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The day dragged on and on for Sarah at work. Brad was away for the weekend and Kayla would be visiting for the first time in few months. Since she got married, Sarah was seeing less and less of her fairy friend and she really missed her. She was starting to think she might not see her again when one as she was getting ready for work she looked down on her dresser and saw the familiar five inch figure of her fairy friend.


“Kayla!” she yelled as she picked her up and brought her close to her face for the closest they could get to a hug with their size differences.

When they were done the fairy sat cross legged in her palm as she held it out enough that she could see her.

“Where have you been? I was afraid I’d never see you again”, she asked some angrily but mostly relieved.


“Nowhere important”, Kayla replied, “mostly just fairy business that I won’t bore you with”


Sarah smiled at this knowing that there was nothing about the fairy world she could ever find boring. She’d told Kayla many times that she’d be happy to work the fairy equivalent of a dead end 9 - 5 job if she could just find a way to make her small enough to visit. For the first few years of their friendship Kayla said she might know of a way to make it happen but after a while was starting to think that the stories she had heard were just that, stories. Until now, that is.


“Buuut, there was one thing I was able to find that I think you’re really going to enjoy”,  she told Sarah, “but I needed to wait until you had a free weekend to give it to you”


“Wait, how do you know I have a free weekend?” Sarah asked, “have you been watching me?” She wasn’t exactly mad, but she was a little irritated that her friend never contacted her the whole time she was spying on her. She was about to give her little friend a piece of her mind but was stopped when she heard, 


“I found a way to make you a fairy!”

“NO WAY!” Sarah exclaimed, raising her hands to her face in excitement causing the tiny woman in her palm to fall for a second before righting herself and hovering in front of her face.


“Yup! It wasn’t easy and there are a few rules we need to go over but for the next three days you’re going to be one of the fae folk”


Sarah looked confused, “You mean I’ll actually be a fairy like you? You’re not going to just shrink me and bring me to your village?”


“That’s right!” Kayla proudly proclaimed, “I found a very old, barely used spell that will allow me to transfer some of our fairy magic into you, making you every inch a fairy. For these three days you’ll be exactly the same as me. Isn’t this great?”


“You have no idea!” Sarah replied, then added sullenly, “but I have to work today. There’s no way I can call in sick. Can this wait until I get home?”


Kayla looked disappointed but said, “sure. I’ll be waiting for you here while you’re wasting your time being a big clumsy human longer than you need to”


Sarah really wanted to just say F it and not go to work but she knew she’d lose her job if she did, and fairy friends or not, she still needed to earn a living so she said with a sigh, “Ok. I’ll be home as soon as I can”.



She drove home as fast as traffic allowed, pulling into her driveway faster than she probably should have and knocking over her trash cans. She’d get them later, she decided as she ran upstairs to her bedroom to see Kayla lying on her bed waiting for her.


“Did you wait this whole time?”, she asked


Kayla laughed and said, “No. I actually just got here when you did. I just thought it would be funny if I acted like I was waiting for you. Now, are you ready?”


Sarah nodded and Kayla flew up over her heard and told her, 


“Alright. Get ready”


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