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Sarah awoke as she always did these days, going from a full sleep to instantly awake in a matter of seconds. It was one of the benefits of her condition, she didn’t need much sleep. It also meant she was awake a lot and had more time to think than she liked.

Despite knowing exactly what her situation was she still found herself hoping that it had all been a very vivid dream and that she’d wake up next to Brad like she used to.

But that hope never lasted very long as she sat on the edge of her bed and her feet hung a couple feet above the floor. She slid off the bed and sighed when she saw that her chest was level with the top of the mattress.

Even though she was alone in the house, she still felt the need to walk quietly and make as little noise as possible. In some ways it made her feel more normal, as if there were other people in there with her that she didn’t want to disturb. As she walked down the hall toward the kitchen she passed the nursery that she knew would never be used, a spare bedroom that she had jokes about having “guests” stay in, and finally the bathroom. It was strange but she somehow missed having the need for that room. She laughed at herself as she thought about what exactly she was missing and moved into the kitchen.

As she entered it she saw a large table with six chairs she could sit in if she climbed up but rarely bothered since she never ate in her house anyway. She walked past the fridge, noting how huge it looked and how strange it was not hearing the usual hum refrigerators usually made and entered her living room. 

Once in there she picked up the clothes she had left in a pile by the door last night and put them on. When she was dressed in her usual outfit of short shorts and a T-shirt with no shoes, she opened the door and stood on her porch admiring the scenery.


Looking out across the vast expanse of the room, she saw on the clock by the bed that it was 2am. The two massive figures were lying in bed, embracing each other after a night of passion. She knew this because she was able to hear it all. She knew they tried to stay quiet and didn’t want to upset her, but her senses were stronger and she heard them anyway. In the five years since she became what she is, this was the hardest part. Seeing her with Brad. Kayla, the woman responsible for what she was now. She knew it was never her intention for this to happen, and in the beginning Kayla was just as upset about things as she was. But as time went on and the romance in her marriage to Brad faded, he and Kayla grew closer.  She was a little hurt when they first confronted her about it, she actually took off for a few days which terrified both of them, but when she thought about it, it really was for the best. Since then the three were on great terms. She would even sometimes join them in their activities which was a unique experience for all of them, but after a while even that lost its charm and they mostly just kept to themselves. Brad and Kayla tried to keep her included in their lives, and she appreciated it, but she found herself longing for more lately. She still loved them both but they felt like old friends that she only saw once in a while these days.


She decided to head outside and wait for sunrise. She found that being outside made her feel much better than it ever did as a human. Even though she’d been this way for five years now she still marveled at how easy it was for her to fly. Her wings just felt like a natural part of her body that she couldn’t imagine not having. She used to ask Kayla if she missed hers in the beginning and she would insist that she barely even remembered what it felt like but she could see from the look in her eyes that she did, at least at first. Now when she asked she really did believe her. 

As she rose up and off the table containing her house, she made sure to keep her light as dim as she could so she wouldn’t disturb the sleeping giants. This was another thing she just did without really thinking about, her light was just a part of who she was. There was no effort required, it just happened.

She flew up and out of the window that they always kept open a crack just for her and headed to roof where she had a small hand towel laid out where she would just lie awake under the stars and take in all that her fairy senses would allow her. Despite assurances from Kayla she was very nervous about being outside at first out of fear that a hawk or some other animal would eat her, but this fear was quickly alleviated when she met her first animal and realized that they all had an understanding. She couldn’t quite talk to them but she could feel their thoughts and knew that all animals had a deep respect and love for fairies. She even had several animals that she considered friends who would visit her from time to time. 

The air had a late Autumn chill, and if she had been human she would be freezing but with her fairy body she was never bothered by any extreme weather. No matter if it was hot or cold she always felt just right. As she looked up at the sky, she found her mind wandering back to that fateful day when her life changed forever.


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