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Back to School Blues

For the first week back in the States, Tom remained convalescing at the Lindholm residence. Cassidy came and went, checking up on him. Lina doted on him, and Janine, while she too attended his physical needs she also took every advantage of the opportunity to engage in all manner of sexual congress with him. Given the frequency and vigor of their couplings, he started to believe she might actually be a nymphomaniac.

Going back to school provided Tom a reprieve from Janine’s amorous affections and a chance to reintegrate back into his pre-shrink life.

His first class of the day was going to be a challenge, Miss Harwood. Backpack slung over one shoulder he made his way into her class. Setting the pack on top of the desk, he plunked down into the seat, eyes drifting to the front of the room where the gorgeous teacher sat. Seeing her brought a flood of memories back into his head. As always, she looked stunning, except now he knew every curve of her body, the feel of her skin, and the delicious taste of her honey.

Looking up from her desk, she caught him looking at her. Giving him a coy smile, she and winked at him before looking back down at the papers on her desk.

He would have thought his body too beleaguered to respond to her, he was wrong. Chaffed, raw, and completely void of seminal fluid, he still found himself getting hard.

Once the buzzer sounded, Miss Harwood rose from her desk and addressed the class. “As you all can see, I would like to welcome Tom back into the fold. Now that your little ailment has been remedied, you may have to work a wee bit harder to try and make up for the material you missed,” she stated, a dangerous twinkle in her eye.

Tom grinned back wolfishly, “I don’t wish to appear a little impertinent, but I think I’m up for the challenge Miss Harwood,” he responded, cockiness in his tone.

She smiled. “Careful Tom, as eager as you are to jump right back in the mix of things, you really don’t want to get in over your head,” she cautioned.

Janine and Tess exchanged glances and each rolled their eyes.

The balance of the class went by smoothly, Miss Harwood giving him a list of things he would need to focus his studies on to catch up to the other students.

The same followed for his next class.

At the lunch buzzer, Janine was already waiting for him at his locker.

Giving her a grin, “Hey,” he greeted, opening his locker and putting his backpack carefully inside.

“Hey?” she challenged. “Don’t think for a minute I missed you flirting with Miss Harwood this morning,” she stated, pressing her body into his, her left hand down to his crotch.

Clearing his throat, “I was just being, um, polite?”

Hand still on him, she leaned back, evil grin on her face, “If you’ve got enough energy to be this polite, I think we’re going to need to do something about it,” she explained, moving her hand from his semi erect dick to his hand and dragging him down the hall toward the girls’ washroom.

“In,” she said, pushing him through the door and immediately into one of the stalls before he even had time to protest.

Less than five minutes later, the pair exited the room, Tom weak in the knees and face slightly flushed while Janine followed behind, reapplying a fresh coating of lip-gloss.

Shambling toward the lunchroom, Tom joined up with Tess seated at a table with Samira while Janine joined Tatiana at the adjoining table. With all eyes on him, the color in his face only intensified.

Lunch passed quietly as did the first afternoon block. Tom’s last class of the day was with Miss Addison. Entering the room, he took his seat.

Moving directly into the lesson, Miss Addison conducted her class efficiently until the final buzzer rang.

Waiting until the rest of the class had filed out of the room, Tom got up and walked to the front of the room, pausing at her desk, “Miss Addison, a moment if I may?” he asked.

Pursing her lips, “What is you require Mr. Wentworth?” she inquired.

Setting his pack down on the corner of her desk, he removed an unremarkable brown colored cardboard box measuring roughly 6”X6” square. “I know Janine came at you pretty hard, you know, well, when she came for me, but I just wanted to share my own thoughts and feelings about the time we spent together,” he explained, holding the box toward her.

Frowning, “What is this?” she questioned, taking the box from him.

Grinning, “Go ahead, open it,” he encouraged, eyes on the box.

Pausing a moment to scowl, she set the box on top of her desk and opened pulled open the flaps. Removing the tissue packing paper, she frowned. “Are you mocking me?” she asked defensively, eyes narrowing in suspicion as she looked at him.

Tom smiled, “No, not at all, please it is meant only as a gift, nothing more,” he clarified, holding his hands up.

“This is improper,” she commented, eyes glued to the object in the box.

“We’ve long since drifted over the improper line, beside no one knows about this. It’s just between you and I,” he assured, nodding.

Reaching into the box, she carefully removed the crystal figurine of a female fairy from the inside. “She’s so beautiful,” breathed the teacher reverently, examining the delicate piece and holding it up to the light.

“She’s yours,” Tom said.

Nodding slowly, she placed the figurine lovingly back into the box, using the paper to protect it. “I, thank you,” she said with a smile, envisioning the perfect spot to place her new addition to the menagerie.

“You’re welcome,” he replied, ducking his head before exiting the class. It felt good, like closure, like the past could remain safely in the past.



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