook her head, fiery colors dancing as her hair moved.

“I could give you Eddie to play with, he’s in my butt right now,” she offered, twisting and pointing at her shapely rear end.

Celeste chuckled, “Shitty,” she quipped jokingly, looking to the other girl’s bottom then back to her face. “I’ll take a flier on the offer for now, thanks though,” she added, giving Anna’s butt a playful slap on the cheek.

“Charlie and Pete are still around here someplace,” Karli said, looking around but at nowhere in particular. “Whether they’re together or hiding separately, I’ve no idea.”

“There’s no way they’re back there, I scoured those rooms and I don’t think they are here which mean they are most likely hiding in our rooms,” Celeste said, pointing in that direction.

All the other women looked in the indicated direction. “Four rooms, we could help,” offered Anna, looking back to Celeste then her mother.

Celeste smiled and nodded. Given the nature of how the rooms were set up, there weren’t very many places to hide and their search yielded no sign for either unaccounted man. Standing back in the hall, the three women exchange looks and then collectively looked at Daphne’s closed portal.

“Should I knock?” asked Anna. “Or just burst in?”

Celeste frowned and shrugged.

Amanda shook her head, “The doors all come with locks. If it’s locked then she wants some privacy with Aedin, if it’s open,” she said, leaving the notion of invitation unspoken.

Celeste took the clear glass knob in her hand and turned it slowly, testing it for resistance. The door was not locked.

“We shouldn’t all just rush in,” whispered Amanda. “In case, you know, she’s actively engaged in enjoying her catch.”

“Mother please,” Anna scoffed, “We’ve all seen each other naked many times, no big deal.”

Amanda shook her head. “Peek in, try and see if the other men are in there, maybe surprise them,” she suggested.

Anna and Celeste exchanged looks then nodded in agreement. Turning the handle again, Celeste pushed the door open very slowly, poking her head in to see what state of play Daphne was in. The tall leggy blonde with exceptional boobs was reclining on her back atop the bed, naked, arm tucked up under her breasts, Aedin lying recumbent on her chest. She grinned broadly when she caught site of Celeste looking on.

Suddenly, there was a flicker of movement on the floor near the leg of the bed near the door, “There!” exclaimed Celeste, suddenly throwing wide the door and rushing down to where she had seen the movement. Sliding in quickly, right arm extended quickly under the bed in the hopes of blindly grasping one of the two fleeing little figures. Success, her quick thinking resulted in her knocking one of the little ones down enabling her to close her hand around him, which one though, she didn’t know.

Amanda, on Celeste’s heels, circled to the opposite side of the bed and dropped down low, arms out as she sprawled on the floor under that side of the bed, to block off any avenues of escape while creating a corral with her arms in the hopes of snaring one of the men.

“Get one?” asked Anna, gorgeous eyes bright as she stepped into the room and watched as Celeste withdrew her closed fist, two tiny little feet poking out from under her pinky.

Celeste grinned and nodded, sitting upright. Opening her hand carefully so the little man would not attempt to dart out or fall.

Rolling onto his side and the pressure of her fingers allowed him to move, Charlie looked up into the pretty face of Celeste, his mouth hanging open, eyes wide.

“Which one did you get?” Anna inquired excitedly, curious. Amanda was still down on the floor, half under the bed.

Celeste smiled and chuckled, “He’s going to play his drum for me, pah ruppa pum, pum, ruppa pum, pum,” she sang in sing song, eyes alight with a triumph as she gazed down on the tiny man in the palm of her hand.

Daphne leaned forward to peer over the edge and look at Celeste, cradling Aedin so he wouldn’t slide off of her, “He was in here the whole time?” she asked.

“Wait,” Charlie said, lifting his arms, head swiveling around at all the women gathered in the room, eyes wild.

“For what?” asked Celeste, tongue passing over the gold colored hoop through her lower lip as she licked her lips with the tip of her pink tongue.

“Um,” he had no answer, sitting there, eyes now solely locked on the girl with the fire spectrum colored hair who held him.

Celeste laughed and used the bed to push herself upright. Dropping to a knee, Charlie steadied himself on her palm as she rose, catching sight of Aedin cradled against Daphne’s naked bosom.

There was sudden motion from the side of the bed Amanda was on.


Chapter End Notes:

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